2,918 research outputs found

    A novel ingress node design for video streaming over optical burst switching networks

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    This paper introduces a novel ingress node design which takes advantage of video data partitioning in order to deliver enhanced video streaming quality when using H.264/AVC codec over optical burst switching networks. Ns2 simulations show that the proposed scheme delivers improved video traffic quality without affecting other traffic, such as best effort traffic. Although the extra network load is comparatively small, the average gain in video PSNR was 5 dB over existing burst cloning schemes, with a maximum end-to-end delay of 17 ms, and jitter of less than 0.35 ms

    T-WAS and T-XAS algorithms for fiber-loop optical buffers

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    In optical packet/burst switched networks fiber loops provide a viable and compact means of contention resolution. For fixed size packets it is known that a basic void-avoiding schedule (VAS) can vastly outperform a more classical pre-reservation algorithm as FCFS. For the setting of a uniform distributed packet size and a restricted buffer size we proposed two novel forward-looking algorithms, WAS and XAS, that, in specific settings, outperform VAS up to 20% in terms of packet loss. This contribution extends the usage and improves the performance of the WAS and XAS algorithms by introducing an additional threshold variable. By optimizing this threshold, the process of selectively delaying packet longer than strictly necessary can be made more or less strict and as such be fitted to each setting. By Monte Carlo simulation it is shown that the resulting T-WAS and T-XAS algorithms are most effective for those instances where the algorithms without threshold can offer no or only limited performance improvement

    Effective preemptive scheduling scheme for optical burst-switched networks with cascaded wavelength conversion consideration

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    We introduce a new preemptive scheduling technique for next-generation optical burst switching (OBS) networks considering the impact of cascaded wavelength conversions. It has been shown that when optical bursts are transmitted all optically from source to destination, each wavelength conversion performed along the lightpath may cause certain signal-to-noise deterioration. If the distortion of the signal quality becomes significant enough, the receiver would not be able to recover the original data. Accordingly, subject to this practical impediment, we improve a recently proposed fair channel scheduling algorithm to deal with the fairness problem and aim at burst loss reduction simultaneously in OBS environments. In our scheme, the dynamic priority associated with each burst is based on a constraint threshold and the number of already conducted wavelength conversions among other factors for this burst. When contention occurs, a new arriving superior burst may preempt another scheduled one according to their priorities. Extensive simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme further improves fairness and achieves burst loss reduction as well

    A Survey of Quality of Service Differentiation Mechanisms for Optical Burst Switching Networks

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper presents an overview of Quality of Service (QoS) differentiation mechanisms proposed for Optical Burst Switching (OBS) networks. OBS has been proposed to couple the benefits of both circuit and packet switching for the ‘‘on demand’’ use of capacity in the future optical Internet. In such a case, QoS support imposes some important challenges before this technology is deployed. This paper takes a broader view on QoS, including QoS differentiation not only at the burst but also at the transport levels for OBS networks. A classification of existing QoS differentiation mechanisms for OBS is given and their efficiency and complexity are comparatively discussed. We provide numerical examples on how QoS differentiation with respect to burst loss rate and transport layer throughput can be achieved in OBS networks. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Design And Analysis Of Effective Routing And Channel Scheduling For Wavelength Division Multiplexing Optical Networks

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    Optical networking, employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), is seen as the technology of the future for the Internet. This dissertation investigates several important problems affecting optical circuit switching (OCS) and optical burst switching (OBS) networks. Novel algorithms and new approaches to improve the performance of these networks through effective routing and channel scheduling are presented. Extensive simulations and analytical modeling have both been used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in achieving lower blocking probability, better fairness as well as faster switching. The simulation tests were performed over a variety of optical network topologies including the ring and mesh topologies, the U.S. Long-Haul topology, the Abilene high-speed optical network used in Internet 2, the Toronto Metropolitan topology and the European Optical topology. Optical routing protocols previously published in the literature have largely ignored the noise and timing jitter accumulation caused by cascading several wavelength conversions along the lightpath of the data burst. This dissertation has identified and evaluated a new constraint, called the wavelength conversion cascading constraint. According to this constraint, the deployment of wavelength converters in future optical networks will be constrained by a bound on the number of wavelength conversions that a signal can go through when it is switched all-optically from the source to the destination. Extensive simulation results have conclusively demonstrated that the presence of this constraint causes significant performance deterioration in existing routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithms. Higher blocking probability and/or worse fairness have been observed for existing RWA algorithms when the cascading constraint is not ignored. To counteract the negative side effect of the cascading constraint, two constraint-aware routing algorithms are proposed for OCS networks: the desirable greedy algorithm and the weighted adaptive algorithm. The two algorithms perform source routing using link connectivity and the global state information of each wavelength. Extensive comparative simulation results have illustrated that by limiting the negative cascading impact to the minimum extent practicable, the proposed approaches can dramatically decrease the blocking probability for a variety of optical network topologies. The dissertation has developed a suite of three fairness-improving adaptive routing algorithms in OBS networks. The adaptive routing schemes consider the transient link congestion at the moment when bursts arrive and use this information to reduce the overall burst loss probability. The proposed schemes also resolve the intrinsic unfairness defect of existing popular signaling protocols. The extensive simulation results have shown that the proposed schemes generally outperform the popular shortest path routing algorithm and the improvement could be substantial. A two-dimensional Markov chain analytical model has also been developed and used to analyze the burst loss probabilities for symmetrical ring networks. The accuracy of the model has been validated by simulation. Effective proactive routing and preemptive channel scheduling have also been proposed to address the conversion cascading constraint in OBS environments. The proactive routing adapts the fairness-improving adaptive routing mentioned earlier to the environment of cascaded wavelength conversions. On the other hand, the preemptive channel scheduling approach uses a dynamic priority for each burst based on the constraint threshold and the current number of performed wavelength conversions. Empirical results have proved that when the cascading constraint is present, both approaches would not only decrease the burst loss rates greatly, but also improve the transmission fairness among bursts with different hop counts to a large extent

    Performance and cost analysis of all-optical switching: OBS and OCS

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    This paper presents a study of performance and cost analysis of optical circuit switching (OCS) and optical burstswitching (OBS) by proposing the clear images of their node architectures and cost formulations. Then, we apply servicelevel agreement (SLA) of the high quality of service application in the terms of network blocking probability and averagenetwork delay to demonstrate OCS and OBS performances, their investment costs, and network dimensioning methodology.Applying SLA to our studies can illustrate the impact of contention resolution and blocking resolution schemes to theperformances and costs of OBS and OCS, accordingly. The simulations illustrate that OBS applying WC gives the bestperformance among all architectures deploying the same offered bandwidth. The investigations also show that WC is a majortechnique contributing high performance gain to both OCS and OBS. Especially for OBS, WC is an important scheme allowingOBS high data grooming property as its performance gain contributing to OBS is much higher than those of OCS. For thecost analysis, OCS is the most economic among all architectures. BA provides the most cost effectiveness among all OBScontention resolution schemes. Lastly, FDL is the least cost effective scheme as it gives little performance enhancement butadds more cost to the network

    Cost functions in optical burst-switched networks

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    Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is a new paradigm for an all-optical Internet. It combines the best features of Optical Circuit Switching (OCS) and Optical Packet Switching (OPS) while avoidmg the mam problems associated with those networks .Namely, it offers good granularity, but its hardware requirements are lower than those of OPS. In a backbone network, low loss ratio is of particular importance. Also, to meet varying user requirements, it should support multiple classes of service. In Optical Burst-Switched networks both these goals are closely related to the way bursts are arranged in channels. Unlike the case of circuit switching, scheduling decisions affect the loss probability of future burst This thesis proposes the idea of a cost function. The cost function is used to judge the quality of a burst arrangement and estimate the probability that this burst will interfere with future bursts. Two applications of the cost functio n are proposed. A scheduling algorithm uses the value of the cost function to optimize the alignment of the new burst with other bursts in a channel, thus minimising the loss ratio. A cost-based burst droppmg algorithm, that can be used as a part of a Quality of Service scheme, drops only those bursts, for which the cost function value indicates that are most likely to cause a contention. Simulation results, performed using a custom-made OBS extension to the ns-2 simulator, show that the cost-based algorithms improve network performanc