36 research outputs found

    Traces of prior art. An analysis of non-patent references found in patent documents.

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    Research in the area of innovation has pointed out the relevance of conceiving innovation as processes in which a multitude of actors and a variety of interactions play a role. Integrative notions like (national) innovations systems, (techno-scientific) networks, or the triple helix metaphor, have been widely accepted as relevant to grasp the complexities entailed. This development highlights the need for indicators that mirror the dynamics involved. This contribution presents an in-depth examination of the role of 'Non-Patent references', found in patents. After examining the occurrence of these references in the USPTO and EPO patent systems, the precise nature of these references is delineated by means of a systematic content analysis of two samples of non-patent references (n=10.000). Our observations reveal the relevance of 'non-patent references' for developing indicators to depict the proximity of technological and scientific developments. Application areas, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.Academic investors; Field; Industry; Knowledge; Knowlegde interactions; Research; University-industry relations; Working; Area; Innovation; Processes; Innovations; Systems; Networks; Triple-helix; Complexity; Indicators; Dynamics; Patents;

    Microprocessors: the engines of the digital age

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    The microprocessor—a computer central processing unit integrated onto a single microchip—has come to dominate computing across all of its scales from the tiniest consumer appliance to the largest supercomputer. This dominance has taken decades to achieve, but an irresistible logic made the ultimate outcome inevitable. The objectives of this Perspective paper are to offer a brief history of the development of the microprocessor and to answer questions such as: where did the microprocessor come from, where is it now, and where might it go in the future

    Traffic Characteristics of a Distributed Memory System

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    We believe that many distributed computing systems of the future will use distributed shared memory as a technique for interprocess communication. Thus, traffic generated by memory requests will be a major component of the traffic for any networks which connect nodes in such a system. In this paper, we study memory reference strings gathered with a tracing program we devised. We study several models. First, we look at raw reference data, as would be seen if the network were a backplane. Second, we examine references in units of blocks , first using a one-block cache model and then with an infinite cache. Finally, we study the effect of predictive prepaging of these blocks on the traffic. We provide a novel representation of memory reference data which can be used to calculate interarrival distributions directly. Integrating communication with computation can be used to control both traffic and performance

    Context Switching with Multiple Register Windows: A RISC Performance Study

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    Although previous studies have shown that a large file of overlapping register windows can greatly reduce procedure call/return overhead, the effects of register windows in a multiprogramming environment are poorly understood. This paper investigates the performance of multiprogrammed, reduced instruction set computers (RISCs) as a function of window management strategy. Using an analytic model that reflects context switch and procedure call overheads, we analyze the performance of simple, linearly self-recursive programs. For more complex programs, we present the results of a simulation study. These studies show that a simple strategy that saves all windows prior to a context switch, but restores only a single window following a context switch, performs near optimally

    Recursos anchos: una técnica de bajo coste para explotar paralelismo agresivo en códigos numéricos

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    Els bucles son la part que més temps consumeix en les aplicacions numèriques. El rendiment dels bucles està limitat tant pels recursos oferts per l'arquitectura com per les recurrències del bucle en la computació. Per executar més operacions per cicle, els processadors actuals es dissenyen amb graus creixents de replicació de recursos (tècnica de replicació) para ports de memòria i unitats funcionals. En canvi, el gran cost en termes d'àrea i temps de cicle d'aquesta tècnica limita tenir alts graus de replicació: alts valors en temps de cicle contraresten els guanys deguts al decrement en el nombre de cicles, mentre que alts valors en l'àrea requerida poden portar a configuracions impossibles d'implementar. Una alternativa a la replicació de recursos, és fer los més amples (tècnica que anomenem "widening"), i que ha estat usada en alguns dissenys recents. Amb aquesta tècnica, l'amplitud dels recursos s'amplia, fent una mateixa operació sobre múltiples dades. Per altra banda, alguns microprocessadors escalars de propòsit general han estat implementats amb unitats de coma flotants que implementen la instrucció sumar i multiplicar unificada (tècnica de fusió), el que redueix la latència de la operació combinada, tanmateix com el nombre de recursos utilitzats. A aquest treball s'avaluen un ampli conjunt d'alternatives de disseny de processadors VLIW que combinen les tres tècniques. S'efectua una projecció tecnològica de les noves generacions de processadors per predir les possibles alternatives implementables. Com a conclusió, demostrem que tenint en compte el cost, combinar certs graus de replicació i "widening" als recursos hardware és més efectiu que aplicar únicament replicació. Així mateix, confirmem que fer servir unitats que fusionen multiplicació i suma pot tenir un impacte molt significatiu en l'increment de rendiment en futures arquitectures de processadors a un cost molt raonable.Loops are the main time-consuming part of numerical applications. The performance of the loops is limited either by the resources offered by the architecture or by recurrences in the computation. To execute more operations per cycle, current processors are designed with growing degrees of resource replication (replication technique) for memory ports and functional units. However, the high cost in terms of area and cycle time of this technique precludes the use of high degrees of replication. High values for the cycle time may clearly offset any gain in terms of number of execution cycles. High values for the area may lead to an unimplementable configuration. An alternative to resource replication is resource widening (widening technique), which has also been used in some recent designs in which the width of the resources is increased (i.e., a single operation is performed over multiple data). Moreover, several general-purpose superscalar microprocessors have been implemented with multiply-add fused floating point units (fusion technique), which reduces the latency of the combined operation and the number of resources used. On this thesis, we evaluate a broad set of VLIW processor design alternatives that combine the three techniques. We perform a technological projection for the next processor generations in order to foresee the possible implementable alternatives. From this study, we conclude that if the cost is taken into account, combining certain degrees of replication and widening in the hardware resources is more effective than applying only replication. Also, we confirm that multiply-add fused units will have a significant impact in raising the performance of future processor architectures with a reasonable increase in cost

    M2: An architectural system for computer design

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    The number of embedded computer systems has been growing rapidly as system costs have declined and capabilities have increased. The rationale behind design decisions for embedded systems is often informal and based on estimates of key values rather than actual measurements. Because of the small number of programs typically executed by an embedded processor, significant opportunities for optimization exist;M2 is an architectural system for computer design. It consists of language tools, architectural tools, and implementation tools. The language tools gather information about programs at compile time and at execution time. This information is used by the implementation tools to generate candidate processor implementations which are evaluated with the architectural tools. The evaluation involves comparing the size, speed, power, cost, and reliability of candidates to constraints set by the M2 user;An M2 design is based on actual program measurements and is documented so its derivation can be publicly considered. It is generated in less time and with fewer errors than manual methods;The M2 project is an extension of work being performed at Stanford University on a workbench for computer architects and of work being performed at the University of Southwestern Louisiana on plausibility-driven design

    Optimal Code Scheduling for Multiple Pipeline Processors

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    Pipelining the functional units and memory interface of processors can result in shorter cycle times and dramatic increases in performance, but only if the pipeline delays can be hidden by other useful operations. The portion of pipeline delays which is not hidden results in an extension of the total execution time, either implemented by hardware interlocks or by compile-time insertion of NOPs (Null Operations). By rearranging instructions, it is possible to minimize the total pipelined execution time, but the problem of finding this optimal code schedule is well known to be NP-complete. In this thesis, we describe a code scheduler for multiple pipeline processors where each pipeline may have a different latency and enqueue time. Previous approaches simplify the search for a good schedule by arbitrarily imposing constraints which sacrifice optimality; the technique given in this paper uses a new set of pruning criteria which preserves optimality. Although, in the interest of reducing compile time, the new technique permits the search to be truncated, this truncation only rarely (in less than 2% of the cases examined) sacrifices optimalit

    Implementing concurrency for an ML-based operating system

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and, Thesis (B.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-43).by Albert C. Lin.B.S.M.Eng