26 research outputs found

    Perancangan dan Implementasi E-Commerce dengan Customer Discussion Group Menggunakan Metode Pengembangan Spiral

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    Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari road map penelitian E-Commerce yang dilakukan oleh Tim Penelitian E-Commerce Informatika Universitas Diponegoro. Sebuah toko online dapat menyediakan suatu event bagi anggotanya dengan memberikan reward bagi pemenang untuk mempertahankan loyalitas anggota serta meningkatkan transaksi bisnis di dalam toko. Layanan E-Commerce di Indonesia saat ini belum menyediakan fasilitas yang memungkinkan anggotanya untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lain. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu fasilitas grup diskusi pelanggan (customer discussion group) berupa group chat di dalam E-Commerce sehingga anggota toko dapat saling berdiskusi satu sama lain membahas produk atau menyusun strategi untuk memenangkan event yang disediakan toko. E-Commerce dengan Customer Discussion Group dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, sistem manajemen basis data MySQL, dan metode spiral sebagai siklus pengembangan sistem. E-Commerce yang dibangun menangani transaksi pembelian produk, pembagian hak akses group chat serta manajemen kelola data yang terdapat di dalam E-Commerce

    Student attitudes to games-based skills development: learning from video games in higher education

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    Qualitative interview data is presented in support of previously-published quantitative evidence that suggests commercial video games may be used to develop useful skills and competencies in undergraduate students. The purpose of the work described here was to document the attitudes of those students involved in the quantitative study and to explore how the game-based intervention was perceived. To this end, student attitudes to the use of specified games to develop communication skill, resourcefulness and adaptability are examined. A broadly positive perception of the games' efficacy for skills development is revealed, and the aspects of game play that students believe contribute to skills development are discussed. These aspects include the need to communicate with team mates in order to succeed, and the fluid, unpredictable nature of in-game challenges. It is suggested that while the games played an important role in skills development, interaction between students, facilitated by game play, was also a significant factor

    Learn to Play: From Knowledge to Repeated Gameplay

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    Online games are popular computer applications around the globe. Games are frequently designed to require extensive in-game knowledge to attain in-game goals, so it may be central to continued gameplay. Little is known about how players seek knowledge, internalize knowledge, and subsequently use it to attain in-game goals. We used theories of flow and learning to build a theoretical framework and examined it by using responses from more than four thousand players. We found that encouraging players to seek and internalize in-game knowledge is an effective strategy to increase gameplay. Interestingly, learning satisfaction was more important than knowledge internalization in predicting goal progress, showing a novel insight for game providers to nudge their players in their knowledge searching. We concluded that asking players to search and internalize in-game knowledge may be a more effective strategy than creating their focused immersion to encourage repeated gameplay

    Factors Affecting Expectancy for Character Growth in Online Games and Their Effect on Gamers' Loyalty

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    This study aims to understand the effect of expectancy for character growth (learning, novelty, escapism, enjoyment, social value, audio-visual value, and value for money) on online games towards online gamer loyalty. This quantitative research uses a purposive sampling method with a sample of 375 respondents. The data were processed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results showed that learning, escapism, audio-visual value, and value for money have a positive effect on expectancy for character growth. However, novelty, enjoyment, and social value do not have an effect on expectancy for character growth. Furthermore, expectancy for character growth has a positive effect on online gamer loyalty. Therefore, game developers need to know the fantasy of gamers, improve the quality of graphics, and provide discounts to increase gamers’ loyalt

    Exploring the Effect of In-Game Purchases on Mobile Game Use with Smartphone Trace Data

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    Microtransactions have become an integral part of the digital game industry. This has spurred researchers to explore the effects of this monetization strategy on players’ game enjoyment and intention to continue using the game. Hitherto, these relationships were exclusively investigated using cross-sectional survey designs. However, self-report measures tend to be only mildly correlated with actual media consumption. Moreover, cross-sectional designs do not allow for a detailed investigation into the temporal dimension of these associations. To address these issues, the current study leverages smartphone trace data to explore the longitudinal effect of in-game purchase behavior on continual mobile game use. In total, approximately 100,000 hours of mobile game activity among 6,340 subjects were analyzed. A Cox regression with time-dependent covariates was performed to examine whether performing in-game purchases affects the risk of players removing the game app from their repertoire. Results show that making an in-game purchase decreases this risk initially, prolonging the survival time of the mobile gaming app. However, this effect significantly changes over time. After the first three weeks, a reversal effect is found where previous in-game purchase behavior negatively affects the further survival of the game. Thus, mobile games without previous monetary investment are more prone to long-term continual game use if they survive the first initial weeks. Methodological and theoretical implications are discussed. As such, the current study adds to those studies that use computational methods within a traditional inferential framework to aid theory-driven inquiries

    The Loyalty of Players in Online Streaming Games in Thailand

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    Purpose- The research aims to get a deeper insight into the factors that impact players’ loyalty to online streaming games in Thailand. Design/Methodology/Approach- The methods include research design, sampling plan, Questionnaire design, pilot test, validity check for the questionnaire, Methods to gather the data and its procedures, and the statistical treatment of the data. The research also made a new conceptual framework based on 3 frameworks from previous related studies. Findings - The loyalty to online streaming games in Thailand has factors that impact it. Such factors or independent variables are gaming intensity, experience, avatar identification, and flow. Loyalty is the dependent variable. The results show that all the independent variables are significant and impact players’ loyalty to online streaming games in Thailand. Research Limitations/Implications –The main limitation was the COVID-19 pandemic; as most people stay at home and practice social distancing, it was somewhat hard to collect data personally. The research on gaming topics is also quite new, so the researchers could not dig too deep into the case. Originality/value- The study is about the loyalty of players in online streaming games in Thailand and the important factors that impact it

    Gamification of mobile money payment for generating customer value in emerging economies: The social impact theory perspective

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    This study develops and tests an integrated model of the social impact and customer value theories to understand how gamification of mobile money payment could generate customer value through its social impact. Cross-sectional data were collected from 567 mobile money payment users in Ghana to test twelve hypotheses using structural equation modelling (SEM). The study showed a positive and significant relationship between the gamified mobile money payment (Gmmp) and the social impact theory constructs, and consequently with the customer value propositions. The Gmmp was found to have a significantly positive relationship with all three social impact constructs of internalisation, compliance, and identification. However, compliance was significantly predictive of all the customer value constructs (customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty); identification was significantly predictive of satisfaction and loyalty; internalisation was not significantly predictive of any of the customer value outcomes. The results show that Gmmp could create a substantial social impact on users to generate value for the customer and all service providers within the mobile money ecosystem. The results have implications for technology innovations, particularly the potential use of gamification at all customer touchpoints in the mobile money and financial technology services delivery value chain

    Relativity of Mindfulness: Team Collaboration in Digital and Physical Educational Escape Rooms

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    This study focuses on collaboration among team members in educational escape rooms in higher education. The objective of this study was to understand how collective mindfulness and less mindful behavior unfold in physical and digital game-based learning. The video data were collected from three different courses comprising 107 students on 28 teams, totaling more than 16 hours of material. The qualitative analysis revealed both collectively mindful and less mindful behaviors in team interactions. This paper contributes to collective mindfulness literature in understanding team collaboration by observing that mindfulness may be relative depending on the observation perspective. It also presents factors that affect member equality in both digital and physical escape rooms. Last, a nuanced description of how team collaboration occurred in a short-term problem-solving situation is developed

    ‘You feel like you've found a place where you belong’: Symbolic Interactionism and Online Social Video Games in the Age of COVID-19

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    This paper investigates how players perceive and understand the sociality afforded by online social video games (OSGs), framed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilising data from semi-structured interviews (n=20), we apply Blumer’s (1998) concept of symbolic interactionism to explore the ways in which video games take on new meanings in co-constructed, collaborative and contributory digital spaces. We argue 1) that games offer a meaningful social experience, 2) that this sociality flourishes due to the perceived lack of social risk particularly due to OSGs characteristics of perceived or real anonymity, 3) that this works to facilitate social development, and 4) that these characteristics were valuable in the context of a pandemic at a time of reduced social interaction. Our contribution shows that online video game spaces alter the risk profile of forming and maintaining connections by reframing interaction as the cooperation towards shared goals