41 research outputs found

    Mobile ECG and SPO2 Chest Pain Subjective Indicators of Patient with GPS Location in Smart Cities

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    Subjective indicators of chest pain in this article describe a system based on devices for measuring ECG (Electrocardiogram) and SPO2 (Saturation of peripheral Oxygen) signals with PPG (Photoplethysmograph). The development system used for ECG detection signals is created in the SMT technology technique. Preparing for ECG (Electrocardiogram) signal analysis is realized on the coordinator side of the WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) node and LabView application interface. Existing model RPC-50E, as SPO2 detector is used for a measurement device. SPO2 performance upgrade was realized by installing hardware module XBee PRO S2B in the function of router-end device working mode. Except for ZigBee wireless transmission technology, it leaves a possibility to expand with Bluetooth module. The technical description is strictly related to the location of the patients using the GPS signal when it comes to undesirable measuring sizes of each decentralized measuring device. Possibilities to measure beats per second (bps) is also included in the measurement device for saturation of peripheral oxygen. Smart city integration is part of upgraded hardware which operates on the level of hospital cloud. With existing smart city infrastructure, it is easier to connect mobile IoT (Internet of Things) logger of ECG and SPO2 measurements. This article describes only the main reasons for chest pain. Acute and chronic chest pain is defined with ECG signal waveforms in certain cases. Measuring graphs are based on 12 measurement points that lead to the electrocardiogram device

    Analysis of Wireless Body-Centric Medical Sensors for Remote Healthcare

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    Aquesta tesi aborda el problema de trobar solucions confortables, de baixa potència i sense fils per aplicacions mèdiques. La tesi tracta els avantatges i les limitacions de tres tecnologies de comunicació diferents per la mesura de paràmetres del cos i mètodes per redissenyar sensors per avaluacions òptimes centrades en el cos. La tecnologia RFID es considera una de les solucions més influents per superar el problema del consum d'energia limitat, a causa de la presència de molts sensors connectats. També s'ha estudiat la tecnologia Bluetooth de baixa energia per resoldre els problemes de seguretat i la distància de lectura que, en general, representen el coll d'ampolla de RFID pels sensors de cos. Els dispositius analògics poden reduir dràsticament les necessitats d'energia a causa dels sensors i les comunicacions, considerant pocs elements i un mètode de transmissió simple. S'estudia un mètode de comunicació completament passiu, basat en FSS, que permet una distància de lectura raonable amb capacitats de detecció precises i confiables, que s'ha discutit en aquesta tesi. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és investigar múltiples tecnologies sense fils per dispositius portàtils per identificar solucions adequades per aplicacions particulars en el camp mèdic. El primer objectiu és demostrar la facilitat d'ús de les tecnologies econòmiques sense bateria com un indicador útil de paràmetres fisiopatològics mitjançant la investigació de les propietats de les etiquetes RFID. A més a més, s'ha abordat un aspecte més complex respecte a l'ús de petits components passius com sensors sense fils per trastorns del son. Per últim, un altre objectiu de la tesi és el desenvolupament d'un sistema completament autònom que utilitzi tecnologia BLE per obtenir propietats avançades mantenint baix tant el consum com el preuEsta tesis aborda el problema de encontrar soluciones confortables, inalámbricas y de baja potencia para aplicaciones médicas. La tesis discute las ventajas y limitaciones de tres tecnologías de comunicación diferentes para la medición en el cuerpo y los métodos para elegir y remodelar los sensores para evaluaciones óptimas centradas en el cuerpo. La tecnología RFID se considera una de las soluciones más influyentes para superar el consumo de energía limitado debido a la presencia de muchos sensores conectados. Además, la baja energía de Bluetooth se ha estudiado se ha estudiado la tecnologia Bluetooth de baja energia para resolver los problemas de seguridad y la distancia de lectura que, en general, representan el cuello de botella de la RFID para los sensores de cuerpo. Los dispositivos analógicos pueden reducir drásticamente las necesidades de energía debido a los sensores y las comunicaciones, considerando pocos elementos y un método de transmisión simple. Se estudia un método de comunicación completamente pasivo, basado en FSS, que permite una distancia de lectura razonable con capacidades de detección precisas y confiables, que se ha discutido en esta tesis. El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar múltiples tecnologías inalámbricas para dispositivos portátiles para identificar soluciones adecuadas para aplicaciones particulares en campos médicos. El primer objetivo es demostrar la facilidad de uso de las tecnologías económicas sin batería como un indicador útil de dichos parámetros fisiopatológicos mediante la investigación de las propiedades de las etiquetas RFID. Además, se ha abordado un aspecto más complejo con respecto al uso de pequeños componentes pasivos como sensores inalámbricos para enfermedades del sueño. Por último, un resultado de la tesis es desarrollar un sistema completamente autónomo que utilice la tecnología BLE para obtener propiedades avanzadas que mantengan la baja potencia y un precio bajo.This thesis addresses the problem of comfortable, low powered and, wireless solutions for specific body-worn sensing. The thesis discusses advantages and limitations of three different communication technologies for on body measurement and investigate methods to reshape sensors for optimum body-centric assessments. The RFID technology is considered one of the most influential solutions to overcome the limitated power consumption due to the presence of many sensors connected. Further, the Bluetooth low energy has been studied to solve security problems and reading distance that overall represent the bottleneck of the RFID for the body-worn sensors. Analog devices can drastically reduce the energy needs due to the sensors and the communications, considering few elements and a simple transmitting method. An entirely passive communication method, based on FSS is studied, enabling a reasonable reading distance with precise and reliable sensing capabilities, which has been discussed in this thesis. The objective of this thesis is to investigate multiple wireless technologies for wearable devices to identify suitable solutions for particular applications in medical fields. The first objective is to demonstrate the usability of the inexpensive battery-less technologies as a useful indicator of such a physio-pathological parameters by investigating the properties of the RFID tags. Furthermore, a more complex aspect regards the use of small passive components as wireless sensors for sleep diseases has been addressed. Lastly, an outcome of the thesis is to develop an entirely autonomous system using the BLE technology to obtain advanced properties keeping low power and a low price

    Point-of-care diagnostics for niche applications

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    Point-of-care or point-of-use diagnostics are analytical devices that provide clinically relevant information without the need for a core clinical laboratory. In this review we define point-of-care diagnostics as portable versions of assays performed in a traditional clinical chemistry laboratory. This review discusses five areas relevant to human and animal health where increased attention could produce significant impact: veterinary medicine, space travel, sports medicine, emergency medicine, and operating room efficiency. For each of these areas, clinical need, available commercial products, and ongoing research into new devices are highlighted

    The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences

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    This book is focused on the works presented at the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, organized by Applied Sciences from 15 to 31 October 2021 on the MDPI Sciforum platform. Two decades have passed since the start of the 21st century. The development of sciences and technologies is growing ever faster today than in the previous century. The field of science is expanding, and the structure of science is becoming ever richer. Because of this expansion and fine structure growth, researchers may lose themselves in the deep forest of the ever-increasing frontiers and sub-fields being created. This international conference on the Applied Sciences was started to help scientists conduct their own research into the growth of these frontiers by breaking down barriers and connecting the many sub-fields to cut through this vast forest. These functions will allow researchers to see these frontiers and their surrounding (or quite distant) fields and sub-fields, and give them the opportunity to incubate and develop their knowledge even further with the aid of this multi-dimensional network

    NASA Tech Briefs, Fall 1976

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    Topics include: NASA TU Services: Technology Utilization services that can assist you in learning about and applying NASA technology; New Product Ideas: A summary of seloc.ted Innovations of value to manufacturers for the development of new products; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Life Sciences; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences

    Human dermal fibroblast activation under pulsed electrical stimulation via conductive fabrics : signalling pathways and potential benefit for wound healing

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    Lors de la cicatrisation, plusieurs types cellulaires dont les kératinocytes et les fibroblastes ainsi que plusieurs facteurs de croissance jouent d’importants rôles. La cicatrisation cutanée peut aussi être activée par des facteurs exogènes, dont la stimulation électrique (SE). La SE peut moduler les fonctions fibroblastiques durant la cicatrisation. Le fibroblaste contribue de façon active à la cicatrisation en sécrétant différentes protéines (collagène, fibronectine, élastine) pour favoriser le comblement tissulaire. Les fibroblastes adoptent aussi un phénotype contractile en exprimant l’α-actine contribuant à la fermeture de la plaie. Notre hypothèse est que certaines de ces fonctions fibroblastiques pourraient être modulées par une stimulation électrique. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse nous avons utilisé une membrane biocompatible et conductrice à base de polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recouvert de polypyrrole (PPy). Les fibroblastes dermiques humains ont été cultivés sur ces membranes conducteurs, puis exposés ou non à un courant pulsé (PES) selon deux régimes : soit 10s PES suivi de 1200s de repos, ou 300s PES suivi de 600s de repos, durant 24 h. Deux intensités électriques ont été étudiées, 50 et 100 mV/mm. Nos travaux démontrent que la SE favorise l’adhésion, la prolifération et la migration des fibroblastes dermiques. Ces activités cellulaires sont consolidées par une sécrétion importante de FGF2 et d’α-SMA. Il est important de noter que l’effet de la SE favorise le changement phénotypique des fibroblastes en myo-fibroblastes grâce à la voie des Smad et de TGFβ/ERK. Nous avons aussi démontré que l’effet de la SE est maintenue à long terme et est transférable de la cellule mère vers les cellules filles. En effet après sous-culture les cellules expriment toujours de façon importante l’α-SMA. En conclusion, nous avons démontré que la stimulation électrique pulsée module positivement les fonctions cicatricielles des fibroblastes humains. Ces travaux démontrent pour la première fois les voies de signalisation (Smad et TGFβ/ERK) sollicitées par la SE pour activer les fibroblastes lors de la cicatrisation. Ces travaux suggèrent l’utilisation de la SE pour favoriser la guérison/cicatrisation des plaies.During skin wound healing, cutaneous cells particularly fibroblasts and keratinocytes as well as several growth factors play important roles. Wound healing can be activated by exogenous factors, including electrical stimulation (ES). ES can also modulate fibroblast functions. Fibroblasts contribute to healing by secreting structural proteins (collagen, fibronectin, elastin) to repair the wound area. Fibroblasts also adopt a contractile phenotype expressing α-actin contributing to wound closure. The hypothesis of the thesis is that fibroblasts proliferate and transdifferentiate into myofibroblasts by sensing pulsed electrical signals and adjusting relevant signalling pathways. To test this hypothesis we used biocompatible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fabrics coated with electrically conductive polypyrrole (PPy). Human dermal fibroblasts were cultured on these conductive fabrics and exposed to the optimized pulsed ES: either 10s PES in a period of 1200s, or 300s PES in 600s period, for a total of 24 hours. Two electric intensities were studied, 50 and 100 mV/ mm. Our work showed that the PES promoted the adhesion, proliferation and migration of dermal fibroblasts. These cellular activities were consolidated by an elevated level of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and the high expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). Important findings were that PES promoted the phenotypic change of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, and such change was coordinated through the Smad and TGFβ/ERK pathways. It also demonstrated that the effect of PES was able to maintain for a long period of time after the end of stimulation, and was transferable from the mother cells to the daughter cells. Following subculture, the electrically stimulated fibroblasts still expressed significant amount of α-SMA. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that PES through conductive fabrics can activate the wound healing functions in human dermal fibroblasts. This work revealed for the first time that Smad and TGFβ/ERK pathways are required by the PES-induced fibroblasts-to-myofibroblasts differentiation. This work also demonstrated that the PES activated cells can survive in vivo. These studies suggest the application of the PES in promoting tissue regeneration and wound healing

    XV Міжнародна конференція з математичної, природничо-наукової та технологічної освіти (ICon-MaSTEd 2022) 18-20 травня 2022 року, м. Кривий Ріг, Україна

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    Матеріали XV Міжнародної конференції з математичної, природничо-наукової та технологічної освіти (ICon-MaSTEd 2022) 18-20 травня 2022 року, м. Кривий Ріг, Україна.Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2022) 18-20 May 2022, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine