1,173 research outputs found

    Investigation of Chinese Expatriates' Satisfaction and Loyalty to Visiting the Leading and Luxury Shopping Complexes in Bangkok Metropolis

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    Purpose: This research study aims to determine the extent to which Chinese expatriates are drawn to visit the leading and luxury shopping complexes in Bangkok Metropolis, by measuring the shopping complexes’ CRM attributes, their utilitarian value and their atmosphere. Attributes of customer relationship management (CRM)in this study include: the behavior of the employees; quality of customer service; relationship development; and interaction management. Research design, data and methodology: Chinese expatriates living in Greater Bangkok are asked to express their satisfaction and loyalty towards the shopping complexes. This study uses a quantitative research design. Questionnaire is distributed to the sample size of 150 customers. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Simple Linear Regression (SLR) are used to analyzed the results. Results: The study finds that all the CRM elements, except relationship development have an impact on Chinese expatriate customers’ satisfaction and loyalty, while both the shopping complexes’ utilitarian value and their atmosphere have an impact on Chinese expatriate customers’ satisfaction and loyalty to the shopping complexes. Limitations/Implication: The results can be useful for the shopping complexes’ CRM planners to design specific communication and customer intimacy specifically catered to Chinese expatriate customers, of which population continues to rise as a result of growing businesses between Thailand and China.   Keywords: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Utilitarian value, Atmosphere, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Chinese Expatriates   JEL Classification Code: D83, M31, O14, J11, F6

    An Empirical Appraisal of Electronic Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions within Online Shopping in South Africa

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    Over the years, service quality has been a topic that has continued to garner a lot of interest. This study sought to appraise electronic service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions in online shopping in South Africa. A unique conceptual model was developed to investigate the factors that led to customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and ultimately repurchase intention toward goods online. This study aims to determine the influence of e-service quality on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions in online shopping in South Africa. Non-probability sampling was used to select the participants. A structured questionnaire, based on the conceptual model, was developed and distributed online. A total of 307 usable response questionnaires were collected, and descriptive and regression analyses were conducted using SPSS 27. The major findings indicate that customer satisfaction and positive word of mouth are closely associated. The implication is that marketing practitioners should pay more attention to customer behavior after receiving services

    Impact of Customer Self Concept and Life Style on Luxury Goods Purchases: A Case of Females of Karachi

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    Luxuries are now being necessities for people day by day because people wants to be improve their life styles and by the utilization of luxury products they can fulfilled their self -concept by having a better social appreciation from society . The core reason of this research paper was to  examined Impact of customer self concept and life style on luxury goods purchases a case of females of Karachi. In today's competitive world companies tried  their best to make customer satisfied as customer satisfaction is very important because customer is the back bone of the organization. Companies knows that customer want quality, authenticity and a needs the history of a brand. The luxury brands are completely different offers and needed a very detailed approach to marketing and brand management. Quantitative research is used in this research paper and we have targeted females of Karachi  who aged between 25-30 years. 200 is sample size of this research paper. The answers of the individuals were geted both electronically and manually. Frequency tables and pie charts were used to checked the result with the help of SPSS. On the basis of result it has been accomplished that there is a positive significant  impact of self -concept and life style of customer on  purchases of luxury goods Keywords: Luxury goods, Self concept, Life styl

    ‘Impact of Consumer Self Concept and Consumer Life Style on Luxury Goods Purchases’: “A Case of Females in Karachi

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    Luxuries are now being necessities for people day by day because people wants to be improve their life styles and by the utilization of luxury products they can fulfilled their self -concept by having a better social appreciation from society . The core reason of this research paper was to examined Impact of customer self concept and life style on luxury goods purchases a case of females of Karachi. In today's competitive world companies tried their best to make customer satisfied as customer satisfaction is very important because customer is the back bone of the organization. Companies knows that customer want quality, authenticity and a needs the history of a brand. The luxury brands are completely different offers and needed a very detailed approach to marketing and brand management. Quantitative research is used in this research paper and we have targeted females of Karachi  who aged between 25-30 years. 200 is sample size of this research paper. The answers of the individuals were geted both electronically and manually. Frequency tables and pie charts were used to checked the result with the help of SPSS. On the basis of result it has been accomplished that there is a positive significant  impact of self -concept and life style of customer on  purchases of luxury goods Keywords: Luxury goods, Self concept, Life styl

    Sustainability and Consumer Behaviour

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    This book highlights the latest research findings on sustainability within the context of consumer behaviour. It brings together the collaborative work of researchers from Finland, Denmark, USA, the Netherland, Mexico, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan and China to improve our understanding on consumer behaviour and its relationship with sustainable resource consumption. The thirteen chapters in this book focus on different aspects of consumer behaviour and sustainability, including purchase intentions towards recycled products, environment fit hospitality experiences, purchase intentions of recycling items, consumer loyalty, electric vehicle market consumption, consumption of the educational products, revisit intention, online complaint behaviour, consumer and CSR, eco-friendly behaviour, brand trust and social media consumer communication

    Customer equity drivers and emotions on algarve 5-star hotel clients´ satisfaction and loyalty

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    The tourism and hotel industry are critical drivers for Portugal, particularly for Algarve’s economy. The hotel industry’s demand depends not only on macroeconomic variables of countries of the tourists but also on other customer behavior issues, such as Satisfaction, Loyalty, Emotions, and Customer Equity drivers, which are significantly related. All these items are essential for customer decision making. Therefore, understanding their relations can be useful for academia and, by knowledge transfer, to the industry. This research aimed to clarify the relationships between Customer Equity Drivers and Emotions with Satisfaction and Loyalty of five-star hotel clients from Algarve’s predominant tourist nationalities, contributing to a more integrative conceptual model. For this purpose, the perspectives of two leading hotel brands in Algarve were compared with the perspective of their clients. Questionnaires were administrated amongst five-star hotel clients from the two famous brands, who stayed overnight during July, August, and September of 2019 in the Algarve region. A sample of 133 respondents from the predominant tourist nationalities with valid answers was achieved. The five-star hotels’ management answered the questionnaires based on their data and perception to compare their clients’ perspectives. Complementary, the emotions of tourists about the Algarve region were also studied. The analysis was done in an exploratory approach, using three-way data analysis supported by Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) developed by Escofier and Pagès (1985). The MFA results confirmed stability between the dimensions constructed with the two hotel brands and clients’ data. It was identified, as expected, an opposition between negative emotions and all other model items. Nonetheless, there was a more evident linkage between positive emotions, joy, and happiness, with overall satisfaction and perception of brand ethics. Another highlighted linkage was between positive emotion enthusiasm, service/product quality, and attitudinal loyalties. The results showed that hotel brand one is a variance with the other two perspectives. This difference was mostly related to Portuguese nationality clients. The presupposes of the proposed conceptual model were aligned with the research results.O turismo é uma das principais formas de desenvolvimento de cada região. O turismo e a hotelaria em particular são fatores críticos para Portugal e em particular para a economia do Algarve. Neste contexto, o alojamento é uma parte importante da indústria do turismo e é significativo para o desenvolvimento dos destinos turísticos. Entre os diferentes tipos de alojamento, os hotéis são o setor mais tipificado e posicionam-se como o principal segmento na maioria dos destinos. Os hotéis têm que competir globalmente para atrair turistas e, numa realidade que é naturalmente dinâmica, as mudanças de preferências, requisitos e expectativas dos clientes tornam evidente a necessidade de investigação constante sobre a realidade ou realidades dos clientes. A procura da indústria hoteleira depende não apenas de variáveis macroeconómicas dos países de origem dos turistas, mas também de outras questões e conceitos associados a aspetos comportamentais do cliente, como a satisfação, a lealdade, as emoções e o valor do cliente, que estão significativamente relacionados. Todos estes itens são essenciais para o processo de tomada de decisão do cliente e entendimento das suas relações é um contributo de interesse para a academia e, por transferência de conhecimento, para a indústria, pois pode fornecer informações relevantes para apoiar os hotéis nas suas atividades relacionadas aos clientes. Investigações anteriores mostraram que a satisfação dos clientes é um fator-chave para o sucesso de todos os negócios, e essa satisfação leva ao suporte e à fidelidade por parte dos clientes, à passa-palavra ou marketing de boca-a-boca positivos, à retenção de clientes, à sua lealdade e traduz-se na diminuição do custo da captação de novos clientes. O reconhecimento da qualidade pelos clientes, intimamente relacionada com os níveis de satisfação, é possível não só em serviços de luxo, mas também em todos serviços que respondam ao que o cliente procura. No entanto, importa referir que, as próprias classificações dos alojamentos normalmente associadas à atribuição de mais estrelas em função da sua categoria, podem ser consideradas indicadores de qualidade. Neste sentido, e também de acordo com resultados de investigações anteriores, os clientes dos hotéis de categoria mais alta são mais exigentes. Particularmente os clientes ocidentais são mais exigentes, menos leais e mais recetivos a iniciativas de marketing. Assim, Portugal, como destino turístico predominantemente de turistas ocidentais, deve envidar esforços para atrair e reter mais visitantes. Para esse efeito, a apresentação de produtos ou serviços adequados para a satisfação dos clientes, a monitorização e controlo do valor e lealdade dos clientes são as melhores formas de o concretizar. A revisão da história e da literatura teórica mostram que o valor do cliente é um estímulo para a satisfação do cliente. A abordagem pelo valor do cliente é uma estratégia competitiva de marketing assente numa lógica de valores dos recursos investidos por clientes, em organizações específicas. Por outro lado, as emoções desempenham um papel importante no processo de compra dos clientes e sentimentos positivos podem levar a melhores níveis de satisfação e consequentemente à fidelidade ao destino. Neste contexto, os investigadores defendem que os sentimentos positivos podem influenciar positivamente as perceções do consumidor sobre a qualidade do serviço e como toma as suas decisões. Estudos anteriores revelaram diferenças significativas nas características comportamentais com base na nacionalidade e nas especificidades de conceito de produtos de luxo em diferentes culturas. O principal propósito da presente investigação foi esclarecer as relações entre os drivers de valor do cliente, as emoções, a satisfação e lealdade de clientes de hotéis de cinco estrelas, tendo em conta as nacionalidades turísticas predominantes na região do Algarve, contribuindo para um modelo conceptual mais integrador. Para o efeito, foram comparadas as perspetivas de duas marcas hoteleiras famosas na região do Algarve, na categoria de cinco estrelas, com a perspetiva dos seus próprios clientes, no que se refere a Valor do Cliente (10 itens), Emoções (9 itens), Satisfação (4 itens) e Lealdade (4 itens). A gestão dos hotéis de cinco estrelas respondeu aos questionários com base nos seus dados e perceção para comparação com a perspetiva dos seus clientes, também para diferentes nacionalidades turísticas. Complementarmente, foram estudadas as emoções dos turistas sobre a região do Algarve com recurso a 20 itens de Emoções Negativas e Positivas. Os questionários foram aplicados aos clientes de hotéis de cinco estrelas das duas marcas famosas, nos meses de julho, agosto e setembro de 2019 na região do Algarve. Foram obtidas respostas válidas de 133 inquiridos das nacionalidades turísticas predominantes. A gestão dos dois hotéis de cinco estrelas respondeu aos questionários com base nos seus dados e na sua perceção sobre os clientes das várias nacionalidades. A configuração dos dados recolhidos levou à construção de estruturas de dados tridimensionais que exigiram análises multivariadas de três vias. A investigação assentou numa abordagem predominantemente exploratória, utilizando a análise de dados de três vias suportada pela análise fatorial múltipla (AFM) desenvolvida por Escofier e Pagès (1985). Os resultados da AFM confirmaram a estabilidade entre as dimensões construídas com as duas marcas de hotel e dados dos clientes. Identificou-se, como esperado, uma oposição entre as emoções negativas e todos os demais itens do modelo. No entanto, houve uma ligação mais evidente entre as emoções positivas, alegria e felicidade, com a satisfação geral e a perceção da ética da marca. Outra ligação destacada foi entre o entusiasmo nas emoções positivas, com a qualidade do serviço/produto e a lealdade atitudinal. Os resultados mostraram que uma das marcas de hotel encontra-se em divergência com as outras duas perspetivas. Esta diferença está principalmente relacionada com a avaliação de clientes de nacionalidade portuguesa. Os pressupostos do modelo concetual proposto encontram-se alinhados aos resultados da pesquisa. Verificou-se complementarmente, que a região do Algarve se encontra numa situação ideal para os turistas no que se refere ao seu posicionamento no espetro de emoções negativas e positivas. Os itens positivos Simpatia / Interesse / Compaixão, e principalmente os itens relacionados às emoções Admiração / Maravilha / Espanto são menos relevantes para os outros itens positivos, e foram menos experienciados por comparação com as outras emoções positivas. A abordagem metodológica utilizada mostrou-se adequada para compreender relações menos evidentes, ao avaliar as mesmas observações, entre diferentes conjuntos de variáveis por diferentes perspetivas. Por fim, a investigação facilitou sugestões para os processos de decisão da gestão dos hotéis para melhoria seu desempenho e perceção pelos clientes


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    This study aims to examine and identify variables and factors which influence Thai women’s purchasing decision of Korean cosmetics. The data were compiled from questionnaires given to 400 female respondents living in Bangkok, who were between the ages of 14-30 and who had purchased Korean cosmetics in the past.The methodology used in this study is the correlation coefficient relationship and ANOVA to test the hypotheses. The results illustrated that the country of origin COO has a relationship with the perceived quality of the cosmetics and consequently, to brand equity.There are differences between packaging, price, and perceived quality for customers, in which packaging has more influence on satisfaction. In addition, customer loyalty was affected indifferently by brand equity and customer satisfaction.&nbsp


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    With the economic situation at this time, being able to generate some profits for the airlines is difficult. However, to be able to survive in this changing world is harder. As there are many competitions in the aviation industry in Thailand. Airlines are competing with one another either by price promotion, or cost. Many factors are affecting the world’s economy right now. For example, economic war between the united states of America and China, the appreciation of Thai Baht, the political problems, and others to be able to survive in this crisis, creating the factor of repurchase intention would be the solution to all the airlines. The motive of the study is to investigate the influence of affecting factors: service quality in terms of tangible factors, schedule factors, service provided by ground personnel, service provided by flight attendants, trust, brand image, perceived value, and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention towards one particular budget-airline in Thailand. The researchers gathered data from real passengers of the low-cost airline at Don Mueang International Airport and Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand. The sample size of this study is 409 respondents. The data is collected by the questionnaire distribution. Descriptive research with quota sampling, judgement sampling, and convenience sampling under non-probability was applied. The five Liker-scale was used to help with the research instrument. The researchers applied descriptive and inferential analysis methods to complete the process. Besides, the Multiple Regression Linear was adopted to help test all the hypotheses. Based on the findings, the researchers found that service quality in terms of tangible factors, service provided by ground personnel, and service provided by flight attendants, trust, brand image, perceived value and customer satisfaction statistically have an influence on repurchase intention.   Keywords: service quality, trust, brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention

    Exploring Values Orientation to build Green Loyalty: the Role of Egoistic, Supply Chain Management, and Biospheric

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    Abstract- The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of eight dimensions of green supply chain management (GSCM) on economic, environmental and social performance, which are the three dimensions of corporate sustainability. This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of values orientation which consists of egoistic, supply chain, and biospheric towards green loyalty. This research is empirical research through questionnaire survey method distributed to 402 consumers who have experience buying green brands in Indonesia. With SEM data analysis tool. The results show that egoisitic and supply chain have a positive effect on green loyalty, while altruistic does not affect green loyalty

    Role of Advertising and Sales-Promotions to Create Brand-Satisfaction in the FMCG; Evidence from Pakistan

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    The role of brand satisfaction as a predecessor of brand loyalty has been acknowledged by researchers, academicians, and practitioners for long. Various concepts, theories, and models have been presented in the literature to understand the antecedents and predictors of brand satisfaction. It has been propounded that advertising supports to incite brand satisfaction. At the same time, many studies go against this point of view indicating its detrimental role in this regard. Although the research on sales promotions and brand satisfaction in the context of quality, performance, and value perceptions is meagre, it tends to depict it, for the most time, damaging and therefore unsuitable. This empirical research is an attempt to explore the comparative effectiveness of sales promotions and advertising to induce brand satisfaction taking into account all important constructs. The research has been conducted on the FMCG sector involving two most frequently purchased products consuming minimal household budget i.e. bath soap and toothpaste. The study findings, although determine advertising relatively more efficacious to produce feelings of satisfaction towards a brand, the role of sales promotions cannot be downplayed as they are equally important in respect of brand quality and utilitarian value
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