7 research outputs found

    System Engineering Method for System Design

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    Industrial chemistr

    A Systematic Literature Review of Requirements Engineering Education

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    Requirements engineering (RE) has established itself as a core software engineering discipline. It is well acknowledged that good RE leads to higher quality software and considerably reduces the risk of failure or budget-overspending of software development projects. It is of vital importance to train future software engineers in RE and educate future requirements engineers to adequately manage requirements in various projects. To this date, there exists no central concept of what RE education shall comprise. To lay a foundation, we report on a systematic literature review of the feld and provide a systematic map describing the current state of RE education. Doing so allows us to describe how the educational landscape has changed over the last decade. Results show that only a few established author collaborations exist and that RE education research is predominantly published in venues other than the top RE research venues (i.e., in venues other than the RE conference and journal). Key trends in RE instruction of the past decade include involvement of real or realistic stakeholders, teaching predominantly elicitation as an RE activity, and increasing student factors such as motivation or communication skills. Finally, we discuss open opportunities in RE education, such as training for security requirements and supply chain risk management, as well as developing a pedagogical foundation grounded in evidence of effective instructional approaches

    An Exploratory Study of the Influence of Design Process Ordering on the Requirement Generation of Novice Designers

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    In engineering design, the classic methodology of the design process encourages the problem definition to be developed prior to beginning concept generation. It is shown, however, that the problem definition and solutions must coevolve throughout the design process, each phase building off information learned from the other to develop in an iterative process. The current structuring of these steps leads to a disconnect between a final solution and the initial problem definition (often presented in the form design requirements). This research explores a methodology for improving the connection of design requirements to those final solutions through manipulation of the ordering of the design process. An experimental study was conducted to assess 104 engineering students’ requirements lists for a given design problem as they are influenced by developing requirements first versus sketching an initial concept prior to requirement generation. The control group was asked to generate requirements prior to sketching. The “sketch first” group was then asked to use their sketch to assist their requirement generation. Additionally, a second “sketch first” group was tested to determine the influence of being given explicit instructions to identify features of their sketch to further improve the requirements generated. It was found that this feature identification aspect of sketching leads to improved requirements lists based on the metrics of requirement quantity, variety, typology, completeness, and novelty, while simply changing the order of requirement generation and sketching had little or no effect. This indicates that the design process should explicitly connect a solution to the design requirements through formal instruction in order to improve the designers’ understanding of their goal

    Systems Engineering

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    The book "Systems Engineering: Practice and Theory" is a collection of articles written by developers and researches from all around the globe. Mostly they present methodologies for separate Systems Engineering processes; others consider issues of adjacent knowledge areas and sub-areas that significantly contribute to systems development, operation, and maintenance. Case studies include aircraft, spacecrafts, and space systems development, post-analysis of data collected during operation of large systems etc. Important issues related to "bottlenecks" of Systems Engineering, such as complexity, reliability, and safety of different kinds of systems, creation, operation and maintenance of services, system-human communication, and management tasks done during system projects are addressed in the collection. This book is for people who are interested in the modern state of the Systems Engineering knowledge area and for systems engineers involved in different activities of the area. Some articles may be a valuable source for university lecturers and students; most of case studies can be directly used in Systems Engineering courses as illustrative materials

    Computational Representation And Reasoning Support For Requirements Change Management In Complex System Design

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    Requirements play a critical role within any design process and the activity of identifying and maintaining a system\u27s requirements is essential to. However, design is a complex and iterative process, where requirements are continuously evolving and are volatile. This change, if not managed, may result in undesired uncertainty within the design process leading to monetary losses and time delays, as the changing of requirements has been recognized as a major cause of project failure. In order to mitigate issues that arise due to requirement change propagation, this research presents a computational reasoning tool to help designers and engineers predict change propagation in the requirements domain. The developed tool makes use of requirements syntactical elements to build relationships between requirements. Two heterogeneous industry case studies, spanning four engineering change propagations, are used to both explore the use of requirements in predicting change propagation and generalize an automated prediction tool. Using design structure matrices and graph theoretic based metrics a predictive model is generalized from 491,520 relationship and metric permutation combinations. The developed tool makes use of an RMS scoring algorithm to rank requirements in order of most likely to change due to previous requirement changes. The developed tool is tested against a third industry case study where five engineering changes are predicted. Results indicate the tool can predict sixty percent of change propagation within the top four percent requirements scoring and predict all change propagation within the top thirteen percent scoring

    Teaching requirements skills within the context of a physical engineering project

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    Modellbasierte UnterstĂĽtzung der Produktentwicklung - Potentiale der Modellierung von Produktentstehungsprozessen am Beispiel des integrierten Produktentstehungsmodells (iPeM) = Model Based Support of Product Development - Potentials of Modelling Product Engineering Processes using the example of the Integrated Product Engineering Model (iPeM)

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    In dieser Arbeit erfolgt eine Spezifizierung des Nutzens und Aufwands der Prozessmodellierung in der Produktentwicklung. Im Rahmen von systematisch aufeinander aufbauenden Studien werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen erforscht, um einen Modellierungsansatz in der Praxis anwendbar zu machen. Aus der Evaluation verschiedener Werkzeuge und Modellierungstechniken folgt als Kernergebnis der Dissertation eine Erweiterung des zugrunde gelegten Modellverständnisses in Form eines fraktalen Metamodells