11 research outputs found

    Enhanced Characterness for Text Detection in the Wild

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    Text spotting is an interesting research problem as text may appear at any random place and may occur in various forms. Moreover, ability to detect text opens the horizons for improving many advanced computer vision problems. In this paper, we propose a novel language agnostic text detection method utilizing edge enhanced Maximally Stable Extremal Regions in natural scenes by defining strong characterness measures. We show that a simple combination of characterness cues help in rejecting the non text regions. These regions are further fine-tuned for rejecting the non-textual neighbor regions. Comprehensive evaluation of the proposed scheme shows that it provides comparative to better generalization performance to the traditional methods for this task

    Fused Text Segmentation Networks for Multi-oriented Scene Text Detection

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel end-end framework for multi-oriented scene text detection from an instance-aware semantic segmentation perspective. We present Fused Text Segmentation Networks, which combine multi-level features during the feature extracting as text instance may rely on finer feature expression compared to general objects. It detects and segments the text instance jointly and simultaneously, leveraging merits from both semantic segmentation task and region proposal based object detection task. Not involving any extra pipelines, our approach surpasses the current state of the art on multi-oriented scene text detection benchmarks: ICDAR2015 Incidental Scene Text and MSRA-TD500 reaching Hmean 84.1% and 82.0% respectively. Morever, we report a baseline on total-text containing curved text which suggests effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Accepted by ICPR201

    A Review on Text Detection Techniques

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    Text detection in image is an important field. Reading text is challenging because of the variations in images. Text detection is useful for many navigational purposes e.g. text on google API’s and traffic panels etc. This paper analyzes the work done on text detection by many researchers and critically evaluates the techniques designed for text detection and states the limitation of each approach. We have integrated the work of many researchers for getting a brief over view of multiple available techniques and their strengths and limitations are also discussed to give readers a clear picture. The major dataset discussed in all these papers are ICDAR 2003, 2005, 2011, 2013 and SVT(street view text).

    Text localization in natural images through effective re identification of the MSER

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    © 2017 Association for Computing Machinery. Text detection and recognition from images have numerous applications for document analysis and information retrieval tasks. An accurate and robust method for detecting texts in natural scene images is proposed in this paper. Text-region candidates are detected using maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) and a machine learning based method is then applied to refine and validate the initial detection. The effectiveness of features based on aspect ratio, GLSM, LBP, HOG descriptors are investigated. Text-region classifiers of MLP, SVM and RF are trained using selections of these features and their combination. A publicly available multilingual dataset ICDAR 2003,2011 has been used to evaluate the method. The proposed method achieved excellent performance on both databases and the improvements are significant in terms of Precision, Recall, and F-measure. The results show that using a suitable feature combination and selection approach can can significantly increase the accuracy of the algorithms

    Content-based indexing of low resolution documents

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    In any multimedia presentation, the trend for attendees taking pictures of slides that interest them during the presentation using capturing devices is gaining popularity. To enhance the image usefulness, the images captured could be linked to image or video database. The database can be used for the purpose of file archiving, teaching and learning, research and knowledge management, which concern image search. However, the above-mentioned devices include cameras or mobiles phones have low resolution resulted from poor lighting and noise. Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is considered among the most interesting and promising fields as far as image search is concerned. Image search is related with finding images that are similar for the known query image found in a given image database. This thesis concerns with the methods used for the purpose of identifying documents that are captured using image capturing devices. In addition, the thesis also concerns with a technique that can be used to retrieve images from an indexed image database. Both concerns above apply digital image processing technique. To build an indexed structure for fast and high quality content-based retrieval of an image, some existing representative signatures and the key indexes used have been revised. The retrieval performance is very much relying on how the indexing is done. The retrieval approaches that are currently in existence including making use of shape, colour and texture features. Putting into consideration these features relative to individual databases, the majority of retrievals approaches have poor results on low resolution documents, consuming a lot of time and in the some cases, for the given query image, irrelevant images are obtained. The proposed identification and indexing method in the thesis uses a Visual Signature (VS). VS consists of the captures slides textual layout’s graphical information, shape’s moment and spatial distribution of colour. This approach, which is signature-based are considered for fast and efficient matching to fulfil the needs of real-time applications. The approach also has the capability to overcome the problem low resolution document such as noisy image, the environment’s varying lighting conditions and complex backgrounds. We present hierarchy indexing techniques, whose foundation are tree and clustering. K-means clustering are used for visual features like colour since their spatial distribution give a good image’s global information. Tree indexing for extracted layout and shape features are structured hierarchically and Euclidean distance is used to get similarity image for CBIR. The assessment of the proposed indexing scheme is conducted based on recall and precision, a standard CBIR retrieval performance evaluation. We develop CBIR system and conduct various retrieval experiments with the fundamental aim of comparing the accuracy during image retrieval. A new algorithm that can be used with integrated visual signatures, especially in late fusion query was introduced. The algorithm has the capability of reducing any shortcoming associated with normalisation in initial fusion technique. Slides from conferences, lectures and meetings presentation are used for comparing the proposed technique’s performances with that of the existing approaches with the help of real data. This finding of the thesis presents exciting possibilities as the CBIR systems is able to produce high quality result even for a query, which uses low resolution documents. In the future, the utilization of multimodal signatures, relevance feedback and artificial intelligence technique are recommended to be used in CBIR system to further enhance the performance

    Text Detection and Localization in Complex Scene Images using Constrained AdaBoost Algorithm

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    Text Extraction From Natural Scene: Methodology And Application

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    With the popularity of the Internet and the smart mobile device, there is an increasing demand for the techniques and applications of image/video-based analytics and information retrieval. Most of these applications can benefit from text information extraction in natural scene. However, scene text extraction is a challenging problem to be solved, due to cluttered background of natural scene and multiple patterns of scene text itself. To solve these problems, this dissertation proposes a framework of scene text extraction. Scene text extraction in our framework is divided into two components, detection and recognition. Scene text detection is to find out the regions containing text from camera captured images/videos. Text layout analysis based on gradient and color analysis is performed to extract candidates of text strings from cluttered background in natural scene. Then text structural analysis is performed to design effective text structural features for distinguishing text from non-text outliers among the candidates of text strings. Scene text recognition is to transform image-based text in detected regions into readable text codes. The most basic and significant step in text recognition is scene text character (STC) prediction, which is multi-class classification among a set of text character categories. We design robust and discriminative feature representations for STC structure, by integrating multiple feature descriptors, coding/pooling schemes, and learning models. Experimental results in benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed framework, which obtains better performance than previously published methods. Our proposed scene text extraction framework is applied to 4 scenarios, 1) reading print labels in grocery package for hand-held object recognition; 2) combining with car detection to localize license plate in camera captured natural scene image; 3) reading indicative signage for assistant navigation in indoor environments; and 4) combining with object tracking to perform scene text extraction in video-based natural scene. The proposed prototype systems and associated evaluation results show that our framework is able to solve the challenges in real applications

    Um estudo comparativo das abordagens de detecção e reconhecimento de texto para cenários de computação restrita

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    Orientadores: Ricardo da Silva Torres, Allan da Silva PintoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Textos são elementos fundamentais para uma efetiva comunicação em nosso cotidiano. A mobilidade de pessoas e veículos em ambientes urbanos e a busca por um produto de interesse em uma prateleira de supermercado são exemplos de atividades em que o entendimento dos elementos textuais presentes no ambiente são essenciais para a execução da tarefa. Recentemente, diversos avanços na área de visão computacional têm sido reportados na literatura, com o desenvolvimento de algoritmos e métodos que objetivam reconhecer objetos e textos em cenas. Entretanto, a detecção e reconhecimento de textos são problemas considerados em aberto devido a diversos fatores que atuam como fontes de variabilidades durante a geração e captura de textos em cenas, o que podem impactar as taxas de detecção e reconhecimento de maneira significativa. Exemplo destes fatores incluem diferentes formas dos elementos textuais (e.g., circular ou em linha curva), estilos e tamanhos da fonte, textura, cor, variação de brilho e contraste, entre outros. Além disso, os recentes métodos considerados estado-da-arte, baseados em aprendizagem profunda, demandam altos custos de processamento computacional, o que dificulta a utilização de tais métodos em cenários de computação restritiva. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo comparativo de técnicas de detecção e reconhecimento de texto, considerando tanto os métodos baseados em aprendizado profundo quanto os métodos que utilizam algoritmos clássicos de aprendizado de máquina. Esta dissertação também apresenta um método de fusão de caixas delimitadoras, baseado em programação genética (GP), desenvolvido para atuar tanto como uma etapa de pós-processamento, posterior a etapa de detecção, quanto para explorar a complementariedade dos algoritmos de detecção de texto investigados nesta dissertação. De acordo com o estudo comparativo apresentado neste trabalho, os métodos baseados em aprendizagem profunda são mais eficazes e menos eficientes, em comparação com os métodos clássicos da literatura e considerando as métricas adotadas. Além disso, o algoritmo de fusão proposto foi capaz de aprender informações complementares entre os métodos investigados nesta dissertação, o que resultou em uma melhora das taxas de precisão e revocação. Os experimentos foram conduzidos considerando os problemas de detecção de textos horizontais, verticais e de orientação arbitráriaAbstract: Texts are fundamental elements for effective communication in our daily lives. The mobility of people and vehicles in urban environments and the search for a product of interest on a supermarket shelf are examples of activities in which the understanding of the textual elements present in the environment is essential to succeed in such tasks. Recently, several advances in computer vision have been reported in the literature, with the development of algorithms and methods that aim to recognize objects and texts in scenes. However, text detection and recognition are still open problems due to several factors that act as sources of variability during scene text generation and capture, which can significantly impact detection and recognition rates of current algorithms. Examples of these factors include different shapes of textual elements (e.g., circular or curved), font styles and sizes, texture, color, brightness and contrast variation, among others. Besides, recent state-of-the-art methods based on deep learning demand high computational processing costs, which difficult their use in restricted computing scenarios. This dissertation presents a comparative study of text detection and recognition techniques, considering methods based on deep learning and methods that use classical machine learning algorithms. This dissertation also presents an algorithm for fusing bounding boxes, based on genetic programming (GP), developed to act as a post-processing step for a single text detector and to explore the complementarity of text detection algorithms investigated in this dissertation. According to the comparative study presented in this work, the methods based on deep learning are more effective and less efficient, in comparison to classic methods for text detection investigated in this work, considering the adopted metrics. Furthermore, the proposed GP-based fusion algorithm was able to learn complementary information from the methods investigated in this dissertation, which resulted in an improvement of precision and recall rates. The experiments were conducted considering text detection problems involving horizontal, vertical and arbitrary orientationsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE

    Text detection and recognition in natural images using computer vision techniques

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    El reconocimiento de texto en imágenes reales ha centrado la atención de muchos investigadores en todo el mundo en los últimos años. El motivo es el incremento de productos de bajo coste como teléfonos móviles o Tablet PCs que incorporan dispositivos de captura de imágenes y altas capacidades de procesamiento. Con estos antecedentes, esta tesis presenta un método robusto para detectar, localizar y reconocer texto horizontal en imágenes diurnas tomadas en escenarios reales. El reto es complejo dada la enorme variabilidad de los textos existentes y de las condiciones de captura en entornos reales. Inicialmente se presenta una revisión de los principales trabajos de los últimos años en el campo del reconocimiento de texto en imágenes naturales. Seguidamente, se lleva a cabo un estudio de las características más adecuadas para describir texto respecto de objetos no correspondientes con texto. Típicamente, un sistema de reconocimiento de texto en imágenes está formado por dos grandes etapas. La primera consiste en detectar si existe texto en la imagen y de localizarlo con la mayor precisión posible, minimizando la cantidad de texto no detectado así como el número de falsos positivos. La segunda etapa consiste en reconocer el texto extraído. El método de detección aquí propuesto está basado en análisis de componentes conexos tras aplicar una segmentación que combina un método global como MSER con un método local, de forma que se mejoran las propuestas del estado del arte al segmentar texto incluso en situaciones complejas como imágenes borrosas o de muy baja resolución. El proceso de análisis de los componentes conexos extraídos se optimiza mediante algoritmos genéticos. Al contrario que otros sistemas, nosotros proponemos un método recursivo que permite restaurar aquellos objetos correspondientes con texto y que inicialmente son erróneamente descartados. De esta forma, se consigue mejorar en gran medida la fiabilidad de la detección. Aunque el método propuesto está basado en análisis de componentes conexos, en esta tesis se utiliza también la idea de los métodos basados en texturas para validar las áreas de texto detectadas. Por otro lado, nuestro método para reconocer texto se basa en identificar cada caracter y aplicar posteriormente un modelo de lenguaje para corregir las palabras mal reconocidas, al restringir la solución a un diccionario que contiene el conjunto de posibles términos. Se propone una nueva característica para reconocer los caracteres, a la que hemos dado el nombre de Direction Histogram (DH). Se basa en calcular el histograma de las direcciones del gradiente en los pixeles de borde. Esta característica se compara con otras del estado del arte y los resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre una base de datos compleja muestran que nuestra propuesta es adecuada ya que supera otros trabajos del estado del arte. Presentamos también un método de clasificación borrosa de letras basado en KNN, el cual permite separar caracteres erróneamente conectados durante la etapa de segmentación. El método de reconocimiento de texto propuesto no es solo capaz de reconocer palabras, sino también números y signos de puntuación. El reconocimiento de palabras se lleva a cabo mediante un modelo de lenguaje basado en inferencia probabilística y el British National Corpus, un completo diccionario del inglés británico moderno, si bien el algoritmo puede ser fácilmente adaptado para ser usado con cualquier otro diccionario. El modelo de lenguaje utiliza una modificación del algoritmo forward usando en Modelos Ocultos de Markov. Para comprobar el rendimiento del sistema propuesto, se han obtenido resultados experimentales con distintas bases de datos, las cuales incluyen imágenes en diferentes escenarios y situaciones. Estas bases de datos han sido usadas como banco de pruebas en la última década por la mayoría de investigadores en el área de reconocimiento de texto en imágenes naturales. Los resultados muestran que el sistema propuesto logra un rendimiento similar al del estado del arte en términos de localización, mientras que lo supera en términos de reconocimiento. Con objeto de mostrar la aplicabilidad del método propuesto en esta tesis, se presenta también un sistema de detección y reconocimiento de la información contenida en paneles de tráfico basado en el algoritmo desarrollado. El objetivo de esta aplicación es la creación automática de inventarios de paneles de tráfico de países o regiones que faciliten el mantenimiento de la señalización vertical de las carreteras, usando imágenes disponibles en el servicio Street View de Google. Se ha creado una base de datos para esta aplicación. Proponemos modelar los paneles de tráfico usando apariencia visual en lugar de las clásicas soluciones que utilizan bordes o características geométricas, con objeto de detectar aquellas imágenes en las que existen paneles de tráfico. Los resultados experimentales muestran la viabilidad del sistema propuesto