346 research outputs found

    Wavelet-based detection of outliers in volatility models

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    Outliers in financial data can lead to model parameter estimation biases, invalid inferences and poor volatility forecasts. Therefore, their detection and correction should be taken seriously when modeling financial data. This paper focuses on these issues and proposes a general detection and correction method based on wavelets that can be applied to a large class of volatility models. The effectiveness of our proposal is tested by an intensive Monte Carlo study for six well known volatility models and compared to alternative proposals in the literature, before applying it to three daily stock market indexes. The Monte Carlo experiments show that our method is both very effective in detecting isolated outliers and outlier patches and much more reliable than other wavelet-based procedures since it detects a significant smaller number of false outliers

    Outliers in Garch models and the estimation of risk measures

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    In this paper we focus on the impact of additive level outliers on the calculation of risk measures, such as minimum capital risk requirements, and compare four alternatives of reducing these measures' estimation biases. The first three proposals proceed by detecting and correcting outliers before estimating these risk measures with the GARCH(1,1) model, while the fourth procedure fits a Student’s t-distributed GARCH(1,1) model directly to the data. The former group includes the proposal of Grané and Veiga (2010), a detection procedure based on wavelets with hard- or soft-thresholding filtering, and the well known method of Franses and Ghijsels (1999). The first results, based on Monte Carlo experiments, reveal that the presence of outliers can bias severely the minimum capital risk requirement estimates calculated using the GARCH(1,1) model. The message driven from the second results, both empirical and simulations, is that outlier detection and filtering generate more accurate minimum capital risk requirements than the fourth alternative. Moreover, the detection procedure based on wavelets with hard-thresholding filtering gathers a very good performance in attenuating the effects of outliers and generating accurate minimum capital risk requirements out-of-sample, even in pretty volatile periodsMinimum capital risk requirements, Outliers, Wavelets

    Estimating persistence in the volatility of asset returns with signal plus noise models

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    This paper examines the degree of persistence in the volatility of financial time series using a Long Memory Stochastic Volatility (LMSV) model. Specifically, it employs a Gaussian semiparametric (or local Whittle) estimator of the memory parameter, based on the frequency domain, proposed by Robinson (1995a), and shown by Arteche (2004) to be consistent and asymptotically normal in the context of signal plus noise models. Daily data on the NASDAQ index are analysed. The results suggest that volatility has a component of longmemory behaviour, the order of integration ranging between 0.3 and 0.5, the series being therefore stationary and mean-reverting.The second-named author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (ECO2008-03035 ECON Y FINANZAS, Spain) and from a PIUNA project at the University of Navarra

    Estimating Persistence in the Volatility of Asset Returns with Signal Plus Noise Models

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    This paper examines the degree of persistence in the volatility of financial time series using a Long Memory Stochastic Volatility (LMSV) model. Specifically, it employs a Gaussian semiparametric (or local Whittle) estimator of the memory parameter, based on the frequency domain, proposed by Robinson (1995a), and shown by Arteche (2004) to be consistent and asymptotically normal in the context of signal plus noise models. Daily data on the NASDAQ index are analysed. The results suggest that volatility has a component of long- memory behaviour, the order of integration ranging between 0.3 and 0.5, the series being therefore stationary and mean-reverting.Fractional integration, long memory, stochastic volatility, asset returns


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of dynamic and integration between world sharia stock market with world crude oil price. This research can find out the integration relationship between world sharia stock market with world crude oil price. The object of this research is sharia stock market in Indonesia, Malaysia, United States, UK, Japan during period 2012-2016. The research method is Dynamic Coditional Correlation Multivariate-GARCH method is used to test the hypothesis in order to know the relationship of sharia stock market integration in world with world oil price. In this case to test the conditional correlation multivariate-GARCH method, reasearcher have taken any steps is descriptive statistical testing, heteroskedasticity testing, stationary test, and GARCH univariate testing. The result of the research shows that there is a significant dynamic correlation in world sharia stock price (Indonesia, Malaysia, United States, United Kingdom, Japan) and significant dynamic relationship between world sharia stock market with world crude oil price. It can be explained indirectly proves the existence of integration relationship between world sharia stock market with world crude oil price. Keywords: sharia stocks integration, sharia stock price, world crude oil price, Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate-GARCH (DCC-MGARCH)

    Errors-in-Variables Estimation with No Instruments

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    This paper develops a wavelet (spectral) approach to estimate the parameters of a linear regression model where the regressand and the regressors are persistent processes and contain a measurement error. We propose a wavelet filtering approach which does not require instruments and yields unbiased and consistent estimates for the intercept and the slope parameters. Our Monte Carlo results also show that the wavelet approach is particularly effective when measurement errors for the regressand and the regressor are serially correlated. With this paper, we hope to bring a fresh perspective and stimulate further theoretical research in this areaCointegration, discrete wavelet transformation, maximum overlap wavelet transformation, energy decomposition, errors-in-variables, persistence

    Conditional volatility asymmetry of business cycles: Evidence from four OECD countries

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    Most studies of business cycle exclude the dimension of asymmetric conditional volatility. In this paper, we propose three bivariate asymmetric GARCH models to capture the properties of conditional volatility and time-varying conditional correlations of business cycle indicators in four OECD countries. Our study extends the constant conditional correlation framework proposed by Bollerslev (1990) and the time-varying conditional correlation approach by Tse and Tsui (2002), respectively. Using indices of industrial production as proxies for business cycles indicators, we detect statistically significant evidence of asymmetric conditional volatility in the UK and US. Additionally, we find that the conditional correlations are significantly time-varying, and that the strength of varying correlations may be linked to the degree of economic integration between the countries

    Outliers in Garch models and the estimation of risk measures

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    In this paper we focus on the impact of additive level outliers on the calculation of risk measures, such as minimum capital risk requirements, and compare four alternatives of reducing these measures' estimation biases. The first three proposals proceed by detecting and correcting outliers before estimating these risk measures with the GARCH(1,1) model, while the fourth procedure fits a Student’s t-distributed GARCH(1,1) model directly to the data. The former group includes the proposal of Grané and Veiga (2010), a detection procedure based on wavelets with hard- or soft-thresholding filtering, and the well known method of Franses and Ghijsels (1999). The first results, based on Monte Carlo experiments, reveal that the presence of outliers can bias severely the minimum capital risk requirement estimates calculated using the GARCH(1,1) model. The message driven from the second results, both empirical and simulations, is that outlier detection and filtering generate more accurate minimum capital risk requirements than the fourth alternative. Moreover, the detection procedure based on wavelets with hard-thresholding filtering gathers a very good performance in attenuating the effects of outliers and generating accurate minimum capital risk requirements out-of-sample, even in pretty volatile period

    Time series forecasting with the WARIMAX-GARCH method

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    It is well-known that causal forecasting methods that include appropriately chosen Exogenous Variables (EVs) very often present improved forecasting performances over univariate methods. However, in practice, EVs are usually difficult to obtain and in many cases are not available at all. In this paper, a new causal forecasting approach, called Wavelet Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average with eXogenous variables and Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (WARIMAX-GARCH) method, is proposed to improve predictive performance and accuracy but also to address, at least in part, the problem of unavailable EVs. Basically, the WARIMAX-GARCH method obtains Wavelet “EVs” (WEVs) from Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average with eXogenous variables and Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARIMAX-GARCH) models applied to Wavelet Components (WCs) that are initially determined from the underlying time series. The WEVs are, in fact, treated by the WARIMAX-GARCH method as if they were conventional EVs. Similarly to GARCH and ARIMA-GARCH models, the WARIMAX-GARCH method is suitable for time series exhibiting non-linear characteristics such as conditional variance that depends on past values of observed data. However, unlike those, it can explicitly model frequency domain patterns in the series to help improve predictive performance. An application to a daily time series of dam displacement in Brazil shows the WARIMAX-GARCH method to remarkably outperform the ARIMA-GARCH method, as well as the (multi-layer perceptron) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and its wavelet version referred to as Wavelet Artificial Neural Network (WANN) as in [1], on statistical measures for both in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting