8 research outputs found

    Combining shape and contour features to improve tool wear monitoring in milling processes

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    [EN] In this paper, a new system based on combinations of a shape descriptor and a contour descriptor has been proposed for classifying inserts in milling processes according to their wear level following a computer vision based approach. To describe the wear region shape we have proposed a new descriptor called ShapeFeat and its contour has been characterized using the method BORCHIZ that, to the best of our knowledge, achieves the best performance for tool wear monitoring following a computer vision-based approach. Results show that the combination of BORCHIZ with ShapeFeat using a late fusion method improves the classification performance significantly, obtaining an accuracy of 91.44% in the binary classification (i.e. the classification of the wear as high or low) and 82.90% using three target classes (i.e. classification of the wear as high, medium or low). These results outperform the ones obtained by both descriptors used on their own, which achieve accuracies of 88.70 and 80.67% for two and three classes, respectively, using ShapeFeat and 87.06 and 80.24% with B-ORCHIZ. This study yielded encouraging results for the manufacturing community in order to classify automatically the inserts in terms of their wear for milling processes.S

    Assembly of an artificial vision system to capture wear images in cutting tools

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      En este trabajo se someterá a evaluación, la normativa ISO 8688-1 que rige el criterio de desgaste de herramientas. Existen varias maneras de observar o determinar el estado de vida de la herramienta, en este caso particular se determinará la vida útil de la herramienta de corte por medio de tratamientos de imágenes, obtenidas por un electro-microscopio, realizando un montaje minucioso para la obtención de las mismas. En esta publicación se especifican los detalles del montaje de sistema de visión para la captura de las imágenes. Palabras clave: Desgaste, norma ISO 8688-1, tratamiento de imágenes

    Detection Of Chipping In Ceramic Cutting Inserts From Workpiece Profile Signature During Turning Process Using Machine Vision

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    Ceramic tools are prone to chipping due to their low impact toughness. Tool chipping significantly decreases the surface finish quality and dimensional accuracy of the workpiece. Thus, in-process detection of chipping in ceramic tools is important especially in unattended machining. Existing in-process tool failure detection methods using sensor signals have limitations in detecting tool chipping. The monitoring of tool wear from the workpiece profile using machine vision has great potential to be applied in-process, however no attempt has been made to detect tool chipping. In this work, a vision-based approach has been developed to detect tool chipping in ceramic insert from 2-D workpiece profile signature. The profile of the workpiece surface was captured using a DSLR camera. The surface profile was extracted to sub-pixel accuracy using invariant moment method. The effect of chipping in the ceramic cutting tools on the workpiece profile was investigated using autocorrelation function (ACF) and fast Fourier transform (FFT). Detection of onset tool chipping was conducted by using the sub-window FFT and continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Chipping in the ceramic tool was found to cause the peaks of ACF of the workpiece profile to decrease rapidly as the lag distance increased and deviated significantly from one another at different workpiece rotation angles. From FFT analysis the amplitude of the fundamental feed frequency increases steadily with cutting duration during gradual wear, however, fluctuates significantly after tool has chipped. The stochastic behaviour of the cutting process after tool chipping leads to a sharp increase in the amplitude of spatial frequencies below the fundamental feed frequency. CWT method was found more effective to detect the onset of tool chipping at 16.5 s instead of 17.13 s by sub-window FFT. Root mean square of CWT coefficients for the workpiece profile at higher scale band was found to be more sensitive to chipping and thus can be used as an indicator to detect the occurrence of the tool chipping in ceramic inserts

    Advancements in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotating machinery: A comprehensive review of image-based intelligent techniques for induction motors

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    Recently, condition monitoring (CM) and fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) techniques for rotating machinery (RM) have witnessed substantial advancements in recent decades, driven by the increasing demand for enhanced reliability, efficiency, and safety in industrial operations. CM of valuable and high-cost machinery is crucial for performance tracking, reducing maintenance costs, enhancing efficiency and reliability, and minimizing mechanical failures. While various FDD methods for RM have been developed, these predominantly focus on signal processing diagnostics techniques encompassing time, frequency, and time-frequency domains, intelligent diagnostics, image processing, data fusion, data mining, and expert systems. However, there is a noticeable knowledge gap regarding the specific review of image-based CM and FDD. The objective of this research is to address the aforementioned gap in the literature by conducting a comprehensive review of image-based intelligent techniques for CM and fault FDD specifically applied to induction motors (IMs). The focus of the study is to explore the utilization of image-based methods in the context of IMs, providing a thorough examination of the existing literature, methodologies, and applications. Furthermore, the integration of image-based techniques in CM and FDD holds promise for enhanced accuracy, as visual information can provide valuable insights into the physical condition and structural integrity of the IMs, thereby facilitating early FDD and proactive maintenance strategies. The review encompasses the three main faults associated with IMs, namely bearing faults, stator faults, and rotor faults. Furthermore, a thorough assessment is conducted to analyze the benefits and drawbacks associated with each approach, thereby enabling an evaluation of the efficacy of image-based intelligent techniques in the context of CM and FDD. Finally, the paper concludes by highlighting key issues and suggesting potential avenues for future research

    Detection Of Chipping In Ceramic Cutting Inserts From Workpiece Profile Signature During Turning Process Using Machine Vision

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    Ceramic tools are prone to chipping due to their low impact toughness. Tool chipping significantly decreases the surface finish quality and dimensional accuracy of the workpiece. Thus, in-process detection of chipping in ceramic tools is important especially in unattended machining. Existing in-process tool failure detection methods using sensor signals have limitations in detecting tool chipping. The monitoring of tool wear from the workpiece profile using machine vision has great potential to be applied in-process, however no attempt has been made to detect tool chipping. In this work, a vision-based approach has been developed to detect tool chipping in ceramic insert from 2-D workpiece profile signature. The profile of the workpiece surface was captured using a DSLR camera. The surface profile was extracted to sub-pixel accuracy using invariant moment method. The effect of chipping in the ceramic cutting tools on the workpiece profile was investigated using autocorrelation function (ACF) and fast Fourier transform (FFT). Detection of onset tool chipping was conducted by using the sub-window FFT and continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Chipping in the ceramic tool was found to cause the peaks of ACF of the workpiece profile to decrease rapidly as the lag distance increased and deviated significantly from one another at different workpiece rotation angles. From FFT analysis the amplitude of the fundamental feed frequency increases steadily with cutting duration during gradual wear, however, fluctuates significantly after tool has chipped. The stochastic behaviour of the cutting process after tool chipping leads to a sharp increase in the amplitude of spatial frequencies below the fundamental feed frequency. CWT method was found more effective to detect the onset of toolchipping at 16.5 s instead of 17.13 s by sub-window FFT. Root mean square of CWT coefficients for the workpiece profile at higher scale band was found to be more xxiv sensitive to chipping and thus can be used as an indicator to detect the occurrence of the tool chipping in ceramic inserts

    Live Tool Condition Monitoring of SiAlON Inserted Tools whilst Milling Nickel-Based Super Alloys

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    Cutting tools with ceramic inserts are often used in the process of machining many types of super alloys, mainly due to their high strength and thermal resistance. Nevertheless, during the cutting process, the plastic flow wear generated in these inserts enhances and propagates cracks due to high temperature and high mechanical stress. This leads to a very variable failure of the cutting tool. Furthermore, in high-speed rough machining of nickel-based super alloys, such as Inconel 718 and Waspalloy, it is recommended to avoid the use of any type of coolant. This in turn, enables the clear visualization of cutting sparks, which in these machining tasks are quite distinctive. The present doctoral thesis attempts to set the basis of a potential Tool Condition Monitoring (TCM) system that could use vison-based sensing to calculate the amount of tool wear. This TCM system would work around the research hypothesis that states that a relationship exists between the continuous wear that ceramic SiAlON (solid solutions based on the Si3N4 structure) inserts experience during a high-speed machining process, and the evolution of sparks created during the same process. A successful TCM system such as this could be implemented at an industrial level to aid in providing a live status of the cutting tool’s condition, potentially improving the effectiveness of these machining tasks, whilst preventing tool failure and workpiece damage. During this research, sparks were analyzed through various visual methods in three main experiments. Four studies were developed using the mentioned experiments to support and create a final predictive approach to the TCM system. These studies are described in each thesis chapter and they include a wear assessment of SiAlON ceramics, an analysis of the optimal image acquisition systems and parameters appropriate for this research, a study of the research hypothesis, and finally, an approach to tool wear prediction using Neural Networks (NN). To carry out some of these studies, an overall methodology was structured to perform experiments and to process spark evolution data, as image processing algorithms were built to extract spark area and intensity. Towards the end of this thesis, these spark features were used, along with measured values of tool wear, namely notch, flank and crater wear, to build a Neural Network for tool wear prediction

    Texture analysis methods for tool condition monitoring

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    10.1016/j.imavis.2006.05.024Image and Vision Computing2571080-1090IVCO