40 research outputs found

    Software Testing and Metrics for Concurrent Computation

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    [[abstract]]Verification and validation are two important technologies to assure the reliability and quality of software. Software testing and metrics are two approaches to execute the verification and validation. In sequential computation, a fairly mature process exists, with various methodologies and tools available for use in building and demonstrating the correctness of a program being tested. The emergence of concurrent computation in recent years, however, introduces new testing problems and difficulties that cannot be solved by the traditional sequential program testing techniques. Many concurrent program testing methodologies have been proposed to solve controlled execution and determinism. There have been few discussions of concurrent software testing from the inter-task viewpoint, even though the common characteristics of concurrent programming are the explicit identification of the large-grain parallel computation units (tasks) and the explicit inter-task communication via a rendezvous-style mechanism. In this paper, we focus on testing concurrent programs through task decomposition. We propose four testing criteria to test a concurrent program. A programmer can choose an appropriate testing strategy depending on the properties of the concurrent programs. Associated with the strategies, four equations are provided to measure the complexity of concurrent programs[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19961204~19961204[[conferencelocation]]Seoul, Kore

    Volume 19, Summer 1992 Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota Journal

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    Complete digitized volume (volume 19, Summer 1992) of Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota Journal

    Cost modelling and concurrent engineering for testable design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.As integrated circuits and printed circuit boards increase in complexity, testing becomes a major cost factor of the design and production of the complex devices. Testability has to be considered during the design of complex electronic systems, and automatic test systems have to be used in order to facilitate the test. This fact is now widely accepted in industry. Both design for testability and the usage of automatic test systems aim at reducing the cost of production testing or, sometimes, making it possible at all. Many design for testability methods and test systems are available which can be configured into a production test strategy, in order to achieve high quality of the final product. The designer has to select from the various options for creating a test strategy, by maximising the quality and minimising the total cost for the electronic system. This thesis presents a methodology for test strategy generation which is based on consideration of the economics during the life cycle of the electronic system. This methodology is a concurrent engineering approach which takes into account all effects of a test strategy on the electronic system during its life cycle by evaluating its related cost. This objective methodology is used in an original test strategy planning advisory system, which allows for test strategy planning for VLSI circuits as well as for digital electronic systems. The cost models which are used for evaluating the economics of test strategies are described in detail and the test strategy planning system is presented. A methodology for making decisions which are based on estimated costing data is presented. Results of using the cost models and the test strategy planning system for evaluating the economics of test strategies for selected industrial designs are presented

    Brachiopod Sero-Taxonomy and the Application of Immunology to Geology

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    Antisera were generated against representatives of a number of brachiopod families and these were tested by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the fluorescence ELISA to determine the relationships between the families. Cluster analyses were done and immunological distances calculated using antigens for which homologous antisera were available. Monoclonal antibodies and hybridoma supernatants were generated against brachiopod extracts and these were tested against a wide range of Recent and fossil antigens. Antisera were prepared against Kimmeridge clay and carbazole. The results of this study indicated that the traditional distinction between short-looped and long-looped brachiopods, based on the brachial loop, was not valid and suggested that the distinction is between those long-looped forms in which a median septum is involved in ontogeny and those in which it is not. This work supported the suggestion by Cooper (1973a) that a separate superfamily status should be assigned to the cancellothyrides. The results presented here suggest that lineages split much later than was previously thought. Phylogenetic information is present in the intra-crystalline macromolecules of brachiopods and can be used in sero-taxonomic studies. This study has shown that a revised taxonomy of brachiopods is required at the family and superfamily status. The integration of molecular taxonomy and morphological taxonomy would benefit both approaches to the study of phylogenetic relationships. This work has also shown that it is possible to apply immunological techniques to the detection of substances of geological interest in rock samples

    Regional Development Modeling: Theory and Practice

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    This volume contains a collection of papers presented at IIASA's conference on "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Regional Development Modelling". Of the 50 papers presented , 26 were selected for publication, in such a way as to strike a balance between theory and application of regional systems analysis. The book is divided into seven parts. After an introduction, the second and third parts contain overviews of current modelling practice and planned economies. In the next two parts, the focus shifts to the theoretical problems encountered in structural and multi-objective analysis of regional systems. The final two sections contain examples of regional development models currently ready for use or in operation and analyze the success of these models in clarifying regional planning and policy problems

    Bowdoin Orient v.125, no.1-25 (1994-1995)

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    Islam, Science, and Civilization: Prospect and Challenge for Humanity

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    This Joint International Seminar Proceeding is intended and aimed at reexploring the values of modern science that have been lost. Considering the current crisis of modern civilization, constructing principles of modern science which are based on divinity and humanity is a must as well as formulating spiritualized framework of modern science. Therefore, this proceeding identifies not only the agenda of modern science and technology which are based on divinity principles but also extensive strategic networks for Islamic science development that are useful for civilization development. Through this proceeding, UIN Walisongo in cooperation with UTM Malaysia performed a civilizational duty to discuss some important topics such as the humanization of science and technology, the unity of sciences for humanity, Muslim contribution to Asian civilization, and science and technology future agenda. The target of this proceeding is to compile strategic formula in the face of prospects and challenges for the efforts to fulfill the divinity values to modern science

    Islam, Science, and Civilization: Prospect and Challenge for Humanity

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    This Joint International Seminar Proceeding is intended and aimed at reexploring the values of modern science that have been lost. Considering the current crisis of modern civilization, constructing principles of modern science which are based on divinity and humanity is a must as well as formulating spiritualized framework of modern science. Therefore, this proceeding identifies not only the agenda of modern science and technology which are based on divinity principles but also extensive strategic networks for Islamic science development that are useful for civilization development. Through this proceeding, UIN Walisongo in cooperation with UTM Malaysia performed a civilizational duty to discuss some important topics such as the humanization of science and technology, the unity of sciences for humanity, Muslim contribution to Asian civilization, and science and technology future agenda. The target of this proceeding is to compile strategic formula in the face of prospects and challenges for the efforts to fulfill the divinity values to modern science

    Model E-Konsultasi Pembimbingan Proposal PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Usulan Proposal Mahasiswa FT-UNM

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Model E-Konsultasi yang dapat memfasilitasi proses pembimbingan PKM mahasiswa FT UNM. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yakni mengembangkan multimedia seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Lee & Owens (2004:161). Pengembangan terdiri beberapa tahapan antara lain: tahap 1: analysis; tahap 2: design; tahap 3: development; tahap 4: implementation; dan tahap 5: evaluation. Langkah yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan Model E-Konsultasi Pembimbingan Proposal PKM adalah melalui analisis kebutuhan pelaksanaan PKM di FT UNM hingga Kiat Memenangkan PKM, Model E-Konsultasi dilaksanakan melalui aspek-aspek metodologis dalam desain pembelajaran berbasis pembimbingan klinis hingga pada penulisan program yang kemudian hasil prototipe diujikan melalui uji ahli yakni media dan materi, uji perorangan, uji kelompok kecil, dan uji lapangan sehingga dihasilkan produk final Model E-Konsultasi. Produk yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah perangkat lunak Model E-Konsultasi Pembimbingan Proposal PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa). Model E-Konsultasi Pembimbingan Proposal PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) melalui tanggapan validasi ahli yang meliputi aspek isi, desain, tampilan (Audio visual), dan pemrograman diperoleh rerata skor keseluruhan dengan penilaian yang sangat baik

    Studi Diagnostik Pola Interaksi Sosial Pekerja Anak di Kota Makassar

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    Pekerja anak dalam kehidupan sosialnya memiliki dinamika dan pola tersendiri dalam berinteraksi dalam kehidupan sosialnya. Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiagnosa latar belakang dan pola interaksi pekerja anak dalam lingkungan kerja maupun lingkungan sekolahnya. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan life story. Informan penelitian adalah pekerja anak yang dipilih secara purposive sampling, dengan kriteria anak yang bekerja sebagai penjual koran yang masih sekolah di tingkat sekolah dasar. Jumlah Informan sebanyak 11 anak. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dimanasistem segmen waktu yang tersedia bagi informan. Keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber dan dianalisis menggunakan model kondensasi, penyajian dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pekerja anak di Kota Makassar adalah latar belakang pendidikan orangtuanya rendah, anak yang tidak memiliki orangtua kandung yang merawat sehingga dibesarkan oleh orangtua angkat, anak yang orangtuanya telah bercerai. Adapun gambaran pola interaksi pekerja anak yang berjualan koran cenderung pada interaksi assosiatif yang mengarah pada kerja sama dimana mereka saling memberi ruang dan peluang, bukan bersaing meskipun memiliki profesi yang sama. Kata kunci: diagnistik, pola interaksi, asositif, pekerja an