143,548 research outputs found

    Guia per a la localització de productes informàtics

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    Compilation of the diverse recommendations of the TERMCAT for the computer science product location in the Catalan language. Guide for the computer science product locatio

    The nomenclature of the veins of the lower limbs, based on their planar anatomy and fascial relationships

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    Spiegazione della nuova terminologia anatomica delle vene degli arti inferiori

    Terminologia Anatomica; Considered from the Perspective of Next-Generation Knowledge Sources

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    This report examines the semantic structure of Terminologia Anatomica, taking one randomly selected page as an example. The focus of analysis is the meaning imparted to an anatomical term by virtue of its location within the structured list. Terminologia’s structure expressed through hierarchies of headings, varied typographical styles, indentations and an alphanumeric code implies specific relationships between the terms embedded in the list. Together, terms and relationships can potentially capture essential elements of anatomical knowledge. The analysis focuses on these knowledge elements and evaluates the consistency and logic in their representation. Most critical of these elements are class inclusion and part-whole relationships, which are implied, rather than explicitly modeled by Terminologia. This limits the use of the term list to those who have some knowledge of anatomy and excludes computer programs from navigating through the terminology. Assuring consistency in the explicit representation of anatomical relationships would facilitate adoption of Terminologia as the anatomical standard by the various controlled medical terminology (CMT) projects. These projects are motivated by the need for computerizing the patient record, and their aim is to generate machineunderstandable representations of biomedical concepts, including anatomy. Because of the lack of a consistent and explicit representation of anatomy, each of these CMTs has generated it own anatomy model. None of these models is compatible with each other, yet each is consistent with textbook descriptions of anatomy. The analysis of the semantic structure of Terminologia Anatomica leads to some suggestions for enhancing the term list in ways that would facilitate its adoption as the standard for anatomical knowledge representation in biomedical informatics

    La Questione di fondo anche per la autonomia e lo Statuto "speciali" della Regione Sardegna: sapere e volere darsi una "forma di governo" democratica

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    Sommario. Premessa. – I. «Terminologia prima dommatica giuridica» e terminologia/dogmatica “statutaria” (in particolare) sarda. – II. Natura anti-costituzionale di tale terminologia/dogmatica. – III. Natura anti-democratica di tale terminologia/dogmatica. – IV. Una rivoluzione culturale: ripartiamo dalla questione della “forma di governo”. – V. Per una specialità insulare espansiva

    El Diccionari general de l'esport

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    Presentació del nou Diccionari general de l'esport del TERMCAT que inclou la terminologia dels diccionaris que anteriorment havia publicat el TERMCAT, més nova terminologia d'esports no olímpics

    Anàlisi automatitzada d'un corpus sincrònic bilingüe (castellà, anglès) sobre Cultura de Pau : xarxa conceptual, equivalències i col·locacions del terme "pau"

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    Mitjançant el mètode de treball terminològic proposat per la Teoria Comunicativa de la Terminologia (TCT) es realitza una anàlisi d'un corpus bilingüe ad hoc sobre Cultura de Pau per establir el mapa de la xarxa conceptual del terme "pau" i les seves col·locacions en castellà i anglès. Aquestes s'obtenen mitjançant un sistema d'extracció de terminologia. Aquest treball pretén ser una primera aproximació a la terminologia de la Cultura de Pau. L'estudi es realitza des d'un punt de vista interdisciplinari tenint en compte les aportacions teòriques procedents de la TCT, la lingüística de corpus i les xarxes conceptual

    Macrothesaurus da OCDE. Parte referente a documentação

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    A Presidente da Comissão de Terminologia da Associação   Brasileira de Normas Técnicas constituiu uma Subcomissão  de estudos para traduzir o Macrothesaurus da Organização de Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE)

    Scientific writing

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    Second part of the sixth installment of the training itinerary for doctoral students "Prepare your doctoral thesis": Writing and preparing your manuscript in EnglishCharacteristics of technical and scientific writing in English. Essential goal of specialised texts and language. Text structure. Active or passive. Punctuation signs. Numbers. Symbols.Terminology. Acronyms. Equations and formulae.Graphic features. Bibliographic references, in-text citations and footnotes. Good writing practices for your thesis.2021/202

    Marques de revisió en documents del Word 2007

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    Guia pràctica sobre el control de canvis del Microsoft Word. Aquesta opció permet visualitzar, mitjançant marques, les esmenes que s'han fet en un document