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    In our paper, we present the results of the second phase of a study conducted in collaboration between two higher education institutions in Hungary with different types of translator training: a postgraduate (MA) course at the University of Szeged (SZTE), Faculty of Arts, and a postgraduate specialist training course at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest (PPKE JÁK), Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. At SZTE, students do not have any legal qualifications, while at PPKE JÁK, students are all qualified legal professionals. Our main research question was whether there are significant differences in the quality of legal translations carried out by students with and without legal qualifications. We analyzed and evaluated the global (holistic) quality of the translations using a five-point scale as suggested by Kiraly (1995: 83), and compared types of errors made by the two groups of students with the help of a special error typology. Our results show that students with legal qualifications perform better in terms of both global and analytic indicators, with significantly less errors made in information transfer and in legal register. W niniejszym artykule zostaną zaprezentowane wyniki drugiego etapu badania przeprowadzonego jako projekt wspólny dwóch jednostek szkolnictwa wyższego o różnych rodzajach kształcenia translatorskiego na studiach magisterskich: Uniwersytetu Szeged, Wydział Sztuki (SZTE) i specjalistyczne studia podyplomowe z zakresu przekładoznawstwa na Wydziale Prawa i Nauk Politycznych Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Pázmány Pétera w Budapeszcie (PPKE JÁK). Na SZTE studenci nie posiadają wykształcenia prawniczego, podczas gdy na PPKE JAK wszyscy uczestnicy to wykwalifikowani prawnicy. Głównym założeniem było sprawdzenie, czy istnieją znaczące różnice w jakości przekładu prawniczego przeprowadzonego przez studentów z i bez wykształcenia prawniczego. Przeanalizowano i oceniono jakość całościową (holistycznie) przy użyciu 5-stopniowej skali Kiraly’ego (1995: 83) i porównano rodzaje błędów przy użyciu określonej typologii błędów. Badanie wykazało, że studenci z wykształceniem prawniczym wypadli lepiej w kategoriach ogólnych i analitycznych, przy znacznie mniejszej liczbie błędów popełnianych przy przekazywaniu informacji i rejestrze prawnym

    P4CEP: Towards In-Network Complex Event Processing

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    In-network computing using programmable networking hardware is a strong trend in networking that promises to reduce latency and consumption of server resources through offloading to network elements (programmable switches and smart NICs). In particular, the data plane programming language P4 together with powerful P4 networking hardware has spawned projects offloading services into the network, e.g., consensus services or caching services. In this paper, we present a novel case for in-network computing, namely, Complex Event Processing (CEP). CEP processes streams of basic events, e.g., stemming from networked sensors, into meaningful complex events. Traditionally, CEP processing has been performed on servers or overlay networks. However, we argue in this paper that CEP is a good candidate for in-network computing along the communication path avoiding detouring streams to distant servers to minimize communication latency while also exploiting processing capabilities of novel networking hardware. We show that it is feasible to express CEP operations in P4 and also present a tool to compile CEP operations, formulated in our P4CEP rule specification language, to P4 code. Moreover, we identify challenges and problems that we have encountered to show future research directions for implementing full-fledged in-network CEP systems.Comment: 6 pages. Author's versio

    Is new spread of the European beaver in Pannonian basin an evidence of the species recovery?

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    Abstract: During fieldwork from 6 June to 20 July 2016, the first records of the European beaver (Castor fiber) in south-eastern Slovakia were made. Beavers are mainly nocturnal animals, and as such, they are rarely observed; therefore, our observations were based on searching for beaver presence signs: damaged trees, dams, signs of food consumption (chewed/felled trees) and footprints in the mud. The southern part of the Košická kotlina basin, from the city of Košice down to the state border and the surrounding villages in Hungary, was checked. We found two beaver locations via feeding signs in the vicinity of the Slovakia–Hungary state border, at the villages of Milhosť (Miglécnémeti) and Buzica (Buzita), in Slovakia. According to our calculations, the present total beaver population in Hungary is between 4,000 and 5,000 and 14,600–18,300 beavers with potential support. For Slovakia, we estimated the potential population size to be 7,700–9,600. Our findings in northern Pannonian lowland (Slovakia–Hungary border) are an important evidence of beaver expansion. Although we don’t know the exact origin of investigated population, these new records indicate the possibility of merging the populations of different origin, which could enable gene flow and increase the genetic diversity. This could lead to improved recovery of species and its stabilisation in nature. However, it is necessary to carry out a detailed investigation of the presence of beaver in these regions in future

    Migration as a Political and Public Phenomenon: The Case of Hungary

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    Publication within the project “The V4 towards migration challenges in Europe. An analysis and recommendations” is financed by Visegrad Fun