24 research outputs found

    Validation of reactive embedded systems against specification requirements

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    In this paper a method of automatic generation of test scenarios for verification of specification requirements (temporal and functional) for reactive embedded systems is presented

    Reasoning about temporal relations : the maximal tractable subalgebras of Allen's interval algebra

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    Allen's interval algebra is one of the best established formalisms for temporal reasoning. This article provides the final step in the classification of complexity for satisfiability problems over constraints expressed in this algebra. When the constraints are chosen from the full Allen's algebra, this form of satisfiability problem is known to be NP-complete. However, eighteen tractable subalgebras have previously been identified; we show here that these subalgebras include all possible tractable subsets of Allen's algebra. In other words, we show that this algebra contains exactly eighteen maximal tractable subalgebras, and reasoning in any fragment not entirely contained in one of these subalgebras is NP-complete. We obtain this dichotomy result by giving a new uniform description of the known maximal tractable subalgebras, and then systematically using a general algebraic technique for identifying maximal subalgebras with a given property

    Modeling Time in Computing: A Taxonomy and a Comparative Survey

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    The increasing relevance of areas such as real-time and embedded systems, pervasive computing, hybrid systems control, and biological and social systems modeling is bringing a growing attention to the temporal aspects of computing, not only in the computer science domain, but also in more traditional fields of engineering. This article surveys various approaches to the formal modeling and analysis of the temporal features of computer-based systems, with a level of detail that is suitable also for non-specialists. In doing so, it provides a unifying framework, rather than just a comprehensive list of formalisms. The paper first lays out some key dimensions along which the various formalisms can be evaluated and compared. Then, a significant sample of formalisms for time modeling in computing are presented and discussed according to these dimensions. The adopted perspective is, to some extent, historical, going from "traditional" models and formalisms to more modern ones.Comment: More typos fixe

    Les restriccions d'integritat temporals constant i permanent

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    Aquesta tesi de màster tracta de l'estudi de les restriccions temporals constant i permanent. Aquestes restriccions s'apliquen a tipus d’entitat, a tipus de relacions i a participacions en tipus de relació. En aquest treball es proporciona una definició formal d’aquestes restriccions empleant lògica de primer ordre i lògica temporal. A continuació s’analitzen les seves propietats i es realitza l'estudi de tres casos reals amb l’objectiu de conèixer la seva importància pràctica. La conclusió a la que s’arriba és que apareixen molt sovint, i per tant justifica l’estudi i l’ús d’una notació específica en UML que faciliti la seva definició. Els metamodels de les versions 1.4 i 2.1 del nucli d’UML no permeten indicar explícitament les restriccions constant i permanent, i per tant, es modelaran mitjançant estereotips. Finalment es dona uns possibles patrons de disseny per garantir el compliment d’aquestes restriccions en temps d’execució

    Specification and verification of network algorithms using temporal logic

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    In software engineering, formal methods are mathematical-based techniques that are used in the specification, development and verification of algorithms and programs in order to provide reliability and robustness of systems. One of the most difficult challenges for software engineering is to tackle the complexity of algorithms and software found in concurrent systems. Networked systems have come to prominence in many aspects of modern life, and therefore software engineering techniques for treating concurrency in such systems has acquired a particular importance. Algorithms in the software of concurrent systems are used to accomplish certain tasks which need to comply with the properties required of the system as a whole. These properties can be broadly subdivided into `safety properties', where the requirement is `nothing bad will happen', and `liveness properties', where the requirement is that `something good will happen'. As such, specifying network algorithms and their safety and liveness properties through formal methods is the aim of the research presented in this thesis. Since temporal logic has proved to be a successful technique in formal methods, which have various practical applications due to the availability of powerful model-checking tools such as the NuSMV model checker, we will investigate the specification and verification of network algorithms using temporal logic and model checking. In the first part of the thesis, we specify and verify safety properties for network algorithms. We will use temporal logic to prove the safety property of data consistency or serializability for a model of the execution of an unbounded number of concurrent transactions over time, which could represent software schedulers for an unknown number of transactions being present in a network. In the second part of the thesis, we will specify and verify the liveness properties of networked flooding algorithms. Considering the above in more detail, the first part of this thesis specifies a model of the execution of an unbounded number of concurrent transactions over time in propositional Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) in order to prove serializability. This is made possible by assuming that data items are ordered and that the transactions accessing these data items respects this order, as then there is a bound on the number of transactions that need to be considered to prove serializability. In particular, we make use of recent work which places such bounds on the number of transactions needed when data items are accessed in order, but do not have to be accessed contiguously, i.e., there may be `gaps' in the data items being accessed by individual transactions. Our aim is to specify the concurrent modification of data held on routers in a network as a transactional model. The correctness of the routing protocol and ensuring safety and reliability then corresponds to the serializability of the transactions. We specify an example of routing in a network and the corresponding serializability condition in LTL. This is then coded up in the NuSMV model checker and proofs are performed. The novelty of this part is that no previous research has used a method for detecting serializablity and cycles for unlimited number of transactions accessing the data on routers where the transactions way of accessing the data items on the routers have a gap. In addition to this, linear temporal logic has not been used in this scenario to prove correctness of the network system. This part is very helpful in network administrative protocols where it is critical to maintain correctness of the system. This safety property can be maintained using the presented work where detection of cycles in transactions accessing the data items can be detected by only checking a limited number of cycles rather than checking all possible cycles that can be caused by the network transactions. The second part of the thesis offers two contributions. Firstly, we specify the basic synchronous network flooding algorithm, for any fixed size of network, in LTL. The specification can be customized to any single network topology or class of topologies. A specification for the termination problem is formulated and used to compare different topologies with regards to earlier termination. We give a worked example of one topology resulting in earlier termination than another, for which we perform a formal verification using the NuSMV model checker. The novelty of the second part comes in using linear temporal logic and the NuSMV model checker to specify and verify the liveness property of the flooding algorithm. The presented work shows a very difficult scenario where the network nodes are memoryless. This makes detecting the termination of network flooding very complicated especially with networks of complex topologies. In the literature, researchers focussed on using testing and simulations to detect flooding termination. In this work, we used a robust technique and a rigorous method to specify and verify the synchronous flooding algorithm and its termination. We also showed that we can use linear temporal logic and the model checker NuSMV to compare synchronous flooding termination between topologies. Adding to the novelty of the second contribution, in addition to the synchronous form of the network flooding algorithm, we further provide a formal model of bounded asynchronous network flooding by extending the synchronous flooding model to allow a sent message, non-deterministically, to either be received instantaneously, or enter a transit phase prior to being received. A generalization of `rounds' from synchronous flooding to the asynchronous case is used as a unit of time to provide a measure of time to termination, as the number of rounds taken, for a run of an asynchronous system. The model is encoded into temporal logic and a proof obligation is given for comparing the termination times of asynchronous and synchronous systems. Worked examples are formally verified using the NuSMV model checker. This work offers a constraint-based methodology for the verification of liveness properties of software algorithms distributed across the nodes in a network.</div

    Improving Cloud System Reliability Using Autonomous Agent Technology

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    Cloud computing platforms provide efficient and flexible ways to offer services and computation facilities to users. Service providers acquire resources according to their requirements and deploy their services in cloud. Service consumers can access services over networks. In cloud computing, virtualization techniques allow cloud providers provide computation and storage resources according to users’ requirement. However, reliability in the cloud is an important factor to measure the performance of a virtualized cloud computing platform. Reliability in cloud computing includes the usability and availability. Usability is defined as cloud computing platform provides functional and easy-to-use computation resources to users. In order to ensure usability, configurations and management policies have to be maintained and deployed by cloud computing providers. Availability of cloud is defined as cloud computing platform provides stable and reliable computation resources to users. My research concentrates on improving usability and availability of cloud computing platforms. I proposed a customized agent-based reliability monitoring framework to increase reliability of cloud computing

    Contracts for Real-Time, Safety Critical Systems

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    Verifying real-time systems goes beyond the verification of functional properties: it also requires the checking of real-time properties. This makes traditional contract-frameworks partially inept for checking real-time programs. This is a major problem because the failure of real-time and safety critical systems can have serious consequences. This thesis presents a solution to this problem by incorporating Design by Contract (annotating programs with function pre and post conditions) to such systems. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a contract framework for cyclic real-time control applications written in C++. The contract framework allows the users to specify both functional and temporal properties for the applications. A novel approach of empirical cumulative distribution function (cdf ) based statistical inference is used for dynamically estimating temporal constraints and incorporating them in future contracts. The thesis also illustrates the use of Real-time Logic (RTL) for formal specification of the temporal properties. For evaluating our methodology, we have integrated it to a component-based framework called FASA (Future Automation System Architecture) developed at ABB Corporate Research for writing hard real time control applications. Experiments show that this contract framework can be smoothly integrated to existing control applications thereby increasing their reliability while having a acceptable overhead (less than 10%) on the performance

    RationalGRL: A Framework for Argumentation and Goal Modeling

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    Goal-oriented requirements modeling approaches aim to capture the intentions of the stakeholders involved in the development of an information system as goals and tasks. The process of constructing such goal models usually involves discussions between a requirements engineer and a group of stakeholders. Not all the arguments in such discussions can be captured as goals or tasks: e.g., the discussion whether to accept or reject a certain goal and the rationale for acceptance or rejection cannot be captured in goal models. In this paper, we apply techniques from computational argumentation to a goal modeling approach by using a coding analysis in which stakeholders discuss requirements for a Traffic Simulator. We combine a simplified version of a traditional goal model, the Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL), with ideas from argumentation on schemes for practical reasoning into a new framework (RationalGRL). RationalGRL provides a formal semantics and tool support to capture the discussions and outcomes of the argumentation process that leads to a goal model. We also define the RationalGRL development process to create a RationalGRL model