617 research outputs found

    Terveiset NI2016 konferessista Genevestä, Sveitsistä

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    13th International Congress in Nursing Informatics pidettiin 25.‐29.6.2016 Genevessä, Sveitsissä. Konferenssin teema oli ajankohtainen eHealth for all: Every level collaboration – From project to realization. Juhannuksena olleen konferenssin ohjelmassa oli tarjolla 6 keynote‐esitystä, 24 paperisessiota, 20 posterisessiota, 23 paneelia, 14 workshoppia, 1 tieteellinen demo, 8 tutorialia ja 6 opiskelijakilpailua. 963 asiantuntijaa olivat etukäteen arvioineet 445 lähetettyä paperia 40 eri maasta. Hyväksyttyjä erilaisia papereita ym. esityksiä oli kaiken kaikkiaan 332. Open access Proceedings‐kirja, joka on indeksoitu MEDLINEen, on haettavissa http://ebooks.iospress.nl/volume/nursing-informatics-2016-ehealth-for-all-every-level-collaboration-from-project-to-realization. Tässä mainitut lähdeviitteet löytyvät tuosta kirjasta

    Terveiset NI2016 konferessista Genevestä, Sveitsistä

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    13th International Congress in Nursing Informatics pidettiin 25.-29.6.2016 Genevessä, Sveitsissä. Konferenssin teema oli ajankohtainen eHealth for all: Every level collaboration – From project to realization. Juhannuksena olleen konferenssin ohjelmassa oli tarjolla 6 keynote-esitystä, 24 paperisessiota, 20 posterisessiota, 23 paneelia, 14 workshoppia, 1 tieteellinen demo, 8 tutorialia ja 6 opiskelijakilpailua. 963 asiantuntijaa olivat etukäteen arvioineet 445 lähetettyä paperia 40 eri maasta. Hyväksyttyjä erilaisia papereita ym. esityksiä oli kaiken kaikkiaan 332. Open access Proceedings-kirja, joka on indeksoitu MEDLINEen, on haettavissa http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-1-61499-658-3 Tässä mainitut lähdeviitteet löytyvät tuosta kirjasta

    Front-Line Physicians' Satisfaction with Information Systems in Hospitals

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    Day-to-day operations management in hospital units is difficult due to continuously varying situations, several actors involved and a vast number of information systems in use. The aim of this study was to describe front-line physicians' satisfaction with existing information systems needed to support the day-to-day operations management in hospitals. A cross-sectional survey was used and data chosen with stratified random sampling were collected in nine hospitals. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The response rate was 65 % (n = 111). The physicians reported that information systems support their decision making to some extent, but they do not improve access to information nor are they tailored for physicians. The respondents also reported that they need to use several information systems to support decision making and that they would prefer one information system to access important information. Improved information access would better support physicians' decision making and has the potential to improve the quality of decisions and speed up the decision making process.Peer reviewe

    Natural language processing (NLP) for clinical information extraction and healthcare research

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    Introduction: Epilepsy is a common disease with multiple comorbidities. Routinely collected health care data have been successfully used in epilepsy research, but they lack the level of detail needed for in-depth study of complex interactions between the aetiology, comorbidities, and treatment that affect patient outcomes. The aim of this work is to use natural language processing (NLP) technology to create detailed disease-specific datasets derived from the free text of clinic letters in order to enrich the information that is already available. Method: An NLP pipeline for the extraction of epilepsy clinical text (ExECT) was redeveloped to extract a wider range of variables. A gold standard annotation set for epilepsy clinic letters was created for the validation of the ExECT v2 output. A set of clinic letters from the Epi25 study was processed and the datasets produced were validated against Swansea Neurology Biobank records. A data linkage study investigating genetic influences on epilepsy outcomes using GP and hospital records was supplemented with the seizure frequency dataset produced by ExECT v2. Results: The validation of ExECT v2 produced overall precision, recall, and F1 score of 0.90, 0.86, and 0.88, respectively. A method of uploading, annotating, and linking genetic variant datasets within the SAIL databank was established. No significant differences in the genetic burden of rare and potentially damaging variants were observed between the individuals with vs without unscheduled admissions, and between individuals on monotherapy vs polytherapy. No significant difference was observed in the genetic burden between people who were seizure free for over a year and those who experienced at least one seizure a year. Conclusion: This work presents successful extraction of epilepsy clinical information and explores how this information can be used in epilepsy research. The approach taken in the development of ExECT v2, and the research linking the NLP outputs, routinely collected health care data, and genetics set the way for wider research

    Informatics for Health 2017 : advancing both science and practice

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    Conference report, The Informatics for Health congress, 24-26 April 2017, in Manchester, UK.Introduction : The Informatics for Health congress, 24-26 April 2017, in Manchester, UK, brought together the Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) conference and the Farr Institute International Conference. This special issue of the Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics contains 113 presentation abstracts and 149 poster abstracts from the congress. Discussion : The twin programmes of “Big Data” and “Digital Health” are not always joined up by coherent policy and investment priorities. Substantial global investment in health IT and data science has led to sound progress but highly variable outcomes. Society needs an approach that brings together the science and the practice of health informatics. The goal is multi-level Learning Health Systems that consume and intelligently act upon both patient data and organizational intervention outcomes. Conclusions : Informatics for Health demonstrated the art of the possible, seen in the breadth and depth of our contributions. We call upon policy makers, research funders and programme leaders to learn from this joined-up approach.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Social analytics for health integration, intelligence, and monitoring

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    Nowadays, patient-generated social health data are abundant and Healthcare is changing from the authoritative provider-centric model to collaborative and patient-oriented care. The aim of this dissertation is to provide a Social Health Analytics framework to utilize social data to solve the interdisciplinary research challenges of Big Data Science and Health Informatics. Specific research issues and objectives are described below. The first objective is semantic integration of heterogeneous health data sources, which can vary from structured to unstructured and include patient-generated social data as well as authoritative data. An information seeker has to spend time selecting information from many websites and integrating it into a coherent mental model. An integrated health data model is designed to allow accommodating data features from different sources. The model utilizes semantic linked data for lightweight integration and allows a set of analytics and inferences over data sources. A prototype analytical and reasoning tool called “Social InfoButtons” that can be linked from existing EHR systems is developed to allow doctors to understand and take into consideration the behaviors, patterns or trends of patients’ healthcare practices during a patient’s care. The tool can also shed insights for public health officials to make better-informed policy decisions. The second objective is near-real time monitoring of disease outbreaks using social media. The research for epidemics detection based on search query terms entered by millions of users is limited by the fact that query terms are not easily accessible by non-affiliated researchers. Publically available Twitter data is exploited to develop the Epidemics Outbreak and Spread Detection System (EOSDS). EOSDS provides four visual analytics tools for monitoring epidemics, i.e., Instance Map, Distribution Map, Filter Map, and Sentiment Trend to investigate public health threats in space and time. The third objective is to capture, analyze and quantify public health concerns through sentiment classifications on Twitter data. For traditional public health surveillance systems, it is hard to detect and monitor health related concerns and changes in public attitudes to health-related issues, due to their expenses and significant time delays. A two-step sentiment classification model is built to measure the concern. In the first step, Personal tweets are distinguished from Non-Personal tweets. In the second step, Personal Negative tweets are further separated from Personal Non-Negative tweets. In the proposed classification, training data is labeled by an emotion-oriented, clue-based method, and three Machine Learning models are trained and tested. Measure of Concern (MOC) is computed based on the number of Personal Negative sentiment tweets. A timeline trend of the MOC is also generated to monitor public concern levels, which is important for health emergency resource allocations and policy making. The fourth objective is predicting medical condition incidence and progression trajectories by using patients’ self-reported data on PatientsLikeMe. Some medical conditions are correlated with each other to a measureable degree (“comorbidities”). A prediction model is provided to predict the comorbidities and rank future conditions by their likelihood and to predict the possible progression trajectories given an observed medical condition. The novel models for trajectory prediction of medical conditions are validated to cover the comorbidities reported in the medical literature

    Informatics for Health 2017: Advancing both science and practice

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