144 research outputs found

    Real-time operating system support for multicore applications

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2014Plataformas multiprocessadas atuais possuem diversos níveis da memória cache entre o processador e a memória principal para esconder a latência da hierarquia de memória. O principal objetivo da hierarquia de memória é melhorar o tempo médio de execução, ao custo da previsibilidade. O uso não controlado da hierarquia da cache pelas tarefas de tempo real impacta a estimativa dos seus piores tempos de execução, especialmente quando as tarefas de tempo real acessam os níveis da cache compartilhados. Tal acesso causa uma disputa pelas linhas da cache compartilhadas e aumenta o tempo de execução das aplicações. Além disso, essa disputa na cache compartilhada pode causar a perda de prazos, o que é intolerável em sistemas de tempo real críticos. O particionamento da memória cache compartilhada é uma técnica bastante utilizada em sistemas de tempo real multiprocessados para isolar as tarefas e melhorar a previsibilidade do sistema. Atualmente, os estudos que avaliam o particionamento da memória cache em multiprocessadores carecem de dois pontos fundamentais. Primeiro, o mecanismo de particionamento da cache é tipicamente implementado em um ambiente simulado ou em um sistema operacional de propósito geral. Consequentemente, o impacto das atividades realizados pelo núcleo do sistema operacional, tais como o tratamento de interrupções e troca de contexto, no particionamento das tarefas tende a ser negligenciado. Segundo, a avaliação é restrita a um escalonador global ou particionado, e assim não comparando o desempenho do particionamento da cache em diferentes estratégias de escalonamento. Ademais, trabalhos recentes confirmaram que aspectos da implementação do SO, tal como a estrutura de dados usada no escalonamento e os mecanismos de tratamento de interrupções, impactam a escalonabilidade das tarefas de tempo real tanto quanto os aspectos teóricos. Entretanto, tais estudos também usaram sistemas operacionais de propósito geral com extensões de tempo real, que afetamos sobre custos de tempo de execução observados e a escalonabilidade das tarefas de tempo real. Adicionalmente, os algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real para multiprocessadores atuais não consideram cenários onde tarefas de tempo real acessam as mesmas linhas da cache, o que dificulta a estimativa do pior tempo de execução. Esta pesquisa aborda os problemas supracitados com as estratégias de particionamento da cache e com os algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real multiprocessados da seguinte forma. Primeiro, uma infraestrutura de tempo real para multiprocessadores é projetada e implementada em um sistema operacional embarcado. A infraestrutura consiste em diversos algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real, tais como o EDF global e particionado, e um mecanismo de particionamento da cache usando a técnica de coloração de páginas. Segundo, é apresentada uma comparação em termos da taxa de escalonabilidade considerando o sobre custo de tempo de execução da infraestrutura criada e de um sistema operacional de propósito geral com extensões de tempo real. Em alguns casos, o EDF global considerando o sobre custo do sistema operacional embarcado possui uma melhor taxa de escalonabilidade do que o EDF particionado com o sobre custo do sistema operacional de propósito geral, mostrando claramente como diferentes sistemas operacionais influenciam os escalonadores de tempo real críticos em multiprocessadores. Terceiro, é realizada uma avaliação do impacto do particionamento da memória cache em diversos escalonadores de tempo real multiprocessados. Os resultados desta avaliação indicam que um sistema operacional "leve" não compromete as garantias de tempo real e que o particionamento da cache tem diferentes comportamentos dependendo do escalonador e do tamanho do conjunto de trabalho das tarefas. Quarto, é proposto um algoritmo de particionamento de tarefas que atribui as tarefas que compartilham partições ao mesmo processador. Os resultados mostram que essa técnica de particionamento de tarefas reduz a disputa pelas linhas da cache compartilhadas e provê garantias de tempo real para sistemas críticos. Finalmente, é proposto um escalonador de tempo real de duas fases para multiprocessadores. O escalonador usa informações coletadas durante o tempo de execução das tarefas através dos contadores de desempenho em hardware. Com base nos valores dos contadores, o escalonador detecta quando tarefas de melhor esforço o interferem com tarefas de tempo real na cache. Assim é possível impedir que tarefas de melhor esforço acessem as mesmas linhas da cache que tarefas de tempo real. O resultado desta estratégia de escalonamento é o atendimento dos prazos críticos e não críticos das tarefas de tempo real.Abstracts: Modern multicore platforms feature multiple levels of cache memory placed between the processor and main memory to hide the latency of ordinary memory systems. The primary goal of this cache hierarchy is to improve average execution time (at the cost of predictability). The uncontrolled use of the cache hierarchy by realtime tasks may impact the estimation of their worst-case execution times (WCET), specially when real-time tasks access a shared cache level, causing a contention for shared cache lines and increasing the application execution time. This contention in the shared cache may leadto deadline losses, which is intolerable particularly for hard real-time (HRT) systems. Shared cache partitioning is a well-known technique used in multicore real-time systems to isolate task workloads and to improve system predictability. Presently, the state-of-the-art studies that evaluate shared cache partitioning on multicore processors lack two key issues. First, the cache partitioning mechanism is typically implemented either in a simulated environment or in a general-purpose OS (GPOS), and so the impact of kernel activities, such as interrupt handlers and context switching, on the task partitions tend to be overlooked. Second, the evaluation is typically restricted to either a global or partitioned scheduler, thereby by falling to compare the performance of cache partitioning when tasks are scheduled by different schedulers. Furthermore, recent works have confirmed that OS implementation aspects, such as the choice of scheduling data structures and interrupt handling mechanisms, impact real-time schedulability as much as scheduling theoretic aspects. However, these studies also used real-time patches applied into GPOSes, which affects the run-time overhead observed in these works and consequently the schedulability of real-time tasks. Additionally, current multicore scheduling algorithms do not consider scenarios where real-time tasks access the same cache lines due to true or false sharing, which also impacts the WCET. This thesis addresses these aforementioned problems with cache partitioning techniques and multicore real-time scheduling algorithms as following. First, a real-time multicore support is designed and implemented on top of an embedded operating system designed from scratch. This support consists of several multicore real-time scheduling algorithms, such as global and partitioned EDF, and a cache partitioning mechanism based on page coloring. Second, it is presented a comparison in terms of schedulability ratio considering the run-time overhead of the implemented RTOS and a GPOS patched with real-time extensions. In some cases, Global-EDF considering the overhead of the RTOS is superior to Partitioned-EDF considering the overhead of the patched GPOS, which clearly shows how different OSs impact hard realtime schedulers. Third, an evaluation of the cache partitioning impacton partitioned, clustered, and global real-time schedulers is performed.The results indicate that a lightweight RTOS does not impact real-time tasks, and shared cache partitioning has different behavior depending on the scheduler and the task's working set size. Fourth, a task partitioning algorithm that assigns tasks to cores respecting their usage of cache partitions is proposed. The results show that by simply assigning tasks that shared cache partitions to the same processor, it is possible to reduce the contention for shared cache lines and to provideHRT guarantees. Finally, a two-phase multicore scheduler that provides HRT and soft real-time (SRT) guarantees is proposed. It is shown that by using information from hardware performance counters at run-time, the RTOS can detect when best-effort tasks interfere with real-time tasks in the shared cache. Then, the RTOS can prevent best effort tasks from interfering with real-time tasks. The results also show that the assignment of exclusive partitions to HRT tasks together with the two-phase multicore scheduler provides HRT and SRT guarantees, even when best-effort tasks share partitions with real-time tasks

    An Energy-Efficient Semi-Partitioned Approach for Hard Real-Time Systems with Voltage and Frequency Islands

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    The shift from uniprocessor to multi-core architectures has made it difficult to design predictable hard real-time systems (HRTS) since guaranteeing deadlines while achieving high processor utilization remains a major challenge. In addition, due to increasing demands, energy efficiency has become an important design metric in HRTS. To obtain energy savings, most multi-core systems use dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) to reduce dynamic power consumption when the system is underloaded. However, in many multi-core systems, DVFS is implemented using voltage and frequency islands (VFI), implying that individual cores cannot independently select their voltage and frequency (v/f) pairs, thus resulting in less energy savings when existing energy-aware task assignment and scheduling techniques are used. In this thesis, we present an analysis of the increase in energy consumption in the presence of VFI. Further, we propose a semi-partitioned approach called EDF-hv to reduce the energy consumption of HRTS on multi-core systems with VFI. Simulation results revealed that when workload imbalance among the cores is sufficiently high, EDF-hv can reduce system energy consumption by 15.9% on average

    Optimal Dataflow Scheduling on a Heterogeneous Multiprocessor With Reduced Response Time Bounds

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    Heterogeneous computing platforms with multiple types of computing resources have been widely used in many industrial systems to process dataflow tasks with pre-defined affinity of tasks to subgroups of resources. For many dataflow workloads with soft real-time requirements, guaranteeing fast and bounded response times is often the objective. This paper presents a new set of analysis techniques showing that a classical real-time scheduler, namely earliest-deadline first (EDF), is able to support dataflow tasks scheduled on such heterogeneous platforms with provably bounded response times while incurring no resource capacity loss, thus proving EDF to be an optimal solution for this scheduling problem. Experiments using synthetic workloads with widely varied parameters also demonstrate that the magnitude of the response time bounds yielded under the proposed analysis is reasonably small under all scenarios. Compared to the state-of-the-art soft real-time analysis techniques, our test yields a 68% reduction on response time bounds on average. This work demonstrates the potential of applying EDF into practical industrial systems containing dataflow-based workloads that desire guaranteed bounded response times

    Fair lateness scheduling: reducing maximum lateness in G-EDF-like scheduling

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    In prior work on soft real-time (SRT) multiprocessor scheduling, tardiness bounds have been derived for a variety of scheduling algorithms, most notably, the global earliest-deadline-first (G-EDF) algorithm. In this paper, we devise G-EDF-like (GEL) schedulers, which have identical implementations to G-EDF and therefore the same overheads, but that provide better tardiness bounds. We discuss how to analyze these schedulers and propose methods to determine scheduler parameters to meet several different tardiness bound criteria. We employ linear programs to adjust such parameters to optimize arbitrary tardiness criteria, and to analyze lateness bounds (lateness is related to tardiness). We also propose a particular scheduling algorithm, namely the global fair lateness (G-FL) algorithm, to minimize maximum absolute lateness bounds. Unlike the other schedulers described in this paper, G-FL only requires linear programming for analysis. We argue that our proposed schedulers, such as G-FL, should replace G-EDF for SRT applications

    Soft real-time scheduling on multiprocessors

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    The design of real-time systems is being impacted by two trends. First, tightly-coupled multiprocessor platforms are becoming quite common. This is evidenced by the availability of affordable symmetric shared-memory multiprocessors and the emergence of multicore architectures. Second, there is an increase in the number of real-time systems that require only soft real-time guarantees and have workloads that necessitate a multiprocessor. Examples of such systems include some tracking, signal-processing, and multimedia systems. Due to the above trends, cost-effective multiprocessor-based soft real-time system designs are of growing importance. Most prior research on real-time scheduling on multiprocessors has focused only on hard real-time systems. In a hard real-time system, no deadline may ever be missed. To meet such stringent timing requirements, all known theoretically optimal scheduling algorithms tend to preempt process threads and migrate them across processors frequently, and also impose certain other restrictions. Hence, the overheads of such algorithms can significantly reduce the amount of useful work that is accomplished and limit their practical implementation. On the other hand, non-optimal algorithms that are more practical suffer from the drawback that their validation tests require workload restrictions that can approach roughly 50% of the available processing capacity. Thus, for soft real-time systems, which can tolerate occasional or bounded deadline misses, and hence, allow for a tradeoff between timeliness and improved processor utilization, the existing scheduling algorithms or their validation tests can be overkill. The thesis of this dissertation is: Processor utilization can be improved on multiprocessors while providing non-trivial soft real-time guarantees for different soft real-time applications, whose preemption and migration overheads can span different ranges and whose tolerances to tardiness are different, by designing new algorithms, simplifying optimal algorithms, and developing new validation tests. The above thesis is established by developing validation tests that are sufficient to provide soft real-time guarantees under non-optimal (but more practical) algorithms, designing and analyzing a new restricted-migration scheduling algorithm, determining the guarantees on timeliness that can be provided when some limiting restrictions of known optimal algorithms are relaxed, and quantifying the benefits of the proposed mechanisms through simulations. First, we show that both preemptive and non-preemptive global earliest-deadline-first(EDF) scheduling can guarantee bounded tardiness (that is, lateness) to every recurrent real-time task system while requiring no restriction on the workload (except that it not exceed the available processing capacity). The tardiness bounds that we derive can be used to devise validation tests for soft real-time systems that are EDF-scheduled. Though overheads due to migrations and other factors are lower under EDF (than under known optimal algorithms), task migrations are still unrestricted. This may be unappealing for some applications, but if migrations are forbidden entirely, then bounded tardiness cannot always be guaranteed. Hence, we consider providing an acceptable middle path between unrestricted-migration and no-migration algorithms, and as a second result, present a new algorithm that restricts, but does not eliminate, migrations. We also determine bounds on tardiness that can be guaranteed under this algorithm. Finally, we consider a more efficient but non-optimal variant of an optimal class of algorithms called Pfair scheduling algorithms. We show that under this variant, called earliest- pseudo-deadline-first (EPDF) scheduling, significantly more liberal restrictions on workloads than previously known are sufficient for ensuring a specified tardiness bound. We also show that bounded tardiness can be guaranteed if some limiting restrictions of optimal Pfair algorithms are relaxed. The algorithms considered in this dissertation differ in the tardiness bounds guaranteed and overheads imposed. Simulation studies show that these algorithms can guarantee bounded tardiness for a significant percentage of task sets that are not schedulable in a hard real-time sense. Furthermore, for each algorithm, conditions exist in which it may be the preferred choice


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    Real-time scheduling analysis is crucial for time-critical systems, in which provable timing guarantees are more important than observed raw performance. Techniques for real-time scheduling analysis initially targeted uniprocessor platforms but have since evolved to encompass multiprocessor platforms. However, work directed at multiprocessors has largely focused on symmetric platforms, in which every processor is identical. Today, it is common for a multiprocessor to include heterogeneous processing elements, as this offers advantages with respect to size, weight, and power (SWaP) limitations. As a result, realizing modern real-time systems on asymmetric multiprocessor platforms is an inevitable trend. Unfortunately, principles and mechanisms regarding real-time scheduling on such platforms are relatively lacking. The goal of this dissertation is to enrich such principles and mechanisms, by bridging existing analysis for symmetric multiprocessor platforms to asymmetric ones and by developing new techniques that are unique for asymmetric multiprocessor platforms. The specific contributions are threefold. First, for a platform consisting of processors that differ with respect to processing speeds only, this dissertation shows that the preemptive global earliest-deadline-first (G-EDF) scheduler is optimal for scheduling soft real-time (SRT) task systems. Furthermore, it shows that semi-partitioned scheduling, which is a hybrid of conventional global and partitioned scheduling approaches, can be applied to optimally schedule both hard real-time (HRT) and SRT task systems. Second, on platforms that consist of processors with different functionalities, tasks that belong to different functionalities may process the same source data consecutively and therefore have producer/consumer relationships among them, which are represented by directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). End-to-end response-time bounds for such DAGs are derived in this dissertation under a G-EDF-based scheduling approach, and it is shown that such bounds can be improved by a linear-programming-based deadline-setting technique. Third, processor virtualization can lead a symmetric physical platform to be asymmetric. In fact, for a designated virtual-platform capacity, there exist an infinite number of allocation schemes for virtual processors and a choice must be made. In this dissertation, a particular asymmetric virtual-processor allocation scheme, called minimum-parallelism (MP) form, is shown to dominate all other schemes including symmetric ones.Doctor of Philosoph

    An EDF-based restricted-migration scheduling algorithm for multiprocessor soft real-time systems

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    There has been much recent interest in the use of the earliest-deadline-first (EDF) algorithm for scheduling soft real-time sporadic task systems on identical multiprocessors. In hard real-time systems, a significant disparity exists between EDF-based schemes and Pfair scheduling: on M processors, the worst-case schedulable utilization for all known EDF variants is approximately M/2, whereas it is M for optimal Pfair algorithms. This is unfortunate because EDF-based algorithms entail lower scheduling and task-migration overheads. However, such a disparity in schedulability can be alleviated by easing the requirement that all deadlines be met, which may be sufficient for soft real-time systems. In particular, in recent work, we have shown that if task migrations are not restricted, then EDF (i.e., global EDF) can ensure bounded tardiness for a sporadic task system with no restrictions on total utilization. Unrestricted task migrations in global EDF may be unappealing for some systems, but if migrations are forbidden entirely, then bounded tardiness cannot be guaranteed. In this paper, we address the issue of striking a balance between task migrations and system utilization by proposing an algorithm called EDF-fm, which is based upon EDF and treads a middle path, by restricting, but not eliminating, task migrations. Specifically, under EDF-fm, the ability to migrate is required for at most M − 1 tasks, and it is sufficient that every such task migrate between two processors and at job boundaries only. EDF-fm, like global EDF, can ensure bounded tardiness to a sporadic task system as long as the available processing capacity is not exceeded, but, unlike global EDF, may require that per-task utilizations be capped. The required cap is quite liberal, hence, EDF-fm should enable a wide range of soft real-time applications to be scheduled with no constraints on total utilization


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    Many of the next generation applications in entertainment, human computer interaction, infrastructure, security and medical systems are computationally intensive, always-on, and have soft real time (SRT) requirements. While failure to meet deadlines is not catastrophic in SRT systems, missing deadlines can result in an unacceptable degradation in the quality of service (QoS). To ensure acceptable QoS under dynamically changing operating conditions such as changes in the workload, energy availability, and thermal constraints, systems are typically designed for worst case conditions. Unfortunately, such over-designing of systems increases costs and overall power consumption. In this dissertation we formulate the real-time task execution as a Multiple-Input, Single- Output (MISO) optimal control problem involving tracking a desired system utilization set point with control inputs derived from across the computing stack. We assume that an arbitrary number of SRT tasks may join and leave the system at arbitrary times. The tasks are scheduled on multiple cores by a dynamic priority multiprocessor scheduling algorithm. We use a model predictive controller (MPC) to realize optimal control. MPCs are easy to tune, can handle multiple control variables, and constraints on both the dependent and independent variables. We experimentally demonstrate the operation of our controller on a video encoder application and a computer vision application executing on a dual socket quadcore Xeon processor with a total of 8 processing cores. We establish that the use of DVFS and application quality as control variables enables operation at a lower power op- erating point while meeting real-time constraints as compared to non cross-stack control approaches. We also evaluate the role of scheduling algorithms in the control of homo- geneous and heterogeneous workloads. Additionally, we propose a novel adaptive control technique for time-varying workloads
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