16 research outputs found

    Hyper-quicksort: energy efficient sorting via the Templar framework for Template Method Hyper-heuristics

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    Scalability remains an issue for program synthesis: - We don’t yet know how to generate sizeable algorithms from scratch. - Generative approaches such as GP still work best at the scale of expressions (though some recent promising results). - Formal approaches require a strong mathematical background. - ... but human ingenuity already provides a vast repertoire of specialized algorithms, usually with known asymptotic behaviour. Given these limitations, how can we best use generative hyper-heuristics to improve upon human-designed algorithms

    Metaheuristic Design Patterns: New Perspectives for Larger-Scale Search Architectures

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    Design patterns capture the essentials of recurring best practice in an abstract form. Their merits are well established in domains as diverse as architecture and software development. They offer significant benefits, not least a common conceptual vocabulary for designers, enabling greater communication of high-level concerns and increased software reuse. Inspired by the success of software design patterns, this chapter seeks to promote the merits of a pattern-based method to the development of metaheuristic search software components. To achieve this, a catalog of patterns is presented, organized into the families of structural, behavioral, methodological and component-based patterns. As an alternative to the increasing specialization associated with individual metaheuristic search components, the authors encourage computer scientists to embrace the ‘cross cutting' benefits of a pattern-based perspective to optimization algorithms. Some ways in which the patterns might form the basis of further larger-scale metaheuristic component design automation are also discussed

    Search-based energy optimization of some ubiquitous algorithms

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    Reducing computational energy consumption is of growing importance, particularly at the extremes (i.e. mobile devices and datacentres). Despite the ubiquity of the JavaTM Virtual Machine (JVM), very little work has been done to apply Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) to minimize the energy consumption of programs that run on it. We describe OPACITOR , a tool for measuring the energy consumption of JVM programs using a bytecode level model of energy cost. This has several advantages over time-based energy approximations or hardware measurements. It is: deterministic.  unaffected by the rest of the computational environment.  able to detect small changes in execution profile, making it highly amenable to metaheuristic search which requires locality of representation. We show how generic SBSE approaches coupled with OPACITOR achieve substantial energy savings for three widely-used software components. Multi-Layer Perceptron implementations minimis- ing both energy and error were found, and energy reductions of up to 70% and 39.85% were obtained over the original code for Quicksort and Object-Oriented container classes respectively. These highlight three important considerations for automatically reducing computational energy: tuning software to particular distributions of data; trading off energy use against functional properties; and handling internal dependencies which can exist within software that render simple sweeps over program variants sub-optimal. Against these, global search greatly simplifies the developer’s job, freeing development time for other tasks

    Polytypic Genetic Programming

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    Program synthesis via heuristic search often requires a great deal of boilerplate code to adapt program APIs to the search mechanism. In addition, the majority of existing approaches are not type-safe: i.e. they can fail at runtime because the search mechanisms lack the strict type information often available to the compiler. In this article, we describe Polytope, a Scala framework that uses polytypic programming, a relatively recent advance in program abstraction. Polytope requires a minimum of boilerplate code and supports a form of strong-typing in which type rules are automatically enforced by the compiler, even for search operations such as mutation which are applied at run-time. By operating directly on language-native expressions, it provides an embeddable optimization procedure for existing code. We give a tutorial example of the specific polytypic approach we adopt and compare both runtime efficiency and required lines of code against the well-known EpochX GP framework, showing comparable performance in the former and the complete elimination of boilerplate for the latter

    Haiku - a Scala combinator toolkit for semi-automated composition of metaheuristics

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    There is an emerging trend towards the automated design of metaheuristics at the software component level. In principle, metaheuristics have a relatively clean decomposition, where well-known frameworks such as ILS and EA are parametrised by variant components for acceptance, perturbation etc. Automated generation of these frameworks is not so simple in practice, since the coupling between components may be implementation specific. Compositionality is the ability to freely express a space of designs ‘bottom up’ in terms of elementary components: previous work in this area has used combinators, a modular and functional approach to componentisation arising from foundational Computer Science. In this article, we describeHaiku, a combinator tool-kit written in the Scala language, which builds upon previous work to further automate the process by automatically composing the external dependencies of components. We provide examples of use and give a case study in which a programatically-generated heuristic is applied to the Travelling Salesman Problem within an Evolutionary Strategies framework

    Investigating benchmark correlations when comparing algorithms with parameter tuning: detailed experiments and results.

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    Benchmarks are important to demonstrate the utility of optimisation algorithms, but there is controversy about the practice of benchmarking; we could select instances that present our algorithm favourably, and dismiss those on which our algorithm underperforms. Several papers highlight the pitfalls concerned with benchmarking, some of which concern the context of the automated design of algorithms, where we use a set of problem instances (benchmarks) to train our algorithm. As with machine learning, if the training set does not reflect the test set, the algorithm will not generalize. This raises some open questions concerning the use of test instances to automatically design algorithms. We use differential evolution and sweep the parameter settings to investigate the practice of benchmarking using the BBOB benchmarks. We make three key findings. Firstly, several benchmark functions are highly correlated. This may lead to the false conclusion that an algorithm performs well in general, when it performs poorly on a few key instances, possibly introducing unwanted bias to a resulting automatically designed algorithm. Secondly, the number of evaluations can have a large effect on the conclusion. Finally, a systematic sweep of the parameters shows how performance varies with time across the space of algorithm configurations. The datasets, including all computed features, the evolved policies and their performances, and the visualisations for all feature sets are available from the University of Stirling Data Repository (http://hdl.handle.net/11667/109)

    Genetic Programming + Proof Search = Automatic Improvement

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    Search Based Software Engineering techniques are emerging as important tools for software maintenance. Foremost among these is Genetic Improvement, which has historically applied the stochastic techniques of Genetic Programming to optimize pre-existing program code. Previous work in this area has not generally preserved program semantics and this article describes an alternative to the traditional mutation operators used, employing deterministic proof search in the sequent calculus to yield semantics-preserving transformations on algebraic data types. Two case studies are described, both of which are applicable to the recently-introduced `grow and graft' technique of Genetic Improvement: the first extends the expressiveness of the `grafting' phase and the second transforms the representation of a list data type to yield an asymptotic efficiency improvement

    A framework for modular construction and evaluation of metaheuristics

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    This paper presents MAHF, a software framework for the highly flexible construction of metaheuristics from individual components and the subsequent evaluation of these algorithms. At that, MAHF is developed specifically for the experimental analysis of the algorithmic behaviour during the optimization process with a focus on the influences of the algorithm’s components. Furthermore, uncommon and incompletely examined operators or frameworks of “novel” metaheuristics are included as well, so that their usefulness can be assessed. In the following, we will elaborate on MAHF’s structure and its general goals and application possibilities. Concerning MAHF’s component structure, we will provide examples of its usage and extension to ensure that it is reusable by others as well