7 research outputs found

    Tensor Analysis Reveals Distinct Population Structure that Parallels the Different Computational Roles of Areas M1 and V1

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    Cortical firing rates frequently display elaborate and heterogeneous temporal structure. One often wishes to compute quantitative summaries of such structure-a basic example is the frequency spectrum-and compare with model-based predictions. The advent of large-scale population recordings affords the opportunity to do so in new ways, with the hope of distinguishing between potential explanations for why responses vary with time. We introduce a method that assesses a basic but previously unexplored form of population-level structure: when data contain responses across multiple neurons, conditions, and times, they are naturally expressed as a third-order tensor. We examined tensor structure for multiple datasets from primary visual cortex (V1) and primary motor cortex (M1). All V1 datasets were 'simplest' (there were relatively few degrees of freedom) along the neuron mode, while all M1 datasets were simplest along the condition mode. These differences could not be inferred from surface-level response features. Formal considerations suggest why tensor structure might differ across modes. For idealized linear models, structure is simplest across the neuron mode when responses reflect external variables, and simplest across the condition mode when responses reflect population dynamics. This same pattern was present for existing models that seek to explain motor cortex responses. Critically, only dynamical models displayed tensor structure that agreed with the empirical M1 data. These results illustrate that tensor structure is a basic feature of the data. For M1 the tensor structure was compatible with only a subset of existing models

    Data from: Tensor analysis reveals distinct population structure that parallels the different computational roles of areas M1 and V1

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    Cortical firing rates frequently display elaborate and heterogeneous temporal structure. One often wishes to compute quantitative summaries of such structure—a basic example is the frequency spectrum—and compare with model-based predictions. The advent of large-scale population recordings affords the opportunity to do so in new ways, with the hope of distinguishing between potential explanations for why responses vary with time. We introduce a method that assesses a basic but previously unexplored form of population-level structure: when data contain responses across multiple neurons, conditions, and times, they are naturally expressed as a third-order tensor. We examined tensor structure for multiple datasets from primary visual cortex (V1) and primary motor cortex (M1). All V1 datasets were ‘simplest’ (there were relatively few degrees of freedom) along the neuron mode, while all M1 datasets were simplest along the condition mode. These differences could not be inferred from surface-level response features. Formal considerations suggest why tensor structure might differ across modes. For idealized linear models, structure is simplest across the neuron mode when responses reflect external variables, and simplest across the condition mode when responses reflect population dynamics. This same pattern was present for existing models that seek to explain motor cortex responses. Critically, only dynamical models displayed tensor structure that agreed with the empirical M1 data. These results illustrate that tensor structure is a basic feature of the data. For M1 the tensor structure was compatible with only a subset of existing models

    Dimensionality reduction beyond neural subspaces with slice tensor component analysis

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    Recent work has argued that large-scale neural recordings are often well described by patterns of coactivation across neurons. Yet the view that neural variability is constrained to a fixed, low-dimensional subspace may overlook higher-dimensional structure, including stereotyped neural sequences or slowly evolving latent spaces. Here we argue that task-relevant variability in neural data can also cofluctuate over trials or time, defining distinct ‘covariability classes’ that may co-occur within the same dataset. To demix these covariability classes, we develop sliceTCA (slice tensor component analysis), a new unsupervised dimensionality reduction method for neural data tensors. In three example datasets, including motor cortical activity during a classic reaching task in primates and recent multiregion recordings in mice, we show that sliceTCA can capture more task-relevant structure in neural data using fewer components than traditional methods. Overall, our theoretical framework extends the classic view of low-dimensional population activity by incorporating additional classes of latent variables capturing higher-dimensional structure

    Linear Dynamics of Evidence Integration in Contextual Decision Making

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    Individual neurons in Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) exhibit a vast complexity in their responses. Central in Neuroscience is to understand how their collective activity underlies powerful computations responsible for higher order cognitive processes. In a recent study (Mante et al., 2013) two monkeys were trained to perform a contextual decision-making task, which required to selectively integrate the relevant evidence –either the color or the motion coherence of a random dots stimulus– and disregard the irrelevant one. A non-linear RNN trained to solve the same task found a solution that accounted for the selective integration computation, which could be understood by linearizing the dynamics of the network in each context. In this study, we took a different approach by explicitly fitting a Linear Dynamical System (LDS) model to the data from each context. We also fitted a novel jointly-factored linear model (JF), equivalent to the LDS but with no dynamical constraints and able to capture arbitrary patterns in time. Both models performed analogously, indicating that PFC data display systematic dynamics consistent with the LDS prior. Motion and color input signals were inferred and spanned independent subspaces. The input subspaces largely overlapped across contexts along dimensions that captured coherence and coherence magnitude related variance. The dynamics changed in each context so that relevant stimuli were strongly amplified. In one of the monkeys, however, the integrated color signal emerged via direct input modulation. The integration took place within subspaces spanned by multiple slow modes. These strongly overlapped along a single dimension across contexts, which was consistent with a globally identified decision axis. Interestingly, irrelevant inputs were not dynamically discarded, but were also integrated, although in a much lower extent. Finally, the model reproduced the main dynamical features of the population trajectories and accurately captured individual PSTHs. Our study suggests that a whole space of sensory-related input signals invariantly modulates PFC responses and that decision signals emerge as the inputs are shaped by a changing circuit dynamics. Our findings imply a novel mechanism by which sensory-related information is selected and integrated for contextual computations