13 research outputs found

    An introduction to factor analysis for radio frequency interference detection on satellite observations

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    A novel radio frequency interference (RFI) detection method is introduced for satellite-borne passive microwave radiometer observations. This method is based on factor analysis, in which variability among observed and correlated variables is described in terms of factors. In the present study, this method is applied to the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)/TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) and Aqua/Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) satellite measurements over the land surface to detect the RFI signals, respectively, in 10 and 6 GHz channels. The RFI detection results are compared with other traditional methods, such as spectral difference method and principal component analysis (PCA) method. It has been found that the newly proposed method is able to detect RFI signals in the C- and X-band radiometer channels as effectively as the conventional PCA method

    An Evaluation of Soil Moisture Retrievals Using Aircraft and Satellite Passive Microwave Observations during SMEX02

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    The Soil Moisture Experiments conducted in Iowa in the summer of 2002 (SMEX02) had many remote sensing instruments that were used to study the spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture. The sensors used in this paper (a subset of the suite of sensors) are the AQUA satellite-based AMSR-E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer- Earth Observing System) and the aircraft-based PSR (Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer). The SMEX02 design focused on the collection of near simultaneous brightness temperature observations from each of these instruments and in situ soil moisture measurements at field- and domain- scale. This methodology provided a basis for a quantitative analysis of the soil moisture remote sensing potential of each instrument using in situ comparisons and retrieved soil moisture estimates through the application of a radiative transfer model. To this end, the two sensors are compared with respect to their estimation of soil moisture

    SMAP L-Band Microwave Radiometer: Instrument Design and First Year on Orbit

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    The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) L-band microwave radiometer is a conical scanning instrument designed to measure soil moisture with 4 percent volumetric accuracy at 40-kilometer spatial resolution. SMAP is NASA's first Earth Systematic Mission developed in response to its first Earth science decadal survey. Here, the design is reviewed and the results of its first year on orbit are presented. Unique features of radiometer include a large 6-meter rotating reflector, fully polarimetric radiometer receiver with internal calibration, and radio-frequency interference detection and filtering hardware. The radiometer electronics are thermally controlled to achieve good radiometric stability. Analyses of on-orbit results indicate the electrical and thermal characteristics of the electronics and internal calibration sources are very stable and promote excellent gain stability. Radiometer NEdT (Noise Equivalent differential Temperature) less than 1 degree Kelvin for 17-millisecond samples. The gain spectrum exhibits low noise at frequencies greater than 1 megahertz and 1 divided by f (pink) noise rising at longer time scales fully captured by the internal calibration scheme. Results from sky observations and global swath imagery of all four Stokes antenna temperatures indicate the instrument is operating as expected

    Surface and Atmospheric Contributions to Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures

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    Physically-based passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms require a set of relationships between satellite observed brightness temperatures (TB) and the physical state of the underlying atmosphere and surface. These relationships are typically non-linear, such that inversions are ill-posed especially over variable land surfaces. In order to better understand these relationships, this work presents a theoretical analysis using brightness temperature weighting functions to quantify the percentage of the TB resulting from absorption/emission/reflection from the surface, absorption/emission/scattering by liquid and frozen hydrometeors in the cloud, the emission from atmospheric water vapor, and other contributors. The results are presented for frequencies from 10 to 874 GHz and for several individual precipitation profiles as well as for three cloud resolving model simulations of falling snow. As expected, low frequency channels (<89 GHz) respond to liquid hydrometeors and the surface, while the higher frequency channels become increasingly sensitive to ice hydrometeors and the water vapor sounding channels react to water vapor in the atmosphere. Low emissivity surfaces (water and snow-covered land) permit energy downwelling from clouds to be reflected at the surface thereby increasing the percentage of the TB resulting from the hydrometeors. The slant path at a 53deg viewing angle increases the hydrometeor contributions relative to nadir viewing channels and show sensitivity to surface polarization effects. The TB percentage information presented in this paper answers questions about the relative contributions to the brightness temperatures and provides a key piece of information required to develop and improve precipitation retrievals over land surfaces

    Parametric optimal estimation retrieval of the non-precipitating parameters over the global oceans, A

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    2006 Summer.Includes bibliographical references (pages 82-87).Covers not scanned.Print version deaccessioned 2021.There are a multitude of spacebome microwave sensors in orbit, including the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI), the Special Sensor Microwave/lmager (SSM/I) onboard the DMSP satellites, the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E), SSMIS, WINDSAT, and others. Future missions, such as the planned Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission, will incorporate additional spacebome microwave sensors. The need for consistent geophysical parameter retrievals among an ever-increasing number of microwave sensors requires the development of a physical retrieval scheme independent of any particular sensor and flexible enough so that future microwave sensors can be added with relative ease. To this end, we attempt to develop a parametric retrieval algorithm currently applicable to the non-precipitating atmosphere with the goal of having consistent non-precipitating geophysical parameter products. An algorithm of this nature makes is easier to merge separate products, which, when combined, would allow for additional global sampling or longer time series of the retrieved global geophysical parameters for climate purposes. This algorithm is currently applied to TMI, SSM/I and AMSR-E with results that are comparable to other independent microwave retrievals of the non-precipitating parameters designed for specific sensors. The physical retrieval is developed within the optimal estimation framework. The development of the retrieval within this framework ensures that the simulated radiances corresponding to the retrieved geophysical parameters will always agree with observed radiances regardless of the sensor being used. Furthermore, a framework of this nature allows one to easily add additional physics to describe radiation propagation through raining scenes, thus allowing for the merger of cloud and precipitation retrievals, if so desired. Additionally, optimal estimation provides error estimates on the retrieval, a product often not available in other algorithms, information on potential forward model/sensor biases, and a number of useful diagnostics providing information on the validity and significance of the retrieval (such as Chi-Square, indicative of the general "fit" between the model and observations and the A-Matrix, indicating the sensitivity of the model to a change in the geophysical parameters). There is an expected global response of these diagnostics based on the scene being observed, such as in the case of a raining scene. Fortunately, since TRMM has a precipitation radar (TRMM PR) in addition to a radiometer (TMI) flying on-board, the expected response of the retrieval diagnostics to rainfall can be evaluated. It is shown that a potentially powerful rainfall screen can then be developed for use in passive microwave rainfall and cloud property retrieval algorithms with the possibility of discriminating between precipitating and nonprecipitating scenes, and further indicating the possible contamination of rainfall in cloud liquid water path microwave retrievals

    New algorithm for retrieval of tropospheric wet path delay over inland water bodies and coastal zones using brightness temperature deflection ratios, A

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    2013 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.As part of former and current sea-surface altimetry missions, brightness temperatures measured by nadir-viewing 18-34 GHz microwave radiometers are used to determine apparent path delay due to variations in index of refraction caused by changes in the humidity of the troposphere. This tropospheric wet-path delay can be retrieved from these measurements with sufficient accuracy over open oceans. However, in coastal zones and over inland water the highly variable radiometric emission from land surfaces at microwave frequencies has prevented accurate retrieval of wet-path delay using conventional algorithms. To extend wet path delay corrections into the coastal zone (within 25 km of land) and to inland water bodies, a new method is proposed to correct for tropospheric wet-path delay by using higher-frequency radiometer channels from approximately 50-170 GHz to provide sufficiently small fields of view on the surface. A new approach is introduced based on the variability of observations in several millimeter-wave radiometer channels on small spatial scales due to surface emissivity in contrast to the larger-scale variability in atmospheric absorption. The new technique is based on the measurement of deflection ratios among several radiometric bands to estimate the transmissivity of the atmosphere due to water vapor. To this end, the Brightness Temperature Deflection Ratio (BTDR) method is developed starting from a radiative transfer model for a downward-looking microwave radiometer, and is extended to pairs of frequency channels to retrieve the wet path delay. Then a mapping between the wet transmissivity and wet-path delay is performed using atmospheric absorption models. A frequency selection study is presented to determine the suitability of frequency sets for accurate retrieval of tropospheric wet-path delay, and comparisons are made to frequency sets based on currently-available microwave radiometers. Statistical noise analysis results are presented for a number of frequency sets. Additionally, this thesis demonstrates a method of identifying contrasting surface pixels using edge detection algorithms to identify contrasting scenes in brightness temperature images for retrieval with the BTDR method. Finally, retrievals are demonstrated from brightness temperatures measured by Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) instruments on three satellites for coastal and inland water scenes. For validation, these retrievals are qualitatively compared to independently-derived total precipitable water products from SSMIS, the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) and the Advanced Microwave Sounding Radiometer for Earth Observing System (EOS) (AMSR-E). Finally, a quantitative method for analyzing the data consistency of the retrieval is presented as an estimate of the error in the retrieved wet path delay. From these comparisons, one can see that the BTDR method shows promise for retrieving wet path delays over inland water and coastal regions. Finally, several additional future uses for the algorithm are described

    Ocean surface currents reconstruction from microwave radiometers measurements

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2014-2015. Àmbit d'Enginyeria de les TICOcean currents are a key component to understanding many oceanic and climatic phenomena and knowledge of them is crucial for both navigation and operational applications. Therefore, a key problem in oceanography is the estimation of the synoptic velocity field. Currently, global ocean surface velocities are routinely estimated from Sea Surface Height (SSH) measurements provided by altimeters. However, the separation between passes, as well as and the limited number of available altimeters leads to errors in the accurate location of oceanic currents when these measurements are used exclusively. Contrarily, satellite images of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) provide a good qualitative view of the location of ocean patterns, which has encouraged the investigation of alternative methodologies to reconstruct the velocity field based on these observations. This Ph.D. thesis has assessed the capability of SST microwave radiometers observations to retrieve ocean surface currents. The reconstruction of the ocean surface currents from SST observations can be expressed in terms of a transfer function notation, that allows to convert SST maps into SSH, and thus into currents. Because under geostrophic balance, the slope of SSH is proportional to ocean surface currents. This transfer function can be theoretically derived using the Surface Quasi-Geostrophic equations (SQG). Two different approaches were analyzed at a global scale: on one side, the analysis of the validity of the SQG approach has been performed, and on the other, an approach based on the synergetic properties between simultaneous SST and SSH observations has been analyzed. Both approaches have been compared with ocean surface currents retrieved from merged altimetric observations. The study has been focused on the period from October 2002 to May 2005, since during that period there were available four different altimeters, and the quality of the merged altimetric observations was enhanced. The analysis of the validity of SQG at a global scale revealed that this dynamical model is valid near the major extratropic current system such us the Gulf Stream, the Antartic Circumpolar Current, Kuroshio currents. Besides, the potential of MW SST observations to reconstruct ocean surface currents was analyzed using a synergetic approach: the combination of the SST phase with the SSH spectra. Actually, we explored under which environmental conditions the phase of the MW SST is close to the SSH phase. Results showed that the phase of the MW SST can be used to retrieve ocean currents during winter, near the major extratropical current systems, which are characterized by an intense mesoscale activity and the presence of strong thermal gradients, and deep ML. Furthermore, the reconstruction of the velocity fields from an ideal transfer function built up from simultaneous SST and SSH observations revealed that the SQG approach can be enhanced. The spectral properties of this ideal transfer function derived from simultaneous SST and SSH observations were characterized at a global scale. The analysis of spectral properties of the transfer function between SST and SSH observations revealed that despite daily spectral can be flatter or steeper than the k^{-1} predicted by SQG theory, in mean eSQG is a good statistically approach to retrieve ocean currents, when no simultaneous observations of SSH and SST are available.Las corrientes oceánicas son clave en muchos procesos oceánicos y climáticos, y su conocimiento es crucial para aplicaciones operacionales y de navegación. Por lo tanto, un aspecto importante en oceanografía es la estimación de campos sinópticos del campo de velocidades superficiales del mar. Actualmente, las velocidades superficiales el mar se estiman rutinariamente a partir de medidas del nivel del mar proporcionadas por altimetros, denotadas a partir de ahora con sus siglas en inglés SSH. Sin embargo, la llocalización de las corrientes puede no ser la correcta si solo se utilizan este tipo de medidas para su estimación, debido a la separación entre trazas del satélite. Por contra, las imágenes de temperatura superficial del mar, SST, proporiconan una visión cualitativa de la localización de las estructruas oceánicas. Este hecho ha motivado la investigación de metodologías alternativas para reconstruir los campos de velocidades superficiales del mar basados en estas observaciones. Esta tesis doctoral ha investigado la capacidad de las observaciones de SST proporcionadas por radiometros de microondas para recuperar las corrientes oceánicas superficiales. La reconstrucción de estas velocidades a partir de observaciones de SST se puede expresar en términos de una función de transferencia que relacione las observaciones de SST con las observaciones de SSH. Con lo que la estimación del campo de velocidades es directa, puesto que bajo la condición de equilibrio geostrófico la pendiente de la SSH es proporcional a las corrientes oceánicas. Esta función de transferencia se puede derivar teóricamente mediante las equaciones superficiales cuasi-geotróficas, denotadas con sus siglas en inglés SQG a partir de ahora. Una pregunta clave, es si las ecuaciones de este modelo dinámico son válidas. En esta tesis, se han llevado a cabo dos aproximaciones diferentes para la reconstrucción del campo de velocidades superficiales del mar: por un lado, el análisis de la validez de las ecuaciones SQG, y por otro, una aproximación basada en las propiedades espectrales de medidas simultáneas de SST y SSH. El estudio se ha centrado en el período comprendido entre Octubre del 2002 y Mayo del 2005, puesto que durante este período había disponibles hasta cuatro altmímetros, y consecuentemente la calidad de las observaciones es mayor. El análisis de la validez de SQG a escala global reveló que este modelo dinámico es válido en las regiones cerca de los sistemas de corrientes extratropicales, como la corriente del Golfo, la Corriente Circumpolar Antártica (ACC), o la Kuroshio. Además, el potencial de las observaciones de SST en el rango de las microondas para la recuperación del campo de velocidades superficiales del mar, ha sido analizado utilizando un método que combina la fase de la SST con el espectro de SSH. En realidad, se ha investigado bajo que condiciones la SST y SSH están en fase. Los resultados mostraron que la fase de la SST de microondas puede utilizarse para para la reconstrucción en invierno, cerca de los sistemas de corrientes extratropicales, caracterizados por una intensa actividad de mesoscala y la presencia de fuertes gradientes termales, así como de capas de mezcla profundas. Asimismo, la reconstrucción del campo de velocidades a partir de una función de transferencia ideal, construida a partir de imágenes simultaneas de SST y SSH, reveló que la aproximación SQG puede ser mejorada. Las propiedades espectrales de esta función de tranferencia ideal han sido estudiadas., así como su variabilidad temporal. Este análisis desveló que para escalas pequeñas y zonas enegéticas, la aproximación SQG es una buena aproximación, al menos, desde un punto de vista estádistico.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Polymer-based 3-D printing of G-band metal-pipe rectangular waveguide components

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    The objective of this thesis is to investigate the use of low-cost polymer-based 3-D printing for G-band (140 to 220 GHz) metal-pipe rectangular waveguide (MPRWG) components. First, various preliminary designs are investigated. Then, a successful ‘trough-and-lid’ assembly is demonstrated, which mitigates against the main design challenges for split-block waveguide construction at upper-millimeter-wave frequencies (ca. 100 GHz to 300 GHz), and can be realized using low-cost 3-D printing and conventional metal plating techniques. With this assembly, inexpensive masked stereolithographic apparatus (MSLA) 3-D printers and a standard commercial copper electroplating service are used. The trough-and-lid assembly is expected to provide a standard solution for the low-cost and low loss realization of most MPRWG implementations above 100 GHz; previously, this was infeasible without the use of high-cost, state-of-the-art 3-D printing and/or custom-developed metal plating techniques. Three different component types are successfully demonstrated: (i) straight thru lines; (ii) 90° twists; and (iii) bandpass filters (BPFs). Along with frequency-domain S-parameter measurements, a detailed time-domain reflectometry analysis is also included. For the more accurate characterization of these components, the additional insertion loss due to conductor surface roughness is investigated. Finally, the integration of an MPRWG component into a millimeter-wave subsystem, which is based on the design of a radiometer front-end, is presented.Open Acces

    Remote Sensing of Tropical Cyclones: Applications from Microwave Radiometry and Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry

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    Tropical cyclones (TCs) are important to observe, especially over the course of their lifetimes, most of which is spent over the ocean. Very few in situ observations are available. Remote sensing has afforded researchers and forecasters the ability to observe and understand TCs better. Every remote sensing platform used to observe TCs has benefits and disadvantages. Some remote sensing instruments are more sensitive to clouds, precipitation, and other atmospheric constituents. Some remote sensing instruments are insensitive to the atmosphere, which allows for unobstructed observations of the ocean surface. Observations of the ocean surface, either of surface roughness or emission can be used to estimate ocean surface wind speed. Estimates of surface wind speed can help determine the intensity, structure, and destructive potential of TCs. While there are many methods by which TCs are observed, this thesis focuses on two main types of remote sensing techniques: passive microwave radiometry and Global Navigation Satellite System reflectometry (GNSS-R). First, we develop and apply a rain rate and ocean surface wind speed retrieval algorithm for the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD). HIRAD, an airborne passive microwave radiometer, operates at C-band frequencies, and is sensitive to rain absorption and emission, as well as ocean surface emission. Motivated by the unique observing geometry and high gradient rain scenes that HIRAD typically observes, a more robust rain rate and wind speed retrieval algorithm is developed. HIRAD’s observing geometry must be accounted for in the forward model and retrieval algorithm, if high rain gradients are to be estimated from HIRAD’s observations, with the ultimate goal of improving surface wind speed estimation. Lastly, TC science data products are developed for the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS). The CYGNSS constellation employs GNSS-R techniques to estimate ocean surface wind speed in all precipitating conditions. From inputs of CYGNSS level-2 wind speed observations and the storm center location, a variety of products are created: integrated kinetic energy, wind radii, radius of maximum wind speed, and maximum wind speed. These products provide wind structure and intensity information—valuable for situational awareness and science applications.PHDAtmospheric, Oceanic & Space ScienceUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137109/1/marygm_1.pd