209 research outputs found

    Uses and Challenges of Collecting LiDAR Data from a Growing Autonomous Vehicle Fleet: Implications for Infrastructure Planning and Inspection Practices

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    Autonomous vehicles (AVs) that utilize LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and other sensing technologies are becoming an inevitable part of transportation industry. Concurrently, transportation agencies are increasingly challenged with the management and tracking of large-scale highway asset inventory. LiDAR has become popular among transportation agencies for highway asset management given its advantage over traditional surveying methods. The affordability of LiDAR technology is increasing day by day. Given this, there will be substantial challenges and opportunities for the utilization of big data resulting from the growth of AVs with LiDAR. A proper understanding of the data size generated from this technology will help agencies in making decisions regarding storage, management, and transmission of the data. The original raw data generated from the sensor shrinks a lot after filtering and processing following the Cache county Road Manual and storing into ASPRS recommended (.las) file format. In this pilot study, it is found that while considering the road centerline as the vehicle trajectory larger portion of the data fall into the right of way section compared to the actual vehicle trajectory in Cache County, UT. And there is a positive relation between the data size and vehicle speed in terms of the travel lanes section given the nature of the selected highway environment

    Issues Related to the Emergence of the Information Superhighway and California Societal Changes, IISTPS Report 96-4

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    The Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (IISTPS) at San JosĂ© State University (SJSU) conducted this project to review the continuing development of the Internet and the Information Superhighway. Emphasis was placed on an examination of the impact on commuting and working patterns in California, and an analysis of how public transportation agencies, including Caltrans, might take advantage of the new communications technologies. The document reviews the technology underlying the current Internet “structure” and examines anticipated developments. It is important to note that much of the research for this limited-scope project was conducted during 1995, and the topic is so rapidly evolving that some information is almost automatically “dated.” The report also examines how transportation agencies are basically similar in structure and function to other business entities, and how they can continue to utilize the emerging technologies to improve internal and external communications. As part of a detailed discussion of specific transportation agency functions, it is noted that the concept of a “Roundtable Forum,” growing out of developments in Concurrent Engineering, can provide an opportunity for representatives from multiple jurisdictions to utilize the Internet for more coordinated decision-making. The report also included an extensive analysis of demographic trends in California in recent years, such as commute and recreational activities, and identifies how the emerging technologies may impact future changes

    Visibility-Based Technologies and Methodologies for Autonomous Driving

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    The three main elements of autonomous vehicles (AV) are orientation, visibility, and decision. This chapter presents an overview of the implementation of visibility-based technologies and methodologies. The chapter first presents two fundamental aspects that are necessary for understanding the main contents. The first aspect is highway geometric design as it relates to sight distance and highway alignment. The second aspect is mathematical basics, including coordinate transformation and visual space segmentation. Details on the Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) system, which represents the ‘eye’ of the AV are presented. In particular, a new Lidar 3D mapping system, that can be operated on different platforms and modes for a new mapping scheme is described. The visibility methodologies include two types. Infrastructure visibility mainly addresses high-precision maps and sight obstacle detection. Traffic visibility (vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists) addresses identification of critical positions and visibility estimation. Then, an overview of the decision element (path planning and intelligent car-following) for the movement of AV is presented. The chapter provides important information for researchers and therefore should help to advance road safety for autonomous vehicles

    Full Issue 2(3)

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    Marks the Spot

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    This thesis is an investigation into the prtoblem of marketing for small businesses with little funds and means for advertisement. Past, present and predicted future methods of marketing prove there is room for improvement in affordability through existing advancements. Literature reviews and case studies explore the most lucrative ways forward. Research also indicates that large numbers of potential consumers are missed by small businesses due to their general lack of embracing newer communication technology such as store apps. This extra support measure provides users with notifications that highlight coupons and deals and has a proven record of success for larger companies with the resources to accommodate. Despite the hurdles of implementing the various forms of marketing, this thesis explores a solution by way of a mobile app to alleviate the burden of travelers finding smaller local businesses en route to a destination. This is due to the unrealistic nature of building and maintaining dedicated store apps, which is an undertaking that many small businesses are not built to maintain. To bridge the gap, it was deduced that an app for all businesses would be effective in reaching out to potential customers in an immediate area by way of GPS and geofencing. Additional research investigates driver safety in relation to mobile applications, which considers color, type, shapes and other aesthetics that can distract drivers from the road

    Full Issue 20(2)

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    Efficient Range-Free Monte-Carlo-Localization for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Das Hauptproblem von Lokalisierungsalgorithmen fĂŒr WSNs basierend auf Ankerknoten ist die AbhĂ€ngigkeit von diesen. MobilitĂ€t im Netzwerk kann zu Topologien fĂŒhren, in denen einzelne Knoten oder ganze Teile des Netzwerks temporĂ€r von allen Ankerknoten isoliert werden. In diesen FĂ€llen ist keine weitere Lokalisierung möglich. Dies wirkt sich primĂ€r auf den Lokalisierungsfehler aus, der in diesen FĂ€llen stark ansteigt. Des weiteren haben Betreiber von Sensornetzwerken Interesse daran, die Anzahl der kosten- und wartungsintensiveren Ankerknoten auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren. Dies verstĂ€rkt zusĂ€tzlich das Problem von nicht verfĂŒgbaren Ankerknoten wĂ€hrend des Netzwerkbetriebs. In dieser Arbeit werden zunĂ€chst die Vor- und Nachteile der beiden großen Hauptkategorien von Lokalisierungsalgorithmen (range-based und range-free Verfahren) diskutiert und eine Studie eines oft fĂŒr range-based Lokalisierung genutzten Distanzbestimmungsverfahren mit Hilfe des RSSI vorgestellt. Danach werden zwei neue Varianten fĂŒr ein bekanntes range-free Lokalisierungsverfahren mit Namen MCL eingefĂŒhrt. Beide haben zum Ziel das Problem der temporĂ€r nicht verfĂŒgbaren Ankerknoten zu lösen, bedienen sich dabei aber unterschiedlicher Mittel. SA-MCL nutzt ein dead reckoning Verfahren, um die PositionsschĂ€tzung vom letzten bekannten Standort weiter zu fĂŒhren. Dies geschieht mit Hilfe von zusĂ€tzlichen Sensorinformationen, die von einem elektronischen Kompass und einem Beschleunigungsmesser zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt werden. PO-MCL hingegen nutzt das MobilitĂ€tsverhalten von einigen Anwendungen in Sensornetzwerken aus, bei denen sich alle Knoten primĂ€r auf einer festen Anzahl von Pfaden bewegen, um den Lokalisierungsprozess zu verbessern. Beide Methoden werden durch detaillierte Netzwerksimulationen evaluiert. Im Fall von SA-MCL wird außerdem eine Implementierung auf echter Hardware vorgestellt und eine Feldstudie in einem mobilen Sensornetzwerk durchgefĂŒhrt. Aus den Ergebnissen ist zu sehen, dass der Lokalisierungsfehler in Situationen mit niedriger Ankerknotendichte im Fall von SA-MCL um bis zu 60% reduziert werden kann, beziehungsweise um bis zu 50% im Fall von PO-MCL.

    An institutional deployment framework for intelligent transportation systems

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-177).Increasing traffic congestion around the world is limiting urban mobility and contributing to unsustainable environmental, economic, and social conditions. The concept of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which is defined as the application of computing and electronics technologies to transportation, offers potential for alleviating the negative effects of traffic congestion. These negative effects include impacts on road efficiency, the environment, safety, and cost. Institutional obstacles, however, limit ITS deployment. This thesis presents a portfolio of ITS technologies that are relevant in combating congestion. Technologies studied include Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS), Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS), Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS), and many others. Each technology is analyzed on the basis of benefits and costs, real world examples, barriers to implementation, and social implications. From this portfolio, an institutional deployment framework for ITS is developed based on the barriers to implementation shared by many of these technologies. This framework addresses political, economic, organizational, financial, legal, and information issues. After developing this framework, it is applied to ITS institutions in the cities of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Three conclusions can be drawn from this comparison. First, ITS can make significant impacts on congestion, efficiency, safety, and the environment. At the same time, one must consider the social implications and costs of deployment. Second, deploying ITS in urban areas is a complex challenge, requiring the consideration of a wide range of factors. Finally, implementation of ITS must be specific to a particular region; the imitation of other cities without localized planning may result in unsuccessful deployments.by Sandi Shih Lin.S.M

    Innovation in last mile delivery : meeting evolving customer demands : the case of In-Car Delivery

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    Parcel delivery today is in urgent need for innovation driven by the imbalance between two forces that can be observed in the market environment. First, the volume of parcels between businesses and consumers is growing rapidly, mainly driven through e-commerce. Second, consumer habits and lifestyles are changing in a way that demands more flexibility and convenience. Ultimately, the feasibility of the delivery moment, reaching consumers at home, is shrinking. Therefore, this thesis deals with service innovations in the Last Mile Delivery of parcels that seek to enhance customer experience and address the insufficiencies of existing delivery models. The emphasis in this work is on In-Car Delivery - a method in which a parcel is delivered to the trunk of a consumer’s car. The objective of the paper is to examine whether consumers would accept In-Car Delivery as a novel way to receive parcels. Key findings suggest that In-Car Delivery can solve the deficiencies of today’s delivery methods, and consumers are willing to use trunk delivery. Yet, the research also shows that In-Car Delivery brings along an unprecedented set of concerns in parcel delivery, namely customer data and privacy concerns. As the exploration of innovative delivery solutions - beyond In-Car Delivery - is continuing, this research helps parcel companies to prioritize and concentrate their resources on the main value drivers. This study identified the following five factors most important to consumers when receiving a parcel: flexibility, convenience, cost, speed, and variety.A entrega de encomendas hoje passa por uma necessidade urgente de inovação, impulsionada pelo desequilĂ­brio entre duas forças que podem ser observadas no mercado. Primeiro, o volume das encomendas entre empresas e consumidores estĂĄ crescendo rapidamente, principalmente atravĂ©s do e-commerce. Segundo, os hĂĄbitos de consumo e estilos de vida estĂŁo mudando de forma a exigir mais flexibilidade e conveniĂȘncia. E por ultimo, a viabilidade de entrega, de a encomenda chegar Ă s mĂŁos dos consumidores em casa, estĂĄ diminuindo. Portanto, esta tese trata de inovaçÔes de serviços na entrega de encomendas da Last-Mile Delivery que buscam aprimorar a experiĂȘncia do cliente e abordar as insuficiĂȘncias dos modelos de entrega atuais e existentes. A ĂȘnfase deste trabalho estĂĄ no In-Car Delivery – um mĂ©todo onde a encomenda Ă© entregue ao porta-malas do carro do consumidor. O objetivo deste trabalho Ă© examinar se os consumidores aceitariam ou nĂŁo o serviço In-Car Delivery como uma nova maneira de receber suas encomendas. Alem disso, este estudo identificou os seguintes cinco fatores mais importantes para os consumidores quando se trata de receber uma encomenda: flexibilidade, conveniĂȘncia, custo, velocidade, e variedade. As principais conclusĂ”es sugerem que o serviço In-Car Delivery pode resolver as deficiĂȘncias dos mĂ©todos de entrega atuais, e em geral, os consumidores estĂŁo dispostos a usar este serviço como mĂ©todo de recebimento de encomendas. No entanto, a pesquisa tambĂ©m mostra que o In-Car Delivery traz consigo preocupaçÔes sem precedentes quando se trata da entrega de encomendas, principalmente preocupaçÔes com os dados e privacidade dos clientes

    Virtual Touch: Embodied Experiences of (dis)Embodied Intimacy in Mediatized Performance

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    In this dissertation, I explore a phenomenon I call virtual touch, in which embodied sensations of touch are felt through non-tactile senses. In the digital age, online interactivity has expanded the ways in which individuals experience connection, intimacy, and touch. Digital media, which have traditionally been thought of as disembodied, nevertheless have the ability to elicit intense feelings of touch. Through analysis of digital and virtual installation art, I examine the ways that non-tactile touch remains rooted in the embodied experience. The works I include in this study create a feeling of virtual touch through a co-functioning of the senses, and through what Brian Massumi terms “the superiority of the analog,” in which all experience is inherently rooted in the body. Grounded in Merleau-Ponty’s theory of the embodied subject, I focus on three broad categories of installation art, each of which creates an affective response of virtual touch through senses of sight and proprioception: telematic performance using video-conferencing technology, digitally reactive animations, and immersive sculptures of light designed to decenter the perceptual and visual senses. Along with works by artists Paul Sermon, Adrien M & Claire B, teamLab, and James Turrell, I include analyses of two research performances I created, Being Present (2016) and (dis)embodied in space (2019), both of which entangled live and mediatized bodies through telematic video technology. Each of the artworks that I include place an emphasis on the embodied experience, engaging bodies in interactions of virtual touch with other bodies, with digitally reactive artworks, and with light and space. Throughout this dissertation, I argue for a rethinking of concepts of touch, intimacy, and connection in the digital age
