326 research outputs found

    Tabling as a Library with Delimited Control

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    Tabling is probably the most widely studied extension of Prolog. But despite its importance and practicality, tabling is not implemented by most Prolog systems. Existing approaches require substantial changes to the Prolog engine, which is an investment out of reach of most systems. To enable more widespread adoption, we present a new implementation of tabling in under 600 lines of Prolog code. Our lightweight approach relies on delimited control and provides reasonable performance.Comment: 15 pages. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Proceedings of ICLP 201

    Disjunctive Delimited Control

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    Delimited control is a powerful mechanism for programming language extension which has been recently proposed for Prolog (and implemented in SWI-Prolog). By manipulating the control flow of a program from inside the language, it enables the implementation of powerful features, such as tabling, without modifying the internals of the Prolog engine. However, its current formulation is inadequate: it does not capture Prolog's unique non-deterministic nature which allows multiple ways to satisfy a goal. This paper fully embraces Prolog's non-determinism with a novel interface for disjunctive delimited control, which gives the programmer not only control over the sequential (conjunctive) control flow, but also over the non-deterministic control flow. We provide a meta-interpreter that conservatively extends Prolog with delimited control and show that it enables a range of typical Prolog features and extensions, now at the library level: findall, cut, branch-and-bound optimisation, probabilistic programming, . . .Comment: New version of paper is available at: arXiv:2108.0297

    Towards flexible goal-oriented logic programming

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    Probabilistic inference in SWI-Prolog

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    Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP) emerged as one of the most prominent approaches to cope with real-world domains. The distribution semantics is one of most used in PLP, as it is followed by many languages, such as Independent Choice Logic, PRISM, pD, Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions (LPADs) and ProbLog. A possible system that allows performing inference on LPADs is PITA, which transforms the input LPAD into a Prolog program containing calls to library predicates for handling Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). In particular, BDDs are used to compactly encode explanations for goals and efficiently compute their probability. However, PITA needs mode-directed tabling (also called tabling with answer subsumption), which has been implemented in SWI-Prolog only recently. This paper shows how SWI-Prolog has been extended to include correct answer subsumption and how the PITA transformation has been changed to use SWI-Prolog implementation

    The Functional Perspective on Advanced Logic Programming

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    The basics of logic programming, as embodied by Prolog, are generally well-known in the programming language community. However, more advanced techniques, such as tabling, answer subsumption and probabilistic logic programming fail to attract the attention of a larger audience. The cause for the community\u27s seemingly limited interest lies with the presentation of these features: the literature frequently focuses on implementations and examples that do little to aid the understanding of non-experts in the field. The key point is that many of these advanced logic programming features can be characterised in more generally known, more accessible terms. In my research I try to reconcile these advanced concepts from logic programming (Tabling, Answer subsumption and probabilistic programming) with concepts from functional programming (effects, monads and applicative functors)

    Law Reform: A Saskatchewan Viewpoint

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    The term law reform has a positive connotation. It indicates that those engaged in the process are at least optimistic to the extent that law can indeed be reformed and not merely changed. A variety of legislative shapes and administrative forms of law reform agencies has been created in this country over the last ten years. The objectives of law reform have been widely discussed in law review articles and in the daily press. There emerges a sense that reforming the law by way of a permanent law reform commission is a viable endeavour. Yet there is some difference of opinion about the approach to be taken and the objectives to be achieved. The words law reform have different meanings depending upon one\u27s point of view. An attempt is made here to illustrate three points of view, each having important ramifications in terms of the work undertaken and the goals achieved. Three simplistic hypothetical models are put forward in order to highlight, in a broad way, different meanings attributed to the term law reform . In addition, the activities of the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan will be outlined

    Stream Processing using Grammars and Regular Expressions

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    In this dissertation we study regular expression based parsing and the use of grammatical specifications for the synthesis of fast, streaming string-processing programs. In the first part we develop two linear-time algorithms for regular expression based parsing with Perl-style greedy disambiguation. The first algorithm operates in two passes in a semi-streaming fashion, using a constant amount of working memory and an auxiliary tape storage which is written in the first pass and consumed by the second. The second algorithm is a single-pass and optimally streaming algorithm which outputs as much of the parse tree as is semantically possible based on the input prefix read so far, and resorts to buffering as many symbols as is required to resolve the next choice. Optimality is obtained by performing a PSPACE-complete pre-analysis on the regular expression. In the second part we present Kleenex, a language for expressing high-performance streaming string processing programs as regular grammars with embedded semantic actions, and its compilation to streaming string transducers with worst-case linear-time performance. Its underlying theory is based on transducer decomposition into oracle and action machines, and a finite-state specialization of the streaming parsing algorithm presented in the first part. In the second part we also develop a new linear-time streaming parsing algorithm for parsing expression grammars (PEG) which generalizes the regular grammars of Kleenex. The algorithm is based on a bottom-up tabulation algorithm reformulated using least fixed points and evaluated using an instance of the chaotic iteration scheme by Cousot and Cousot
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