19 research outputs found

    Impact of Mobile Technology in Transforming Education and Health Sectors of Nigeria: Strength and Challenges

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    Mobile technologies continue to offer unprecedented opportunities for economic growth in both developing ami developed countries. Mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets enable innovation and help students, teachers, and parents gain access to digital content and personalised assessment vital for a post-industrial world. Mobile technologies transform healthcare by improved chronic disease management, empowering the elderly and expectant mothers to have access to emergency services with a touch of a button. Therefore, this paper examined how mobile technologies serve as a strategic enabler in the transformation of education and health sectors. The challenges facing the implementation of mobile technology in both sectors and ways to overcome these hurdles are also discussed. Recommendations are suggested for future action on the deployment of mobile technology in both education and health sectors in Nigeria


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    The progress of globalizing technology has influenced all aspects of life both in the economic, political, cultural arts and even in the world of education. The development of science and technology is one of the productivity results of humans who have the knowledge gained from education. Where the development of science and technology has broad implications in human life, it is expected that these humans need to explore to take advantage of its benefits optimally and reduce the existing negative implications. Educational technology is only possible to be developed and put to good use when there are workers who handle it. They are skilled or experts in carrying out activities. The world of education, like it or not, must carry out a comprehensive innovation, means that all devices in the education system have a role and become a factor that is so influential in realizing reliable human resources and the success of the education system.Keyword: Education Technology, Education Transformation, Human Resource


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    Learning new information and abilities is the process of education. Learning English is a skill-based learning experience that necessitates a variety of ways and tactics. Technological innovations have had a significant impact on current education. Technology is the most recent solution to the issues of learning English. As English language learning methods improve, cake completes an innovative method of language learning on a mobile phone base. The goal of this study is to look into how Cake apps can help students improve their vocabulary at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. This study employs a pre-experimental research design with a pre-test. Five students will participate in this study. The research instruments were tests and questionnaires used to answer the study questions. How does the vocabulary of pupils change as a result of using Duolingo? The students' scores are raised as a result of the quanlitative data. The end product is anticipated to provide teachers and students with knowledge on having in-depth language learning practice in a convenient style.

    Aplikasi Irene Donut: Penerimaan dan Perubahan Sikap Orang Tua dalam Mencegah Karies Gigi Murid TK di Kota Serang

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    Irene donut is an application for assessing carries risk and changing the parent’s behavior. Irene donut application has rapidly grew from manul to android. The purpose of this study was to describe the user acceptance rate of Irene Donut application and to analyze the effect of “Irene Donut”  android version on parent’s attitude to prevent dental caries in children. The design of this study was pre-experimental  with repeated measure. Pre-post intervention study was conducted in Serang City, Banten-Indonesia and involved 62 parents from 4 preschools. A self-administered measurement was applied to asses user acceptance and oral health attitude before and after the program with conducted for 3 weeks. The data were analyzed using Wilcoxon test. Results showed that a statistically significance difference. That there was an effect in attitude (p=0,001). The positive attitude increased by 5,6%. Generally, User acceptance of  application  has been increased in 3 weeks (4,9%). Positive acceptance are usefulness; compatibility; triability; observability; and behavioral intention. Conclusion, Irene donut application was effective in improving oral health attitude for parents to prevent dental caries children and irene donut application has positive acceptance by the users

    Reinforcing the Role of ICT in Enhancing Teaching and Learning Post-COVID-19 in Tertiary Institutions in South Africa

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    The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in higher education is becoming more and more prevalent with the over-proliferation of technological development we find ourselves in. The educational landscape in South African tertiary institutions has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in increased use of ICT. In turn, this has transformed these institutions' teaching, learning, and research. Central to this transformation has been challenges facing both teachers and administrators, including the need for a great demonstration of the value of ICT through improved output on teaching, learning and research. This paper examines the use of ICT in enhancing teaching and learning in South African tertiary institutions during and post COVID-19. Using an extensive secondary review approach, the report observes that ICT has been widely embraced in tertiary institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. However, a minority of students and lecturers still lack the technological expertise to utilise modern technologies. In addition, limited funding in some rural universities hinders the purchasing of modern ICT equipment to support teaching and learning in tertiary institutions. The paper recommends increasing the value of ICT usage in the teaching and learning process post-COVID-19. Regular workshops and in-service training of both teaching staff, students and administrators in pedagogical issues and administration should be increased

    International Forum on AI and Education: Ensuring AI as a Common Good to Transform Education, 7-8 December; synthesis report

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    The third International Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Education, held in 2021, explored the theme ‘Ensuring AI as aCommon Good to Transform Education’. This publication is a synthesis of the key discussions, focusing on the role in AI and education of digital humanism, and on how AI governance and AI innovation networks can be enhanced to direct AI to the common good for education and humanity

    Influence of Project-Based Learning Model that Aided Matrix Laboratory toward Creative Thinking Skills Viewed from College Student's Science Generic Skills

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    This study aimed at anlyzing the influence of project-based learning that aided matrix laboratory toward college student’s creative thinking skills and the influence of science generic skills toward the relationship between project -based learning model that aided matrix laboratory and college student’s creative thinking skills. The method used in this research was pre-experiment method with design is one shot case study. Data analyzed by regression test with moderating variable. The Results of the analysis found that (1) there is the influence of project based learning model that aided matrix laboratory toward college student's creative thinking skills (44.3%); (2) there is the influence of science generic skills to the relationship between project-based learning model that aided matrix laboratory and college student’s creative thinking skills (28.6%). The science generic skills had been contributed to strengthen the relationship between project-based learning model that aided matrix laboratory and college students’s creative thinking skills. Keywords: college students’s creative thinking skills, matrix laboratory, project-based learning mode

    Evaluating an Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math/Computational Thinking Professional Development Program for Elementary Level Paraprofessional Educators

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    For my dissertation, I looked at a training program one Utah school district used to teach paraprofessional educators science, technology, engineering, math, and computational thinking. Specifically, the program taught them about what computational thinking is and how they could use it when teaching science, technology, engineering, and math to students from kindergarten to sixth grade. While reviewing this program, I evaluated 1) The experiences the paraprofessionals had with the program, 2) Whether the paraprofessionals understood computational thinking, and 3) Whether the program prepared them to teach computational thinking to K-6 students. I worked with eight paraprofessionals who participated in this program. Each participant was given a survey before and after the training program, and I interviewed each of them to gather their thoughts, feelings, and experiences at the end of the program. This evaluation showed that the program provided a positive experience for participants and opportunities for them to understand computational thinking and how they can teach elementary school children those concepts. My evaluation also highlighted several ways the school district can support paraprofessionals to make them more effective when teaching computational thinking

    Current Trends in Game-Based Learning

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    A myriad of technological options can be used to support digital game-based learning. One popular technology in this context is the mobile device, considering its high penetration rate in our societies, even among young people. These can be combined with other technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR), to increase students’ motivation and engagement in learning processes.Due to this, there is an emergent need to know and promote good practices in the development and implementation of game-based learning approaches in educational settings. This was the motto for the proposal of the Education Sciences (ISSN: 2227-7102) Special Issue “Current Trends in Game-Based Learning”. This book is a reprint of this Special Issue, collecting a set of five papers that illustrate the contribution of innovative approaches to education, specifically the ones exploring the motivational factors associated with playing games and the technology that may support them