26,819 research outputs found

    An Augmented Reality App to Learn to Interpret the Nutritional Information on Labels of Real Packaged Foods

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    [EN] Healthy eating habits involve controlling your diet. It is important to know how to interpret the nutritional information of the packaged foods that you consume. These packaged foods are usually processed and contain carbohydrates and fats. Monitoring carbohydrates intake is particularly important for weight-loss diets and for some pathologies such as diabetes. In this paper, we present an augmented reality app for helping interpret the nutritional information about carbohydrates in real packaged foods with the shape of boxes or cans. The app tracks the full object and guides the user in finding the surface or area of the real package where the information about carbohydrates is located using augmented reality and helps the user to interpret this information. The portions of carbohydrates (also called carb choices or carb servings) that correspond to the visualized food are shown. We carried out a study to check the effectiveness of our app regarding learning outcomes, usability, and perceived satisfaction. A total of 40 people participated in the study (20 men and 20 women). The participants were between 14 and 55 years old. The results reported that their initial knowledge about carb choices was very low. This indicates that education about nutritional information in packaged foods is needed. An analysis of the pre-knowledge and post-knowledge questionnaires showed that the users had a statistically significant increase in knowledge about carb choices using our app. Gender and age did not influence the knowledge acquired. The participants were highly satisfied with our app. In conclusion, our app and similar apps could be used to effectively learn how to interpret the nutritional information on the labels of real packaged foods and thus help users acquire healthy life habits.Juan, M.; Charco, JL.; García García, I.; Mollá Vayá, RP. (2019). An Augmented Reality App to Learn to Interpret the Nutritional Information on Labels of Real Packaged Foods. Frontiers in Computer Science. 1(1):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomp.2019.00001S11611Akçayır, M., & Akçayır, G. (2017). Advantages and challenges associated with augmented reality for education: A systematic review of the literature. Educational Research Review, 20, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2016.11.002Azuma, R. T. (1997). A Survey of Augmented Reality. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 6(4), 355-385. doi:10.1162/pres.1997.6.4.355Barsom, E. Z., Graafland, M., & Schijven, M. P. (2016). Systematic review on the effectiveness of augmented reality applications in medical training. Surgical Endoscopy, 30(10), 4174-4183. doi:10.1007/s00464-016-4800-6Billinghurst, M., & Kato, H. (2002). Collaborative augmented reality. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 64-70. doi:10.1145/514236.514265Bowman, D. A., & McMahan, R. P. (2007). 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Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 9(3), 516-524. doi:10.1177/1932296815578880Furió, D., González-Gancedo, S., Juan, M.-C., Seguí, I., & Costa, M. (2013). The effects of the size and weight of a mobile device on an educational game. Computers & Education, 64, 24-41. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2012.12.015Furió, D., González-Gancedo, S., Juan, M.-C., Seguí, I., & Rando, N. (2013). Evaluation of learning outcomes using an educational iPhone game vs. traditional game. Computers & Education, 64, 1-23. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2012.12.001Harris, J. L., Bargh, J. A., & Brownell, K. D. (2009). Priming effects of television food advertising on eating behavior. Health Psychology, 28(4), 404-413. doi:10.1037/a0014399Ibáñez, M.-B., & Delgado-Kloos, C. (2018). Augmented reality for STEM learning: A systematic review. Computers & Education, 123, 109-123. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2018.05.002Juan, M. C., Alcaniz, M., Monserrat, C., Botella, C., Banos, R. M., & Guerrero, B. (2005). 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    Augmented Reality in Learning Settings: A Systematic Analysis of its Benefits and Avenues for Future Studies

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    Despite its increasing use in various settings, Augmented Reality (AR) technology is still often considered experimental, partly due to a lack of clear understanding of the benefits of using AR. This study systematically reviews research on the use of AR in learning settings. Our analysis of 93 relevant articles offers 21 benefits related to the learning gains and outcomes of using AR. Our study shows that the positive effects of using AR on learners’ motivation and joy have been well-studied, whereas the effects on independent learning, concentration, spontaneous learning, critical thinking, and practical skills have not yet been examined in detail. Beyond classifying and discussing the benefits of using AR in learning settings, we elaborate avenues for future studies. We specifically point to the importance of conducting long-term studies to determine the value of using AR in learning beyond the initial novelty and exploring the integration of AR with other technologies

    Augmented Reality Trends in Education : A Systematic Review of Research and Applications

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    En: Educational Technology & Society, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 133–149In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in applying Augmented Reality (AR) to create unique educational settings. So far, however, there is a lack of review studies with focus on investigating factors such as: the uses, advantages, limitations, effectiveness, challenges and features of augmented reality in educational settings. Personalization for promoting an inclusive learning using AR is also a growing area of interest. This paper reports a systematic review of literature on augmented reality in educational settings considering the factors mentioned before. In total, 32 studies published between 2003 and 2013 in 6 indexed journals were analyzed. The main findings from this review provide the current state of the art on research in AR in education. Furthermore, the paper discusses trends and the vision towards the future and opportunities for further research in augmented reality for educational settings

    Benefits of Using Augmented Reality in Learning Settings: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Over the last years, Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been increasingly used in various settings. Yet, AR is still often considered as experimental, which is partly due to the unclear picture of the benefits of using AR. This study systematically reviews research on using AR in learning settings. By examining 93 relevant articles, we identified 21 benefits related to AR learning gains and outcomes. To obtain a comprehensive and coherent overview of the benefits, we classified them based on Fink’s taxonomy of significant learning. Our analysis shows that the positive effects of using AR on learners’ motivation and joy have been well-studied, whereas the effects on independent learning, concentration, spontaneous learning, critical thinking, and practical skills have not yet been examined in detail. Our study provides directions for future studies on using AR in learning settings and can also help to improve learning designs

    Adoption of augmented reality technology by university students

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    In recent times, Augmented Reality has gained more relevance in the field of education. This relevance has been enhanced due to its ease of use, as well as the availability of the technical devices for the students. The present study was conducted with students enrolled in the Pedagogy Degree in the Faculty of Education at the University of Seville. The objective was to understand the degree of technological acceptance of students during their interaction with the AR objects produced, the performance achieved by the students, and if their gender affected their acquisition of knowledge. For this, three data collection instruments were utilized: a multiple choice test for the analysis of the student's performance after the interaction, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) diagnostic instrument, created by Davis (1989), and an “ad hoc” instrument created so that the students could evaluate the class notes enriched with the AR objects created. The study has allowed us to broaden the scientific knowledge of the TAM by Davis, to understand that AR objects can be utilized in university teaching, and to know that the student's gender does not influence learning.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain EDU-5746-

    A Systematic Review of Augmented Reality Game-Based Applications in Primary Education

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    Augmented Reality game-based learning (ARGBL) is quickly gaining momentum in the education sector worldwide as it has the potential to enable new forms of learning and transform the learning experience. However, it remains unclear how ARGBL applications can impact students’ motivation and performance in primary education. This study addresses that topic by providing a systematic review, which analyses and critically appraises the current state of knowledge and practice in the use of ARGBL applications in primary education. In total, seventeen (17) studies that used either qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods to collect their data were analysed and were published between 2012 and 2017. The study results indicated that ARGBL applications are mainly used to document the design and development process, as well as to share preliminary findings and student feedback. Based on a comprehensive taxonomy of application areas for AR in primary education, ARGBL can potentially influence the students’ attendance, knowledge transfer, skill acquisition, hands-on digital experience, and positive attitudes in laboratory experimental exercises for different courses. This review aims to offer new insights to researchers and provide educators with effective advice and suggestions on how to improve learning outcomes, as well as increase students’ motivation and learning performance by incorporating this instructional model into their teaching

    Using Augmented Reality Toward Improving Social Skills:Scoping Review

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    BackgroundAugmented reality (AR) has emerged as a promising technology in educational settings owing to its engaging nature. However, apart from applications aimed at the autism spectrum disorder population, the potential of AR in social-emotional learning has received less attention. ObjectiveThis scoping review aims to map the range of AR applications that improve social skills and map the characteristics of such applications. MethodsIn total, 2 independent researchers screened 2748 records derived from 3 databases in December 2021—PubMed, IEEE Xplore, and ACM Guide to Computing Literature. In addition, the reference lists of all the included records and existing reviews were screened. Records that had developed a prototype with the main outcome of improving social skills were included in the scoping review. Included records were narratively described for their content regarding AR and social skills, their target populations, and their outcomes. Evaluation studies were assessed for methodological quality. ResultsA total of 17 records met the inclusion criteria for this study. Overall, 10 records describe applications for children with autism, primarily teaching about reading emotions in facial expressions; 7 records describe applications for a general population, targeting both children and adults, with a diverse range of outcome goals. The methodological quality of evaluation studies was found to be weak. ConclusionsMost applications are designed to be used alone, although AR is well suited to facilitating real-world interactions during a digital experience, including interactions with other people. Therefore, future AR applications could endorse social skills in a general population in more complex group settings
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