182 research outputs found

    Malay Online Virtual Integrated Corpus (MOVIC): a systematic review

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    The development of the various Malay corpora have given the opportunities to many researchers to explore their usage in diverse contexts. However, the corpora were distributed in various locations, and for the ease of access for users, a system called Malay Online Virtual Integrated Corpus (MOVIC) is proposed. This paper focuses on applying the systematic literature review (SLR) on the Malay corpus research to find out the recent development in the area. From the initial search, 3231 articles were extracted from five online databases, such as, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, ProQuest, Springer Link, and ACM. After several rounds of filtering, 11 papers were selected for review

    Invited Panel: Evidence Based Practice (EBP) – The Problem and Challenges, The Need within IS research and practice, Open Access Publishing.

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    Launch of the ‘Journal for Evidence Based Information Systems’ (EBIS): An open access journal for IS researchers and practitioners – An independent journal in association with the UKAI

    SIA's asymmetric rules approximation to hierarchical clustering in Learning Analytics: mathematical issues

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    Bichsel, proposes an analytics maturity model used to evaluate the progress in the use of academic and learning analytics. In the progress, there are positive results but, most institutions are below 80% level. Most institutions also scored low for data analytics tools, reporting, and expertise"]. In addition, a task with the methods of Data Mining and Learning Analytics is analyze them (precision, accuracy, sensitivity, coherence, fitness measures, cosine, confidence, lift, similarity weights) for optimize and adapt them]. Learning Analytics was and continues to be an emerging technology. The time to adoption Horizon is one year or less but, how many institutions, teachers, learners and data analytics tools, are ready? Statistical Implicative Analysis (SIA) was created for Regis Gras , 45 years ago, SIA is a statistical theory which provides a group of data analytics tools to extract knowledge. The approach is performed starting from the generation of asymmetric rules similar to dendrograms used in the hierarchical clusters. But, the asymmetric rules can be used like a hierarchical clusters? The principal aim of this paper is to give mathematical issues of asymmetric rules to hierarchical clustering in Learning Analytics

    Evaluación de la gestión del conocimiento: una revisión sistemática de literatura

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    La evaluación de la gestión del conocimiento (GC) es un tema importante para aquellas organizaciones que quieran saber “qué está pasando” con sus estrategias de GC. No obstante, no existe un consenso sobre qué evaluar y cómo evaluarlo. Por esta razón, el propósito del artículo es presentar una revisión sistemática de literatura de 43 artículos publicados en la última década. La revisión comprende un análisis cienciométrico básico y un análisis de contenido relacionado con varios aspectos de los modelos como su estructura, la función y objetivo de la evaluación, lo métodos de investigación utilizados, los sectores económicos de aplicación, y la ubicación de los aspectos evaluados respecto de una taxonomía de escuelas de pensamiento de la GC y una clasificación de las capacidades organizacionales de GC. Como principal hallazgo se muestra la predominancia del enfoque de GC como codificación de conocimiento. Además, se presentan varias brechas susceptibles de investigación futura

    Establishing a Search String to Detect Secondary Studies in Software Engineering

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    Search for secondary studies is essential to establish whether the review on the intended topic has already been done, avoiding waste time. In addition, secondary studies are the inputs of a tertiary study. However, one critical step in searching for secondary studies is to elaborate a search string. The main goal of this work is to analyze search strings to establish directions to better detect secondary studies in Software Engineering (SE). We analyzed seven tertiary studies under two perspectives: (1) structure - strings' terms to detect secondary studies; and (2) field: where searching - titles alone or abstracts alone or titles and abstracts together, among others. We also performed a validation of the results found. The suitable search string for finding secondary studies in SE contain the terms "systematic review", "literature review", "systematic mapping", "mapping study", "systematic map", "meta-analysis", "survey" and "literature analysis". Furthermore, we recommend (1) researchers use the title, abstract and keywords search fields in their searches to increase studies recall; (2) researchers choose carefully their paper title, abstract and keyword terms to increase the chance of having such studies found on digital libraries


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    This article aims to describe the results of ethnomathematical exploration on batik patterns that can be used as teaching materials for students. The research method chosen in this study is the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. The SLR method is used to identify, review, evaluate, and interpret all available research with topic areas of interest. Data collection is done by documenting and reviewing all articles related to ethnomathematics on batik patterns. The articles used were 10 articles. The results showed that ethnomathematics-based mathematics learning on batik patterns could be used in the learning process and had a positive impact on students

    Measuring Knowledge Management Readiness of Indonesia Ministry of Trade

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    Knowledge is one of the important assets for organization. Managing knowledge properly will enable the organization to achieve its objectives effectively and efficiently. Since risk of failed implementation of Knowledge Management (KM) might occur, organization needs to measure their KM Readiness beforehand to successfully implement KM. This study is intended to measure KM Readiness in government agency, namely Directorate of Bilateral Negotiations in Ministry of Trade. The research model for measuring KM readiness was developed based on previous relevant studies. KM enablers, individual acceptance, and KM SECI processes were used to develop the model and research instruments. KM Readiness in government agency was measured by accommodating factor analysis in research model. Data were collected from 53 employees as valid samples. The result shows that KM Readiness level of the Directorate of Bilateral Negotiations in Ministry of Trade is "ready but needs a few improvement"

    Systematic Literature Review on Battery Management Systems and predicting Solar Big Data

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem manajemen baterai dengan memprediksi tenaga surya melalui bigdata ditinjau dari kajian literatur. Dengan adanya pertumbuhan biaya integrasi, pengelolaan limbah yang semakin rumit, variabilitas daya listrik yang berdampak sosio-lingkungan sehingga membutuhkan model sektor listrik baru dengan memanfaatkan tenaga surya. Oleh karenanya penelitian ini merupakan hasil tinjauan literature review dengan prinsip systematic literature review untuk memprediksi tenaga surya dalam pengelolaan listrik dengan sistem baterai.  Metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR) digunakan untuk mendefinisikan dan mengevaluasi literatur dalam rangkaian makalah. Pencarian menggunakan 41 makalah untuk evaluasi  sebelumnya, menunjukkan bahwa model yang digunakan untuk memprediksi tenaga surya adalah eksperimen akademik jangka panjang. Algoritma ELM (Extreme Learning Machine) menjadi pilihan dalam pengelolaan listrik dengan tenaga surya melalui system baterai dibandingkan dengan algoritma JST (Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan)