7,514 research outputs found

    TaLAM: Mapping Land Cover in Lowlands and Uplands with Satellite Imagery

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    End-of-Project ReportThe Towards Land Cover Accounting and Monitoring (TaLAM) project is part of Ireland’s response to creating a national land cover mapping programme. Its aims are to demonstrate how the new digital map of Ireland, Prime2, from Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI), can be combined with satellite imagery to produce land cover maps

    A methodology to produce geographical information for land planning using very-high resolution images

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    Actualmente, os municípios são obrigados a produzir, no âmbito da elaboração dos instrumentos de gestão territorial, cartografia homologada pela autoridade nacional. O Plano Director Municipal (PDM) tem um período de vigência de 10 anos. Porém, no que diz respeito à cartografia para estes planos, principalmente em municípios onde a pressão urbanística é elevada, esta periodicidade não é compatível com a dinâmica de alteração de uso do solo. Emerge assim, a necessidade de um processo de produção mais eficaz, que permita a obtenção de uma nova cartografia de base e temática mais frequentemente. Em Portugal recorre-se à fotografia aérea como informação de base para a produção de cartografia de grande escala. Por um lado, embora este suporte de informação resulte em mapas bastante rigorosos e detalhados, a sua produção têm custos muito elevados e consomem muito tempo. As imagens de satélite de muito alta-resolução espacial podem constituir uma alternativa, mas sem substituir as fotografias aéreas na produção de cartografia temática, a grande escala. O tema da tese trata assim da satisfação das necessidades municipais em informação geográfica actualizada. Para melhor conhecer o valor e utilidade desta informação, realizou-se um inquérito aos municípios Portugueses. Este passo foi essencial para avaliar a pertinência e a utilidade da introdução de imagens de satélite de muito alta-resolução espacial na cadeia de procedimentos de actualização de alguns temas, quer na cartografia de base quer na cartografia temática. A abordagem proposta para solução do problema identificado baseia-se no uso de imagens de satélite e outros dados digitais em ambiente de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. A experimentação teve como objectivo a extracção automática de elementos de interesse municipal a partir de imagens de muito alta-resolução espacial (fotografias aéreas ortorectificadas, imagem QuickBird, e imagem IKONOS), bem como de dados altimétricos (dados LiDAR). Avaliaram-se as potencialidades da informação geográfica extraídas das imagens para fins cartográficos e analíticos. Desenvolveram-se quatro casos de estudo que reflectem diferentes usos para os dados geográficos a nível municipal, e que traduzem aplicações com exigências diferentes. No primeiro caso de estudo, propõe-se uma metodologia para actualização periódica de cartografia a grande escala, que faz uso de fotografias aéreas vi ortorectificadas na área da Alta de Lisboa. Esta é uma aplicação quantitativa onde as qualidades posicionais e geométricas dos elementos extraídos são mais exigentes. No segundo caso de estudo, criou-se um sistema de alarme para áreas potencialmente alteradas, com recurso a uma imagem QuickBird e dados LiDAR, no Bairro da Madre de Deus, com objectivo de auxiliar a actualização de cartografia de grande escala. No terceiro caso de estudo avaliou-se o potencial solar de topos de edifícios nas Avenidas Novas, com recurso a dados LiDAR. No quarto caso de estudo, propõe-se uma série de indicadores municipais de monitorização territorial, obtidos pelo processamento de uma imagem IKONOS que cobre toda a área do concelho de Lisboa. Esta é uma aplicação com fins analíticos onde a qualidade temática da extracção é mais relevante.Currently, the Portuguese municipalities are required to produce homologated cartography, under the Territorial Management Instruments framework. The Municipal Master Plan (PDM) has to be revised every 10 years, as well as the topographic and thematic maps that describe the municipal territory. However, this period is inadequate for representing counties where urban pressure is high, and where the changes in the land use are very dynamic. Consequently, emerges the need for a more efficient mapping process, allowing obtaining recent geographic information more often. Several countries, including Portugal, continue to use aerial photography for large-scale mapping. Although this data enables highly accurate maps, its acquisition and visual interpretation are very costly and time consuming. Very-High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery can be an alternative data source, without replacing the aerial images, for producing large-scale thematic cartography. The focus of the thesis is the demand for updated geographic information in the land planning process. To better understand the value and usefulness of this information, a survey of all Portuguese municipalities was carried out. This step was essential for assessing the relevance and usefulness of the introduction of VHR satellite imagery in the chain of procedures for updating land information. The proposed methodology is based on the use of VHR satellite imagery, and other digital data, in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment. Different algorithms for feature extraction that take into account the variation in texture, color and shape of objects in the image, were tested. The trials aimed for automatic extraction of features of municipal interest, based on aerial and satellite high-resolution (orthophotos, QuickBird and IKONOS imagery) as well as elevation data (altimetric information and LiDAR data). To evaluate the potential of geographic information extracted from VHR images, two areas of application were identified: mapping and analytical purposes. Four case studies that reflect different uses of geographic data at the municipal level, with different accuracy requirements, were considered. The first case study presents a methodology for periodic updating of large-scale maps based on orthophotos, in the area of Alta de Lisboa. This is a situation where the positional and geometric accuracy of the extracted information are more demanding, since technical mapping standards must be complied. In the second case study, an alarm system that indicates the location of potential changes in building areas, using a QuickBird image and LiDAR data, was developed for the area of Bairro da Madre de Deus. The goal of the system is to assist the updating of large scale mapping, providing a layer that can be used by the municipal technicians as the basis for manual editing. In the third case study, the analysis of the most suitable roof-tops for installing solar systems, using LiDAR data, was performed in the area of Avenidas Novas. A set of urban environment indicators obtained from VHR imagery is presented. The concept is demonstrated for the entire city of Lisbon, through IKONOS imagery processing. In this analytical application, the positional quality issue of extraction is less relevant.GEOSAT – Methodologies to extract large scale GEOgraphical information from very high resolution SATellite images (PTDC/GEO/64826/2006), e-GEO – Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Planeamento Regional, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, no quadro do Grupo de Investigação Modelação Geográfica, Cidades e Ordenamento do Territóri

    Mapping and monitoring forest remnants : a multiscale analysis of spatio-temporal data

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    KEYWORDS : Landsat, time series, machine learning, semideciduous Atlantic forest, Brazil, wavelet transforms, classification, change detectionForests play a major role in important global matters such as carbon cycle, climate change, and biodiversity. Besides, forests also influence soil and water dynamics with major consequences for ecological relations and decision-making. One basic requirement to quantify and model these processes is the availability of accurate maps of forest cover. Data acquisition and analysis at appropriate scales is the keystone to achieve the mapping accuracy needed for development and reliable use of ecological models.The current and upcoming production of high-resolution data sets plus the ever-increasing time series that have been collected since the seventieth must be effectively explored. Missing values and distortions further complicate the analysis of this data set. Thus, integration and proper analysis is of utmost importance for environmental research. New conceptual models in environmental sciences, like the perception of multiple scales, require the development of effective implementation techniques.This thesis presents new methodologies to map and monitor forests on large, highly fragmented areas with complex land use patterns. The use of temporal information is extensively explored to distinguish natural forests from other land cover types that are spectrally similar. In chapter 4, novel schemes based on multiscale wavelet analysis are introduced, which enabled an effective preprocessing of long time series of Landsat data and improved its applicability on environmental assessment.In chapter 5, the produced time series as well as other information on spectral and spatial characteristics were used to classify forested areas in an experiment relating a number of combinations of attribute features. Feature sets were defined based on expert knowledge and on data mining techniques to be input to traditional and machine learning algorithms for pattern recognition, viz . maximum likelihood, univariate and multivariate decision trees, and neural networks. The results showed that maximum likelihood classification using temporal texture descriptors as extracted with wavelet transforms was most accurate to classify the semideciduous Atlantic forest in the study area.In chapter 6, a multiscale approach to digital change detection was developed to deal with multisensor and noisy remotely sensed images. Changes were extracted according to size classes minimising the effects of geometric and radiometric misregistration.Finally, in chapter 7, an automated procedure for GIS updating based on feature extraction, segmentation and classification was developed to monitor the remnants of semideciduos Atlantic forest. The procedure showed significant improvements over post classification comparison and direct multidate classification based on artificial neural networks.</p

    New Metrics for Spatial and Temporal 3D Urban Form Sustainability Assessment Using Time Series Lidar Point Clouds and Advanced GIS Techniques

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    Monitoring sustainability of urban form as a 3D phenomenon over time is crucial in the era of smart cities for better planning of the future, and for such a monitoring system, appropriate tools, metrics, methodologies and time series 3D data are required. While accurate time series 3D data are becoming available, a lack of 3D sustainable urban form (3D SUF) metrics, appropriate methodologies and technical problems of processing time series 3D data has resulted in few studies on the assessment of 3D SUF over time. In this chapter, we review volumetric building metrics currently under development and demonstrate the technical problems associated with their validation based on time series airborne lidar data. We propose new metrics for application in spatial and temporal 3D SUF assessment. We also suggest a new approach in processing time series airborne lidar to detect three-dimensional changes of urban form. Using this approach and the developed metrics, we detected a decreased volume of vegetation and new areas prepared for the construction of taller buildings. These 3D changes and the proposed metrics can be used to numerically measure and compare urban areas in terms of trends against or in favor of sustainability goals for caring for the environment

    Developing virtual watersheds for evaluating the dynamics of land use change

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    Remote Sensing Information Sciences Research Group, Santa Barbara Information Sciences Research Group, year 3

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    Research continues to focus on improving the type, quantity, and quality of information which can be derived from remotely sensed data. The focus is on remote sensing and application for the Earth Observing System (Eos) and Space Station, including associated polar and co-orbiting platforms. The remote sensing research activities are being expanded, integrated, and extended into the areas of global science, georeferenced information systems, machine assissted information extraction from image data, and artificial intelligence. The accomplishments in these areas are examined