17 research outputs found

    Systematizing requirements elicitation technique selection

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    Context: This research deals with requirements elicitation technique selection for software product requirements and the overselection of open interviews. Objectives: This paper proposes and validates a framework to help requirements engineers select the most adequate elicitation techniques at any time. Method: We have explored both the existing underlying theory and the results of empirical research to build the framework. Based on this, we have deduced and put together justified proposals about the framework components. We have also had to add information not found in theoretical or empirical sources. In these cases, we drew on our own experience and expertise. Results: A new validated approach for requirements technique selection. This new approach selects tech- niques other than open interview, offers a wider range of possible techniques and captures more require- ments information. Conclusions: The framework is easily extensible and changeable. Whenever any theoretical or empirical evidence for an attribute, technique or adequacy value is unearthed, the information can be easily added to the framework

    Elisitasi Kebutuhan Untuk Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pengguna Pada Sistem E-Learning Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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    In recent years the use of information systems has changed very dramatically. Currently, many information systems are developed for various types of users. These various kinds of users have different characteristics, which makes it very difficult for organizations developing information systems to know the needs of their users. For this reason, a good and in-depth need elicitation is needed to really know the user's needs. The purpose of this study is to explore the needs of users in the E-Learning system of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang to increase user satisfaction of the system. In this study, several elicitation methods were used, namely interviews, storytelling, user personas, and storyboards. The interview method is carried out to explore the problems experienced by users when using the system. Then the results of the interview will be processed into a narrative form of storytelling and then poured into a persona document. By using the above method, you can dig deeper to get a sharper solution to the problems experienced by users. The results of these four methods have proven to be effective in the need elicitation process because these four methods are interrelated and complement each other. This study resulted in a storyboard containing recommended solutions from the results of the excavation of needs carried out on users of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang E-Learning syste

    Teknik Elisitasi Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak: Literatur Review

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    The selection of software requirements elicitation techniques is very important for organizations as the first step in the software development process. This study is motivated by the existence of problems, where the organization does not understand the type of software being developed, so it is difficult to determine the right need elicitation technique. In this study, a literature review was used by collecting existing studies. Used 17 studies related to the discussion of elicitation techniques used. This study aims to review previous studies so as to produce recommendations for software requirements elicitation techniques. Based on the study, it can be concluded that interview, prototyping and JAD are most often used in software projects. In addition, for the small-medium scale software projects, more use of interviews, JAD, and ERD-based specifications. Meanwhile, the large-scale software projects involve more stakeholders with elicitation techniques such as group discussions, interviews, and parallel discussions to find joint solutions

    Evaluation of IT Service Desk: A Case Study

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    Organisations rely heavily on Information Technology Services Management (ITSM) to provide efficient and quality services to all stakeholders. This research is an exploratory study conducted of the service desk operations model. The research explores simple metrics and a weighted requirement matrix for evaluating and selecting ITSM systems. Several data gathering tools which include brainstorming, interviewing, participantobservation and collaborative feedback document have been employed in this research for collecting requirements from stakeholders to ensure viability and robustness of the research. Prominent challenges to sound implementation of a suitable service desk suite have been identified and tabulated. The identified challenges, coupled with feedback from stakeholders enabled the researchers to arrive at a scaled section framework for selecting an ITSM system. A comparison of eleven state of the art service desk systems has also been completed as part of the research. This research also proposes a novel service desk process with specific emphasis on the roles played by various stakeholders in provision of an efficient service desk operation

    A framework for software requirement ambiguity avoidance

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    This research deals with software requirements ambiguity problems. Among these are incomplete, incorrect, improper, inaccurate and unambiguous requirements. Interestingly, published material related to Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) problems discusses ambiguity as one of the most conversed problems. This paper proposes a Software Requirement Ambiguity Avoidance Framework (SRAAF) to assist and support requirement engineers to write unambiguous requirements, by selecting correct elicitation technique based on the evaluation of various attributes and by applying the W6H technique. We explored existing theories and the outcomes of experimental research to construct the framework. On the basis of existing and inferred knowledge, we tried to justify proposed frameworks components. Our selection process focuses on various situational attributes. We added various situational attributes related to project, stakeholders and requirement engineer for the selection process. Newly devised approach chooses techniques other than traditional techniques or most common techniques and deals with ambiguity to capture the correct requirements information from stakeholders. The framework will be able to address the selection and ambiguity issues in a more effective way and can handle vagueness. New evidence related to attributes and adequacy matrix can be easily added to the framework without any inconvenience

    Effect of domain knowledge on elicitation effectiveness: an internally replicated controlled experiment

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    Context. Requirements elicitation is a highly communicative activity in which human interactions play a critical role. A number of analyst characteristics or skills may influence elicitation process effectiveness. Aim. Study the influence of analyst problem domain knowledge on elicitation effectiveness. Method. We executed a controlled experiment with post-graduate students. The experimental task was to elicit requirements using open interview and consolidate the elicited information immediately afterwards. We used four different problem domains about which students had different levels of knowledge. Two tasks were used in the experiment, whereas the other two were used in an internal replication of the experiment; that is, we repeated the experiment with the same subjects but with different domains. Results. Analyst problem domain knowledge has a small but statistically significant effect on the effectiveness of the requirements elicitation activity. The interviewee has a big positive and significant influence, as does general training in requirements activities and interview experience. Conclusion. During early contacts with the customer, a key factor is the interviewee; however, training in tasks related to requirements elicitation and knowledge of the problem domain helps requirements analysts to be more effectiv

    A web-based platform for reliable market linkage between poultry farmers and potential buyers in Tanzania

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    A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master’s in Information and Communication Science and Engineering of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyIn Tanzania the advancement of technology has brought about affordable smartphones to most of livestock farmers. However, despite this potential, livestock farmers have limited utilization and access to livestock information to improve their business. Poultry farming is a widely practiced agricultural activity with a high potential for poverty reduction, climate change mitigation, enhancing food security and improving socio-economic transformation in pro-poor households and communities in Tanzania. The sector supports the livelihoods of 3.7 million households in Tanzania. But farmers in the sector are challenged on reliable market linkage information systems to interface with buyers for their products. Both poultry farmers and buyers rely on informal market information. Poultry farmers are equally challenged on limited exposure to technology. Study was carried out in Tanga region to poultry farmers and buyers. The findings form this study shows that key market information required by poultry farmers and buyers are price, buyer or farmer location, Poultry kilograms, amount of poultry needed by buyers, amount of poultry products needed by buyers, types of poultry needed by buyers and kind of poultry products needed by buyers. To overcome poultry market information gap, this study aims to develop a web-based platform for poultry market linkage with more focus on its usability and user experience (UX) design, and to assessment its usability and user experience. Eye tracking method combined with retrospective think aloud method together with facial expression was used to test user experience of the developed web-based platform while to assess its usability think aloud protocol together with pre and post assessment methods was used. The developed web based platform is simple and not overloaded, it provide all the required market information. The platform supports buying and selling as well as order management. Furthermore, farmers can perform auctions on the platform, the payment method is cash on delivery. The application is also available in Swahili

    Herramienta gráfica para la automatización de historias de usuario desde un modelo orientado a objetivos con gestión de trazabilidad

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    La fase de elicitación de requisitos se apoya de métodos y técnicas para alcanzar un nivel de calidad que refleja la satisfacción del usuario, actualmente siendo las metodologías ágiles una alternativa no sólo para la fase del desarrollo, sino que además en su fase previa hace uso de la historia de usuario para identificar los requisitos; este es un artefacto exclusivamente técnico cuyo uso y entendimiento corresponde al equipo de proyecto. Al respecto, esta investigación implementa el modelado orientado a objetivos en una plataforma para el modelado gráfico de los requisitos identificados el cual utiliza la notación i* con estereotipos sencillos y entendibles al usuario que posteriormente automatiza los requisitos en el formato de una historia de usuario. El enfoque de la Metodología Orientada a Objetivos tiene como fundamento la variabilidad con la que se puede concretar un objetivo, pero que este último en sí, no cambia. En relación con la variabilidad, se propone correlacionarla con los fundamentos de la metodología ágil, de manera automática a través de las trazas e información generada desde el modelo gráfico elaborado con la participación del usuario en la que expresa sus necesidades y, se puede interpretar en el lenguaje natural de la Metodología Orientada a Objetivos. Respecto al procedimiento anterior y, la información generada se constituye en el insumo para a partir de ahí generar automáticamente las historias de usuario que al llegar a manos del diseñador o programador no existan ambigüedades en ninguna de las plataformas: la gráfica expresada en el modelo gráfico del MOO y la narrativa representada por la Historia de Usuario. Los casos de estudio en la presente investigación demostraron que la herramienta propuesta cumple con los principios de las metodologías ágiles que destacan la participación del usuario en esta etapa para definir de manera precisa los requisitos por parte del equipo de proyecto, en ese sentido, se garantiza que sean completos y consistentes, optimizando la comunicación y el tiempo empleado por los miembros del equipo para elaborar el artefacto a su cargo y de los usuarios finales aportándonos su conocimiento en la fase de captura de requisitos, promoviendo de esta manera la importancia y el impacto realizar una adecuada elicitación desde etapas tempranas