163 research outputs found

    Automatic test pattern generation for asynchronous circuits

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    The testability of integrated circuits becomes worse with transistor dimensions reaching nanometer scales. Testing, the process of ensuring that circuits are fabricated without defects, becomes inevitably part of the design process; a technique called design for test (DFT). Asynchronous circuits have a number of desirable properties making them suitable for the challenges posed by modern technologies, but are severely limited by the unavailability of EDA tools for DFT and automatic test-pattern generation (ATPG). This thesis is motivated towards developing test generation methodologies for asynchronous circuits. In total four methods were developed which are aimed at two different fault models: stuck-at faults at the basic logic gate level and transistor-level faults. The methods were evaluated using a set of benchmark circuits and compared favorably to previously published work. First, ABALLAST is a partial-scan DFT method adapting the well-known BALLAST technique for asynchronous circuits where balanced structures are used to guide the selection of the state-holding elements that will be scanned. The test inputs are automatically provided by a novel test pattern generator, which uses time frame unrolling to deal with the remaining, non-scanned sequential C-elements. The second method, called AGLOB, uses algorithms from strongly-connected components in graph graph theory as a method for finding the optimal position of breaking the loops in the asynchronous circuit and adding scan registers. The corresponding ATPG method converts cyclic circuits into acyclic for which standard tools can provide test patterns. These patterns are then automatically converted for use in the original cyclic circuits. The third method, ASCP, employs a new cycle enumeration method to find the loops present in a circuit. Enumerated cycles are then processed using an efficient set covering heuristic to select the scan elements for the circuit to be tested.Applying these methods to the benchmark circuits shows an improvement in fault coverage compared to previous work, which, for some circuits, was substantial. As no single method consistently outperforms the others in all benchmarks, they are all valuable as a designer’s suite of tools for testing. Moreover, since they are all scan-based, they are compatible and thus can be simultaneously used in different parts of a larger circuit. In the final method, ATRANTE, the main motivation of developing ATPG is supplemented by transistor level test generation. It is developed for asynchronous circuits designed using a State Transition Graph (STG) as their specification. The transistor-level circuit faults are efficiently mapped onto faults that modify the original STG. For each potential STG fault, the ATPG tool provides a sequence of test vectors that expose the difference in behavior to the output ports. The fault coverage obtained was 52-72 % higher than the coverage obtained using the gate level tests. Overall, four different design for test (DFT) methods for automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) for asynchronous circuits at both gate and transistor level were introduced in this thesis. A circuit extraction method for representing the asynchronous circuits at a higher level of abstraction was also implemented. Developing new methods for the test generation of asynchronous circuits in this thesis facilitates the test generation for asynchronous designs using the CAD tools available for testing the synchronous designs. Lessons learned and the research questions raised due to this work will impact the future work to probe the possibilities of developing robust CAD tools for testing the future asynchronous designs

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe design of integrated circuit (IC) requires an exhaustive verification and a thorough test mechanism to ensure the functionality and robustness of the circuit. This dissertation employs the theory of relative timing that has the advantage of enabling designers to create designs that have significant power and performance over traditional clocked designs. Research has been carried out to enable the relative timing approach to be supported by commercial electronic design automation (EDA) tools. This allows asynchronous and sequential designs to be designed using commercial cad tools. However, two very significant holes in the flow exist: the lack of support for timing verification and manufacturing test. Relative timing (RT) utilizes circuit delay to enforce and measure event sequencing on circuit design. Asynchronous circuits can optimize power-performance product by adjusting the circuit timing. A thorough analysis on the timing characteristic of each and every timing path is required to ensure the robustness and correctness of RT designs. All timing paths have to conform to the circuit timing constraints. This dissertation addresses back-end design robustness by validating full cyclical path timing verification with static timing analysis and implementing design for testability (DFT). Circuit reliability and correctness are necessary aspects for the technology to become commercially ready. In this study, scan-chain, a commercial DFT implementation, is applied to burst-mode RT designs. In addition, a novel testing approach is developed along with scan-chain to over achieve 90% fault coverage on two fault models: stuck-at fault model and delay fault model. This work evaluates the cost of DFT and its coverage trade-off then determines the best implementation. Designs such as a 64-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) design, an I2C design, and a mixed-signal design are built to demonstrate power, area, performance advantages of the relative timing methodology and are used as a platform for developing the backend robustness. Results are verified by performing post-silicon timing validation and test. This work strengthens overall relative timed circuit flow, reliability, and testability

    Analyse de testabilité au niveau transfert de registres

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    Synthèse automatique et analyse de testabilité -- Les définitions de base -- Analyse de testabilité à haut niveau d'abstraction -- Analyse de testabilité et d'insertion de points de test au niveau transfert de registres -- Testability analysis and test-point insertion in RTL VHDL specifications for scan-based bist -- Implantation de l'algorithme et résultats expérimentaux

    Technology Mapping, Design for Testability, and Circuit Optimizations for NULL Convention Logic Based Architectures

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    Delay-insensitive asynchronous circuits have been the target of a renewed research effort because of the advantages they offer over traditional synchronous circuits. Minimal timing analysis, inherent robustness against power-supply, temperature, and process variations, reduced energy consumption, less noise and EMI emission, and easy design reuse are some of the benefits of these circuits. NULL Convention Logic (NCL) is one of the mainstream asynchronous logic design paradigms that has been shown to be a promising method for designing delay-insensitive asynchronous circuits. This dissertation investigates new areas in NCL design and test and is made of three sections. The first section discusses different CMOS implementations of NCL gates and proposes new circuit techniques to enhance their operation. The second section focuses on mapping multi-rail logic expressions to a standard NCL gate library, which is a form of technology mapping for a category of NCL design automation flows. Finally, the last section proposes design for testability techniques for a recently developed low-power variant of NCL called Sleep Convention Logic (SCL)

    Advances in Logic Locking: Past, Present, and Prospects

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    Logic locking is a design concealment mechanism for protecting the IPs integrated into modern System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures from a wide range of hardware security threats at the IC manufacturing supply chain. Logic locking primarily helps the designer to protect the IPs against reverse engineering, IP piracy, overproduction, and unauthorized activation. For more than a decade, the research studies that carried out on this paradigm has been immense, in which the applicability, feasibility, and efficacy of the logic locking have been investigated, including metrics to assess the efficacy, impact of locking in different levels of abstraction, threat model definition, resiliency against physical attacks, tampering, and the application of machine learning. However, the security and strength of existing logic locking techniques have been constantly questioned by sophisticated logical and physical attacks that evolve in sophistication at the same rate as logic locking countermeasure approaches. By providing a comprehensive definition regarding the metrics, assumptions, and principles of logic locking, in this survey paper, we categorize the existing defenses and attacks to capture the most benefit from the logic locking techniques for IP protection, and illuminating the need for and giving direction to future research studies in this topic. This survey paper serves as a guide to quickly navigate and identify the state-of-the-art that should be considered and investigated for further studies on logic locking techniques, helping IP vendors, SoC designers, and researchers to be informed of the principles, fundamentals, and properties of logic locking

    Submicron Systems Architecture Project: Semiannual Technial Report

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAsynchronous design has a very promising potential even though it has largely received a cold reception from industry. Part of this reluctance has been due to the necessity of custom design languages and computer aided design (CAD) flows to design, optimize, and validate asynchronous modules and systems. Next generation asynchronous flows should support modern programming languages (e.g., Verilog) and application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) CAD tools. They also have to support multifrequency designs with mixed synchronous (clocked) and asynchronous (unclocked) designs. This work presents a novel relative timing (RT) based methodology for generating multifrequency designs using synchronous CAD tools and flows. Synchronous CAD tools must be constrained for them to work with asynchronous circuits. Identification of these constraints and characterization flow to automatically derive the constraints is presented. The effect of the constraints on the designs and the way they are handled by the synchronous CAD tools are analyzed and reported in this work. The automation of the generation of asynchronous design templates and also the constraint generation is an important problem. Algorithms for automation of reset addition to asynchronous circuits and power and/or performance optimizations applied to the circuits using logical effort are explored thus filling an important hole in the automation flow. Constraints representing cyclic asynchronous circuits as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to the CAD tools is necessary for applying synchronous CAD optimizations like sizing, path delay optimizations and also using static timing analysis (STA) on these circuits. A thorough investigation for the requirements of cycle cutting while preserving timing paths is presented with an algorithm to automate the process of generating them. A large set of designs for 4 phase handshake protocol circuit implementations with early and late data validity are characterized for area, power and performance. Benchmark circuits with automated scripts to generate various configurations for better understanding of the designs are proposed and analyzed. Extension to the methodology like addition of scan insertion using automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) tools to add testability of datapath in bundled data asynchronous circuit implementations and timing closure approaches are also described. Energy, area, and performance of purely asynchronous circuits and circuits with mixed synchronous and asynchronous blocks are explored. Results indicate the benefits that can be derived by generating circuits with asynchronous components using this methodology

    Transient error mitigation by means of approximate logic circuits

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe technological advances in the manufacturing of electronic circuits have allowed to greatly improve their performance, but they have also increased the sensitivity of electronic devices to radiation-induced errors. Among them, the most common effects are the SEEs, i.e., electrical perturbations provoked by the strike of high-energy particles, which may modify the internal state of a memory element (SEU) or generate erroneous transient pulses (SET), among other effects. These events pose a threat for the reliability of electronic circuits, and therefore fault-tolerance techniques must be applied to deal with them. The most common fault-tolerance techniques are based in full replication (DWC or TMR). These techniques are able to cover a wide range of failure mechanisms present in electronic circuits. However, they suffer from high overheads in terms of area and power consumption. For this reason, lighter alternatives are often sought at the expense of slightly reducing reliability for the least critical circuit sections. In this context a new paradigm of electronic design is emerging, known as approximate computing, which is based on improving the circuit performance in change of slight modifications of the intended functionality. This is an interesting approach for the design of lightweight fault-tolerant solutions, which has not been yet studied in depth. The main goal of this thesis consists in developing new lightweight fault-tolerant techniques with partial replication, by means of approximate logic circuits. These circuits can be designed with great flexibility. This way, the level of protection as well as the overheads can be adjusted at will depending on the necessities of each application. However, finding optimal approximate circuits for a given application is still a challenge. In this thesis a method for approximate circuit generation is proposed, denoted as fault approximation, which consists in assigning constant logic values to specific circuit lines. On the other hand, several criteria are developed to generate the most suitable approximate circuits for each application, by using this fault approximation mechanism. These criteria are based on the idea of approximating the least testable sections of circuits, which allows reducing overheads while minimising the loss of reliability. Therefore, in this thesis the selection of approximations is linked to testability measures. The first criterion for fault selection developed in this thesis uses static testability measures. The approximations are generated from the results of a fault simulation of the target circuit, and from a user-specified testability threshold. The amount of approximated faults depends on the chosen threshold, which allows to generate approximate circuits with different performances. Although this approach was initially intended for combinational circuits, an extension to sequential circuits has been performed as well, by considering the flip-flops as both inputs and outputs of the combinational part of the circuit. The experimental results show that this technique achieves a wide scalability, and an acceptable trade-off between reliability versus overheads. In addition, its computational complexity is very low. However, the selection criterion based in static testability measures has some drawbacks. Adjusting the performance of the generated approximate circuits by means of the approximation threshold is not intuitive, and the static testability measures do not take into account the changes as long as faults are approximated. Therefore, an alternative criterion is proposed, which is based on dynamic testability measures. With this criterion, the testability of each fault is computed by means of an implication-based probability analysis. The probabilities are updated with each new approximated fault, in such a way that on each iteration the most beneficial approximation is chosen, that is, the fault with the lowest probability. In addition, the computed probabilities allow to estimate the level of protection against faults that the generated approximate circuits provide. Therefore, it is possible to generate circuits which stick to a target error rate. By modifying this target, circuits with different performances can be obtained. The experimental results show that this new approach is able to stick to the target error rate with reasonably good precision. In addition, the approximate circuits generated with this technique show better performance than with the approach based in static testability measures. In addition, the fault implications have been reused too in order to implement a new type of logic transformation, which consists in substituting functionally similar nodes. Once the fault selection criteria have been developed, they are applied to different scenarios. First, an extension of the proposed techniques to FPGAs is performed, taking into account the particularities of this kind of circuits. This approach has been validated by means of radiation experiments, which show that a partial replication with approximate circuits can be even more robust than a full replication approach, because a smaller area reduces the probability of SEE occurrence. Besides, the proposed techniques have been applied to a real application circuit as well, in particular to the microprocessor ARM Cortex M0. A set of software benchmarks is used to generate the required testability measures. Finally, a comparative study of the proposed approaches with approximate circuit generation by means of evolutive techniques have been performed. These approaches make use of a high computational capacity to generate multiple circuits by trial-and-error, thus reducing the possibility of falling into local minima. The experimental results demonstrate that the circuits generated with evolutive approaches are slightly better in performance than the circuits generated with the techniques here proposed, although with a much higher computational effort. In summary, several original fault mitigation techniques with approximate logic circuits are proposed. These approaches are demonstrated in various scenarios, showing that the scalability and adaptability to the requirements of each application are their main virtuesLos avances tecnológicos en la fabricación de circuitos electrónicos han permitido mejorar en gran medida sus prestaciones, pero también han incrementado la sensibilidad de los mismos a los errores provocados por la radiación. Entre ellos, los más comunes son los SEEs, perturbaciones eléctricas causadas por el impacto de partículas de alta energía, que entre otros efectos pueden modificar el estado de los elementos de memoria (SEU) o generar pulsos transitorios de valor erróneo (SET). Estos eventos suponen un riesgo para la fiabilidad de los circuitos electrónicos, por lo que deben ser tratados mediante técnicas de tolerancia a fallos. Las técnicas de tolerancia a fallos más comunes se basan en la replicación completa del circuito (DWC o TMR). Estas técnicas son capaces de cubrir una amplia variedad de modos de fallo presentes en los circuitos electrónicos. Sin embargo, presentan un elevado sobrecoste en área y consumo. Por ello, a menudo se buscan alternativas más ligeras, aunque no tan efectivas, basadas en una replicación parcial. En este contexto surge una nueva filosofía de diseño electrónico, conocida como computación aproximada, basada en mejorar las prestaciones de un diseño a cambio de ligeras modificaciones de la funcionalidad prevista. Es un enfoque atractivo y poco explorado para el diseño de soluciones ligeras de tolerancia a fallos. El objetivo de esta tesis consiste en desarrollar nuevas técnicas ligeras de tolerancia a fallos por replicación parcial, mediante el uso de circuitos lógicos aproximados. Estos circuitos se pueden diseñar con una gran flexibilidad. De este forma, tanto el nivel de protección como el sobrecoste se pueden regular libremente en función de los requisitos de cada aplicación. Sin embargo, encontrar los circuitos aproximados óptimos para cada aplicación es actualmente un reto. En la presente tesis se propone un método para generar circuitos aproximados, denominado aproximación de fallos, consistente en asignar constantes lógicas a ciertas líneas del circuito. Por otro lado, se desarrollan varios criterios de selección para, mediante este mecanismo, generar los circuitos aproximados más adecuados para cada aplicación. Estos criterios se basan en la idea de aproximar las secciones menos testables del circuito, lo que permite reducir los sobrecostes minimizando la perdida de fiabilidad. Por tanto, en esta tesis la selección de aproximaciones se realiza a partir de medidas de testabilidad. El primer criterio de selección de fallos desarrollado en la presente tesis hace uso de medidas de testabilidad estáticas. Las aproximaciones se generan a partir de los resultados de una simulación de fallos del circuito objetivo, y de un umbral de testabilidad especificado por el usuario. La cantidad de fallos aproximados depende del umbral escogido, lo que permite generar circuitos aproximados con diferentes prestaciones. Aunque inicialmente este método ha sido concebido para circuitos combinacionales, también se ha realizado una extensión a circuitos secuenciales, considerando los biestables como entradas y salidas de la parte combinacional del circuito. Los resultados experimentales demuestran que esta técnica consigue una buena escalabilidad, y unas prestaciones de coste frente a fiabilidad aceptables. Además, tiene un coste computacional muy bajo. Sin embargo, el criterio de selección basado en medidas estáticas presenta algunos inconvenientes. No resulta intuitivo ajustar las prestaciones de los circuitos aproximados a partir de un umbral de testabilidad, y las medidas estáticas no tienen en cuenta los cambios producidos a medida que se van aproximando fallos. Por ello, se propone un criterio alternativo de selección de fallos, basado en medidas de testabilidad dinámicas. Con este criterio, la testabilidad de cada fallo se calcula mediante un análisis de probabilidades basado en implicaciones. Las probabilidades se actualizan con cada nuevo fallo aproximado, de forma que en cada iteración se elige la aproximación más favorable, es decir, el fallo con menor probabilidad. Además, las probabilidades calculadas permiten estimar la protección frente a fallos que ofrecen los circuitos aproximados generados, por lo que es posible generar circuitos que se ajusten a una tasa de fallos objetivo. Modificando esta tasa se obtienen circuitos aproximados con diferentes prestaciones. Los resultados experimentales muestran que este método es capaz de ajustarse razonablemente bien a la tasa de fallos objetivo. Además, los circuitos generados con esta técnica muestran mejores prestaciones que con el método basado en medidas estáticas. También se han aprovechado las implicaciones de fallos para implementar un nuevo tipo de transformación lógica, consistente en sustituir nodos funcionalmente similares. Una vez desarrollados los criterios de selección de fallos, se aplican a distintos campos. En primer lugar, se hace una extensión de las técnicas propuestas para FPGAs, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de este tipo de circuitos. Esta técnica se ha validado mediante experimentos de radiación, los cuales demuestran que una replicación parcial con circuitos aproximados puede ser incluso más robusta que una replicación completa, ya que un área más pequeña reduce la probabilidad de SEEs. Por otro lado, también se han aplicado las técnicas propuestas en esta tesis a un circuito de aplicación real, el microprocesador ARM Cortex M0, utilizando un conjunto de benchmarks software para generar las medidas de testabilidad necesarias. Por ´último, se realiza un estudio comparativo de las técnicas desarrolladas con la generación de circuitos aproximados mediante técnicas evolutivas. Estas técnicas hacen uso de una gran capacidad de cálculo para generar múltiples circuitos mediante ensayo y error, reduciendo la posibilidad de caer en algún mínimo local. Los resultados confirman que, en efecto, los circuitos generados mediante técnicas evolutivas son ligeramente mejores en prestaciones que con las técnicas aquí propuestas, pero con un coste computacional mucho mayor. En definitiva, se proponen varias técnicas originales de mitigación de fallos mediante circuitos aproximados. Se demuestra que estas técnicas tienen diversas aplicaciones, haciendo de la flexibilidad y adaptabilidad a los requisitos de cada aplicación sus principales virtudes.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Raoul Velazco.- Secretario: Almudena Lindoso Muñoz.- Vocal: Jaume Segura Fuste

    Symbolic tolerance and sensitivity analysis of large scale electronic circuits

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    Available from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN029693 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo
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