314 research outputs found

    Using Relocatable Bitstreams for Fault Tolerance

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    This research develops a method for relocating reconfigurable modules on the Virtex-II (Pro) family of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). A bitstream translation program is developed which correctly changes the location of a partial bitstream that implements a module on the FPGA. To take advantage of relocatable modules, three fault-tolerance circuit designs are developed and tested. This circuit can operate through a fault by efficiently removing the faulty module and replacing it with a relocated module without faults. The FPGA can recover from faults at a known location, without the need for external intervention using an embedded fault recovery system. The recovery system uses an internal PowerPC to relocate the modules and reprogram the FPGA. Due to the limited architecture of the target FPGA and Xilinx tool errors, an FPGA with automatic fault recovery could not be demonstrated. However, the various components needed to do this type of recovery have been implemented and demonstrated individually

    Achieving fault tolerance via robust partitioning and N-Modular Redundancy

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-169).This thesis describes the design and performance results for the P-NMR fault tolerant avionics system architecture being developed at Draper Laboratory. The two key principles of the architecture are robust software partitioning (P), as defined by the ARINC 653 open standard, and N-Modular Redundancy (NMR). The P-NMR architecture uses cross channel data exchange and voting to implement fault detection, isolation and recovery (FDIR). The FDIR function is implemented in software that executes on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware components that are also based on open standards. The FDIR function and the user applications execute on the same processor. The robust partitioning is provided by a COTS real-time operating system that complies with the ARINC 653 standard. A Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) prototype was developed and various performance metrics were collected. Evaluation of the TMR prototype indicates that the ARINC 653 standard is compatible with an NMR and FDIR architecture. Application partitions can be considered software fault containment regions which enhance the overall integrity of the system. The P-NMR performance metrics were compared with a previous Draper Laboratory design called the Fault Tolerant Parallel Processor (FTPP). This design did not make use of robust partitioning and it used proprietary hardware for implementing certain FDIR functions. The comparison demonstrated that the P-NMR system prototype could perform at an acceptable level and that the development of the system should continue. This research was done in the context of developing cost effective avionics systems for space exploration vehicles such as those being developed for NASA's Constellation program.by Brendan Anthony O'Connell.S.M

    Operating System Support for Redundant Multithreading

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    Failing hardware is a fact and trends in microprocessor design indicate that the fraction of hardware suffering from permanent and transient faults will continue to increase in future chip generations. Researchers proposed various solutions to this issue with different downsides: Specialized hardware components make hardware more expensive in production and consume additional energy at runtime. Fault-tolerant algorithms and libraries enforce specific programming models on the developer. Compiler-based fault tolerance requires the source code for all applications to be available for recompilation. In this thesis I present ASTEROID, an operating system architecture that integrates applications with different reliability needs. ASTEROID is built on top of the L4/Fiasco.OC microkernel and extends the system with Romain, an operating system service that transparently replicates user applications. Romain supports single- and multi-threaded applications without requiring access to the application's source code. Romain replicates applications and their resources completely and thereby does not rely on hardware extensions, such as ECC-protected memory. In my thesis I describe how to efficiently implement replication as a form of redundant multithreading in software. I develop mechanisms to manage replica resources and to make multi-threaded programs behave deterministically for replication. I furthermore present an approach to handle applications that use shared-memory channels with other programs. My evaluation shows that Romain provides 100% error detection and more than 99.6% error correction for single-bit flips in memory and general-purpose registers. At the same time, Romain's execution time overhead is below 14% for single-threaded applications running in triple-modular redundant mode. The last part of my thesis acknowledges that software-implemented fault tolerance methods often rely on the correct functioning of a certain set of hardware and software components, the Reliable Computing Base (RCB). I introduce the concept of the RCB and discuss what constitutes the RCB of the ASTEROID system and other fault tolerance mechanisms. Thereafter I show three case studies that evaluate approaches to protecting RCB components and thereby aim to achieve a software stack that is fully protected against hardware errors

    Constructing fail-controlled nodes for distributed systems: a software approach

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    PhD ThesisDesigning and implementing distributed systems which continue to provide specified services in the presence of processing site and communication failures is a difficult task. To facilitate their development, distributed systems have been built assuming that their underlying hardware components are Jail-controlled, i.e. present a well defined failure mode. However, if conventional hardware cannot provide the assumed failure mode, there is a need to build processing sites or nodes, and communication infra-structure that present the fail-controlled behaviour assumed. Coupling a number of redundant processors within a replicated node is a well known way of constructing fail-controlled nodes. Computation is replicated and executed simultaneously at each processor, and by employing suitable validation techniques to the outputs generated by processors (e.g. majority voting, comparison), outputs from faulty processors can be prevented from appearing at the application level. One way of constructing replicated nodes is by introducing hardwired mechanisms to couple replicated processors with specialised validation hardware circuits. Processors are tightly synchronised at the clock cycle level, and have their outputs validated by a reliable validation hardware. Another approach is to use software mechanisms to perform synchronisation of processors and validation of the outputs. The main advantage of hardware based nodes is the minimum performance overhead incurred. However, the introduction of special circuits may increase the complexity of the design tremendously. Further, every new microprocessor architecture requires considerable redesign overhead. Software based nodes do not present these problems, on the other hand, they introduce much bigger performance overheads to the system. In this thesis we investigate alternative ways of constructing efficient fail-controlled, software based replicated nodes. In particular, we present much more efficient order protocols, which are necessary for the implementation of these nodes. Our protocols, unlike others published to date, do not require processors' physical clocks to be explicitly synchronised. The main contribution of this thesis is the precise definition of the semantics of a software based Jail-silent node, along with its efficient design, implementation and performance evaluation.The Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq/Brasil)

    Design of a fault tolerant airborne digital computer. Volume 1: Architecture

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    This volume is concerned with the architecture of a fault tolerant digital computer for an advanced commercial aircraft. All of the computations of the aircraft, including those presently carried out by analogue techniques, are to be carried out in this digital computer. Among the important qualities of the computer are the following: (1) The capacity is to be matched to the aircraft environment. (2) The reliability is to be selectively matched to the criticality and deadline requirements of each of the computations. (3) The system is to be readily expandable. contractible, and (4) The design is to appropriate to post 1975 technology. Three candidate architectures are discussed and assessed in terms of the above qualities. Of the three candidates, a newly conceived architecture, Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT), provides the best match to the above qualities. In addition SIFT is particularly simple and believable. The other candidates, Bus Checker System (BUCS), also newly conceived in this project, and the Hopkins multiprocessor are potentially more efficient than SIFT in the use of redundancy, but otherwise are not as attractive

    A fault-tolerant multiprocessor architecture for aircraft, volume 1

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    A fault-tolerant multiprocessor architecture is reported. This architecture, together with a comprehensive information system architecture, has important potential for future aircraft applications. A preliminary definition and assessment of a suitable multiprocessor architecture for such applications is developed

    Checkpoint-based forward recovery using lookahead execution and rollback validation in parallel and distributed systems

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    This thesis studies a forward recovery strategy using checkpointing and optimistic execution in parallel and distributed systems. The approach uses replicated tasks executing on different processors for forwared recovery and checkpoint comparison for error detection. To reduce overall redundancy, this approach employs a lower static redundancy in the common error-free situation to detect error than the standard N Module Redundancy scheme (NMR) does to mask off errors. For the rare occurrence of an error, this approach uses some extra redundancy for recovery. To reduce the run-time recovery overhead, look-ahead processes are used to advance computation speculatively and a rollback process is used to produce a diagnosis for correct look-ahead processes without rollback of the whole system. Both analytical and experimental evaluation have shown that this strategy can provide a nearly error-free execution time even under faults with a lower average redundancy than NMR

    Analyse und Erweiterung eines fehler-toleranten NoC für SRAM-basierte FPGAs in Weltraumapplikationen

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    Data Processing Units for scientific space mission need to process ever higher volumes of data and perform ever complex calculations. But the performance of available space-qualified general purpose processors is just in the lower three digit megahertz range, which is already insufficient for some applications. As an alternative, suitable processing steps can be implemented in hardware on a space-qualified SRAM-based FPGA. However, suitable devices are susceptible against space radiation. At the Institute for Communication and Network Engineering a fault-tolerant, network-based communication architecture was developed, which enables the construction of processing chains on the basis of different processing modules within suitable SRAM-based FPGAs and allows the exchange of single processing modules during runtime, too. The communication architecture and its protocol shall isolate non SEU mitigated or just partial SEU mitigated modules affected by radiation-induced faults to prohibit the propagation of errors within the remaining System-on-Chip. In the context of an ESA study, this communication architecture was extended with further components and implemented in a representative hardware platform. Based on the acquired experiences during the study, this work analyses the actual fault-tolerance characteristics as well as weak points of this initial implementation. At appropriate locations, the communication architecture was extended with mechanisms for fault-detection and fault-differentiation as well as with a hardware-based monitoring solution. Both, the former measures and the extension of the employed hardware-platform with selective fault-injection capabilities for the emulation of radiation-induced faults within critical areas of a non SEU mitigated processing module, are used to evaluate the effects of radiation-induced faults within the communication architecture. By means of the gathered results, further measures to increase fast detection and isolation of faulty nodes are developed, selectively implemented and verified. In particular, the ability of the communication architecture to isolate network nodes without SEU mitigation could be significantly improved.Instrumentenrechner für wissenschaftliche Weltraummissionen müssen ein immer höheres Datenvolumen verarbeiten und immer komplexere Berechnungen ausführen. Die Performanz von verfügbaren qualifizierten Universalprozessoren liegt aber lediglich im unteren dreistelligen Megahertz-Bereich, was für einige Anwendungen bereits nicht mehr ausreicht. Als Alternative bietet sich die Implementierung von entsprechend geeigneten Datenverarbeitungsschritten in Hardware auf einem qualifizierten SRAM-basierten FPGA an. Geeignete Bausteine sind jedoch empfindlich gegenüber der Strahlungsumgebung im Weltraum. Am Institut für Datentechnik und Kommunikationsnetze wurde eine fehlertolerante netzwerk-basierte Kommunikationsarchitektur entwickelt, die innerhalb eines geeigneten SRAM-basierten FPGAs Datenverarbeitungsmodule miteinander nach Bedarf zu Verarbeitungsketten verbindet, sowie den Austausch von einzelnen Modulen im Betrieb ermöglicht. Nicht oder nur partiell SEU mitigierte Module sollen bei strahlungsbedingten Fehlern im Modul durch das Protokoll und die Fehlererkennungsmechanismen der Kommunikationsarchitektur isoliert werden, um ein Ausbreiten des Fehlers im restlichen System-on-Chip zu verhindern. Im Kontext einer ESA Studie wurde diese Kommunikationsarchitektur um Komponenten erweitert und auf einer repräsentativen Hardwareplattform umgesetzt. Basierend auf den gesammelten Erfahrungen aus der Studie, wird in dieser Arbeit eine Analyse der tatsächlichen Fehlertoleranz-Eigenschaften sowie der Schwachstellen dieser ursprünglichen Implementierung durchgeführt. Die Kommunikationsarchitektur wurde an geeigneten Stellen um Fehlerdetektierungs- und Fehlerunterscheidungsmöglichkeiten erweitert, sowie um eine hardwarebasierte Überwachung ergänzt. Sowohl diese Maßnahmen, als auch die Erweiterung der Hardwareplattform um gezielte Fehlerinjektions-Möglichkeiten zum Emulieren von strahlungsinduzierten Fehlern in kritischen Komponenten eines nicht SEU mitigierten Prozessierungsmoduls werden genutzt, um die tatsächlichen auftretenden Effekte in der Kommunikationsarchitektur zu evaluieren. Anhand der Ergebnisse werden weitere Verbesserungsmaßnahmen speziell zur schnellen Detektierung und Isolation von fehlerhaften Knoten erarbeitet, selektiv implementiert und verifiziert. Insbesondere die Fähigkeit, fehlerhafte, nicht SEU mitigierte Netzwerkknoten innerhalb der Kommunikationsarchitektur zu isolieren, konnte dabei deutlich verbessert werden

    Design of a modular digital computer system

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    A design tradeoff study is reported for a modular spaceborne computer system that is responsive to many mission types and phases. The computer uses redundancy to maximize reliability, and multiprocessing to maximize processing capacity. Fault detection and recovery features provide optimal reliability