8,198 research outputs found

    Deactivation of the Default Mode Network as a Marker of Impaired Consciousness: An fMRI Study

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    Diagnosis of patients with a disorder of consciousness is very challenging. Previous studies investigating resting state networks demonstrate that 2 main features of the so-called default mode network (DMN), metabolism and functional connectivity, are impaired in patients with a disorder of consciousness. However, task-induced deactivation – a third main feature of the DMN – has not been explored in a group of patients. Deactivation of the DMN is supposed to reflect interruptions of introspective processes. Seventeen patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS, former vegetative state), 8 patients in minimally conscious state (MCS), and 25 healthy controls were investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging during a passive sentence listening task. Results show that deactivation in medial regions is reduced in MCS and absent in UWS patients compared to healthy controls. Moreover, behavioral scores assessing the level of consciousness correlate with deactivation in patients. On single-subject level, all control subjects but only 2 patients in MCS and 6 with UWS exposed deactivation. Interestingly, all patients who deactivated during speech processing (except for one) showed activation in left frontal regions which are associated with conscious processing. Our results indicate that deactivation of the DMN can be associated with the level of consciousness by selecting those who are able to interrupt ongoing introspective processes. In consequence, deactivation of the DMN may function as a marker of consciousness

    Large-Scale Brain Networks in Board Game Experts: Insights from a Domain-Related Task and Task-Free Resting State

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    Cognitive performance relies on the coordination of large-scale networks of brain regions that are not only temporally correlated during different tasks, but also networks that show highly correlated spontaneous activity during a task-free state. Both task-related and task-free network activity has been associated with individual differences in cognitive performance. Therefore, we aimed to examine the influence of cognitive expertise on four networks associated with cognitive task performance: the default mode network (DMN) and three other cognitive networks (central-executive network, dorsal attention network, and salience network). During fMRI scanning, fifteen grandmaster and master level Chinese chess players (GM/M) and fifteen novice players carried out a Chinese chess task and a task-free resting state. Modulations of network activity during task were assessed, as well as resting-state functional connectivity of those networks. Relative to novices, GM/Ms showed a broader task-induced deactivation of DMN in the chess problem-solving task, and intrinsic functional connectivity of DMN was increased with a connectivity pattern associated with the caudate nucleus in GM/Ms. The three other cognitive networks did not exhibit any difference in task-evoked activation or intrinsic functional connectivity between the two groups. These findings demonstrate the effect of long-term learning and practice in cognitive expertise on large-scale brain networks, suggesting the important role of DMN deactivation in expert performance and enhanced functional integration of spontaneous activity within widely distributed DMN-caudate circuitry, which might better support high-level cognitive control of behavior

    The association between stress and mood across the adult lifespan on default mode network

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    Aging of brain structure and function is a complex process characterized by high inter- and intra-individual variability. Such variability may arise from the interaction of multiple factors, including exposure to stressful experience and mood variation, across the lifespan. Using a multimodal neuroimaging and neurocognitive approach, we investigated the association of stress, mood and their interaction, in the structure and function of the default mode network (DMN), both during rest and task-induced deactivation, throughout the adult lifespan. Data confirmed a decreased functional connectivity (FC) and task-induced deactivation of the DMN during the aging process and in subjects with lower mood; on the contrary, an increased FC was observed in subjects with higher perceived stress. Surprisingly, the association of aging with DMN was altered by stress and mood in specific regions. An increased difficulty to deactivate the DMN was noted in older participants with lower mood, contrasting with an increased deactivation in individuals presenting high stress, independently of their mood levels, with aging. Interestingly, this constant interaction across aging was globally most significant in the combination of high stress levels with a more depressed mood state, both during resting state and task-induced deactivations. The present results contribute to characterize the spectrum of FC and deactivation patterns of the DMN, highlighting the crucial association of stress and mood levels, during the adult aging process. These combinatorial approaches may help to understand the heterogeneity of the aging process in brain structure and function and several states that may lead to neuropsychiatric disorders.The work was supported by SwitchBox-FP7-HEALTH-2010-Grant 259772-2 and by ON.2, O NOVO NORTE, North Portugal Regional Operational Programme 2007/2013, of the National strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007/2013, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stress impact on resting state brain networks

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    Resting state brain networks (RSNs) are spatially distributed large-scale networks, evidenced by resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. Importantly, RSNs are implicated in several relevant brain functions and present abnormal functional patterns in many neuropsychiatric disorders, for which stress exposure is an established risk factor. Yet, so far, little is known about the effect of stress in the architecture of RSNs, both in resting state conditions or during shift to task performance. Herein we assessed the architecture of the RSNs using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a cohort of participants exposed to prolonged stress (participants that had just finished their long period of preparation for the medical residence selection exam), and respective gender- and age-matched controls (medical students under normal academic activities). Analysis focused on the pattern of activity in resting state conditions and after deactivation. A volumetric estimation of the RSNs was also performed. Data shows that stressed participants displayed greater activation of the default mode (DMN), dorsal attention (DAN), ventral attention (VAN), sensorimotor (SMN), and primary visual (VN) networks than controls. Importantly, stressed participants also evidenced impairments in the deactivation of resting state-networks when compared to controls. These functional changes are paralleled by a constriction of the DMN that is in line with the pattern of brain atrophy observed after stress exposure. These results reveal that stress impacts on activation-deactivation pattern of RSNs, a finding that may underlie stress-induced changes in several dimensions of brain activity.JMS, NCS and PM are supported by fellowships of the project SwitchBox-FP7-HEALTH-2010-grant 259772-2; FM is supported by the fellowship SFRH/BPD/33379/2008 funded by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal). The work was supported by SwitchBox-FP7-HEALTH-2010-grant 259772-2. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Episodic memory retrieval, parietal cortex, and the default mode network: Functional and topographic analyses

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    The default mode network (DMN) is often considered a functionally homogeneous system that is broadly associated with internally directed cognition (e.g., episodic memory, theory of mind, self-evaluation). However, few studies have examined how this network interacts with other networks during putative default processes such as episodic memory retrieval. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated the topography and response profile of human parietal regions inside and outside the DMN, independently defined using task-evoked deactivations and resting-state functional connectivity, during episodic memory retrieval. Memory retrieval activated posterior nodes of the DMN, particularly the angular gyrus, but also more anterior and dorsal parietal regions that were anatomically separate from the DMN. The two sets of parietal regions showed different resting-state functional connectivity and response profiles. During memory retrieval, responses in DMN regions peaked sooner than non-DMN regions, which in turn showed responses that were sustained until a final memory judgment was reached. Moreover, a parahippocampal region that showed strong resting-state connectivity with parietal DMN regions also exhibited a pattern of task-evoked activity similar to that exhibited by DMN regions. These results suggest that DMN parietal regions directly supported memory retrieval, whereas non-DMN parietal regions were more involved in postretrieval processes such as memory-based decision making. Finally, a robust functional dissociation within the DMN was observed. Whereas angular gyrus and posterior cingulate/precuneus were significantly activated during memory retrieval, an anterior DMN node in medial prefrontal cortex was strongly deactivated. This latter finding demonstrates functional heterogeneity rather than homogeneity within the DMN during episodic memory retrieval

    Development of deactivation of the default-mode network during episodic memory formation

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    Task-induced deactivation of the default-mode network (DMN) has been associated in adults with successful episodic memory formation, possibly as a mechanism to focus allocation of mental resources for successful encoding of external stimuli. We investigated developmental changes of deactivation of the DMN (posterior cingulate, medial prefrontal, and bilateral lateral parietal cortices) during episodic memory formation in children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 8–24), who studied scenes during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Recognition memory improved with age. We defined DMN regions of interest from a different sample of participants with the same age range, using resting-state fMRI. In adults, there was greater deactivation of the DMN for scenes that were later remembered than scenes that were later forgotten. In children, deactivation of the default-network did not differ reliably between scenes that were later remembered or forgotten. Adolescents exhibited a pattern of activation intermediate to that of children and adults. The hippocampal region, often considered part of the DMN, showed a functional dissociation with the rest of the DMN by exhibiting increased activation for later remembered than later forgotten scene that was similar across age groups. These findings suggest that development of memory ability from childhood through adulthood may involve increased deactivation of the neocortical DMN during learning

    Task-Related modulations of BOLD low-frequency fluctuations within the default mode Network

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    Spontaneous low-frequency Blood-Oxygenation Level-Dependent (BOLD) signals acquired during resting state are characterized by spatial patterns of synchronous fluctuations, ultimately leading to the identification of robust brain networks. The resting-state brain networks, including the Default Mode Network (DMN), are demonstrated to persist during sustained task execution, but the exact features of task-related changes of network properties are still not well characterized. In this work we sought to examine in a group of 20 healthy volunteers (age 33 ± 6 years, 8 F/12 M) the relationship between changes of spectral and spatiotemporal features of one prominent resting-state network, namely the DMN, during the continuous execution of a working memory n-back task. We found that task execution impacted on both functional connectivity and amplitude of BOLD fluctuations within large parts of the DMN, but these changes correlated between each other only in a small area of the posterior cingulate. We conclude that combined analysis of multiple parameters related to connectivity, and their changes during the transition from resting state to continuous task execution, can contribute to a better understanding of how brain networks rearrange themselves in response to a task

    EEG–fMRI of idiopathic and secondarily generalized epilepsies

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    We used simultaneous EEG and functional MRI (EEG–fMRI) to study generalized spike wave activity (GSW) in idiopathic and secondary generalized epilepsy (SGE). Recent studies have demonstrated thalamic and cortical fMRI signal changes in association with GSW in idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). We report on a large cohort of patients that included both IGE and SGE, and give a functional interpretation of our findings. Forty-six patients with GSW were studied with EEG–fMRI; 30 with IGE and 16 with SGE. GSW-related BOLD signal changes were seen in 25 of 36 individual patients who had GSW during EEG–fMRI. This was seen in thalamus (60%) and symmetrically in frontal cortex (92%), parietal cortex (76%), and posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus (80%). Thalamic BOLD changes were predominantly positive and cortical changes predominantly negative. Group analysis showed a negative BOLD response in the cortex in the IGE group and to a lesser extent a positive response in thalamus. Thalamic activation was consistent with its known role in GSW, and its detection in individual cases with EEG–fMRI may in part be related to the number and duration of GSW epochs recorded. The spatial distribution of the cortical fMRI response to GSW in both IGE and SGE involved areas of association cortex that are most active during conscious rest. Reduction of activity in these regions during GSW is consistent with the clinical manifestation of absence seizures

    Task-induced deactivation from rest extends beyond the default mode brain network

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    Activity decreases, or deactivations, of midline and parietal cortical brain regions are routinely observed in human functional neuroimaging studies that compare periods of task-based cognitive performance with passive states, such as rest. It is now widely held that such task-induced deactivations index a highly organized"default-mode network" (DMN): a large-scale brain system whose discovery has had broad implications in the study of human brain function and behavior. In this work, we show that common task-induced deactivations from rest also occur outside of the DMN as a function of increased task demand. Fifty healthy adult subjects performed two distinct functional magnetic resonance imaging tasks that were designed to reliably map deactivations from a resting baseline. As primary findings, increases in task demand consistently modulated the regional anatomy of DMN deactivation. At high levels of task demand, robust deactivation was observed in non-DMN regions, most notably, the posterior insular cortex. Deactivation of this region was directly implicated in a performance-based analysis of experienced task difficulty. Together, these findings suggest that task-induced deactivations from rest are not limited to the DMN and extend to brain regions typically associated with integrative sensory and interoceptive processes

    BOLD and perfusion changes during epileptic generalised spike wave activity

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    It is unclear whether neurovascular coupling is maintained during epileptic discharges. Knowing this is important to allow appropriate inferences from functional imaging studies of epileptic activity. Recent blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional MRI (fMRI) studies have demonstrated negative BOLD responses (NBR) in frontal, parietal and posterior cingulate cortices during generalised spike wave activity (GSW). We hypothesized that GSW-related NBR commonly reflect decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF). We measured BOLD and cerebral blood flow responses using simultaneous EEG with BOLD and arterial spin label (ASL) fMRI at 3 T. Four patients with epilepsy were studied; two with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) and two with secondary generalized epilepsy (SGE). We found GSW-related NBR in frontal, parietal and posterior cingulate cortices. We measured the coupling between BOLD and CBF changes during GSW and normal background EEG and found a positive correlation between the simultaneously measured BOLD and CBF throughout the imaged volume. Frontal and thalamic activation were seen in two patients with SGE, concordant with the electro-clinical features of their epilepsy. There was striking reproducibility of the GSW-associated BOLD response in subjects previously studied at 1.5 T. Our results show a preserved relationship between BOLD and CBF changes during rest and GSW activity consistent with normal neurovascular coupling in patients with generalized epilepsy and in particular during GSW activity. Cortical activations appear to reflect areas of discharge generation whilst deactivations reflect changes in conscious resting state activity