17,610 research outputs found

    Der Qualitätspakt E-Learning im Hochschulpakt 2020

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    Der vorliegende Tagungsband beinhaltet die Artikel zu den Vorträgen auf der GML² 2014 und eine Sammlung der zu der Tagung eingereichten Abstracts. Wir danken allen Referierenden für ihre anregenden Vorträge auf der Tagung und ihre Artikel für den Tagungsband, allen Vortragenden in den Workshops der Pre- Conference für ihre Beiträge und allen Einreichenden für das Zur-Verfügung- Stellen ihrer Abstracts für den Tagungsband

    Energy use efficiency of organic and agroforestry farming systems

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    Im Versuchsbetrieb Scheyern (Süddeutschland) wurde in Feldexperimenten die Energienutzungseffizienz (EUE) ökologischer Anbausysteme analysiert. Die EUE wurde für verschiedene Systemebenen - die Fruchtarten, die Fruchtfolge sowie Agroforstsysteme (AFS) bestimmt. Die Agroforstsysteme bestehen aus Baumreihen mit schnellwachsenden Gehölzen zur energetischen Nutzung sowie einer Fruchtfolge zur Nahrungserzeugung. Die EUE entspricht dem Verhältnis von Energieoutput zum Energieinput. Der Energieinput umfasst den Einsatz fossiler Energie, der Energieoutput den Brennwert der Ernteprodukte. Die EUE von Weizen wird stark von der Vorfrucht beeinflusst; sie beträgt nach Kartoffeln 10,1, nach Luzerne-Kleegras 19,5, im AFS 9,7 (nach Kartoffeln) und 18,8 (nach Luzerne-Kleegras).Die Energienutzungseffizienz der Fruchtfolge beträgt 10,3, die des Agroforstsystems 12,8

    Evolution of mobility governance in Flanders: opening up for bottom-up initiatives or suffering from lock-in?

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    Mobility policy in Flanders lacks a clear discourse on implementing the policy objectives for 2020 and beyond. Though mobility planning can show success stories, mobility problems seem to aggravate. For supra local mobility projects in Flanders the executive power often lies with deconcentrated administrations at the level of the province, this is e.g. the case for public transportation and major roads, where province boundaries impede public transport projects across borders. For local mobility plans, the local administration and council have the power. But as these local mobility plans have highly formalised procedures, they tend to be rigid frameworks or administrations and risk to be suffering from lock-in. There is a need for new dynamics in mobility policy in reference to present developments. Here bottom-up or outside-in initiatives can be regarded as the key to real change. To that end radical changes in the organisation and mobility planning itself are necessary to meet these new inititiaves from the bottum-up and outside-in. Next to hardware and software approaches or innovations to turn mobility planning more sustainable, we additionally propose in this paper an ‘orgware’ solution, demonstrated in some case studies. In these cases key actors of bottom-up projects and their associations with other actors are visualised. Furthermore barriers and potentials for implementation are formulated leading onto recommendations for further research in order to improve the implementation of the policy objectives

    Eiweiß-, Fett und Energieansatz von Masthühnern einer langsam wachsenden Herkunft unter ökologischen Fütterungsbedingungen

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    An experiment was carried out to study the protein, fat and energy deposition profiles of male and female slow-growing broilers (ISA J-257) fed with organic diets. Feed mixtures with reduced dietary energy level and essential amino acids (EAAs) were tested. Birds were slaughtered at 0, 14, 28, 42 and 56 d of age. The whole body weight (WBW) was analyzed in each period to calculate the protein, fat and energy deposition. Gompertz growth curves were fitted to the data. The diets did not affect the studied variables. After 28 d, males had higher WBW growth rates, and at 56 d higher energy and protein deposition rates than females, except for fat. According to the Gompertz curves, males reached higher maximum rates of WBW growth, energy, protein and fat deposition than females. But females reached earlier the maximum rates of WBW growth (11 d), of energy deposition (12 d) and of protein deposition (15 d) than males. Females reached the maximum rate of fat deposition 1 d later. The organic production of slow-growing male and female broilers requires gender different feed programs and different final body weights from 30 d of age to the slaughter age

    Luzernegrünmehl in Futtermischungen mit abgesenktem ME-Gehalt für die ökologische Hühnermast

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    Organic diets with low energy and amino acid contents were studied (Bellof, et al. 2005) with positive effects on growth and carcass performance of broilers. Alfalfa is moderately rich in protein, pigments and saponins and limited content of energy (AME). This event could benefit the design of low energy diets. Also alfalfa was able to produce healthy broiler meat (low fat and cholesterol) with a special flavour (Ponte et al., 2004). In the conventional production the results are controversial. A trial with 6 % of alfalfa diet found reduced performance of broilers (Tkácová et al., 2011), and a long raising study (56 d) found high and low carcass yield with 17 and 45 g/d of alfalfa intake respectively (Ponte et al., 2004). This fact could be attributed to the different fiber contents of the alfalfas used by the above mentioned authors (25.7 % vs. 21.8 % respectively).The aim of the trial was to study the impact of high levels of alfalfa in low energy diets on production parameters of slow-growing broilers

    Sales on organic farms in Poland

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    This paper gives information on sales of organic products at a farm level in Poland. It presents the results of the investigation conducted in 188 organic farms in 2006. The results show that the most significant distribution form is direct sales, both in crop and livestock production. The access to other distribution forms (e.g. specialist channels, conventional retail chains) is very limited for farmers. Moreover, low development of wholesales and scattering of organic farms cause that farmers often have to take the relatively high transportation cost over, which lowers the production profitability. Therefore, in this situation the only efficient option is direct sales

    Lentil-barley mixed cropping with different lentil varieties and sowing dates

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    In den letzten 50 Jahren gab es nahezu keinen Linsenanbau mehr in Deutschland. Die Stickstofffixierung der Leguminose Linse, der Mischanbau und die hohe ernährungsphysiologische Wertigkeit machen den Linsenanbau attraktiv für den ökologischen Landbau. Anbautechnisch bereitet die Linse noch Probleme, z. B hinsichtlich geeigneter Sorten und optimaler Saatzeiten. Eine frühe Aussaat könnte die Vegetationsperiode verlängern und den Ertrag erhöhen, doch entfällt damit die Beikrautregulierung durch mehrfaches Abschleppen vor der Saat Auf der Versuchsstation für Ökologischen Landbau Kleinhohenheim der Universität Hohenheim wurden daher im Jahr 2009 vier Genotypen im Mischanbau mit Nacktgerste und drei Saatzeiten im Frühjahr geprüft. Linsen und die Stützfrucht Gerste erzielten den höchsten Ertrag (bis 3 t Trockenmasse (TM) ha-1 Linsen und rund 1 t TM ha-1 Gerste) bei frühestmöglichem Aussaattermin. Der Beikrautdruck war an diesem Termin mit rund 30 g TM m-2 signifikant niedriger als bei den späteren Saatterminen. Die im Versuch ertragreichste Sorte ist derzeit schon in Süddeutschland im Anbau, eine frühe Aussaat wäre in Erwägung zu ziehen

    Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Madrid pilot Site Study.

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    A City is the space where every person acquires the citizen condition, which demands access to multiple services and facilities, and develops social relations in a free and equal condition of options. A lack of accessibility limits independency and autonomy. Thus, the relationship between “sustainable development” and “accessibility for all” becomes clearer, and both goals reinforce each other. In this sense, information plays a key role in order to overcome existing barriers, specially for people who rarely use public transport, have impaired mobility, or make a particular journey for the first time. The impact and benefits is linked with public transport as a “facilitator” of mobility, and, in particular, for the aim of intermodality. The usefulness of information that should be provided (both the information itself and how is offered) to mobility impaired users (MI users) is discussed on this paper based on following of the ASK-IT project that has being carry out on Madrid. The work was done in close cooperation with representatives of all different types of MI user groups

    How to stay a smart city? Inspiration from a place-based spatial policy in Ghent: working together with local, smart citizens

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    Spatial planning in Europe and in Flanders is changing fundamentally. In the Europe 2020 strategy (2010-2020) Europe introduced the idea of a ‘place-based approach’ as an alternative or addition to traditional spatial planning. It refers to the context-dependent nature of efficiency and equity problems that the policy deals with, and to the fact that design of integrated interventions must be tailored to places, as it largely depends on the knowledge and preferences of the people living in it. Nevertheless, little research has examined the use of the place-based approach in Flanders. In this paper the place-based approach, also called area development, is referred to as a proactive planning approach, characterized by an intensive coordination of initiators, plans and projects in one specific area, in order to implement the plans and projects in the field. Participating with citizens in planning processes is not new. In general, we can distinguish three generations in citizen participation: from consultation by the authorities, to co-creation initiated by the authorities, and recently to citizen initiatives which are only supported and stimulated by the authorities. This paper reports results from a case-study in Ghent, Flanders. Within the neighbourhood around the main railway-station inhabitants and the local government are working together to create a new concept for the area, and are co-realising these new ideas in the field. We found earlier that authorities have been experimenting with place-based planning in Flanders for several years, but that results, actors and instruments differ. The new insight from the local, urban case in Ghent can be used to develop future place-based planning, programs and projects in Flanders and in cities within Flanders