6 research outputs found

    Sobolev Embedding Theorem for the Sobolev-Morrey spaces

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    In this paper we prove a Sobolev Embedding Theorem for Sobolev-Morrey spaces. The proof is based on the Sobolev Integral Representation Theorem and on a recent results on Riesz potentials in generalized Morrey spaces of Burenkov, Gogatishvili, Guliyev, Mustafaev and on estimates on the Riesz potentials. We mention that a Sobolev Embedding Theorem for Sobolev morrey spaces had been proved by Campanato, for a subspace of our Sobolev-Morrey space which corresponds to the closure of the set of smooth functions in our Sobolev-Morrey space. The methods of the present paper are considerably different from those of Campanato

    Strong approximation of Fourier series on generalized periodic Morrey spaces

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    In recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to study of Morrey type spaces. Many applications in partial differential equation of Morrey spaces and Lizorkin-Triebel spaces have been given in work G.Di Fazioand, M. Ragusa and the book of T. Mizuhara. The theory of generalized Triebel-Lizorkin-Morrey spaces is developed. Generalized Morrey spaces, with T. Mizuhara and E. Nakai proposed, are equipped with a parameter and a function. First we give definition of Morrey and generalized Morrey spaces. Then we recall the boundedness of periodic Hilbert transform. This will be our main tool for all wtht follows. In a more or less elementary way, we carry over the known boundedness assertions for the Hilbert transform on Morrey spaces defined on R to periodic Morrey spaces. Boundedness of the Hilbert transform implies uniform estimates of the operator norms of the partial sumd of the Fourier series. Then we study vectorvalued Fourier - multiplier theorem for smooth multipliers. Afterwards, we study vector valued version of famous Riesz theorem. Here we concentrate on Lizorkin representations. Finally, we get an interesting characterization of the space by using differences of partial sums of the Fourier series Finally, we get an interesting characterization of the space Esϕ,p,q(T) by using differences of partial sums of the Fourier series and consequence for strong approximation of Fourier series on Morrey space

    A note on Rubio de Francia's extrapolation in tent spaces and applications

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    The Rubio de Francia extrapolation theorem is a very powerful result which states that in order to show that certain operators satisfy weighted norm inequalities with Muckenhoupt weights it suffices to see that the corresponding inequalities hold for some fixed exponent, for instance p=2p=2. In this paper we extend this result and show that this extrapolation principle allows one to obtain weighted estimates in tent spaces. From our extrapolation result we automatically derive new estimates (and reprove some other) concerning Calder\'on-Zygmund operators, operators associated with the Kato conjecture, or fractional operators

    Interpolation in variable exponent spaces

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    In this paper we study both real and complex interpolation in the recently introduced scales of variable exponent Besov and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces. We also take advantage of some interpolation results to study a trace property and some pseudodifferential operators acting in the variable index Besov scale

    El problema de la distribución de puntos en la esfera

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    RESUMEN: Los puntos bien distribuidos en un espacio aparecen de forma natural en problemas de muy diversa índole. A lo largo de las páginas de esta tesis estudiamos distintas definiciones que responden a este concepto, así como distintos conjuntos de puntos que verifican esas definiciones. En particular, en esta tesis demostramos la existencia de t-designs en variedades algebraicas con un número de puntos comparable a la dimensión del espacio de polinomios de grado acotado en la variedad. Además definimos sendos procesos determinantales en la esfera de dimensión arbitraria d y al espacio proyectivo complejo de dimensión arbitraria d que producen puntos muy bien distribuidos en los sentidos de minimizar las energías de Riesz y Green, respectivamente. Por último, definimos una estructura en la esfera de dimensión 2 a la que denominamos estructura de diamante y que depende de varios parámetros. Para cualquier elección de parámetros, obtenemos familias de puntos aleatorios en la esfera para los que podemos calcular la asintótica de la esperanza de su energía logarítmica.Esta tesis se ha desarrollado en el marco de un contrato predoctoral FPI (Formación del Personal Investigador) asociado a los proyectos MTM2014-57590-P y MTM2017- 83499-P del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España. Mi participación en congresos durante este periodo ha sido cofinanciada por los proyectos anterior-mente citados, el proyecto del convenio Banco Santander y Universidad de Cantabria (21.SI01.64658) y la Red Temática de Cálculo Simbólico, Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones. La formación específica de este periodo ha sido proporcionada por el Departamento de Matemáticas, Estadística y Computación de la Universidad de Cantabria. Al que he de agradecer también la posibilidad que me brindó de participar de la docencia de varios grados de la Universidad de Cantabria. The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, associated to Brown University, subsidized my stay in their institution for three months. El Institut de Matemática de la Universitat de Barcelona me acogió como profesora visitante durante dos meses. The universities Technische Universität Graz, Universität Wien and University of Michigan have welcomed me in short stays during these three years