11,301 research outputs found

    Transport of video over partial order connections

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    A Partial Order and partial reliable Connection (POC) is an end-to-end transport connection authorized to deliver objects in an order that can differ from the transmitted one. Such a connection is also authorized to lose some objects. The POC concept is motivated by the fact that heterogeneous best-effort networks such as Internet are plagued by unordered delivery of packets and losses, which tax the performances of current applications and protocols. It has been shown, in several research works, that out of order delivery is able to alleviate (with respect to CO service) the use of end systems’ communication resources. In this paper, the efficiency of out-of-sequence delivery on MPEG video streams processing is studied. Firstly, the transport constraints (in terms of order and reliability) that can be relaxed by MPEG video decoders, for improving video transport, are detailed. Then, we analyze the performance gain induced by this approach in terms of blocking times and recovered errors. We demonstrate that POC connections fill not only the conceptual gap between TCP and UDP but also provide real performance improvements for the transport of multimedia streams such MPEG video

    Self-modifiable color petri nets for modeling user manipulation and network event handling

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    A Self-Modifiable Color Petri Net (SMCPN) which has multimedia synchronization capability and the ability to model user manipulation and network event (i.e. network congestion, etc.) handling is proposed in this paper. In SMCPN, there are two types of tokens: resource tokens representing resources to be presented and color tokens with two sub-types: one associated with some commands to modify the net mechanism in operation, another associated with a number to decide iteration times. Also introduced is a new type of resource token named reverse token that moves to the opposite direction of arcs. When user manipulation/network event occurs, color tokens associated with the corresponding interrupt handling commands will be injected into places that contain resource tokens. These commands are then executed to handle the user manipulation/network event. SMCPN has the desired general programmability in the following sense: 1) It allows handling of user manipulations or pre-specified events at any time while keeping the Petri net design simple and easy. 2) It allows the user to customize event handling beforehand. This means the system being modeled can handle not only commonly seen user interrupts (e.g. skip, reverse, freeze), the user is free to define new operations including network event handling. 3) It has the power to simulate self-modifying protocols. A simulator has been built to demonstrate the feasibility of SMCPN

    Towards a new generation of transport services adapted to multimedia application

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    Une connexion d'ordre et de fiabilité partiels (POC, partial order connection) est une connexion de transport autorisée à perdre certains objets mais également à les délivrer dans un ordre éventuellement différent de celui d'émission. L'approche POC établit un lien conceptuel entre les protocoles sans connexion au mieux et les protocoles fiables avec connexion. Le concept de POC est motivé par le fait que dans les réseaux hétérogènes sans connexion tels qu'Internet, les paquets transmis sont susceptibles de se perdre et d'arriver en désordre, entraînant alors une réduction des performances des protocoles usuels. De plus, on montre qu'un protocole associé au transport d'un flux multimédia permet une réduction très sensible de l'utilisation des ressources de communication et de mémorisation ainsi qu'une diminution du temps de transit moyen. Dans cet article, une extension temporelle de POC, nommée TPOC (POC temporisé), est introduite. Elle constitue un cadre conceptuel permettant la prise en compte des exigences de qualité de service des applications multimédias réparties. Une architecture offrant un service TPOC est également introduite et évaluée dans le cadre du transport de vidéo MPEG. Il est ainsi démontré que les connexions POC comblent, non seulement le fossé conceptuel entre les protocoles sans connexion et avec connexion, mais aussi qu'ils surpassent les performances des ces derniers lorsque des données multimédias (telles que la vidéo MPEG) sont transportées

    Verifying service continuity in a satellite reconfiguration procedure: application to a satellite

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    The paper discusses the use of the TURTLE UML profile to model and verify service continuity during dynamic reconfiguration of embedded software, and space-based telecommunication software in particular. TURTLE extends UML class diagrams with composition operators, and activity diagrams with temporal operators. Translating TURTLE to the formal description technique RT-LOTOS gives the profile a formal semantics and makes it possible to reuse verification techniques implemented by the RTL, the RT-LOTOS toolkit developed at LAAS-CNRS. The paper proposes a modeling and formal validation methodology based on TURTLE and RTL, and discusses its application to a payload software application in charge of an embedded packet switch. The paper demonstrates the benefits of using TURTLE to prove service continuity for dynamic reconfiguration of embedded software

    A design model for Open Distributed Processing systems

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    This paper proposes design concepts that allow the conception, understanding and development of complex technical structures for open distributed systems. The proposed concepts are related to, and partially motivated by, the present work on Open Distributed Processing (ODP). As opposed to the current ODP approach, the concepts are aimed at supporting a design trajectory with several, related abstraction levels. Simple examples are used to illustrate the proposed concepts

    Heterogeneous component interactions: Sensors integration into multimedia applications

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    Resource-constrained embedded and mobile devices are becoming increasingly common. Since few years, some mobile and ubiquitous devices such as wireless sensor, able to be aware of their physical environment, appeared. Such devices enable proposing applications which adapt to user's need according the context evolution. It implies the collaboration of sensors and software components which differ on their nature and their communication mechanisms. This paper proposes a unified component model in order to easily design applications based on software components and sensors without taking care of their nature. Then it presents a state of the art of communication problems linked to heterogeneous components and proposes an interaction mechanism which ensures information exchanges between wireless sensors and software components

    Communication systems supporting multimedia multi-user applications

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    Multimedia multi-user applications are becoming more and more important. Intensive research is underway on the design of protocols and protocol entities for future communication systems supporting multimedia multi-user applications. The development of a service description ensures that protocol designs actually produce the required functional behavior. The authors explain the approach to the description of a multimedia multi-user service. An example illustrates the use of the service description in the design of communication systems. Next, they present the basic requirements of multimedia and multi-user communications. A call model underlies and structures the service description. Finally, the authors describe the service in terms of service element

    Specification and Verification of Media Constraints using UPPAAL

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    We present the formal specification and verification of a multimedia stream. The stream is described in a timed automata notation. We verify that the stream satisfies certain quality of service properties, in particular, throughput and end-to-end latency. The verification tool used is the real-time model checker UPPAAL