573 research outputs found

    Texture Analysis Methods for Medical Image Characterisation

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    A review of segmentation and deformable registration methods applied to adaptive cervical cancer radiation therapy treatment planning

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    Objective: Manual contouring and registration for radiotherapy treatment planning and online adaptation for cervical cancer radiation therapy in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance images (MRI) are often necessary. However manual intervention is time consuming and may suffer from inter or intra-rater variability. In recent years a number of computer-guided automatic or semi-automatic segmentation and registration methods have been proposed. Segmentation and registration in CT and MRI for this purpose is a challenging task due to soft tissue deformation, inter-patient shape and appearance variation and anatomical changes over the course of treatment. The objective of this work is to provide a state-of-the-art review of computer-aided methods developed for adaptive treatment planning and radiation therapy planning for cervical cancer radiation therapy. Methods: Segmentation and registration methods published with the goal of cervical cancer treatment planning and adaptation have been identified from the literature (PubMed and Google Scholar). A comprehensive description of each method is provided. Similarities and differences of these methods are highlighted and the strengths and weaknesses of these methods are discussed. A discussion about choice of an appropriate method for a given modality is provided. Results: In the reviewed papers a Dice similarity coefficient of around 0.85 along with mean absolute surface distance of 2-4. mm for the clinically treated volume were reported for transfer of contours from planning day to the treatment day. Conclusions: Most segmentation and non-rigid registration methods have been primarily designed for adaptive re-planning for the transfer of contours from planning day to the treatment day. The use of shape priors significantly improved segmentation and registration accuracy compared to other models

    Accurate Segmentation of CT Male Pelvic Organs via Regression-Based Deformable Models and Multi-Task Random Forests

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    Segmenting male pelvic organs from CT images is a prerequisite for prostate cancer radiotherapy. The efficacy of radiation treatment highly depends on segmentation accuracy. However, accurate segmentation of male pelvic organs is challenging due to low tissue contrast of CT images, as well as large variations of shape and appearance of the pelvic organs. Among existing segmentation methods, deformable models are the most popular, as shape prior can be easily incorporated to regularize the segmentation. Nonetheless, the sensitivity to initialization often limits their performance, especially for segmenting organs with large shape variations. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to guide deformable models, thus making them robust against arbitrary initializations. Specifically, we learn a displacement regressor, which predicts 3D displacement from any image voxel to the target organ boundary based on the local patch appearance. This regressor provides a nonlocal external force for each vertex of deformable model, thus overcoming the initialization problem suffered by the traditional deformable models. To learn a reliable displacement regressor, two strategies are particularly proposed. 1) A multi-task random forest is proposed to learn the displacement regressor jointly with the organ classifier; 2) an auto-context model is used to iteratively enforce structural information during voxel-wise prediction. Extensive experiments on 313 planning CT scans of 313 patients show that our method achieves better results than alternative classification or regression based methods, and also several other existing methods in CT pelvic organ segmentation


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    Radiotherapy is a frequently used therapeutic modality for cancer patients. Accurately contouring of tumors and organs at risk (OARs) is critical for developing optimal treatment plans in radiotherapy, especially after the implementation of Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). The manual contouring process is time-consuming and suffers from inter-observer variations. However, manual contouring is often hindered by laborious clinical duties, leading to reduced effectiveness, and increased segmentation errors due to fatigue. Additionally, online adaptive radiation therapy(ART), which has been shown to benefit patient outcomes, places higher demands on contouring and quality assurance (QA) speed. Recently, deep learning auto-segmentation (DLAS) has emerged as an accurate tool for contouring in many anatomical sites. However, DLAS\u27s black-box nature has limited its widespread clinical implementation. Robust evaluations are required prior to the clinical implementation. In this thesis, we present our comprehensive validation approach for assessing the clinical acceptability of DLAS contours in the male pelvis region for automated prostate treatment planning. We then evaluated the DLAS model\u27s capacity for continuous improvement and generalizability and successfully adopted it in a multi-user environment. Additionally, we provided an implementation workflow for this software that can be used by other clinical users. Manual reviewing contour is a time-consuming process that is prone to errors and omissions, leading to dosimetric uncertainties and lower quality of radiation treatment. To assist with the manual contour review process, an automated contouring QA tool is necessary. We proposed a machine learning-based methodology for an automated contour quality assurance system that detects errors in manual contouring, using the precise DLAS contour as a reference. Moreover, we established a knowledge-based contour QA system that can localize and categorize contour errors for improved accuracy and efficiency. Overall, this dissertation provides a more comprehensive understanding of DLAS in a clinical multi-user environment, which will improve the quality and safety of the radiotherapy workflow

    Deformable models for adaptive radiotherapy planning

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    Radiotherapy is the most widely used treatment for cancer, with 4 out of 10 cancer patients receiving radiotherapy as part of their treatment. The delineation of gross tumour volume (GTV) is crucial in the treatment of radiotherapy. An automatic contouring system would be beneficial in radiotherapy planning in order to generate objective, accurate and reproducible GTV contours. Image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) acquires patient images just before treatment delivery to allow any necessary positional correction. Consequently, real-time contouring system provides an opportunity to adopt radiotherapy on the treatment day. In this thesis, freely deformable models (FDM) and shape constrained deformable models (SCDMs) were used to automatically delineate the GTV for brain cancer and prostate cancer. Level set method (LSM) is a typical FDM which was used to contour glioma on brain MRI. A series of low level image segmentation methodologies are cascaded to form a case-wise fully automatic initialisation pipeline for the level set function. Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs) were used to evaluate the contours. Results shown a good agreement between clinical contours and LSM contours, in 93% of cases the DSCs was found to be between 60% and 80%. The second significant contribution is a novel development to the active shape model (ASM), a profile feature was selected from pre-computed texture features by minimising the Mahalanobis distance (MD) to obtain the most distinct feature for each landmark, instead of conventional image intensity. A new group-wise registration scheme was applied to solve the correspondence definition within the training data. This ASM model was used to delineated prostate GTV on CT. DSCs for this case was found between 0.75 and 0.91 with the mean DSC 0.81. The last contribution is a fully automatic active appearance model (AAM) which captures image appearance near the GTV boundary. The image appearance of inner GTV was discarded to spare the potential disruption caused by brachytherapy seeds or gold markers. This model outperforms conventional AAM at the prostate base and apex region by involving surround organs. The overall mean DSC for this case is 0.85

    Textural features for bladder cancer definition on CT images

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    Genitourinary cancer refers to the presence of tumours in the genital or urinary organs such as bladder, kidney and prostate. In 2008 the worldwide incidence of bladder cancer was 382,600 with a mortality of 150,282. Radiotherapy is one of the main treatment choices for genitourinary cancer where accurate delineation of the gross tumour volume (GTV) on computed tomography (CT) images is crucial for the success of this treatment. Limited CT resolution and contrast in soft tissue organs make this difficult and has led to significant inter- and intra- clinical variability in defining the extent of the GTV, especially at the junctions of different organs. In addition the introduction of new imaging techniques and modalities has significantly increased the number of the medical images that require contouring. More advanced image processing is required to help reduce contouring variability and assist in handling the increased volume of data. In this thesis image analysis methodologies were used to extract low-level features such as entropy, moment and correlation from radiotherapy planning CT images. These distinctive features were identified and used for defining the GTV and to implement a fully-automatic contouring system. The first key contribution is to demonstrate that second-order statistics from co-occurrence matrices (GTSDM) give higher accuracy in classifying soft tissue regions of interest (ROIs) into GTV and non-GTV. Loadings of the principal components (PCs) of the GTSDM features were found to be consistent over different patients. Exhaustive feature selection suggested that entropies and correlations produced consistently larger areas under receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curves than first-order features. The second significant contribution is to demonstrate that in the bladder-prostate junction, where the largest inter-clinical variability is observed, the second-order principal entropy from stationery wavelet denoised CT images (DPE) increased the saliency of the bladder prostate junction. As a result thresholding of the DPE produced good agreement between gold standard clinical contours and those produced by this approach with Dice coefficients. The third contribution is to implement a fully automatic and reproducible system for bladder cancer GTV auto-contouring based on classifying second-order statistics. The Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs) were employed to evaluate the automatic contours. It was found that in the mid-range of the bladder the automatic contours are accurate, but in the inferior and superior ends of bladder automatic contours were more likely to have small DSCs with clinical contours, which reconcile with the fact of clinical variability in defining GTVs. A novel male bladder probability atlas was constructed based on the clinical contours and volume estimation from the classification results. Registration of the classification results with this probabilistic atlas consistently increases the DSCs of the inferior slices

    Machine Learning-Based Models for Prediction of Toxicity Outcomes in Radiotherapy

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    In order to limit radiotherapy (RT)-related side effects, effective toxicity prediction and assessment schemes are essential. In recent years, the growing interest toward artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) within the science community has led to the implementation of innovative tools in RT. Several researchers have demonstrated the high performance of ML-based models in predicting toxicity, but the application of these approaches in clinics is still lagging, partly due to their low interpretability. Therefore, an overview of contemporary research is needed in order to familiarize practitioners with common methods and strategies. Here, we present a review of ML-based models for predicting and classifying RT-induced complications from both a methodological and a clinical standpoint, focusing on the type of features considered, the ML methods used, and the main results achieved. Our work overviews published research in multiple cancer sites, including brain, breast, esophagus, gynecological, head and neck, liver, lung, and prostate cancers. The aim is to define the current state of the art and main achievements within the field for both researchers and clinicians
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