15 research outputs found

    Hybrid Branching-Time Logics

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    Hybrid branching-time logics are introduced as extensions of CTL-like logics with state variables and the downarrow-binder. Following recent work in the linear framework, only logics with a single variable are considered. The expressive power and the complexity of satisfiability of the resulting logics is investigated. As main result, the satisfiability problem for the hybrid versions of several branching-time logics is proved to be 2EXPTIME-complete. These branching-time logics range from strict fragments of CTL to extensions of CTL that can talk about the past and express fairness-properties. The complexity gap relative to CTL is explained by a corresponding succinctness result. To prove the upper bound, the automata-theoretic approach to branching-time logics is extended to hybrid logics, showing that non-emptiness of alternating one-pebble Buchi tree automata is 2EXPTIME-complete.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper was presented at the International Workshop on Hybrid Logics (HyLo 2007

    Critical Foundations of the Contextual Theory of Mind

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    The contextual mind is found attested in various usages of the term complement, in the background of Kant. The difficulties of Kant's intuitionism are taken up through Quine, but referential opacity is resolved as semantic presence in lived context. A further critique of rationalist linguistics is developed from Jakobson, showing generic functions in thought supporting abstraction, binding and thereby semantic categories. Thus Bolzano's influential philosophy of mathematics and science gives way to a critical view of the ancient heritage acknowledged by Plato.\ud \u

    Simple cut elimination proof for hybrid logic

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    In the paper we present a relatively simple proof of cut elimination theorem for variety of hybrid logics in the language with satisfaction operators and universal modality. The proof is based on the strategy introduced originally in the framework of hypersequent calculi but it works well also for standard sequent calculi. Sequent calculus examined in the paper works on so called satisfaction formulae and cover all logics adequate with respect to classes of frames defined by so called geometric conditions

    Dynamic logic with binders and its application to the development of reactive systems

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    Publicado em "Theoretical aspects of computing - ICTAC 2016: 13th International Colloquium, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, October 24–31, 2016, Proceedings". ISBN 978-3-319-46749-8This paper introduces a logic to support the specification and development of reactive systems on various levels of abstraction, from property specifications, concerning e.g. safety and liveness requirements, to constructive specifications representing concrete processes. This is achieved by combining binders of hybrid logic with regular modalities of dynamic logics in the same formalism, which we call D↓-logic. The semantics of our logic focuses on effective processes and is therefore given in terms of reachable transition systems with initial states. The second part of the paper resorts to this logic to frame stepwise development of reactive systems within the software development methodology proposed by Sannella and Tarlecki. In particular, we instantiate the generic concepts of constructor and abstractor implementations by using standard operators on reactive components, like relabelling and parallel composition, as constructors, and bisimulation for abstraction. We also study vertical composition of implementations which relies on the preservation of bisimularity by the constructions on labeleld transition systems.FCT individual grants SFRH/BPD/103004/2014 and SFRH/BSAB/113890/2015ERDF European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Cência e a Tecnologia within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692 and UID/MAT/04106/2013 at CIDM

    A logic for the stepwise development of reactive systems

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    D↓is a new dynamic logic combining regular modalities with the binder constructor typical of hybrid logic, which provides a smooth framework for the stepwise development of reactive systems. Actually, the logic is able to capture system properties at different levels of abstraction, from high-level safety and liveness requirements, to constructive specifications representing concrete processes. The paper discusses its semantics, given in terms of reachable transition systems with initial states, its expressive power and a proof system. The methodological framework is in debt to the landmark work of D.Sannella and A.Tarlecki, instantiating the generic concepts of constructor and abstractor implementations by standard operators on reactive components, e.g. relabelling and parallel composition, as constructors, and bisimulation for abstraction.This work was funded by ERDF European Regional Development Fund, through the COMPETE Programme, and by National Funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – within projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692 (DaLí – Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems: towards contract based design) and UID/MAT/04106/2013 at CIDMA. Further support was given by the project SmartEGOV, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER000037, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the EFDR. The first author is also supported by a FCT individual grant SFRH/BPD/103004/201

    Hybrid Languages and Temporal Logic

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    Hybridization is a method invented by Arthur Prior for extending the expressive power of modal languages. Although developed in interesting ways by Robert Bull, and by the Sofia school (notably, George Gargov, Valentin Goranko, Solomon Passy and Tinko Tinchev) the method remains little known. In our view this has deprived temporal logic of a valuable tool. The aim of the paper is to explain why hybridization is useful in temporal logic. We make two major points, the first technical, the second conceptual. First, we show that hybridization gives rise to well-behaved logics that exhibit an interesting synergy between modal and classical ideas. This synergy, obvious for hybrid languages with full first-order expressive strength, is demonstrated for a weaker local language capable of defining the Until operator, we provide a minimal axiomatization, and show that in a wide range of temporally interesting cases extended completeness results can be obtained automatically. Second, we argue that the idea of sorted atomic symbols which underpins the hybrid enterprise can be developed further. To illustrate this, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a simple hybrid language which can quantify over paths

    Paraconsistência em lógica híbrida

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    Mestrado em Matemática e AplicaçõesThe use of hybrid logics allows the description of relational structures, at the same time that allows establishing accessibility relations between states and, furthermore, nominating and making mention to what happens at speci c states. However, the information we collect is subject to inconsistencies, namely, the search for di erent information sources can lead us to pick up contradictions. Nowadays, by having so many means of dissemination available, that happens frequently. The aim of this work is to develop tools capable of dealing with contradictory information that can be described as hybrid logics' formulas. To build models, to compare inconsistency in di erent databases, and to see the applicability of this method in day-to-day life are the basis for the development of this dissertation.O uso de lógicas híbridas permite a descrição de estruturas relacionais, ao mesmo tempo que permite estabelecer relações de acessibilidade entre estados, e, para além disso, nomear e fazer referência ao que acontece em estados específicos. No entanto, a informação que recolhemos está sujeita a inconsistências, isto é, a procura de diferentes fontes de informação pode levar a recolha de contradições. O que nos dias de hoje, com tantos meios de divulgação disponíveis, acontece frequentemente. O objetivo deste trabalho e desenvolver ferramentas capazes de lidar com informação contraditória que possa ser descrita através de fórmulas de lógicas híbridas. Construir modelos e comparar a inconsistência de diferentes bases de dados e ver a aplicabilidade deste método no dia-a-dia são a base para o desenvolvimento desta dissertação

    Modal Hybrid Logic

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    This is an extended version of the lectures given during the 12-th Conference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and in the Foundations of Mathematics in Szklarska Poręba (7–11 May 2007). It contains a survey of modal hybrid logic, one of the branches of contemporary modal logic. In the first part a variety of hybrid languages and logics is presented with a discussion of expressivity matters. The second part is devoted to thorough exposition of proof methods for hybrid logics. The main point is to show that application of hybrid logics may remarkably improve the situation in modal proof theory

    Algebraic methods for hybrid logics

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    Ph.D. (Mathematics)Algebraic methods have been largely ignored within the eld of hybrid logics. A main theme of this thesis is to illustrate the usefulness of algebraic methods in this eld. It is a well-known fact that certain properties of a logic correspond to properties of particular classes of algebras, and that we therefore can use these classes of algebras to answer questions about the logic. The rst aim of this thesis is to identify a class of algebras corresponding to hybrid logics. In particular, we introduce hybrid algebras as algebraic semantics for the better known hybrid languages in the literature. The second aim of this thesis is to use hybrid algebras to solve logical problems in the eld of hybrid logic. Specically, we will focus on proving general completeness results for some well-known hybrid logics with respect to hybrid algebras. Next, we study Sahlqvist theory for hybrid logics. We introduce syntactically de ned classes of hybrid formulas that have rst-order frame correspondents, which are preserved under taking Dedekind MacNeille completions of atomic hybrid algebras, and which are preserved under canonical extensions of permeated hybrid algebras. Finally, we investigate the nite model property (FMP) for several hybrid logics. In particular, we give analogues of Bull's theorem for the hybrid logics under consideration in this thesis. We also show that if certain syntactically de ned classes of hybrid formulas are added to the normal modal logic S4 as axioms, we obtain hybrid logics with the nite model property