498 research outputs found

    Scratchpad Sharing in GPUs

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    GPGPU applications exploit on-chip scratchpad memory available in the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to improve performance. The amount of thread level parallelism present in the GPU is limited by the number of resident threads, which in turn depends on the availability of scratchpad memory in its streaming multiprocessor (SM). Since the scratchpad memory is allocated at thread block granularity, part of the memory may remain unutilized. In this paper, we propose architectural and compiler optimizations to improve the scratchpad utilization. Our approach, Scratchpad Sharing, addresses scratchpad under-utilization by launching additional thread blocks in each SM. These thread blocks use unutilized scratchpad and also share scratchpad with other resident blocks. To improve the performance of scratchpad sharing, we propose Owner Warp First (OWF) scheduling that schedules warps from the additional thread blocks effectively. The performance of this approach, however, is limited by the availability of the shared part of scratchpad. We propose compiler optimizations to improve the availability of shared scratchpad. We describe a scratchpad allocation scheme that helps in allocating scratchpad variables such that shared scratchpad is accessed for short duration. We introduce a new instruction, relssp, that when executed, releases the shared scratchpad. Finally, we describe an analysis for optimal placement of relssp instructions such that shared scratchpad is released as early as possible. We implemented the hardware changes using the GPGPU-Sim simulator and implemented the compiler optimizations in Ocelot framework. We evaluated the effectiveness of our approach on 19 kernels from 3 benchmarks suites: CUDA-SDK, GPGPU-Sim, and Rodinia. The kernels that underutilize scratchpad memory show an average improvement of 19% and maximum improvement of 92.17% compared to the baseline approach

    Taming Normalizing Flows

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    We propose an algorithm for taming Normalizing Flow models - changing the probability that the model will produce a specific image or image category. We focus on Normalizing Flows because they can calculate the exact generation probability likelihood for a given image. We demonstrate taming using models that generate human faces, a subdomain with many interesting privacy and bias considerations. Our method can be used in the context of privacy, e.g., removing a specific person from the output of a model, and also in the context of debiasing by forcing a model to output specific image categories according to a given target distribution. Taming is achieved with a fast fine-tuning process without retraining the model from scratch, achieving the goal in a matter of minutes. We evaluate our method qualitatively and quantitatively, showing that the generation quality remains intact, while the desired changes are applied

    Simulating heterogeneous behaviours in complex systems on GPUs

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    Agent Based Modelling (ABM) is an approach for modelling dynamic systems and studying complex and emergent behaviour. ABMs have been widely applied in diverse disciplines including biology, economics, and social sciences. The scalability of ABM simulations is typically limited due to the computationally expensive nature of simulating a large number of individuals. As such, large scale ABM simulations are excellent candidates to apply parallel computing approaches such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). In this paper, we present an extension to the FLAME GPU 1 [1] framework which addresses the divergence problem, i.e. the challenge of executing the behaviour of non-homogeneous individuals on vectorised GPU processors. We do this by describing a modelling methodology which exposes inherent parallelism within the model which is exploited by novel additions to the software permitting higher levels of concurrent simulation execution. Moreover, we demonstrate how this extension can be applied to realistic cellular level tissue model by benchmarking the model to demonstrate a measured speedup of over 4x

    BFS-4K: an Efficient Implementation of BFS for Kepler GPU Architectures

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    Breadth-first search (BFS) is one of the most common graph traversal algorithms and the building block for a wide range of graph applications. With the advent of graphics processing units (GPUs), several works have been proposed to accelerate graph algorithms and, in particular, BFS on such many-core architectures. Nevertheless, BFS has proven to be an algorithm for which it is hard to obtain better performance from parallelization. Indeed, the proposed solutions take advantage of the massively parallelism of GPUs but they are often asymptotically less efficient than the fastest CPU implementations. This article presents BFS-4K, a parallel implementation of BFS for GPUs that exploits the more advanced features of GPU-based platforms (i.e., NVIDIA Kepler) and that achieves an asymptotically optimal work complexity.The article presents different strategies implemented in BFS-4K to deal with the potential workload imbalance and thread divergence caused by any actual graph non-homogeneity.The article presents the experimental results conducted on several graphs of different size and characteristics to understand how the proposed techniques are applied and combined to obtain the best performance from the parallel BFS visits. Finally, an analysis of the most representative BFS implementations for GPUs at the state of the art and their comparison with BFS-4K are reported to underline the efficiency of the proposed solution

    Skull morphology diverges between urban and rural populations of red foxes mirroring patterns of domestication and macroevolution

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    Human activity is drastically altering the habitat use of natural populations. This has been documented as a driver of phenotypic divergence in a number of wild animal populations. Here, we show that urban and rural populations of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from London and surrounding boroughs are divergent in skull traits. These changes are primarily found to be involved with snout length, with urban individuals tending to have shorter and wider muzzles relative to rural individuals, smaller braincases and reduced sexual dimorphism. Changes were widespread and related to muscle attachment sites and thus are likely driven by differing biomechanical demands of feeding or cognition between habitats. Through extensive sampling of the genus Vulpes, we found no support for phylogenetic effects on skull morphology, but patterns of divergence found between urban and rural habitats in V. vulpes quantitatively aligned with macroevolutionary divergence between species. The patterns of skull divergence between urban and rural habitats matched the description of morphological changes that can occur during domestication. Specifically, urban populations of foxes show variation consistent with ‘domestication syndrome’. Therefore, we suggest that occurrences of phenotypic divergence in relation to human activity, while interesting themselves, also have the potential to inform us of the conditions and mechanisms that could initiate domestication. Finally, this also suggests that patterns of domestication may be developmentally biased towards larger patterns of interspecific divergence

    GSI: GPU-friendly Subgraph Isomorphism

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    Subgraph isomorphism is a well-known NP-hard problem that is widely used in many applications, such as social network analysis and query over the knowledge graph. Due to the inherent hardness, its performance is often a bottleneck in various real-world applications. Therefore, we address this by designing an efficient subgraph isomorphism algorithm leveraging features of GPU architecture, such as massive parallelism and memory hierarchy. Existing GPU-based solutions adopt a two-step output scheme, performing the same join process twice in order to write intermediate results concurrently. They also lack GPU architecture-aware optimizations that allow scaling to large graphs. In this paper, we propose a GPU-friendly subgraph isomorphism algorithm, GSI. Different from existing edge join-based GPU solutions, we propose a Prealloc-Combine strategy based on the vertex-oriented framework, which avoids joining-twice in existing solutions. Also, a GPU-friendly data structure (called PCSR) is proposed to represent an edge-labeled graph. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real graphs show that GSI outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms by up to several orders of magnitude and has good scalability with graph size scaling to hundreds of millions of edges.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, conferenc

    Graph Algorithms on GPUs

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    This chapter introduces the topic of graph algorithms on GPUs. It starts by presenting and comparing the main important data structures and techniques applied for representing and analysing graphs on GPUs at the state of the art.It then presents the theory and an updated review of the most efficient implementations of graph algorithms for GPUs. In particular, the chapter focuses on graph traversal algorithms (breadth-first search), single-source shortest path(Djikstra, Bellman-Ford, delta stepping, hybrids), and all-pair shortest path (Floyd-Warshall). By the end of the chapter, load balancing and memory access techniques are discussed through an overview of their main issues and management techniques