115 research outputs found

    Telematic music transmission, resistance and touch

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    This article retraces the history of telematic performance from early videophone experiments by the Electronic Café in the 1980s, through a series of ambitious digital art installations at museums like the Centre Pompidou. Onto this history, I map a series of netmusic projects I initiated in this period, from ISDN performances at the Sonar Festival to my installation Global String at Ars Electronica. This sets the context for collaborative online performances held during the COVID pandemic with artists like Paul Sermon and the Chicks on Speed. I finish by describing the Hybrid Live project connecting Goldsmiths and Iklectik Art Labs in London with Stanford University’s CCRMA and SFJazz in California. I describe the low latency audio transport used, the importance of audiovisual synchronisation and the computer vision abstractions resulting in a London-New York remote dance performance. By situating current work in these histories, and closely examining the qualities of the network necessary for the transmission of a sense of embodied experience – and therefore trust – we understand that network performance occurs in its own space, one distinct from physical co-presence

    The Surprisingly Low Effect of National Culture on E-Government Adoption: A Cross-Cultural Comparison

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    Governments worldwide are looking for ways to encourage the citizen uptake of online public services. Although some countries are doing better than the others, the vast majority of governments face adoption problems with their electronic services. Other than supply-side barriers, some nations show strong public resistance to government offerings. Drawing on cross-cultural research in IS adoption and diffusion, we posit that differences among adoption behaviors of nations may be attributed to cultural differences. Indeed, national culture shapes the core values and beliefs of individuals, which in turn influence attitudes and behaviors. As being an emerging field of IS, cross-cultural issues in e-government have not received much empirical attention to date. By using nationwide representative samples, we compared two European nations with different cultural profiles and e-government take-up levels. Surprisingly, the results indicate that Germany and Sweden do not differ considerably in their perceptions of enablers and barriers to e-government adoption

    Lifelong Learning im Open CÂłS. Akademischen Weiterbildung im Bereich Cyber-Sicherheit: Zielgruppen, Inhalte, Organisationsformen und Anrechnung beruflicher Kompetenzen. Erwartungen von Experten im Umfeld von Open CÂłS

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    Im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Kooperationsprojektes Open Competence Center for Cyber Security (kurz Open C³S) und im Sinne des projektinternen Qualitätsmanagements wurde eine empirische Erhebung zu Fragen der Ausgestaltung akademischer Weiterbildungen im Bereich Cyber-Sicherheit durchgeführt. Die zentralen Schwerpunkte dieser Studie umfassen die Ermittlung der Zielgruppen sowie der Erwartungen hinsichtlich der Inhalte und Organisationsformen im Kontext der Anrechnung berufl icher Kompetenzen auf hochschulische und universitäre Studiengänge

    An Evaluated Certification Services System for the German National Root CA - Legally Binding and Trustworthy Transactions in E-Business and E-Government

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    National Root CAs enable legally binding E-Business and E-Government transactions. This is a report about the development, the evaluation and the certification of the new certification services system for the German National Root CA. We illustrate why a new certification services system was necessary, and which requirements to the new system existed. Then we derive the tasks to be done from the mentioned requirements. After that we introduce the initial situation at the beginning of the project. We report about the very process and talk about some unfamiliar situations, special approaches and remarkable experiences. Finally we present the ready IT system and its impact to E-Business and E-Government.Comment: 6 pages; 1 figure; IEEE style; final versio

    Mobile and Ubiquitous Solutions for Health Care of the Future

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    Building Resilience in Cybersecurity -- An Artificial Lab Approach

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    Based on classical contagion models we introduce an artificial cyber lab: the digital twin of a complex cyber system in which possible cyber resilience measures may be implemented and tested. Using the lab, in numerical case studies, we identify two classes of measures to control systemic cyber risks: security- and topology-based interventions. We discuss the implications of our findings on selected real-world cybersecurity measures currently applied in the insurance and regulation practice or under discussion for future cyber risk control. To this end, we provide a brief overview of the current cybersecurity regulation and emphasize the role of insurance companies as private regulators. Moreover, from an insurance point of view, we provide first attempts to design systemic cyber risk obligations and to measure the systemic risk contribution of individual policyholders

    10. Ilmenauer TK-Manager Workshop: Technische Universität Ilmenau, 12 September 2008 ; Tagungsband

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    Im Februar 1995 veranstaltete das Fachgebiet Kommunikationsnetze erstmalig einen Workshop zu "Branchentypischen Anwendungen in der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik". Er diente der Diskussion des Weiterbildungsbedarfs mit Partnern aus der Praxis in Vorbereitung des berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildungsstudienganges "Telekommunikations-Manager“. Dieser, kurz TK-Manager genannte Studiengang wird seit 1996 erfolgreich durchgeführt, hat bereits etwa 100 Absolventen ausgebildet und ist somit zu einer Institution geworden. Seit 1998 findet der „Ilmenauer TK-Manager Workshop“ jährlich begleitend zum Weiterbildungsstudiengang „TK-Manager“ statt. Das Ziel besteht in der Förderung des Erfahrungsaustausches zwischen Absolventen und Studenten des Studienganges und interessierten Partnern aus anderen Bildungseinrichtungen und der Wirtschaft. Das Spektrum der Vorträge umfasst aktuelle Themen aus den Bereichen IT/TK-Technik, Wirtschaft und Recht. In diesem Jahr führen wir nunmehr den Workshop zum zehnten Mal durch, ein kleines Jubiläum. Dieses nahmen wir zum Anlass, die Beiträge des Workshops und darüber hinaus aktuelle Forschungsthemen des Fachgebiets Kommunikationsnetze, das für den TK-Manager federführend ist, in einem Tagungsband zu veröffentlichen

    The artist as host

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    iesnews; Esprit Information Exchange System Issue No. 26 February 1990

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