493 research outputs found

    Administrative Support - Task Management System

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    Administrative Support - Task Management System (ASTMS) is a web application by which any university can manage tasks among its employees. This project has various small parts like commenting on task, upload and download files, task forwarding, editing existing and creating new project, task, employee, user etc . ASTMS is an automation system, which is used to store the Work tasks information of a university. The task management system eliminates manual request and assignment of work. Faculty can request any work tasks online. Administrative staff can review the incoming work tasks and assign them to appropriate personnel Development process of the system starts with System analysis. System analysis involves creating a formal model of the problem to be solved by understanding requirements

    Design and Implementation of Task Management System

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    随着市场不断发展前行,当前企业在自身运营管理过程中,常常出现日常工作、管理过程中的突出问题:如何让公司管理决策层通过信息化手段了解各部门;如何发现企业管理过程中的优劣态势,让领导时刻对战略计划、任务指标进行过程监控和预警;如何对下达的工作任务完成情况进行实时跟踪和全面掌握。因此,有必要建设一套工作任务管理系统解决以上问题,实现任务过程化、规范化、信息化,实现内部管理办公协同,提升企业的管理执行力。 本文基于互联网的B/S架构以及J2EE的分布式多层应用体系架构,完成了对工作任务管理系统的设计与实现。系统的后台数据库软件则采用的是SQLServer2008,开发环境需要在Win7以上的版本,对...With the continuous development of the market forward, in the current business operations management process itself, there are often daily work management process outstanding issues: How to make management decision makers understand the sector by means of information; How to discover the merits of the enterprise management process situation, so that the leaders in time for strategic planning, miss...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323202

    Task Management System

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    Import 03/11/2016Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá problematikou efektívneho rozdelenia práce pracovníkom, ktorý robia na projektoch. Existuje niekoľko softvérových produktov, ktoré sa tejto problematike venujú, no väčšinou sa jedná o niekoľko programov, ktoré sa musia používať súčasne aby pokryli potreby projektu. Cieľom mojej práce bolo vytvoriť informačný systém pomocou technológie Java EE, ktorý zastrešuje všetky potrebné nástroje pre projektovú prácu najmä v oblasti IT technológií. Informačný systém obsahuje nástroje pre správu projektov a vytváranie jednotlivých úloh týkajúcich sa projektu, evidenciu odpracovaného času, správa verzií zdrojového kódu a to všetko v jednej aplikácii. Poskytuje plnohodnotný nástroj pre prácu v projektovom tíme. Pre implementáciu som sa rozhodol použiť súčasť platformy Java EE a štruktúru JSF s jeho populárnou nadstavbou Primefaces.Bachelor thesis if focused to problematics of efficient dividing of workload among team workers working on projects. There are already several software products, but mostly need to be used as multiple programs running so as to cover all project work requirements. Object of my work is to create system using Java EE technology, which is covering all project management needs mostly within IT industry. Information system contains tools for project management, task creating, evidence of work time and code versioning management and all within one application. It provides useful tool for project tem work. I decided to use part of Java EE platform, framework JSF and its popular extension Primefaces.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    An Agent-Based Cockpit Task Management System

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    An agent-based program to facilitate Cockpit Task Management (CTM) in commercial transport aircraft is developed and evaluated. The agent-based program called the AgendaManager (AMgr) is described and evaluated in a part-task simulator study using airline pilots

    Design and Implementation of Teaching Task Management System for University

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    安徽省某高校是一所国家“211工程”大学和“985工程”优势学科创新平台,为安徽省和教育部、信息化部和工业共建高校。在未采用IT技术时,该校对教学任务管理采用手工管理的方法,然而这种方法存在不准确、容易出错、浪费大量资源等问题。为解决这些问题,我们开发完成了教学任务管理系统。该系统的顺利运行实现了学校教学任务管理中各方面的集中化、高效化和科学化,教学任务得到有效的管理及处理。系统开发依照规范的软件工程原理,软件开发流程为需求分析、大体设计、具体设计、程序编码、系统测试以及系统应用、系统维护等。本系统以Java语言为基础,使用Eclipse4.4,采用JFinal框架,后台数据库采用MySQL,...A University in Anhui Province, is a Ministry of the national key universities、The national "211 project" key construction in colleges and universities and the "985 project" advantages of discipline construction of innovation platform in colleges and universities,Ministry of education, the Ministry of industry and information technology and to build universities in Anhui Province。When you are not ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323152

    Sirplus - A Task Management System for Individuals with Executive Dysfunction

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    A significant portion of the population struggles with executive functioning and task management. This project explores the pain points for organizing, initiating, and finishing tasks and proposes a design to address these problems. The objective of this project is to relieve the stress and anxiety people with executive dysfunction often experience with tasks. The design process for this project considered different product and interface strategies to help users with their tasks through positive motivation and rewards. Initial user testing showed that information overload and forgetfulness were barriers to setting and managing tasks. Furthermore, the act of crossing an item off of a list was found to be satisfying and encouraged users to keep completing tasks. The final solution employs a three-part internet of things (IoT) system which incorporates a device for building the habit of setting daily tasks, a user interface (UI) which prevents users from being overwhelmed or overstimulated, and a gratifying, tactile task completion action

    Design and Implementation of Fine Task Management System for an Enterprise

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    企业的执行力是企业竞争的核心竞争力的一个重要组成部分,要使公司具备优秀的执行力,公司管理层需要根据企业战略,制定可执行的任务,并将这些任务分配给相应的员工进行执行,并确保每个员工能够了解自己的任务与企业战略关系。同时任务完成的好坏程度可以作为员工考评的标准之一0。 以往的工作模式中,虽然目标和任务有分配到个人,但是无法实时跟踪汇报,最终结果不理想,造成了大量的内耗,管理层无法对过程进行有效监控。为了达到监控的效果,有些部门通过开周会,月会进行总结。这样的方式虽然有一定的促进作用,但是浪费了大量的人员时间成本,同时一些外地出差的员工也无法进行及时汇报。同时这样的自上而下的管理方式,无法充分调动...Enterprise's executive ability is an important component of core competitiveness, in order to make a company have good execution, the company's management need to formulates the executable task according to the enterprise strategy, and assign the tasks to the corresponding staff to perform, and to ensure that each employee understand their mission with the enterprise strategic relationship. At the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323083

    TASKA: A modular task management system to support health research studies

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