2,503 research outputs found

    Demo : distributed video coding applications in wireless multimedia sensor networks

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    Novel distributed video coding (DVC) architectures developed by the IBBT DVC group realize state-of-the-art video coding efficiency under stringent energy restrictions, while supporting error-resilience and scalability. Therefore, these architectures are particularly attractive for application scenarios involving low-complexity energy-constrained wireless visual sensors. This demo presents the scenarios, which are considered to be the most promising areas of integration for IBBT's DVC systems, considering feasibility and commercial applicability

    Distributed Video Coding: Selecting the Most Promising Application Scenarios

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    Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is a new video coding paradigm based on two major Information Theory results: the Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv theorems. Recently, practical DVC solutions have been proposed with promising results; however, there is still a need to study in a more systematic way the set of application scenarios for which DVC may bring major advantages. This paper intends to contribute for the identification of the most DVC friendly application scenarios, highlighting the expected benefits and drawbacks for each studied scenario. This selection is based on a proposed methodology which involves the characterization and clustering of the applications according to their most relevant characteristics, and their matching with the main potential DVC benefits

    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    HoPP: Robust and Resilient Publish-Subscribe for an Information-Centric Internet of Things

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    This paper revisits NDN deployment in the IoT with a special focus on the interaction of sensors and actuators. Such scenarios require high responsiveness and limited control state at the constrained nodes. We argue that the NDN request-response pattern which prevents data push is vital for IoT networks. We contribute HoP-and-Pull (HoPP), a robust publish-subscribe scheme for typical IoT scenarios that targets IoT networks consisting of hundreds of resource constrained devices at intermittent connectivity. Our approach limits the FIB tables to a minimum and naturally supports mobility, temporary network partitioning, data aggregation and near real-time reactivity. We experimentally evaluate the protocol in a real-world deployment using the IoT-Lab testbed with varying numbers of constrained devices, each wirelessly interconnected via IEEE 802.15.4 LowPANs. Implementations are built on CCN-lite with RIOT and support experiments using various single- and multi-hop scenarios

    Determining Resilience Gains from Anomaly Detection for Event Integrity in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Measurements collected in a wireless sensor network (WSN) can be maliciously compromised through several attacks, but anomaly detection algorithms may provide resilience by detecting inconsistencies in the data. Anomaly detection can identify severe threats to WSN applications, provided that there is a sufficient amount of genuine information. This article presents a novel method to calculate an assurance measure for the network by estimating the maximum number of malicious measurements that can be tolerated. In previous work, the resilience of anomaly detection to malicious measurements has been tested only against arbitrary attacks, which are not necessarily sophisticated. The novel method presented here is based on an optimization algorithm, which maximizes the attack’s chance of staying undetected while causing damage to the application, thus seeking the worst-case scenario for the anomaly detection algorithm. The algorithm is tested on a wildfire monitoring WSN to estimate the benefits of anomaly detection on the system’s resilience. The algorithm also returns the measurements that the attacker needs to synthesize, which are studied to highlight the weak spots of anomaly detection. Finally, this article presents a novel methodology that takes in input the degree of resilience required and automatically designs the deployment that satisfies such a requirement

    Unlocking Solar Power For Surveillance A Review Of Solar Powered CCTV And Surveillance Technologies

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    Solar-powered surveillance technologies have gained prominence for their sustainable, autonomous, and versatile solutions. This comprehensive review explores three key solar-powered surveillance technologies: solar-powered CCTV cameras, solar drones, and solar-powered sensor networks. Each technology offers distinct strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for various applications. Solar-powered CCTV cameras provide adaptability, energy independence, and rapid deployment, while solar drones offer an aerial perspective, extended endurance, and versatility. Solar-powered sensor networks excel in localized environmental monitoring. The choice of technology depends on factors such as the surveillance environment, budget constraints, required surveillance range, and specific monitoring needs. Organizations can benefit from hybrid solutions that integrate multiple technologies for comprehensive coverage. Future trends include advanced energy storage solutions, AI integration, enhanced power efficiency, and cloud-based data analytics, promising to improve performance and sustainability. Public-private collaborations and sustainable urban planning initiatives will drive further adoption and integration. Solar-powered surveillance technologies empower effective and environmentally sustainable surveillance solutions, contributing to a safer and more sustainable future

    Overlay networks for smart grids

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