6,242 research outputs found

    Performance Testing and Analysis of Synchronous Reluctance Motor Utilizing Dual-phase Magnetic Material

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    While interior permanent magnet (1PM) machines have been considered the state-of-the art for traction motors, synchronous reluctance (SynRel) motors with advanced materials can provide a competitive alternative. 1PM machines typically utilize Neodymium 1ron Boron (NdFeB) permanent magnets, which pose an issue in terms of price, sustainability, demagnetization at higher operating temperatures, and uncontrolled generation. On the other hand, SynRel machines do not contain any magnets and are free from these issues. However, the absence of magnets as well the presence of bridges and centerposts limit the flux-weakening capability of a SynRel machine and limit the achievable constant power speed ratio (CPSR) without having to significantly oversize the machine and/or the power converter. 1n this paper, a new material referred to as the dual-phase magnetic material where nonmagnetic regions can be selectively introduced within each lamination will be evaluated for SynRel designs. The dual-phase feature of this material enables non-magnetic bridges and posts, eliminating one of the key limitations of the SynRel designs in terms of torque density and flux-weakening. This paper will present, the design, analysis and test results of an advanced proof-of-concept SynRel design utilizing dual-phase material with traction applications as the ultimate target application

    Line-start permanent-magnet motor single-phase steady-state performance analysis

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    This paper describes an efficient calculating procedure for the steady-state operation of a single-phase line-start capacitor-run permanent-magnet motor. This class of motor is beginning to be applied in hermetic refrigerator compressors as a high-efficiency alternative to either a plain induction motor or a full inverter-fed drive. The calculation relies on a combination of reference-frame transformations including symmetrical components to cope with imbalance, and dq axes to cope with saliency. Computed results are compared with test data. The agreement is generally good, especially in describing the general properties of the motor. However, it is shown that certain important effects are beyond the limit of simple circuit analysis and require a more complex numerical analysis method

    Proposal of a novel design for linear superconducting motor using 2G tape stacks

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    This paper presents a new design for a su- perconducting linear motor (SLM). This SLM uses stacks of second-generation (2G) superconducting tapes, which are responsible for replacing yttrium barium copper oxide bulks. The proposed SLM may operate as a synchronous motor or as a hysteresis motor, depending on the load force magnitude. A small-scale linear machine prototype with 2G stacks was constructed and tested to investigate the proposed SLM topology. The stator traveling magnetic field wave was represented by several Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets. A relative movement was produced between the stator and the stack, and the force was measured along the displacement. This system was also simulated by the finite element method, in order to calculate the induced currents in the stack and determine the electromagnetic force. The H-formulation was used to solve the problem, and a power law relation was applied to take into account the intrin- sically nonlinearity of the superconductor. The simulated and measured results were in accordance. Simulated re- sults were extrapolated, proving to be an interesting tool to scale up the motor in future projects. The proposed motor presented an estimated force density of almost 500 N/kg, which is much higher than any linear motor.This work was supported in part by the following agencies: CNPq/CAPES/INERGE, CNPq—Ci ˆ encias sem Fronteiras, FAPERJ, Catalan Government 2014- SGR-753, CONSOLIDER Excellence Network MAT2014-56063-C2-1-R and MAT2015-68994-REDC, Eurofusion EU COST ACTIONS MP1201/ MP1014/PPPT-WPMAG 2014, EUROTAPES FP7-NMP-Large-2011- 280432, FORTISSIMO FP7-2013-ICT-609029, and Spanish Govern- ment Agencies—Severo Ochoa Programme Centres of Excellence in R&D. (Corresponding author: Guilherme G. Sotelo.

    A Versatile workbench simulator: Five-phase inverter and PMa-SynRM performance evaluation

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Thispaperpresents the design and structure of aversatileworkbench simulator forevaluating the performance of a five-phase inverter andPermanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor(PMa-SynRM). The simulatorallows for adding variations tothe modulationtechniques, changingthe inverter structure’s semiconductordevice, and calculatingtheinverter’spower losses. Itcanalso facilitate observingthe current, voltage,andthe jointtemperature ofthe semiconductors devices. Furthermore,wecanobtain a perform that is close to anactualPMa-SynRM, dependingon the desired conditionsof speed and torque. The workbench simulator wasdevelopedby combining three software: Matlab/Simulink, PLECSand Altair Flux.Postprint (author's final draft

    Towards Fully Additively-Manufactured Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines: Opportunities and Challenges

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    With the growing interest in electrification and as hybrid and pure electric powertrains are adopted in more applications, electrical machine design is facing challenges in terms of meeting very demanding performance metrics for example high specific power, harsh environments, etc. This provides clear motivation to explore the impact of advanced materials and manufacturing on the performance of electrical machines. This paper provides an overview of additive manufacturing (AM) approaches that can be used for constructing permanent magnet (PM) machines, with a specific focus on additively-manufactured iron core, winding, insulation, PM as well as cooling systems. Since there has only been a few attempts so far to explore AM in electrical machines (especially when it comes to fully additively-manufactured machines), the benefits and challenges of AM have not been comprehensively understood. In this regard, this paper offers a detailed comparison of multiple multi-material AM methods, showing not only the possibility of fully additively-manufactured PM machines but also the potential significant improvements in their mechanical, electromagnetic and thermal properties. The paper will provide a comprehensive discussion of opportunities and challenges of AM in the context of electrical machines

    High-frequency issues using rotating voltage injections intended for position self-sensing

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    The rotor position is required in many control schemes in electrical drives. Replacing position sensors by machine self-sensing estimators increases reliability and reduces cost. Solutions based on tracking magnetic anisotropies through the monitoring of the incremental inductance variations are efficient at low-speed and standstill operations. This inductance can be estimated by measuring the response to the injection of high-frequency signals. In general however, the selection of the optimal frequency is not addressed thoroughly. In this paper, we propose discrete-time operations based on a rotating voltage injection at frequencies up to one third of the sampling frequency used by the digital controller. The impact on the rotation-drive, the computational requirement, the robustness and the effect of the resistance on the position estimation are analyzed regarding the signal frequency

    Literature Review of Permanent Magnet AC Motors and Drive for Automotive Application

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    Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM's) are used in many applications that require rapid torque response and high – performance operation. New developed materials such as magnetic materials, conducting materials and insulating materials as well as several new applications have greatly contributed to development of small and special purpose machines. Using such materials the size of the motor would considerably reduce and high performance motors can be built. Due to several new applications these motors are quite popular &use in a developing country such as India for Automotive application. In a permanent magnet synchronous motor, the dc field winding of the rotor is replaced by a permanent magnet. The advantages are elimination of field copper loss, higher power density, lower rotor inertia and more robust construction of the rotor. The demerits are loss of flexibility of field flux control and possible demagnetization effect. The PMSM has higher efficiency than an induction motor, but generally its cost is higher, which makes the life cycle cost of the drive somewhat lower. PMSM particularly at low power range are widely used in industry. Recently, the interest in their application is growing, particularly up to 100 KW, only reluctance motor are simpler in construction and in assembly procedure then PMSM, but reluctance motor generally developed less torque per unit of current and per unit of weight. Therefore, on a basis of power output per unit weight (and general, per unit volume) the PMSM is superior to all other brushless synchronous motor especially with the commercial feasibility of rare earth magnets. Section 1. describes the introduction section 2.describes Classification of permanent magnet AC motor section 3. describes the conclusion

    The use of cement leftovers from the hollow of spun piles as an additive in self-compacting concrete

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    Spun piles have been used widely by developing countries, including Malaysia, to construct the foundation of most construction projects. A spun pile is a reinforced precast and prestressed concrete that is compacted in a mould through spinning compaction. The spinning compaction produces cement leftovers in the hollow part of spun piles that can be added to concrete mixtures as an additive. The cement leftovers of spun piles were used as an additive in cement in range of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% (equal percentages). The resulting compressive strength after curing periods of 7 days and 28 days were presented to investigate the properties of self-compacting concrete containing cement leftovers from the spun piles. Other properties investigated include the physical properties of fresh concrete and water absorption. The results indicated that higher compressive strength and lower water absorption were achieved by the concrete samples containing cement leftovers compared to controlled concrete

    GA-tuning of nonlinear observers for sensorless control of automotive power steering IPMSMs

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    The paper considers two observer-based rotor position estimation schemes for sensorless control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSMs) for use in future automotive power steering systems. Specifically, emphasis is given to techniques based on feedback-linearisation followed by classical Luenberger observer design, and direct design of non-linear observers. Genetic algorithms (GAs), using the principles of evolution, natural selection and genetic mutation, are introduced to address difficulties in selecting correction gains for the observers, since no analytical tuning mechanisms yet exist. Experimental measurements from an automotive power steering test-facility are included, to demonstrate the enhanced performance attributes offered by tuning the proposed observer schemes, online, in this manner