38,452 research outputs found

    The noun class system of Bwala, an undocumented Teke language from the DRC (Bantu, B70z)

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    This paper presents the noun class system of Bwala, a nearly undocumented and undescribed Bantu language of the Teke group spoken in the Kinshasa Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Genealogically speaking, Bwala belongs to the Kasai-Ngounie (Extended) subclade, one of the major monophyletic groups within West-Coastal Bantu. Bwala has seven singular classes (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15) and five plural classes (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) which form nine singular/plural noun class pairings (1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 5/10, 5/4, 7/8, 7/6, 9/6, 14/6). The paper furthermore addresses the diachronic changes which the Bwala noun class system underwent with respect to Proto-Bantu (PB). We compare these to the changes identified by Hyman, Lionnet, and Ngolele (2019) for Teke-Ewo, a closely related variety, with the aim of identifying morphological innovations shared between varieties of the so-called Teke group (Bantu B70)

    Second Annual Tour De Teke Bicycle Race for American Diabetes Slated March 24 at UD

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    News release announces that the University of Dayton chapter of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity will hold the second annual Tour de Teke

    Kas noored on inglise keelega 'obsessed'? Millest rÀÀgivad korpusandmed?

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    Artiklis analĂŒĂŒsime inglise keele kasutust projekti „Teismeliste keel Eestis“ (TeKE)1 raames 9–18-aastaste noorte suulisest ja tĆĄĂ€tisuhtlusest kogutud keeleandmetes. Andmeid koguti rahvateaduse meetodil. Nagu TeKE korpuse sagedusandmed ja neist kooruvad mustrid viitavad, tasub teismeliste keelekasutuses pöörata tĂ€helepanu inglise keelele. Artiklis esitame esmase analĂŒĂŒsi inglise keele kasutusest ja osakaalust projekti kaasatud noorte suulise ja tĆĄĂ€tisuhtluse andmetes. Tulemusedosutavad, et inglise keele osakaal varieerub kĂ”nelejati, ei ole seostatav soo ega vanusega, vaid sĂ”ltub pigem muudest vestlusega seotud asjaoludest, sh vestlusteemast ja registrist. KĂŒll aga kooruvad soolised ja vanuselised erinevused vĂ€lja noorte ingliskeelse sĂ”navara analĂŒĂŒsist.VĂ”tmesĂ”nad: noortekeel, suuline keel, tĆĄĂ€tikeel, korpusanalĂŒĂŒs, eesti keel,inglise kee

    UD Fraternity to Hold \u27Tour de Teke\u27 Bike Races and Other Fundraisers

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    News release announces that the University of Dayton\u27s Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity will hold its annual Tour de Teke bicycle races on campus

    Experimental and numerical investigation of an air-to-water heat pipe-based heat exchanger

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    An experimental and analytical investigation was conducted on an air-to-water heat exchanger equipped with six wickless heat pipes (thermosyphons) charged with water as the working fluid. The flow pattern consisted of a double pass on the evaporator and condenser sections. The six thermosyphons were all made from carbon steel, measured 2m in length and were installed in a staggered arrangement. The objectives of the reported experimental investigation were to analyse the effect of multiple air passes at different air inlet temperatures (100 to 250°C) and air mass flow rates (0.05 to 0.14kg/s) on the thermal performance of the heat exchanger unit including the heat pipes. The results were compared with a CFD model that assumed the heat pipes were solid rods with a constant conductivity. The conductivity of the pipes was extracted from modifications of correlations available in the literature based around the theory of Thermal Resistance. The results proved to be very accurate within 10% of the experimental values

    Cyclists Invited to Participate in UD\u27s \u27Tour de Teke Races

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    News release announces that the University of Dayton\u27s Tau Kappa Epsilon will sponsor Tour de Teke to benefit the American Diabetes Association

    Increasing Ethical Awareness : The Enhancement of Long-Term Effects of Ethics Teaching: A Quantitative Study

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    In this study, the impact of two different “methods” for teaching ethics as part of the religious education in the Swedish upper secondary school have been compared by means of a non-randomized controlled trial in two parts, involving 15 teachers and 524 students. The question was which “method” had the greatest capacity to generate long-term ethical awareness in the students. The intervention condition consisted of students whose teachers were instructed to teach according to the Three Step Model, a teaching method influenced by research concerning how moral autonomy and ethical awareness could be increased by means of instruction and training, whereas the control condition consisted of students whose teachers were instructed to teach basically as usual but with some added guidelines. During the trial, all students were given a pre-test before the ethics section had started and a post-test 10-12 weeks after it was finished. When quantified and summarized, the results showed an advantage of the intervention condition in measure B (development of demonstrable knowledge) but an advantage of the control condition in measure A (self-assessed ethical awareness); however, the advantage of the intervention condition was clearer and stronger. Even though the intervention students did not experience a stronger development, they appeared to have learned significantly more, not least in terms of procedural knowledge in ethical problem-solving. The tentative conclusion is therefore that the Three Step Model is a more effective method for increasing ethical awareness compared to “regular” ethics teaching, at least if one defines ethical awareness and measures it the way it was done in this study

    Le Veuvage Chez les Teke du Congo d’Hier à Aujourd’hui

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    Les Teke comme tous les ĂȘtres vivants naissent, grandissent et retournent Ă  la poussiĂšre. C’est la loi de la nature.La disparition d’un ĂȘtre cher est de tout temps et dans toutes les sociĂ©tĂ©s du monde vĂ©cue, comme un drame, une perte. La mort (lipfu, en langue teke), est de ce fait, un Ă©vĂšnement douloureux qui perturbe le goupe social et l’en deuil. Elle plombe un groupe social dans la tristesse et fait des veuves, des veufs et des orphelins.La mort de l’un  des conjoints ouvre Ă  partir de cet instant, la voie au veuvage.La condition de veuve ou de veuf soumet le concernĂ© Ă  un certain nombre de rites et traditions qu’il convient de respecter pour ne pas trahir les prĂ©ceptes du groupe social. Tous ces prĂ©ceptes sont de mises selon qu’on soit dans les grandes villes ou en milieu rural ou que l’on soit devant le statut de la personne dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e(Veuve d’un chef( pfili a pfum) ou veuve d’un citoyen ordinaire).Cette Ă©tude entend expliquer ce qui est le veuvage, ses Ă©tapes et son impact dans la vie d’une personne et dans la sociĂ©tĂ© teke du Congo. Elle est le fruit d’une recherche documentaire et de nos enquĂȘtes de terrain

    Neydi bu?

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    Taha Toros ArƟivi, Dosya No: 67-BarÄ±ĆŸ Manço. Not: Gazetenin "Teke Tek" kĂ¶ĆŸesinde yayımlanmÄ±ĆŸtır.Unutma Ä°stanbul projesi Ä°stanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı Ä°stanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiƟtir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Upcoming: Jail \u27N Bail Slated in UD\u27s Kennedy Union Plaza; Afternoon Cabaret Performance Slated by UD Music Groups; Tour De Teke Cyclists will Peddle Through UD Campus

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    News release announces upcoming events at UD including the American Cancer Society Jail \u27N Bail, a cabaret performance by the chorale and orchestra, and Tour de Teke bicycle races
