14 research outputs found

    Communication and control in an integrated manufacturing system

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    Typically, components in a manufacturing system are all centrally controlled. Due to possible communication bottlenecking, unreliability, and inflexibility caused by using a centralized controller, a new concept of system integration called an Integrated Multi-Robot System (IMRS) was developed. The IMRS can be viewed as a distributed real time system. Some of the current research issues being examined to extend the framework of the IMRS to meet its performance goals are presented. These issues include the use of communication coprocessors to enhance performance, the distribution of tasks and the methods of providing fault tolerance in the IMRS. An application example of real time collision detection, as it relates to the IMRS concept, is also presented and discussed

    Parallel processing for scientific computations

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    The main contribution of the effort in the last two years is the introduction of the MOPPS system. After doing extensive literature search, we introduced the system which is described next. MOPPS employs a new solution to the problem of managing programs which solve scientific and engineering applications on a distributed processing environment. Autonomous computers cooperate efficiently in solving large scientific problems with this solution. MOPPS has the advantage of not assuming the presence of any particular network topology or configuration, computer architecture, or operating system. It imposes little overhead on network and processor resources while efficiently managing programs concurrently. The core of MOPPS is an intelligent program manager that builds a knowledge base of the execution performance of the parallel programs it is managing under various conditions. The manager applies this knowledge to improve the performance of future runs. The program manager learns from experience

    Efficient mapping algorithms for scheduling robot inverse dynamics computation on a multiprocessor system

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    Two efficient mapping algorithms for scheduling the robot inverse dynamics computation consisting of m computational modules with precedence relationship to be executed on a multiprocessor system consisting of p identical homogeneous processors with processor and communication costs to achieve minimum computation time are presented. An objective function is defined in terms of the sum of the processor finishing time and the interprocessor communication time. The minimax optimization is performed on the objective function to obtain the best mapping. This mapping problem can be formulated as a combination of the graph partitioning and the scheduling problems; both have been known to be NP-complete. Thus, to speed up the searching for a solution, two heuristic algorithms were proposed to obtain fast but suboptimal mapping solutions. The first algorithm utilizes the level and the communication intensity of the task modules to construct an ordered priority list of ready modules and the module assignment is performed by a weighted bipartite matching algorithm. For a near-optimal mapping solution, the problem can be solved by the heuristic algorithm with simulated annealing. These proposed optimization algorithms can solve various large-scale problems within a reasonable time. Computer simulations were performed to evaluate and verify the performance and the validity of the proposed mapping algorithms. Finally, experiments for computing the inverse dynamics of a six-jointed PUMA-like manipulator based on the Newton-Euler dynamic equations were implemented on an NCUBE/ten hypercube computer to verify the proposed mapping algorithms. Computer simulation and experimental results are compared and discussed

    Online) An Open Access

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    ABSTRACT A simulated annealing approach to the assignment of program tasks to processors in a distributed computer system is presented. Tasks of a program require certain capacitated computer resources. They also communicate at a given rate. Processors are interconnected by a communication network constituted of various types of links: local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN) and specialised links. The communication resources are also capacitated. The purpose is to find the assignment of tasks to processors such that a measure of performance is optimised, the requirements of each task are met and the capacities of the resources are not violated. Various versions of the problem are identified and formulated. The design of the simulated annealing algorithm to solve the most general version is then described. The results of computational experience are reported

    Parallel process placement

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    This thesis investigates methods of automatic allocation of processes to available processors in a given network configuration. The research described covers the investigation of various algorithms for optimal process allocation. Among those researched were an algorithm which used a branch and bound technique, an algorithm based on graph theory, and an heuristic algorithm involving cluster analysis. These have been implemented and tested in conjunction with the gathering of performance statistics during program execution, for use in improving subsequent allocations. The system has been implemented on a network of loosely-coupled microcomputers using multi-port serial communication links to simulate a transputer network. The concurrent programming language occam has been implemented, replacing the explicit process allocation constructs with an automatic placement algorithm. This enables the source code to be completely separated from hardware consideration

    The role of the host in a cooperating mainframe and workstation environment, volumes 1 and 2

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    In recent years, advancements made in computer systems have prompted a move from centralized computing based on timesharing a large mainframe computer to distributed computing based on a connected set of engineering workstations. A major factor in this advancement is the increased performance and lower cost of engineering workstations. The shift to distributed computing from centralized computing has led to challenges associated with the residency of application programs within the system. In a combined system of multiple engineering workstations attached to a mainframe host, the question arises as to how does a system designer assign applications between the larger mainframe host and the smaller, yet powerful, workstation. The concepts related to real time data processing are analyzed and systems are displayed which use a host mainframe and a number of engineering workstations interconnected by a local area network. In most cases, distributed systems can be classified as having a single function or multiple functions and as executing programs in real time or nonreal time. In a system of multiple computers, the degree of autonomy of the computers is important; a system with one master control computer generally differs in reliability, performance, and complexity from a system in which all computers share the control. This research is concerned with generating general criteria principles for software residency decisions (host or workstation) for a diverse yet coupled group of users (the clustered workstations) which may need the use of a shared resource (the mainframe) to perform their functions

    Integrated modeling tool for performance engineering of complex computer systems

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    This report summarizes Advanced System Technologies' accomplishments on the Phase 2 SBIR contract NAS7-995. The technical objectives of the report are: (1) to develop an evaluation version of a graphical, integrated modeling language according to the specification resulting from the Phase 2 research; and (2) to determine the degree to which the language meets its objectives by evaluating ease of use, utility of two sets of performance predictions, and the power of the language constructs. The technical approach followed to meet these objectives was to design, develop, and test an evaluation prototype of a graphical, performance prediction tool. The utility of the prototype was then evaluated by applying it to a variety of test cases found in the literature and in AST case histories. Numerous models were constructed and successfully tested. The major conclusion of this Phase 2 SBIR research and development effort is that complex, real-time computer systems can be specified in a non-procedural manner using combinations of icons, windows, menus, and dialogs. Such a specification technique provides an interface that system designers and architects find natural and easy to use. In addition, PEDESTAL's multiview approach provides system engineers with the capability to perform the trade-offs necessary to produce a design that meets timing performance requirements. Sample system designs analyzed during the development effort showed that models could be constructed in a fraction of the time required by non-visual system design capture tools

    New data structures, models, and algorithms for real-time resource management

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    Real-time resource management is the core and critical task in real-time systems. This dissertation explores new data structures, models, and algorithms for real-time resource management. At first, novel data structures, i.e., a class of Testing Interval Trees (TITs), are proposed to help build efficient scheduling modules in real-time systems. With a general data structure, i.e., the TIT* tree, the average costs of the schedulability tests in a wide variety of real-time systems can be reduced. With the Testing Interval Tree for Vacancy analysis (TIT-V), the complexities of the schedulability tests in a class of parallel/distributed real-time systems can be effectively reduced from 0(m虏nlogn) to 0(mlogn+mlogm), where m is the number of processors and n is the number of tasks. Similarly, with the Testing Interval Tree for Release time and Laxity analysis (TIT-RL), the complexity of the online admission control in a uni-processor based real-time system can be reduced from 0(n虏) to 0(nlogn), where n is the number of tasks. The TIT-RL tree can also be applied to a class of parallel/distributed real-time systems. Therefore, the TIT trees are effective approaches to efficient real-time scheduling modules. Secondly, a new utility accrual model, i.e., UAM+, is established for the resource management in real-time distributed systems. UAM+ is constructed based on the timeliness of computation and communication. Most importantly, the interplay between computation and communication is captured and characterized in the model. Under UAM+, resource managers are guided towards maximizing system-wide utility by exploring the interplay between computation and communication. This is in sharp contrast to traditional approaches that attempt to meet the timing constraints on computation and communication separately. To validate the effectiveness of UAM+, a resource allocation algorithm called IAUASA is developed. Simulation results reveal that IAUASA is far superior to two other resource allocation algorithms that are developed according to traditional utility accrual model and traditional idea. Furthermore, an online algorithm called IDRSA is also developed under UAM+, and a Dynamic Deadline Adjustment (DDA) technique is incorporated into IDRSA algorithm to explore the interplay between computation and communication. The simulation results show that the performance of IDRSA is very promising, especially when the interplay between computation and communication is tight. Therefore, the new utility accrual model provides a more effective approach to the resource allocation in distributed real-time systems. Thirdly, a general task model, which adapts the concept of calculus curve from the network calculus domain, is established for those embedded real-time systems with random event/task arrivals. Under this model, a prediction technique based on history window and calculus curves is established, and it provides the foundation for dynamic voltage-frequency scaling in those embedded real-time systems. Based on this prediction technique, novel energy-efficient algorithms that can dynamically adjust the operating voltage-frequency according to the predicted workload are developed. These algorithms aim to reduce energy consumption while meeting hard deadlines. They can accommodate and well adapt to the variation between the predicted and the actual arrivals of tasks as well as the variation between the predicted and the actual execution times of tasks. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of these algorithms in energy saving

    The assignment problem in distributed computing

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    This dissertation focuses on the problem of assigning the modules of a program to the processors in a distributed system with the goal of minimizing the overall cost of running the program. The cost depends on the execution times of the modules on the processors and on the cost of communication between modules. This module allocation problem arises in a variety of situations where one is interested in making optimum use of available computer resources. The general module allocation problem is intractable; however it becomes polynomially-solvable when the communication graph is restricted. In this dissertation, we restrict our attention to k-trees;As the first problem, we study parametric module allocation on partial k-trees. We allow the costs, both execution and communication, to vary linearly as functions of a real parameter t. We show that if the number of processors is fixed, the sequence of optimum assignments that are obtained, as t varies from zero to infinity, can be constructed in polynomial time. As an auxiliary result, we develop a linear-time algorithm to find a separator in a k-tree. We discuss the implications of our results for parametric versions of the weighted vertex cover, independent set, and 0-1 quadratic programming problems on partial k-trees;Next, we consider two variants of the assignment problem. The first problem is to find a minimum-cost assignment when one of the processors has a limited memory. The second is to find an assignment that minimizes the maximum processor load. We present exact dynamic programming algorithms for both problems, which lead to approximation schemes for the case where the communication graph is a partial k-tree. Faster algorithms are presented for trees with uniform costs. In contrast to these results, we show that, for arbitrary graphs, no fully polynomial time approximation schemes exist unless P = NP. Both dynamic programming algorithms have been implemented. The implementation details and our experimental results are presented