41 research outputs found

    Theory Of Reasoned Action dan Theory Of Planned Behavior (sebuah Kajian Historis Tentang Perilaku)

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    Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) dan Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) dari Ajzen dan Fishbein masih relatif baru, dan kurang banyak digunakan dan kurang banyak dikenal. Namun pada saat sekarang teori ini banyak digunakan oleh peneliti pada berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu antara lain, manajemen sumber daya manusia, marketing dan penelitian sosial lainnya. Theory Of Reasoned Action dan Theory of Planned Behavior merupakan suatu teori yang menjelaskan tentang perilaku manusia. Teori ini disusun menggunakan asumsi dasar bahwa manusia berperilaku dengan cara yang sadar dan mempertimbangkan segala informasi yang tersedia

    Business Process Management, Social Network Analysis and Knowledge Management: A Triangulation of Sorts?

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    As its name suggests, Business Process Management seeks to manage the processes companies typically undertake on a day to day basis. In line with many management techniques, improvements can made through analysing at varying granularity how processes are actually undertaken compared to how management may consider they are being accomplished and vice versa. One innovative way Business Process Management may be improved is through the use of Social Network Analysis to observe actual working relationships among employees. This latter technique permits the workflow manager specifically to consider how well matched employees are to their workflow and as a result of this, we have a means of either reconstructing workflows or alternatively employee practices. A small research-in-progress case study is presented illustrating how these principles may be applied in practice. Overall one may consider such improvements as aiding in the knowledge management of the organization as a whole

    Determinants of Causal Ambiguity and Difficulty of Knowledge Transfer within the Firm

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    The knowledge-based view of the firm portrays knowledge assets as the basis of sustainable competitive advantage. However, leveraging the knowledge available to the firm is not straightforward. The transfer of best practices within the firm or the replication of a certain routine poses challenges for managers. Causal ambiguity of knowledge makes it difficult to transfer practices into other contexts within the firm. In this paper, a new framework is proposed that identifies four antecedents to causal ambiguity: complexity, tacitness, relevance to the existing knowledge base, and the locality of knowledge. The paper concludes with the implications of the framework

    Building Trust Across Virtual Social Spaces: the Software Vendors’ Perspectives

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    Offshore outsourcing across the world has triggered a new social structure in the way global businesses operate, resulting in emerging virtual social spaces between clients and vendors. These social structures involve understanding of cultural connections over space and time through telecommunication networks, as knowledge intensive tasks are being realized across national boundaries. Clients and vendors belonging to diverse cultures are required to take measures to build trust in relationships for sustained professional success. This paper looks at the trust building practice and experience of four small and medium sized software vendor organizations based in New Zealand and India. The case study data reveals how vendors are sensitized to client apprehensions in sharing knowledge across virtual social spaces. Some practices identified are face-to-face communication to bring visibility of social cue codes, documentation as a common thread of control, international accreditations to build reputations, and use of integrated groupware solutions with privileges for both clients and vendors. A ‘trust curve’ model is proposed to show the trust building process taking visibility factors as determinants of trust

    Strategy and Organisational Cybersecurity: A Knowledge-Problem Perspective

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to frame organisational cybersecurity through a strategic lens, as a function of an interplay of pragmatism, inference, holism and adaptation. The authors address the hostile epistemic climate for intellectual capital management presented by the dynamics of cybersecurity as a phenomenon. The drivers of this hostility are identified and their implications for research and practice are discussed. Design/methodology/approach: The philosophical foundations of cybersecurity in its relation with strategy, knowledge and intellectual capital are explored through a review of the literature as a mechanism to contribute to the emerging theoretical underpinnings of the cybersecurity domain. Findings: This conceptual paper argues that a knowledge-based perspective can serve as the necessary platform for a phenomenon-based view of organisational cybersecurity, given its multi-disciplinary nature. Research limitations/implications: By recognising the knowledge-related vectors, mechanisms and tendencies at play, a novel perspective on the topic can be developed: cybersecurity as a “knowledge problem”. In order to facilitate such a perspective, the paper proposes an emergent epistemology, rooted in systems thinking and pragmatism. Practical implications: In practice, the knowledge-problem narrative can underpin the development of new organisational support constructs and systems. These can address the distinctiveness of the strategic challenges that cybersecurity poses for the growing operational reliance on intellectual capital. Originality/value: The research narrative presents a novel knowledge-based analysis of organisational cybersecurity, with significant implications for both interdisciplinary research in the field, and practice

    Pratiques de Knowledge Management en région Languedoc Roussillon

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    L'objet de cette recherche est d'analyser le comportement des entreprises de la région Languedoc Roussillon en matiÚre de management des connaissances, de faire un état des lieux des pratiques et de leur évolution. En particulier il est mis en évidence les objectifs des entreprises (veille concurrentielle, gestion de la relation client, capitalisation des savoirs, amélioration des processus d'échange d'informations...), les outils déployés (bases de données, logiciels de travail collaboratif...), ainsi que les dispositifs organisationnels et de gestion des ressources humaines mobilisés. Les problÚmes rencontrés dans la mise en oeuvre des politiques de management des connaissances seront également soulignés (culture, réticences...).knowledge management; outils; pratiques; état des lieux

    A Knowledge-based view of people and technology:directions for a value co-creation-based learning organisation

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    Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the potential of knowledge management (KM) as a discipline in helping understand and manage social and economic complexity. The paper highlights some of the potential relationships between KM in organisations and their economic performance. Finally, the authors assess the role of human resources and technological infrastructures in the relationship between organisation’s approach to KM and their performance. Design/methodology/approach: The hypotheses are tested via a survey on a sample of managerial-level employees of information technology organisations located in the city of Brno in Czech Republic. The data collected are analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM) to study the relationship between KM; the workforce’s willingness and ability to collaborate and co-create value; and the organisations’ economic performance. Findings: The research found that there is a direct and positive relationship between an organisation’s approach to KM and its economic performance. This study also shows that the workforce’s behaviour and the technological infrastructure of the organisation have a direct effect on business performance. Finally, the authors proposed that a link between human resource management and technology orientation must be established and supported by a KM strategy. Originality/value: This paper offers a new perspective to the approach to KM in organisations. Reflections and empirical results underline the need for organisations to invest in the implementation of KM strategies that involve both the human resources and technological infrastructure as a way to improve the impact of knowledge on the companies’ economic performances

    Kesiapan Implementasi Knowledge Sharing & Transfer (KS&T) dalam pembelajaran di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

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    Higher education as a sub-system of the national education system has a strategic role that includes educating the nation's life and advancing science and technology. Universities as an institution that has a strategic role in achieving a generation of excellence and quality in the development of Science and Technology, so as to compete in the global era and digital today. The purpose of this research is: to describe readiness implementation of Knowledge Sharing & Transfer (KS & T) in learning at Tarbiyah High School of Raden Wijaya Mojokerto. This research uses "Library Research" The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used by the authors in this study is the documentation. Data processing is done by conducting the activity of review, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. While data analysis in this research done during and after collecting data by using descriptive-critical-comparative method, and method of content analysis (content analysis). From the explanation described earlier, it was concluded: 1) Successful implementation of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer did not escape the selection of appropriate strategies in its application. 2) Implementation of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer is still hampered by human resources problems besides quality and quantity

    Top Management Evaluation in Italian Food & Beverage Industry

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    The standard ISO 9001: 2015 “Quality Management System. Requirements” states that the success of a company’s quality certification system is closely linked to the quality of its top management. The aim of the present work is to develop a model of top management quality evaluation useful for the ends of this certification. The model is calibrated for the Italian Food & Beverage Industry and it follows a multidisciplinary approach. The evaluation model is formed by two parts. In the first, the quality of top management is associated with an estimate of the probability of default and the related average expected life of a company in the Italian Food & Beverage Industry. These parameters are calculated using an original, easy-to-apply methodology that is especially useful for small and medium-sized companies that do not have an official rating. The second part of the model provides a system to estimate the quality of top managers' management styles based on seven qualitative organizational variables, which are then summarized by the attribution of a score ranging from 1 to 10. The judgments formulated in the two parts of the model must be considered as a system to arrive at an integrated final evaluation


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze electronic word of mouth (EWOM) antecedents and their impact on consumer-based brand equity (CBBE). This study uses descriptive analysis and statistical analysis. Data was collected using a self-managed questionnaire. Only selected participants use Xiaomi smartphones. A regression analysis was used to analyze this study. The results showed that the quality of information influences electronic word of mouth (EWOM), the quantity of information influences electronic word of mouth (EWOM), subjective norms do not affect electronic word of mouth (EWOM), the quality of information influences consumer-based brand equity (CBBE), and electronic word of mouth (EWOM) has an effect on consumer-based brand equity (CBBE)