175,402 research outputs found

    The Use of TCAD Simulations in Semiconductor Devices Teaching

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    Semiconductor devices have come a long way since the invention of the point contact transistor in 1947. These tiny devices transform and shape our lives and will continue to do so in ways we have yet to discover. Skills and knowledge in semiconductor devices are therefore essential for the development of a more sustainable world. Nevertheless, the ways we teach semiconductor devices are still rooted in 20th century textbooks and methods. Learning methods and materials therefore need to be updated so that students learn in ways that are appropriate for the global, dynamic and transnational environments in which they will work. Our methodology relied on using modern Technology CAD (TCAD) device simulations to revolutionize the teaching of semiconductor devices. Based on student responses, we believe that our methodology will enhance student employability and encourage student understanding of advanced semiconductor concepts, which are required for managing the global sustainability challenges. We demonstrate how the application of state-of-the art simulation and visualization CAD tools can be used to teach undergraduate students how to understand the basic principles of key electronic devices. We provide examples of teaching materials and assessment exercises that were used to assist student learning of semiconductor devices within a transnational education (TNE) programmed. Moreover, we believe that exposing students to modern industry software tools will help embed skills development and employability

    Un Juego serio para potenciar las habilidades de los estudiantes en el desarrollo global del software

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    En los últimos años, las empresas se han visto obligadas a cambiar su modelo de negocio debido al fenómeno de la globalización. Las empresas de desarrollo de software no son una excepción e intentan unirse al mercado global con el fin de poder contratar mano de obra en otros países, buscando reducir los costes, aumentar la productividad y así obtener ventajas competitivas. Esto es lo que se conoce como Desarrollo Global del Software (DGS o GSD, por sus siglas en inglés: Global Software Development). Para realizar esta práctica las empresas requieren desarrolladores que posean conocimientos y habilidades para solventar los problemas que surgen a causa de la distancia geográfica, temporal y cultural. Los métodos tradicionales para enseñar a los estudiantes o empleados como trabajar en entornos DGS suelen ser costosos, además de requerir un gran esfuerzo. Es aquí donde los juegos serios pueden jugar un papel importante, ya que se trata de juegos educativos que permiten adquirir conocimientos y habilidades con un bajo coste. En este artículo se describe un juego serio con el cual se puedan adquirir algunas de las competencias necesarias en el DGS. El juego simula escenarios que suelen presentarse durante el desarrollo global de un proyecto software, de manera que el usuario pueda tomar conciencia de los problemas referentes al DGS y adquirir una cierta experiencia a la hora de solventar estos problemas.The phenomenon of globalization has, in recent years, forced companies to change their business model. Software development companies are no exception, and have attempted to join the global market so as to be able to hire labor in other countries in an attempt to reduce costs, increase productivity and gain competitive advantages. This is known as Global Software Development (GSD). Those companies that wish to carry out this practice require developers who possess the knowledge and skills required to solve problems that arise as a result of geographical, temporal and cultural distance. Traditional methods for teaching students or employees how to work in GSD environments are usually expensive, and require much effort. Serious games could, therefore, play a key role in this process, as they are educational games that allow the acquisition of knowledge and skills at a low cost. This paper presents a serious game with which some of the competencies needed in GSD can be acquired. The game simulates scenarios that usually occur in the overall development of a software project, thus enabling the user to become aware of the problems concerning GSD and gain some experience in solving these problems

    Transforming pre-service teacher curriculum: observation through a TPACK lens

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    This paper will discuss an international online collaborative learning experience through the lens of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. The teacher knowledge required to effectively provide transformative learning experiences for 21st century learners in a digital world is complex, situated and changing. The discussion looks beyond the opportunity for knowledge development of content, pedagogy and technology as components of TPACK towards the interaction between those three components. Implications for practice are also discussed. In today’s technology infused classrooms it is within the realms of teacher educators, practising teaching and pre-service teachers explore and address effective practices using technology to enhance learning

    Teaching and learning in virtual worlds: is it worth the effort?

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    Educators have been quick to spot the enormous potential afforded by virtual worlds for situated and authentic learning, practising tasks with potentially serious consequences in the real world and for bringing geographically dispersed faculty and students together in the same space (Gee, 2007; Johnson and Levine, 2008). Though this potential has largely been realised, it generally isn’t without cost in terms of lack of institutional buy-in, steep learning curves for all participants, and lack of a sound theoretical framework to support learning activities (Campbell, 2009; Cheal, 2007; Kluge & Riley, 2008). This symposium will explore the affordances and issues associated with teaching and learning in virtual worlds, all the time considering the question: is it worth the effort

    Distance learning of foreign languages

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    doi: 10.1017/S0261444806003727This article provides a critical overview of the field of distance language learning, challenging the way in which the field is often narrowly conceptualised as the development of technology-mediated language learning opportunities. Early sections focus on issues of concept and definition and both theoretical and pedagogical perspectives on the field. Emphasis is placed on evident shifts from a concern with structural and organisational issues to a focus on transactional issues associated with teaching/learning opportunities within emerging paradigms for distance language learning. The next section reviews choices and challenges in incorporating technology into distance language learning environments, foregrounding decisions about technology made in particular sociocultural contexts, the contribution of ‘low-end’ technologies and research directions in developing new learning spaces and in using online technologies. The investigation of learner contributions to distance language learning is an important avenue of enquiry in the field, given the preoccupation with technology and virtual learning environments, and this is the subject of section six. The two final sections identify future research directions and provide a series of conclusions about research and practice in distance language learning as technology-mediated interactions increasingly come to influence the way we think about the processes of language learning and teaching

    Emerging technologies for learning (volume 2)

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    A Pedagogy for Original Synners

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    Part of the Volume on Digital Young, Innovation, and the UnexpectedThis essay begins by speculating about the learning environment of the class of 2020. It takes place entirely in a virtual world, populated by simulated avatars, managed through the pedagogy of gaming. Based on this projected version of a future-now-in-formation, the authors consider the implications of the current paradigm shift that is happening at the edges of institutions of higher education. From the development of programs in multimedia literacy to the focus on the creation of hybrid learning spaces (that combine the use of virtual worlds, social networking applications, and classroom activities), the scene of learning as well as the subjects of education are changing. The figure of the Original Synner is a projection of the student-of-the-future whose foundational literacy is grounded in their ability to synthesize information from multiple information streams