26 research outputs found

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Current Perpectives

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    Obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep related breathing disorder. The demand for sleep medicine services has increased exponentially since the recognition of sleep apnea as a disease in the 1960s. The involvement of dentists in the treatment of sleep apnea has increased. It is important that dentists are aware of the problem of sleep disorders and the potential they have to help in their management

    Análisis y reflexión sobre el trastorno de conducta del sueño REM

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    En este artículo se describen las características fundamentales del Trastorno de Conducta del Sueño REM (RBD), una enfermedad poco frecuente dentro del conjunto de la patología relativa al sueño, pero sumamente interesante desde un doble punto de vista: 1) Es un ejemplo excelente mediante el que mostrar un cuadro clínico en el que la investigación experimental en modelos animales ha contribuido de manera más decisiva al esclarecimiento de los mecanismos neurales básicos de un trastorno del sueño, y 2) Su asociación con otros padecimientos neurológicos degenerativos, en concreto las sinucleopatías, para los cuales el RBD tiene en muchos casos un valor predictivo, le confieren un enorme interés clínico; es un marcador que podría indicar la posibilidad de padecer una sinucleopatía en el futuro. Teniendo en el horizonte estas dos particularidades, se revisan los mecanismos anatomofisiológicos que subyacen al comportamiento motor anómalo que se presenta en el RBD, es decir, la ausencia en estos enfermos de la supresión motora típica del sueño REM, y se argumenta sobre la utilidad de identificar en el futuro biomarcadores sencillos que permitan establecer de manera fiable qué grupo de individuos con RBD tiene más probabilidad de terminar con el tiempo presentando una sinucleopatí

    Development and Growth of a Large Multispecialty Certification Examination: Sleep Medicine Certification—Results of the First Three Examinations

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    This paper summarizes the results of the first three examinations (2007, 2009, and 2011) of the Sleep Medicine Certification Examination, administered by its six sponsoring American Board of Medical Specialty Boards. There were 2,913 candidates who took the 2011 examination through one of three pathways—self-attested practice experience, previous certification by the American Board of Sleep Medicine, or formal Sleep Medicine fellowship training. The 2011 exam was the last administration in which candidates who had not previously been admitted could take it without completion of formal Sleep Medicine fellowship training. As expected, the number of candidates admitted to the 2011 examination through the practice experience pathway increased, and the overall scores of these candidates were on average lower than the other candidates. Consequently, the pass rate for all first takers of the 2011 examination (65%) was lower than that observed from the 2009 examination (78%) and the 2007 examination (73%). For each administration, candidates admitted through the fellowship training pathway scored the highest; over 90% of them passed the 2011 and 2009 examinations

    Pediatric Insomnia and Sensory Processing: Exploring the Role of Occupational Therapy Practitoners in Sleep Medicine

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    Background. Since the founding of occupational therapy, the occupation of sleep has existed within the scope of practice for practitioners. Sleep disturbances in pediatric clients are estimated to be between 20% and 40% (Galland, Taylor, Elder, & Herbison, 2012; Mindell, Telofski, Wiegand & Kurtz, 2009; Meltzer, Johnson, Crosette, Ramos, & Mindell, 2010; Owens & Mindell, 2011; Sadeh, Mindell, & Owens, 2011). Deficits insensory processing of pediatric clients play a role in daily functioning and possibly in the ability to settle and transition to sleep (Dunn, 2001; Foitzik & Brown, 2018). Purpose. The purpose of this study is to explore the possible relationship between sensory processing and children who do not achieve the recommended sleep duration. Method. An exploratory quantitative research design will be used to examine trends insensory presentations in children diagnosed with insomnia. Correlational and statistical regression tests will be used to analyze the collected data. Results. All four quadrants and five of the six sensory system behaviors were significantly related to the children\u27s sleep behaviors. Predictive relationships were also confirmed between sensory behaviors, both quadrant, and sensory systems, and the sleep behaviors of thechildren. Significance. Limited literature regarding the relationship between sensory processing and sleep as an occupation exists. Thefindings of this study provide practitioners with additional information to assess and intervene with children with sleep deficits. This study informs occupational therapy’s role in the evaluation and treatment of sleep and as a member of a sleep medicine team

    Developing a Model of the Demographic, Health Behavior, and Health Indicator Predictors of Sleep Quality in Emerging Adults at a Large Midwestern University

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    This study described the state of emerging adults' sleep quality and defined a model of sleep quality in the population. The purpose of this study was to describe the current state of emerging adults' sleep patterns and develop a model of demographic, behavioral, and health status predictors of sleep quality in the population as measured by the American College Health Association's National College Health Assessment-II. The participants were 762 (n = 291 male, n = 471 female) undergraduate students, ages 18 to 23, enrolled at a large Midwestern university. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the current descriptive picture of students' sleep. Descriptive results indicated that students have poor sleep quality, less than half have received information on sleep from the university, and students are interested in receiving information, but only 2.6% have been diagnosed or treated for a sleep disorder. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to determine if survey data supported the proposed causal model for sleep quality or described a reduced alternate model. SEM results indicated a good fit model with six observed sleep quality indicator items identifying two related constructs of sleep quality, sleep quality somnolence and sleep quality insomnia, which were predicted by gender, poor general health, high stress, sleep diagnosis, frequency of binge drinking, and anxiety or depression diagnosis. Based on the findings additional research is needed to further test the model, examine non-significant variables further, and consider additional variables. Findings resulted in the conclusion that university health promotion and education should indeed address sleep quality, and best practices to do so may focus on overall wellness, stress reduction, and reduction of binge drinking with special focus on females and individuals diagnosed with sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression

    The role of sleep and wakefulness in false memories production

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    openL’obiettivo della tesi è quello di valutare il ruolo del sonno e della veglia sulla produzione delle false memorie, prendendo in considerazione anche il ruolo del tipo di stimolo ( emotivo o neutro ) sul consolidamento. Sono stati reclutati 32 partecipanti, assegnati a due condizioni in modo casuale: sonno e veglia. Durante la fase di encoding i partecipanti hanno dovuto osservare delle foto e immediatamente dopo, durante la prima fase di testing (T1), è stato chiesto loro di dire quali tra le foto mostrare ricordassero, non ricordassero o risultassero loro familiari. A distanza di dodici ore è stata ripetuta la fase di testing (T2), con la stessa modalità. I partecipanti in fase di veglia venivano testati la mattina e la sera, mentre nella condizione sonno il T1 avveniva la sera e poi T2 la mattina successiva. Al fine di monitorare l’impatto del sonno è stata portata avanti una registrazione con un metodo non invasivo, in grado di rilevare i parametri fisiologici che si registrano con la polisonnografia. In tal modo è stato possibile comparare gli effetti differenziali di sonno e veglia sulle false memorie


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    Contains information on courses and class descriptions as well as campus resources at Collin College.https://digitalcommons.collin.edu/catalogs/1025/thumbnail.jp


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    Contains information on courses and class descriptions as well as campus resources at Collin College.https://digitalcommons.collin.edu/catalogs/1027/thumbnail.jp


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    Contains information on courses and class descriptions as well as campus resources at Collin College.https://digitalcommons.collin.edu/catalogs/1026/thumbnail.jp