37 research outputs found

    The HIPEAC vision for advanced computing in horizon 2020

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    성능과 용량 향상을 위한 적층형 메모리 구조

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 융합과학기술대학원 융합과학부(지능형융합시스템전공), 2019. 2. 안정호.The advance of DRAM manufacturing technology slows down, whereas the density and performance needs of DRAM continue to increase. This desire has motivated the industry to explore emerging Non-Volatile Memory (e.g., 3D XPoint) and the high-density DRAM (e.g., Managed DRAM Solution). Since such memory technologies increase the density at the cost of longer latency, lower bandwidth, or both, it is essential to use them with fast memory (e.g., conventional DRAM) to which hot pages are transferred at runtime. Nonetheless, we observe that page transfers to fast memory often block memory channels from servicing memory requests from applications for a long period. This in turn significantly increases the high-percentile response time of latency-sensitive applications. In this thesis, we propose a high-density managed DRAM architecture, dubbed 3D-XPath for applications demanding both low latency and high capacity for memory. 3D-XPath DRAM stacks conventional DRAM dies with high-density DRAM dies explored in this thesis and connects these DRAM dies with 3D-XPath. Especially, 3D-XPath allows unused memory channels to service memory requests from applications when primary channels supposed to handle the memory requests are blocked by page transfers at given moments, considerably increasing the high-percentile response time. This can also improve the throughput of applications frequently copying memory blocks between kernel and user memory spaces. Our evaluation shows that 3D-XPath DRAM decreases high-percentile response time of latency-sensitive applications by ∼30% while improving the throughput of an I/O-intensive applications by ∼39%, compared with DRAM without 3D-XPath. Recent computer systems are evolving toward the integration of more CPU cores into a single socket, which require higher memory bandwidth and capacity. Increasing the number of channels per socket is a common solution to the bandwidth demand and to better utilize these increased channels, data bus width is reduced and burst length is increased. However, this longer burst length brings increased DRAM access latency. On the memory capacity side, process scaling has been the answer for decades, but cell capacitance now limits how small a cell could be. 3D stacked memory solves this problem by stacking dies on top of other dies. We made a key observation in real multicore machine that multiple memory controllers are always not fully utilized on SPEC CPU 2006 rate benchmark. To bring these idle channels into play, we proposed memory channel sharing architecture to boost peak bandwidth of one memory channel and reduce the burst latency on 3D stacked memory. By channel sharing, the total performance on multi-programmed workloads and multi-threaded workloads improved up to respectively 4.3% and 3.6% and the average read latency reduced up to 8.22% and 10.18%.DRAM 제조 기술의 발전은 속도가 느려지는 반면 DRAM의 밀도 및 성능 요구는 계속 증가하고 있다. 이러한 요구로 인해 새로운 비 휘발성 메모리(예: 3D-XPoint) 및 고밀도 DRAM(예: Managed asymmetric latency DRAM Solution)이 등장하였다. 이러한 고밀도 메모리 기술은 긴 레이턴시, 낮은 대역폭 또는 두 가지 모두를 사용하는 방식으로 밀도를 증가시키기 때문에 성능이 좋지 않아, 핫 페이지를 고속 메모리(예: 일반 DRAM)로 스왑되는 저용량의 고속 메모리가 동시에 사용되는 것이 일반적이다. 이러한 스왑 과정에서 빠른 메모리로의 페이지 전송이 일반적인 응용프로그램의 메모리 요청을 오랫동안 처리하지 못하도록 하기 때문에, 대기 시간에 민감한 응용 프로그램의 백분위 응답 시간을 크게 증가시켜, 응답 시간의 표준 편차를 증가시킨다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 본 학위 논문에서는 저 지연시간 및 고용량 메모리를 요구하는 애플리케이션을 위해 3D-XPath, 즉 고밀도 관리 DRAM 아키텍처를 제안한다. 이러한 3D-톔소를 집적한 DRAM은 저속의 고밀도 DRAM 다이를 기존의 일반적인 DRAM 다이와 동시에 한 칩에 적층하고, DRAM 다이끼리는 제안하는 3D-XPath 하드웨어를 통해 연결된다. 이러한 3D-XPath는 핫 페이지 스왑이 일어나는 동안 응용프로그램의 메모리 요청을 차단하지 않고 사용량이 적은 메모리 채널로 핫 페이지 스왑을 처리 할 수 있도록 하여, 데이터 집중 응용 프로그램의 백분위 응답 시간을 개선시킨다. 또한 제안하는 하드웨어 구조를 사용하여, 추가적으로 O/S 커널과 유저 스페이스 간의 메모리 블록을 자주 복사하는 응용 프로그램의 처리량을 향상시킬 수 있다. 이러한 3D-XPath DRAM은 3D-XPath가 없는 DRAM에 비해 I/O 집약적인 응용프로그램의 처리량을 최대 39 % 향상시키면서 레이턴시에 민감한 응용 프로그램의 높은 백분위 응답 시간을 최대 30 %까지 감소시킬 수 있다. 또한 최근의 컴퓨터 시스템은 보다 많은 메모리 대역폭과 용량을 필요로하는 더 많은 CPU 코어를 단일 소켓으로 통합하는 방향으로 진화하고 있다. 이러한 소켓 당 채널 수를 늘리는 것은 대역폭 요구에 대한 일반적인 해결책이며, 최신의 DRAM 인터페이스의 발전 양상은 증가한 채널을 보다 잘 활용하기 위해 데이터 버스 폭이 감소되고 버스트 길이가 증가한다. 그러나 길어진 버스트 길이는 DRAM 액세스 대기 시간을 증가시킨다. 추가적으로 최신의 응용프로그램은 더 많은 메모리 용량을 요구하며, 미세 공정으로 메모리 용량을 증가시키는 방법론은 수십 년 동안 사용되었지만, 20 nm 이하의 미세공정에서는 더 이상 공정 미세화를 통해 메모리 밀도를 증가시키기가 어려운 상황이며, 적층형 메모리를 사용하여 용량을 증가시키는 방법을 사용한다. 이러한 상황에서, 실제 최신의 멀티코어 머신에서 SPEC CPU 2006 응용프로그램을 멀티코어에서 실행하였을 때, 항상 시스템의 모든 메모리 컨트롤러가 완전히 활용되지 않는다는 사실을 관찰했다. 이러한 유휴 채널을 사용하기 위해 하나의 메모리 채널의 피크 대역폭을 높이고 3D 스택 메모리의 버스트 대기 시간을 줄이기 위해 본 학위 논문에서는 메모리 채널 공유 아키텍처를 제안하였으며, 하드웨어 블록을 제안하였다. 이러한 채널 공유를 통해 멀티 프로그램 된 응용프로그램 및 다중 스레드 응용프로그램 성능이 각각 4.3 % 및 3.6 %로 향상되었으며 평균 읽기 대기 시간은 8.22 % 및 10.18 %로 감소하였다.Contents Abstract i Contents iv List of Figures vi List of Tables viii Introduction 1 1.1 3D-XPath: High-Density Managed DRAM Architecture with Cost-effective Alternative Paths for Memory Transactions 5 1.2 Boosting Bandwidth – Dynamic Channel Sharing on 3D Stacked Memory 9 1.3 Research contribution 13 1.4 Outline 14 3D-stacked Heterogeneous Memory Architecture with Cost-effective Extra Block Transfer Paths 17 2.1 Background 17 2.1.1 Heterogeneous Main Memory Systems 17 2.1.2 Specialized DRAM 19 2.1.3 3D-stacked Memory 22 2.2 HIGH-DENSITY DRAM ARCHITECTURE 27 2.2.1 Key Design Challenges 29 2.2.2 Plausible High-density DRAM Designs 33 2.3 3D-STACKED DRAM WITH ALTERNATIVE PATHS FOR MEMORY TRANSACTIONS 37 2.3.1 3D-XPath Architecture 41 2.3.2 3D-XPath Management 46 2.4 EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY 52 2.5 EVALUATION 56 2.5.1 OLDI Workloads 56 2.5.2 Non-OLDI Workloads 61 2.5.3 Sensitivity Analysis 66 2.6 RELATED WORK 70 Boosting bandwidth –Dynamic Channel Sharing on 3D Stacked Memory 72 3.1 Background: Memory Operations 72 3.1.1. Memory Controller 72 3.1.2 DRAM column access sequence 73 3.2 Related Work 74 3.3. CHANNEL SHARING ENABLED MEMORY SYSTEM 76 3.3.1 Hardware Requirements 78 3.3.2 Operation Sequence 81 3.4 Analysis 87 3.4.1 Experiment Environment 87 3.4.2 Performance 88 3.4.3 Overhead 90 CONCLUSION 92 REFERENCES 94 국문초록 107Docto

    Study of the impact of lithography techniques and the current fabrication processes on the design rules of tridimensional fabrication technologies

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    Working for the photolithography tool manufacturer leader sometimes gives me the impression of how complex and specific is the sector I am working on. This master thesis topic came with the goal of getting the overall picture of the state-of-the-art: stepping out and trying to get a helicopter view usually helps to understand where a process is in the productive chain, or what other firms and markets are doing to continue improvingUniversidad de sevilla.Máster Universitario en Microelectrónica: Diseño y Aplicaciones de Sistemas Micro/Nanométrico

    Technologies for trapped-ion quantum information systems

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    Scaling-up from prototype systems to dense arrays of ions on chip, or vast networks of ions connected by photonic channels, will require developing entirely new technologies that combine miniaturized ion trapping systems with devices to capture, transmit and detect light, while refining how ions are confined and controlled. Building a cohesive ion system from such diverse parts involves many challenges, including navigating materials incompatibilities and undesired coupling between elements. Here, we review our recent efforts to create scalable ion systems incorporating unconventional materials such as graphene and indium tin oxide, integrating devices like optical fibers and mirrors, and exploring alternative ion loading and trapping techniques.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Approche industrielle aux boîtes quantiques dans des dispositifs de silicium sur isolant complètement déplété pour applications en information quantique

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    La mise en oeuvre des qubits de spin électronique à base de boîtes quantiques réalisés en utilisant une technologie avancée de métal-oxyde-semiconducteur complémentaire (en anglais: CMOS ou Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) fonctionnant à des températures cryogéniques permet d’envisager la fabrication industrielle reproductible et à haut rendement de systèmes de qubits de spin à grande échelle. Le développement d’une architecture de boîtes quantiques à base de silicium fabriquées en utilisant exclusivement des techniques de fabrication industrielle CMOS constitue une étape majeure dans cette direction. Dans cette thèse, le potentiel de la technologie UTBB (en anglais: Ultra-Thin Body and Buried oxide) silicium sur isolant complétement déplété (en anglais: FD-SOI ou Fully Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator) 28 nm de STMicroelectronics (Crolles, France) a été étudié pour la mise en oeuvre de boîtes quantiques bien définies, capables de réaliser des systèmes de qubit de spin. Dans ce contexte, des mesures d’effet Hall ont été réalisées sur des microstructures FD-SOI à 4.2 K afin de déterminer la qualité du noeud technologique pour les applications de boîtes quantiques. De plus, un flot du processus d’intégration, optimisé pour la mise en oeuvre de dispositifs quantiques utilisant exclusivement des méthodes de fonderie de silicium pour la production de masse est présenté, en se concentrant sur la réduction des risques de fabrication et des délais d’exécution globaux. Enfin, deux géométries différentes de dispositifs à boîtes quantiques FD-SOI de 28nm ont été conçues et leurs performances ont été étudiées à 1.4 K. Dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre Nanoacademic Technologies, Institut quantique et STMicroelectronics, un modèle QTCAD (en anglais: Quantum Technology Computer-Aided Design) en 3D a été développé pour la modélisation de dispositifs à boîtes quantiques FD-SOI. Ainsi, en complément de la caractérisation expérimentale des structures de test via des mesures de transport et de spectroscopie de blocage de Coulomb, leur performance est modélisée et analysée à l’aide du logiciel QTCAD. Les résultats présentés ici démontrent les avantages de la technologie FD-SOI par rapport à d’autres approches pour les applications de calcul quantique, ainsi que les limites identifiées du noeud 28 nm dans ce contexte. Ce travail ouvre la voie à la mise en oeuvre des nouvelles générations de dispositifs à boîtes quantiques FD-SOI basées sur des noeuds technologiques inférieurs.Abstract: Electron spin qubits based on quantum dots implemented using advanced Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology functional at cryogenic temperatures promise to enable reproducible high-yield industrial manufacturing of large-scale spin qubit systems. A milestone in this direction is to develop a silicon-based quantum dot structure fabricated using exclusively CMOS industrial manufacturing techniques. In this thesis, the potential of the industry-standard process 28 nm Ultra-Thin Body and Buried oxide (UTBB) Fully Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (FD-SOI) technology of STMicroelectronics (Crolles, France) was investigated for the implementation of well-defined quantum dots capable to realize spin qubit systems. In this context, Hall effect measurements were performed on FD-SOI microstructures at 4.2 K to determine the quality of the technology node for quantum dot applications. Moreover, an optimized integration process flow for the implementation of quantum devices, using exclusively mass-production silicon-foundry methods is presented, focusing on reducing manufacturing risks and overall turnaround times. Finally, two different geometries of 28 nm FD-SOI quantum dot devices were conceived, and their performance was studied at 1.4 K. In the framework of a collaboration between Nanoacademic Technologies, Institut quantique, and STMicroelectronics, a 3D Quantum Technology Computer-Aided Design (QTCAD) model was developed for FD-SOI quantum dot device modeling. Therefore, along with the experimental characterization of the test structures via transport and Coulomb blockade spectroscopy measurements, their performance is modeled and analyzed using the QTCAD software. The results reported here demonstrate the advantages of the FD-SOI technology over other approaches for quantum computing applications, as well as the identified limitations of the 28 nm node in this context. This work paves the way for the implementation of the next generations of FD-SOI quantum dot devices based on lower technology nodes

    Interconnect Planning for Physical Design of 3D Integrated Circuits

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    Vertical stacking—based on modern manufacturing and integration technologies—of multiple 2D chips enables three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs). This exploitation of the third dimension is generally accepted for aiming at higher packing densities, heterogeneous integration, shorter interconnects, reduced power consumption, increased data bandwidth, and realizing highly-parallel systems in one device. However, the commercial acceptance of 3D ICs is currently behind its expectations, mainly due to challenges regarding manufacturing and integration technologies as well as design automation. This work addresses three selected, practically relevant design challenges: (i) increasing the constrained reusability of proven, reliable 2D intellectual property blocks, (ii) planning different types of (comparatively large) through-silicon vias with focus on their impact on design quality, as well as (iii) structural planning of massively-parallel, 3D-IC-specific interconnect structures during 3D floorplanning. A key concept of this work is to account for interconnect structures and their properties during early design phases in order to support effective and high-quality 3D-IC-design flows. To tackle the above listed challenges, modular design-flow extensions and methodologies have been developed. Experimental investigations reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques, and provide findings on 3D integration with particular focus on interconnect structures. We suggest consideration of these findings when formulating guidelines for successful 3D-IC design automation.:1 Introduction 1.1 The 3D Integration Approach for Electronic Circuits 1.2 Technologies for 3D Integrated Circuits 1.3 Design Approaches for 3D Integrated Circuits 2 State of the Art in Design Automation for 3D Integrated Circuits 2.1 Thermal Management 2.2 Partitioning and Floorplanning 2.3 Placement and Routing 2.4 Power and Clock Delivery 2.5 Design Challenges 3 Research Objectives 4 Planning Through-Silicon Via Islands for Block-Level Design Reuse 4.1 Problems for Design Reuse in 3D Integrated Circuits 4.2 Connecting Blocks Using Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.1 Problem Formulation and Methodology Overview 4.2.2 Net Clustering 4.2.3 Insertion of Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.4 Deadspace Insertion and Redistribution 4.3 Experimental Investigation 4.3.1 Wirelength Estimation 4.3.2 Configuration 4.3.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Summary and Conclusions 5 Planning Through-Silicon Vias for Design Optimization 5.1 Deadspace Requirements for Optimized Planning of Through-Silicon Vias 5.2 Multiobjective Design Optimization of 3D Integrated Circuits 5.2.1 Methodology Overview and Configuration 5.2.2 Techniques for Deadspace Optimization 5.2.3 Design-Quality Analysis 5.2.4 Planning Different Types of Through-Silicon Vias 5.3 Experimental Investigation 5.3.1 Configuration 5.3.2 Results and Discussion 5.4 Summary and Conclusions 6 3D Floorplanning for Structural Planning of Massive Interconnects 6.1 Block Alignment for Interconnects Planning in 3D Integrated Circuits 6.2 Corner Block List Extended for Block Alignment 6.2.1 Alignment Encoding 6.2.2 Layout Generation: Block Placement and Alignment 6.3 3D Floorplanning Methodology 6.3.1 Optimization Criteria and Phases and Related Cost Models 6.3.2 Fast Thermal Analysis 6.3.3 Layout Operations 6.3.4 Adaptive Optimization Schedule 6.4 Experimental Investigation 6.4.1 Configuration 6.4.2 Results and Discussion 6.5 Summary and Conclusions 7 Research Summary, Conclusions, and Outlook Dissertation Theses Notation Glossary BibliographyDreidimensional integrierte Schaltkreise (3D-ICs) beruhen auf neuartigen Herstellungs- und Integrationstechnologien, wobei vor allem “klassische” 2D-ICs vertikal zu einem neuartigen 3D-System gestapelt werden. Dieser Ansatz zur Erschließung der dritten Dimension im Schaltkreisentwurf ist nach Expertenmeinung dazu geeignet, höhere Integrationsdichten zu erreichen, heterogene Integration zu realisieren, kürzere Verdrahtungswege zu ermöglichen, Leistungsaufnahmen zu reduzieren, Datenübertragungsraten zu erhöhen, sowie hoch-parallele Systeme in einer Baugruppe umzusetzen. Aufgrund von technologischen und entwurfsmethodischen Schwierigkeiten bleibt jedoch bisher die kommerzielle Anwendung von 3D-ICs deutlich hinter den Erwartungen zurück. In dieser Arbeit werden drei ausgewählte, praktisch relevante Problemstellungen der Entwurfsautomatisierung von 3D-ICs bearbeitet: (i) die Verbesserung der (eingeschränkten) Wiederverwendbarkeit von zuverlässigen 2D-Intellectual-Property-Blöcken, (ii) die komplexe Planung von verschiedenartigen, verhältnismäßig großen Through-Silicion Vias unter Beachtung ihres Einflusses auf die Entwurfsqualität, und (iii) die strukturelle Einbindung von massiv-parallelen, 3D-IC-spezifischen Verbindungsstrukturen während der Floorplanning-Phase. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, Verbindungsstrukturen mit deren wesentlichen Eigenschaften bereits in den frühen Phasen des Entwurfsprozesses zu berücksichtigen. Dies begünstigt einen qualitativ hochwertigen Entwurf von 3D-ICs. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten modularen Entwurfsprozess-Erweiterungen bzw. -Methodiken dienen zur effizienten Lösung der oben genannten Problemstellungen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen bestätigen die Wirksamkeit sowie die Effektivität der erarbeiten Methoden. Darüber hinaus liefern sie praktische Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Anwendung von 3D-ICs und der Planung deren Verbindungsstrukturen. Diese Erkenntnisse sind zur Ableitung von Richtlinien für den erfolgreichen Entwurf von 3D-ICs dienlich.:1 Introduction 1.1 The 3D Integration Approach for Electronic Circuits 1.2 Technologies for 3D Integrated Circuits 1.3 Design Approaches for 3D Integrated Circuits 2 State of the Art in Design Automation for 3D Integrated Circuits 2.1 Thermal Management 2.2 Partitioning and Floorplanning 2.3 Placement and Routing 2.4 Power and Clock Delivery 2.5 Design Challenges 3 Research Objectives 4 Planning Through-Silicon Via Islands for Block-Level Design Reuse 4.1 Problems for Design Reuse in 3D Integrated Circuits 4.2 Connecting Blocks Using Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.1 Problem Formulation and Methodology Overview 4.2.2 Net Clustering 4.2.3 Insertion of Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.4 Deadspace Insertion and Redistribution 4.3 Experimental Investigation 4.3.1 Wirelength Estimation 4.3.2 Configuration 4.3.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Summary and Conclusions 5 Planning Through-Silicon Vias for Design Optimization 5.1 Deadspace Requirements for Optimized Planning of Through-Silicon Vias 5.2 Multiobjective Design Optimization of 3D Integrated Circuits 5.2.1 Methodology Overview and Configuration 5.2.2 Techniques for Deadspace Optimization 5.2.3 Design-Quality Analysis 5.2.4 Planning Different Types of Through-Silicon Vias 5.3 Experimental Investigation 5.3.1 Configuration 5.3.2 Results and Discussion 5.4 Summary and Conclusions 6 3D Floorplanning for Structural Planning of Massive Interconnects 6.1 Block Alignment for Interconnects Planning in 3D Integrated Circuits 6.2 Corner Block List Extended for Block Alignment 6.2.1 Alignment Encoding 6.2.2 Layout Generation: Block Placement and Alignment 6.3 3D Floorplanning Methodology 6.3.1 Optimization Criteria and Phases and Related Cost Models 6.3.2 Fast Thermal Analysis 6.3.3 Layout Operations 6.3.4 Adaptive Optimization Schedule 6.4 Experimental Investigation 6.4.1 Configuration 6.4.2 Results and Discussion 6.5 Summary and Conclusions 7 Research Summary, Conclusions, and Outlook Dissertation Theses Notation Glossary Bibliograph

    Optical coupler design and experimental demonstration for 2.5D/3D heterogeneous integrated electronics

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    The objective of the dissertation is to theoretically design and experimentally demonstrate optical couplers for 2.5D/3D heterogeneous integrated electronics. In the first part, a new concept, "Equivalent Index Slab (EIS)" method, is proposed to extend the application of Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis (RCWA) to rectangular waveguide grating diffraction involving surface waves. RCWA-EIS method can be applied to optimize rectangular grating couplers with arbitrary profiles and to analyze the effects of angular misalignments on the coupling efficiency. In the second part, a fundamentally new coupling structure, Grating-Assisted-cylindrical-Resonant-Cavities (GARC) coupler, is introduced to achieve efficient and broadband interlayer coupling. GARC coupler is based on evanescent field coupling between waveguides and the interconnecting via, and the via serves as a cylindrical resonant cavity which is further assisted by the circular gratings to enhance the field. In the third part, a passive fiber alignment and assembly approach, Fiber-Interconnect Silicon Chiplet Technology (FISCT), is demonstrated using a combination of silicon micromachining and 3D printing to achieve efficient and convenient near-vertical fiber-to-chip coupling.Ph.D