15 research outputs found

    Proposal for a technological Ecosystem for the administration of public health events, based on Cloud Computing Architecture. Santander case study

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    El principal propósito de la investigación ,tiene como objeto desarrollar el estudio para generar estrategias que permitan la interacción de los diversos factores y actores, heterogéneos que influyen en la vigilancia de los sucesos y circunstancias que inciden o modifican la situación de salud de una comunidad, caso de estudio Santander. Por medio del modelo de referencia The Cloud Ecosystem Reference Model se tomaron las etapas fase Preliminar y en la segunda fase de visión de arquitectura orientada a la obtención de requisitos y stakeholders. Para superar este problema, este documento propone una la implementación de la arquitectura de un Ecosistema cloud la cual se evaluó mediante el framework de simulación habientes distribuidos SimGrid. El uso de los ecosistemas cloud en la arquitectura , aplicada a la vigilancia de eventos de salud publica, soportando los problemas de privacidad y protección de datos permite una mejor interacción y acceso seguro de los datos entre los actores, estandarizando y proporcionando el uso e intercambio de los mismos.Lista de Figuras Lista de Tablas 1. Introducción y Objetivos 1 1.1. Planteamiento del Problema y Justificación . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2. Objetivos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.2. Específicos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Estado del Arte 3 2.1. Estado del arte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2. Grid Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3. Grid Computing en el Mundo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.4. Grid computing en Latinoamérica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.5. Grid computing en Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.6. Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.7. Tecnologías de La computación . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.7.1. Data centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.7.2. Sistema distribución de archivos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.7.3. framework para aplicaciones distribuidas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.7.4. Cloud Computing Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.7.5. Cloud computing UNAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.7.6. Cloud Computing en la Salud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.8. E-Salud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.8.1. e-Salud (eHealth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.8.2. Telemedicina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.8.3. Tecnología informática en la salud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.8.4. Caso de estudio grid computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.8.5. Cloud cumpiting aplicada a Salud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.8.6. Telemedicina en Colombia 18 2.9. Ecosistemas Digitales 18 2.10. Ecosistemas en Salud 18 2.10.1. Ecosistemas Open Source 19 3. Metodología 21 3.1. Metodología 21 3.2. Definición del tipo de investigación 22 3.3. Fases de Proyecto 22 3.3.1. Fase 1 observación y registro de los hechos 22 3.3.2. Fase 2 análisis de lo observado, estableciéndose como consecuencia definiciones claras de cada uno de los conceptos analizados 23 3.3.3. Fase 3 clasificación de los elementos 23 3.3.4. Fase 4 formulación de propuestas derivados del proceso de investigación 23 4. Desarrollo 25 4.1. Sistema de Vigilancia en Salud Publica 25 4.1.1. Fuentes de datos 26 4.1.2. Flujo de la información 26 4.1.3. Recolección de Datos 28 4.1.4. Análisis de datos 29 4.1.5. Investigación e Innovación en Salud Publica 29 4.2. Actores del Sistema 29 4.2.1. Identificación de Actores Clave 30 4.2.2. Restricciones de Acceso de actores 31 4.3. Solución Desarrollada 33 4.3.1. Introducción 33 4.3.2. Visión General 33 4.3.3. Contexto General del Sistema 33 4.3.4. Arquitectura de la Solución 33 4.3.5. Broker 34 4.3.6. Proxy 35 4.3.7. Marketplace 36 4.4. Desarrollo del prototipo basado en el modelo Cloud Computing 39 4.5. Pruebas 40 5. Conclusiones y Trabajos Futuros 43 5.1. Conclusiones 43 5.2. Trabajo Futuro 44 6. Bibliografía 47MaestríaThe main purpose of the research is to develop the study to generate strategies that allow the interaction of various factors and actors, heterogeneous that influence the surveillance of events and circumstances that affect or modify the health situation of a community, Santander case study. Through the reference model The Cloud Ecosystem Reference Model, the Preliminary phase and the second phase of the architectural vision were taken, aimed at obtaining requirements and stakeholders. To overcome this problem, this document proposes an implementation of the architecture of a Cloud Ecosystem which was evaluated using the simulation framework of distributed users SimGrid. The use of cloud ecosystems in the architecture, applied to the surveillance of public health events, supporting privacy and data protection problems allows a better interaction and secure access to data between the actors, standardizing and providing the use and exchange thereof

    Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste: 9. Fachgespräch der GI/ITG-Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme ; 13. & 14. September 2012

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    Der Aufenthaltsort eines mobilen Benutzers stellt eine wichtige Information für Anwendungen aus den Bereichen Mobile Computing, Wearable Computing oder Ubiquitous Computing dar. Ist ein mobiles Endgerät in der Lage, die aktuelle Position des Benutzers zu bestimmen, kann diese Information von der Anwendung berücksichtigt werden -- man spricht dabei allgemein von ortsbezogenen Anwendungen. Eng verknüpft mit dem Begriff der ortsbezogenen Anwendung ist der Begriff des ortsbezogenen Dienstes. Hierbei handelt es sich beispielsweise um einen Dienst, der Informationen über den aktuellen Standort übermittelt. Mittlerweile werden solche Dienste kommerziell eingesetzt und erlauben etwa, dass ein Reisender ein Hotel, eine Tankstelle oder eine Apotheke in der näheren Umgebung findet. Man erwartet, nicht zuletzt durch die Einführung von LTE, ein großes Potenzial ortsbezogener Anwendungen für die Zukunft. Das jährlich stattfindende Fachgespräch "Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste" der GI/ITG-Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, aktuelle Entwicklungen dieses Fachgebiets in einem breiten Teilnehmerkreis aus Industrie und Wissenschaft zu diskutieren. Der vorliegende Konferenzband fasst die Ergebnisse des neunten Fachgesprächs zusammen.The location of a mobile user poses an important information for applications in the scope of Mobile Computung, Wearable Computing and Ubiquitous Computing. If a mobile device is able to determine the current location of its user, this information may be taken into account by an application. Such applications are called a location-based applications. Closely related to location-based applications are location-based services, which for example provides the user informations about his current location. Meanwhile such services are deployed commercially and enable travelers for example to find a hotel, a petrol station or a pharmacy in his vicinity. It is expected, not least because of the introduction of LTE, a great potential of locations-based applications in the future. The annual technical meeting "Location-based Applications and Services" of the GI/ITG specialized group "Communication and Dsitributed Systems" targets to discuss current evolutions in a broad group of participants assembling of industrial representatives and scientists. The present proceedings summarizes the result of the 9th annual meeting

    Engineering self-organizing urban superorganisms

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    Progresses in ubiquitous, embedded, and social networking and computing make possible for people in urban areas to dynamically interact with each other and with ICT devices around. This can result in a system with a very large number of agents working together in an orchestrated and self-organizing way to achieve specific urban-level goals, i.e., as if they were a “superorganism”. In this paper, we sketch the future vision of urban superorganisms and overview some emerging application areas heading towards the vision. Following, we identify the key challenges in engineering self-organizing multi-agent systems that can work as a superorganism, i.e., seamlessly involving ICT agents and human agents so to achieve some required urban level goals. Finally, we introduce the reference architecture for an infrastructure to support our future vision of self-organizing urban superorganisms

    Authentication and Data Protection under Strong Adversarial Model

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    We are interested in addressing a series of existing and plausible threats to cybersecurity where the adversary possesses unconventional attack capabilities. Such unconventionality includes, in our exploration but not limited to, crowd-sourcing, physical/juridical coercion, substantial (but bounded) computational resources, malicious insiders, etc. Our studies show that unconventional adversaries can be counteracted with a special anchor of trust and/or a paradigm shift on a case-specific basis. Complementing cryptography, hardware security primitives are the last defense in the face of co-located (physical) and privileged (software) adversaries, hence serving as the special trust anchor. Examples of hardware primitives are architecture-shipped features (e.g., with CPU or chipsets), security chips or tokens, and certain features on peripheral/storage devices. We also propose changes of paradigm in conjunction with hardware primitives, such as containing attacks instead of counteracting, pretended compliance, and immunization instead of detection/prevention. In this thesis, we demonstrate how our philosophy is applied to cope with several exemplary scenarios of unconventional threats, and elaborate on the prototype systems we have implemented. Specifically, Gracewipe is designed for stealthy and verifiable secure deletion of on-disk user secrets under coercion; Hypnoguard protects in-RAM data when a computer is in sleep (ACPI S3) in case of various memory/guessing attacks; Uvauth mitigates large-scale human-assisted guessing attacks by receiving all login attempts in an indistinguishable manner, i.e., correct credentials in a legitimate session and incorrect ones in a plausible fake session; Inuksuk is proposed to protect user files against ransomware or other authorized tampering. It augments the hardware access control on self-encrypting drives with trusted execution to achieve data immunization. We have also extended the Gracewipe scenario to a network-based enterprise environment, aiming to address slightly different threats, e.g., malicious insiders. We believe the high-level methodology of these research topics can contribute to advancing the security research under strong adversarial assumptions, and the promotion of software-hardware orchestration in protecting execution integrity therein

    Invasive Life: Illegal Immigrants and Invasive Species on the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

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    This dissertation is an ethnography of out-of-place human and more-than-human presences. Focusing on the highlands of the archipelago’s four inhabited islands, it examines how illegal farmers and invasive species have encroached on both the Galapagos National Park, where no one can officially reside, and the areas outside of the park, which are designated for contained human settlement. As a result of concerns about island conservation, the Ecuadorian state has required a permit to reside on the Galapagos since 1998. Yet, due to tourism’s exponential growth, mainland Ecuadorians have continued to migrate to the islands, though largely lacking official residency. Illegal residents concentrate in the highlands to work as farmers, while invasive plants coming from the continent have covered large swaths of farmland and park areas alike. Excluded from the protections of Ecuadorian citizenship, these migrant farmers cope with new plants and insects that invade the crops. Yet they also find ways to procure a livelihood in these changed landscapes. Accounting for the unexpected thriving of illegal farmers and invasive species, I treat them as both a symptom of a conservation paradigm in crisis and actors that enact new forms of nature-culture. I move past a critique of conservation and contends that the emerging multispecies entanglements in the highlands are suggestive of ways to live in today’s world of ecological ruins, beyond modern promises of recuperation and betterment.Doctor of Philosoph

    Aspects of the tourism market development within the European rural space

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    The paper makes an analysis of rural tourism market development with the presentation of the main players in the European rural tourism. The methodology used is based on the synthesis of information from articles and studies published in specialty journals, in Government documents as well as in other development strategies on tourism and rural space. The results of this scientific research study reconfirm that rural tourism promotion and development are based on the existing tourism potential and also on the involvement of governmental and non governmental institutions

    Brexit impacts on British tourism

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    The paper examines current debates on the impacts of Brexit on tourism in Britain. Brexit is a source of much concern and anxiety for British government, industry and tourists alike. The paper outlines and analyses some of the major impacts expected from the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union on the British inbound, outbound and domestic tourism. The methodology used is content analysis of secondary data in the form of government and industry surveys and reports and media articles on the expected and projected short and long-term impacts of Brexit. Results argue that although reducing EU-based regulations could have some positive implications for the British tourism industry, major areas of concern exit. Reduced access to EU programmes and funding is likely to impact domestic tourism heavily and limit participation and collaboration in international projects. Withdrawal of the UK from EU travel agreements is expected to have major consequences especially in terms of freedom of movement and security. As UK British hospitality and catering industries employ a considerable amount of EU nationals, a potential staff shortage is likely to impact service quality. Britain’s tourism destination image is also likely to be negatively impacted requiring increased marketing efforts

    Natura narrans: Landscape as Literature in Early Modern Italy

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    This dissertation uncovers literary self-consciousness in the forest settings of early modern Italian narratives, which exploit the symbolic and ecological properties of forest environments to fashion meditations on various aspects of narrative composition. The first chapter presents the etymological associations between woods, words and metaphysical generation solidified by Aristotelian commentators and applies these to the selva oscura of Dante’s Commedia. A reading of the opening forest as reflective of the poem’s still unrealized potential illuminates a sequence of metaliterary settings and throws into relief a character in the forest of suicides who seems aware both of his transformation into a poetic device and of his limited role within Italian literary history. A Dantesque pastiche tinges a haunted pine forest in one of Boccaccio’s novellas that expounds a spirit of inspired opportunism synonymous with the Decameron itself. The other narrative exploitations of the forest treated in the second chapter betray Boccaccio’s understanding of the randomness and believability necessary to hold the literary work in tension between nature and artifice, city and country, safety and danger, as emblematized by that other perennial symbol for the macronarrative, the garden. The final two chapters examine the same features of the forest in later works that imagine literary composition as a far less balanced operation. The plot of Ariosto’s Orlando furioso depends on its forest settings so much that it allows the trees to narrate its most momentous episode. By fully immersing the romance in the rhythms and vulnerabilities of the forest ecologies the author reveals the complexity and, indeed, vitality of literary worlds. Eager to clear the Ariostean woods from the morally legitimate realm of narrative poetry, Tasso devises a highly organized drama in which the forest is exploited for every material, spiritual and narrative functionality that can serve the pious and conservative hermeneutics demanded by counter-Reformation academics. Despite a lexical rigor that views trees as machines, the Gerusalemme liberata still gives room to explore the pathetic, personal potential of trees, especially those that share the poet’s name. While unique to the works containing the various forests, the four studies together trace the use of a particular construction to effect metaliterary commentary and in so doing confirm the general tendencies of early modern Italian literature, especially those concerning the complication of literary communication, through the relatively unexplored subfield of setting