17 research outputs found

    Generating and applying textual entailment graphs for relation extraction and email categorization

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    Recognizing that the meaning of one text expression is semantically related to the meaning of another can be of help in many natural language processing applications. One semantic relationship between two text expressions is captured by the textual entailment paradigm, which is defined as a relation between exactly two text expressions. Entailment relations holding among a set of more than two text expressions can be captured in the form of a hierarchical knowledge structure referred to as entailment graphs. Despite the fact that several people have worked on building entailment graphs for different types of textual expressions, little research has been carried out regarding the applicability of such entailment graphs in NLP applications. This thesis fills this research gap by investigating how entailment graphs can be generated and used for addressing two specific NLP tasks: First, the task of validating automatically derived relation extraction patterns and, second, the task of automatically categorizing German customer emails. After laying a theoretical foundation, the research problem is approached in an empirical way, i.e., by drawing conclusions from analyzing, processing, and experimenting with specific task-related datasets. The experimental results show that both tasks can benefit from the integration of semantic knowledge, as expressed by entailment graphs

    Becoming JILDA

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    The difficulty in finding use-ful dialogic data to train a conversationalagent is an open issue even nowadays,when chatbots and spoken dialogue sys-tems are widely used. For this reason wedecided to build JILDA, a novel data col-lection of chat-based dialogues, producedby Italian native speakers and related to thejob-offer domain. JILDA is the first dia-logue collection related to this domain forthe Italian language. Because of its collec-tion modalities, we believe that JILDA canbe a useful resource not only for the Italianresearch community, but also for the inter-national one

    multi level alignments as an extensible representation basis for textual entailment algorithms

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    A major problem in research on Textual Entailment (TE) is the high implementation effort for TE systems. Recently, interoperable standards for annotation and preprocessing have been proposed. In contrast, the algorithmic level remains unstandardized, which makes component re-use in this area very difficult in practice. In this paper, we introduce multi-level alignments as a central, powerful representation for TE algorithms that encourages modular, reusable, multilingual algorithm development. We demonstrate that a pilot open-source implementation of multi-level alignment with minimal features competes with state-of-theart open-source TE engines in three languages

    Learning Attention-based Embeddings for Relation Prediction in Knowledge Graphs

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    The recent proliferation of knowledge graphs (KGs) coupled with incomplete or partial information, in the form of missing relations (links) between entities, has fueled a lot of research on knowledge base completion (also known as relation prediction). Several recent works suggest that convolutional neural network (CNN) based models generate richer and more expressive feature embeddings and hence also perform well on relation prediction. However, we observe that these KG embeddings treat triples independently and thus fail to cover the complex and hidden information that is inherently implicit in the local neighborhood surrounding a triple. To this effect, our paper proposes a novel attention-based feature embedding that captures both entity and relation features in any given entity’s neighborhood. Additionally, we also encapsulate relation clusters and multi-hop relations in our model. Our empirical study offers insights into the efficacy of our attention-based model and we show marked performance gains in comparison to state-of-the-art methods on all datasets

    Textual entailment from image caption denotations

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    Understanding the meaning of linguistic expressions is a fundamental task of natural language processing. While distributed representations have become a powerful technique for modeling lexical semantics, but they have traditionally relied on ungrounded text corpora to identify semantically similar words. In contrast, this thesis explicitly models the denotation of linguistic expressions by building representations from grounded image captions. This allows us to use descriptions of the world to learn connections that would be difficult to identify in text-based corpora. In particular, we explore novel approaches to entailment that capture everyday world knowledge missing from other NLP tasks, on both existing datasets and our own new dataset. We also present a novel embedding model that produces phrase representations that are informed by our grounded representation. We conclude with an analysis of how grounded embeddings differ from standard distributional embeddings and suggestions for future refinement of this approach

    Temporality and modality in entailment graph induction

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    The ability to draw inferences is core to semantics and the field of Natural Language Processing. Answering a seemingly simple question like ‘Did Arsenal play Manchester yesterday’ from textual evidence that says ‘Arsenal won against Manchester yesterday’ requires modeling the inference that ‘winning’ entails ‘playing’. One way of modeling this type of lexical semantics is with Entailment Graphs, collections of meaning postulates that can be learned in an unsupervised way from large text corpora. In this work, we explore the role that temporality and linguistic modality can play in inducing Entailment Graphs. We identify inferences that were previously not supported by Entailment Graphs (such as that ‘visiting’ entails an ‘arrival’ before the visit) and inferences that were likely to be learned incorrectly (such as that ‘winning’ entails ‘losing’). Temporality is shown to be useful in alleviating these challenges, in the Entailment Graph representation as well as the learning algorithm. An exploration of linguistic modality in the training data shows, counterintuitively, that there is valuable signal in modalized predications. We develop three datasets for evaluating a system’s capability of modeling these inferences, which were previously underrepresented in entailment rule evaluations. Finally, in support of the work on modality, we release a relation extraction system that is capable of annotating linguistic modality, together with a comprehensive modality lexicon