295 research outputs found

    Synthesis, structure and power of systolic computations

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    AbstractA variety of problems related to systolic architectures, systems, models and computations are discussed. The emphases are on theoretical problems of a broader interest. Main motivations and interesting/important applications are also presented. The first part is devoted to problems related to synthesis, transformations and simulations of systolic systems and architectures. In the second part, the power and structure of tree and linear array computations are studied in detail. The goal is to survey main research directions, problems, methods and techniques in not too formal a way

    Nonacceptability criteria and closure properties for the class of languages accepted by binary systolic tree automata

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    AbstractIn this paper a contribution is given to the solution of the problem of finding an inductive characterization of the class of languages accepted by binary systolic tree automata, L(BSTA), in terms of the closure of a class of languages with respect to certain operations. It is shown that L(BSTA) is closed with respect to some new operations: selective concatenation, restricted concatenation and restricted iteration. The known nonclosure of L(BSTA) with respect to classical language operations, like concatenation and Kleene iteration is proved here by using a new nonacceptability criterion

    An Efficient All-Parses Systolic Algorithm for General Context-Free Parsing

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    The problem of outputting all parse trees of a string accepted by a context-free grammar is considered. A systolic algorithm is presented that operates in O (m n) time, where m is the number of distinct parse traces and n is the length of the input. The systolic array uses n2 processors, each of which requires at most O(log n) bits of storage. This is much more space-efficient than a previously reported systolic algorithm for the same problem, which required O (n log n) space per processor. The algorithm also extends previous algorithms that only output a single parse tree of the input

    Descriptional complexity of cellular automata and decidability questions

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    We study the descriptional complexity of cellular automata (CA), a parallel model of computation. We show that between one of the simplest cellular models, the realtime-OCA. and "classical" models like deterministic finite automata (DFA) or pushdown automata (PDA), there will be savings concerning the size of description not bounded by any recursive function, a so-called nonrecursive trade-off. Furthermore, nonrecursive trade-offs are shown between some restricted classes of cellular automata. The set of valid computations of a Turing machine can be recognized by a realtime-OCA. This implies that many decidability questions are not even semi decidable for cellular automata. There is no pumping lemma and no minimization algorithm for cellular automata

    Sublinear Parallel Time Recognition of Tree Adjoining Language

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    A parallel algorithm is presented for recognizing the class of languages generated by tree adjoining grammars, a tree rewriting system which has applications in computational Linguistics. This class of languages is known to properly include all context-free languages; for example, the non-context-free sets {anbncn} and {ww) are in this class. It is shown that the recognition problem for tree adjoining languages can be solved by a concurrent-read, exclusive-write parallel random-access machine (CREW PRAM) in 0 (log2(n)) time using polynomially many processors. This extends a previous result for context-free languages

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 15. Number 1.

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    Parallel programs for the recognition of P-invariant segments

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    Parallel Parsing of Context-Free Languages on an Array of Processors

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    Kosaraju [Kosaraju 69] and independently ten years later, Guibas, Kung and Thompson [Guibas 79] devised an algorithm (K-GKT) for solving on an array of processors a class of dynamic programming problems of which general context-free language (CFL) recognition is a member. I introduce an extension to K-GKT which allows parsing as well as recognition. The basic idea of the extension is to add counters to the processors. These act as pointers to other processors. The extended algorithm consists of three phases which I call the recognition phase, the marking phase and the parse output phase. I first consider the case of unambiguous grammars. I show that in that case, the algorithm has O(n2log n) space complexity and a linear time complexity. To obtain these results I rely on a counter implementation that allows the execution in constant time of each of the operations: set to zero, test if zero, increment by 1 and decrement by 1. I provide a proof of correctness of this implementation. I introduce the concept of efficient grammars. One factor in the multiplicative constant hidden behind the O(n2log n) space complexity measure for the algorithm is related to the number of non-terminals in the (unambiguous) grammar used. I say that a grammar is k-efficient if it allows the processors to store not more than k pointer pairs. I call a 1-efficient grammar an efficient grammar. I show that two properties that I call nt-disjunction and rhsdasjunction together with unambiguity are sufficient but not necessary conditions for grammar efficiency. I also show that unambiguity itself is not a necessary condition for efficiency. I then consider the case of ambiguous grammars. I present two methods for outputting multiple parses. Both output each parse in linear time. One method has O(n3log n) space complexity while the other has O(n2log n) space complexity. I then address the issue of problem decomposition. I show how part of my extension can be adapted, using a standard technique, to process inputs that would be too large for an array of some fixed size. I then discuss briefly some issues related to implementation. I report on an actual implementation on the I.C.L. DAP. Finally, I show how another systolic CFL parsing algorithm, by Chang, Ibarra and Palis [Chang 87], can be generalized to output parses in preorder and inorder

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