56,566 research outputs found

    Tethered satellite control mechanism

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    The tethered satellite control mechanisms consist of four major subsystems. The reel drive mechanism stores the tether. It is motor driven and includes a level wind to uniformly feed the tether to the reel. The lower boom mechanism serves two primary functions: (1) it measures tether length and velocity as the tether runs through the mechanism, and (2) it reads the tether tension at the reel. It also provides change the direction for the tether from the reel to the upper boom mechanism. The deployment boom positions the upper boom mechanism with satellite out of the cargo bay. The deployment function places the 500-kg satellite 20 m away from the Space Shuttle (producing a small natural gravity gradient force), impacts an initial velocity to the satellite for deployment, and allows for satellite docking at a safe distance from the body of the Space Shuttle. The upper boom mechanism (UBM) services three functions: (1) it provides tether control to the satellite as the satellite swings in and out of plane; (2) it reads tether tension in the low range during the early deployment and final retrieval parts of the mission; and (3) it produces additional tether tension at the reel when tether tension to the satellite is in the low range


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    A tether of sufficient strength, capable of being lengthened or shortened and having appropriate apparatuses for capturing and releasing bodies at its ends, may be useful in propulsion applications. For example, a tether could allow rendezvous between spacecraft in substantially different orbits without using propellant. A tether could also allow co-orbiting spacecraft to exchange momentum and separate. Thus, a reentering spacecraft (such as the Shuttle) could give its momentum to one remaining on orbit (such as the space station). Similarly, a tether facility could gain momentum from a high I(sub sp)/low thrust mechanism (which could be an electrodynamics tether) and transfer than momentum by means of a tether to payloads headed for many different orbits. Such a facility would, in effect, combine high I(sub sp) with high thrust, although only briefly. An electrodynamic tether could propel a satellite from its launch inclination to a higher or lower inclination. Tethers could also allow samples to be taken from bodies such as the Moon. Three types of tether operations are illustrated. The following topics are discussed: (1) tether characteristics; (2) tether propulsion methods--basics, via momentum transfer, and electrodynamic tether propulsion; and (3) their use in planetary exploration

    Reactionless propulsion using tethers

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    An orbiting tethered satellite can propel itself by reaction against the gravitational gradient, with expenditure of energy but with no use of on-board reaction mass. Energy can be added to the orbit by pumping the tether length in the same way as pumping a swing. Examples of tether propulsion in orbit without use of reaction mass are discussed, including: (1) using tether extension to reposition a satellite in orbit without fuel expenditure by extending a mass on the end of a tether; (2) using a tether for eccentricity pumping to add energy to the orbit for boosting an orbital transfer; and (3) length modulation of a spinning tether to transfer angular momentum between the orbit and tether spin, thus allowing changes in orbital angular momentum

    Technology and test

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    The chairman of the Technology Applications in Space Working Group summarizes the technology issues for each of the disciplines in Tethered Satellite Systems. The disciplines are Tether Materials and Configurations, Tether System Dynamic Simulation Capability, Tether System Instrumentation, TAS Program Related Science Instrumentation, Atmospheric/Aerothermodynamic tethered system research, and TAS Discipline Program Accomplishment. To enable these tether applications, design and development programs have been recommended and are presently underway relative to the demonstration of the hollow cathode concept which is an enabling electrodynamic tether mission technology

    Three-Body Dynamics and Self-Powering of an Electrodynamic Tether in a Plasmasphere

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    The dynamics of an electrodynamic tether in a three-body gravitational environment are investigated. In the classical two-body scenario the extraction of power is at the expense of orbital kinetic energy. As a result of power extraction, an electrodynamic tether satellite system loses altitude and deorbits. This concept has been proposed and well investigated in the past, for example for orbital debris mitigation and spent stages reentry. On the other hand, in the three-body scenario an electrodynamic tether can be placed in an equilibrium position fixed with respect to the two primary bodies without deorbiting, and at the same time generate power for onboard use. The appearance of new equilibrium positions in the perturbed three-body problem allow this to happen as the electrical power is extracted at the expenses of the plasma corotating with the primary body. Fundamental differences between the classical twobody dynamics and the new phenomena appearing in the circular restricted three-body problem perturbed by the electrodynamic force of the electrodynamic tether are shown in the paper. An interesting application of an electrodynamic tether placed in the Jupiter plasma torus is then considered, in which the electrodynamic tether generates useful electrical power of about 1 kW with a 20-km-long electrodynamic tether from the environmental plasma without losing orbital energy

    Dynamical modelling of the motorised momentum exchange tether incorporating axial elastic effects

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    A discretised planar tether model is proposed for the Motorised Momentum Exchange Tether (MMET) in which axial elasticity is accommodated. The model uses a generalised co-ordinate defining angular motion of the tether about its centre of mass, as it travels at constant velocity on a circular orbit in the Earth’s equatorial plane and a generalised coordinate depicting the elastic part of the tether length. The system comprises a symmetrical double payload configuration, with outrigger counter inertia, and it is shown that including axial elasticity permits an enhanced level of modelling accuracy for the tether both in librating and spinning modes. A simulation has been devised in MATLAB and SIMULINK for different data cases. This work will be used later within a spin-up control system and will act as a precursor for an in-depth study into the multi-scale dynamics of MMET tethers and space webs, on more complicated orbits. This, in turn, will be assimilated within new mission architectures

    Electrodynamic tether

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    The electrodynamic tether consists of a satellite deployed to a distance of 20 km by an electrically conducting tether. The space station hardware consists of a 12 meter deployment boom, satellite cradle, tether reel and motor, and other tether support systems. The electrodynamic tether will be used to perform a variety of wave experiments by exciting a wide spectrum of low frequency waves in the ionospheric plasma. The system can also be used to artificially generate and study field aligned currents and associated plasma effects. Hydromagnetic waves generated by the passage of the system through the space plasma are of particular interest in space plasma research

    Study of certain tether safety issues. Continuation of investigation of electrodynamic stabilization and control of long orbiting tethers, volume 1

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    The behavior of long tethers (10-100 km) in space are addressed under two failure situations with potential safety impact: instantaneous jamming of the reel controlling the tether during deployment and cutting of the tether due to a meteor strike or other similar phenomena. Dual and multiple mass point models were used in the SAO SKYHOOK program to determine this behavior. The results of the program runs were verified analytically or by comparison with previously verified results. The study included the effects of tether damping and air drag where appropriate. Most runs were done with the tether system undamped since we believe this best represents the true behavior of the tether. Means for controlling undesirable behavior of the tether, such as viscous dampers in the subsatellite, were also studied