170 research outputs found

    Benchmarking the screen-grid field effect transistor (SGrFET) for digital applications

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    Continuous scaling of CMOS technology has now reached a state of evolution, therefore, novel device structures and new materials have been proposed for this purpose. The Screen- Grid field Effect Transistor is introduced as a as a novel device structure that takes advantage of several innovative aspects of the FinFET while introducing new geometrical feature to improve a FET device performance. The idea is to design a FET which is as small as possible without down-scaling issues, at the same time satisfying optimum device performance for both analogue and digital applications. The analogue operation of the SGrFET shows some promising results which make it interesting to continue the investigation on SGrFET for digital applications. The SGrFET addresses some of the concerns of scaled CMOS such as Drain Induce Barrier Lowering and sub-threshold slope, by offering the superior short channel control. In this work in order to evaluate SGrFET performance, the proposed device compared to the classical MOSFET and provides comprehensive benchmarking with finFETs. Both AC and DC simulations are presented using TaurusTM and MediciTM simulators which are commercially available via Synopsis. Initial investigation on the novel device with the single gate structure is carried out. The multi-geometrical characteristic of the proposed device is used to reduce parasitic capacitance and increase ION/IOFF ratio to improve device performance in terms of switching characteristic in different circuit structures. Using TaurusTM AC simulation, a small signal circuit is introduced for SGrFET and evaluated using both extracted small signal elements from TaurusTM and Y-parameter extraction. The SGrFET allows for the unique behavioural characteristics of an independent-gate device. Different configurations of double-gate device are introduced and benchmark against the finFET serving as a double gate device. Five different logic circuits, the complementary and N-inverter, the NOR, NAND and XOR, and controllable Current Mirror circuits are simulated with finFET and SGrFET and their performance compared. Some digital key merits are extracted for both finFET and SGrFET such as power dissipation, noise margin and switching speed to compare the devices under the investigation performance against each other. It is shown that using multi-geometrical feature in SGrFET together with its multi-gate operation can greatly decrease the number of device needed for the logic function without speed degradation and it can be used as a potential candidate in mix-circuit configuration as a multi-gate device. The initial fabrication steps of the novel device explained together with some in-house fabrication process using E-Beam lithography. The fabricated SGrFET is characterised via electrical measurements and used in a circuit configuration

    Comparing the impact of power supply voltage on CMOS-and FinFET-based SRAMs in the presence of resistive defects

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    CMOS technology scaling has reached its limit at the 22 nm technology node due to several factors including Process Variations (PV), increased leakage current, Random Dopant Fluctuation (RDF), and mainly the Short-Channel Effect (SCE). In order to continue the miniaturization process via technology down-scaling while preserving system reliability and performance, Fin Field-Effect Transistors (FinFETs) arise as an alternative to CMOS transistors. In parallel, Static Random-Access Memories (SRAMs) increasingly occupy great part of Systems-on-Chips’ (SoCs) silicon area, making their reliability an important issue. SRAMs are designed to reach densities at the limit of the manufacturing process, making this component susceptible to manufacturing defects, including the resistive ones. Such defects may cause dynamic faults during the circuits’ lifetime, an important cause of test escape. Thus, the identification of the proper faulty behavior taking different operating conditions into account is considered crucial to guarantee the development of more suitable test methodologies. In this context, a comparison between the behavior of a 22 nm CMOS-based and a 20 nm FinFET-based SRAM in the presence of resistive defects is carried out considering different power supply voltages. In more detail, the behavior of defective cells operating under different power supply voltages has been investigated performing SPICE simulations. Results show that the power supply voltage plays an important role in the faulty behavior of both CMOS- and FinFET-based SRAM cells in the presence of resistive defects but demonstrate to be more expressive when considering the FinFET-based memories. Studying different operating temperatures, the results show an expressively higher occurrence of dynamic faults in FinFET-based SRAMs when compared to CMOS technology

    Strain-Engineered MOSFETs

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    This book brings together new developments in the area of strain-engineered MOSFETs using high-mibility substrates such as SIGe, strained-Si, germanium-on-insulator and III-V semiconductors into a single text which will cover the materials aspects, principles, and design of advanced devices, their fabrication and applications. The book presents a full TCAD methodology for strain-engineering in Si CMOS technology involving data flow from process simulation to systematic process variability simulation and generation of SPICE process compact models for manufacturing for yield optimization

    Phase Noise Analyses and Measurements in the Hybrid Memristor-CMOS Phase-Locked Loop Design and Devices Beyond Bulk CMOS

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    Phase-locked loop (PLLs) has been widely used in analog or mixed-signal integrated circuits. Since there is an increasing market for low noise and high speed devices, PLLs are being employed in communications. In this dissertation, we investigated phase noise, tuning range, jitter, and power performances in different architectures of PLL designs. More energy efficient devices such as memristor, graphene, transition metal di-chalcogenide (TMDC) materials and their respective transistors are introduced in the design phase-locked loop. Subsequently, we modeled phase noise of a CMOS phase-locked loop from the superposition of noises from its building blocks which comprises of a voltage-controlled oscillator, loop filter, frequency divider, phase-frequency detector, and the auxiliary input reference clock. Similarly, a linear time-invariant model that has additive noise sources in frequency domain is used to analyze the phase noise. The modeled phase noise results are further compared with the corresponding phase-locked loop designs in different n-well CMOS processes. With the scaling of CMOS technology and the increase of the electrical field, the problem of short channel effects (SCE) has become dominant, which causes decay in subthreshold slope (SS) and positive and negative shifts in the threshold voltages of nMOS and pMOS transistors, respectively. Various devices are proposed to continue extending Moore\u27s law and the roadmap in semiconductor industry. We employed tunnel field effect transistor owing to its better performance in terms of SS, leakage current, power consumption etc. Applying an appropriate bias voltage to the gate-source region of TFET causes the valence band to align with the conduction band and injecting the charge carriers. Similarly, under reverse bias, the two bands are misaligned and there is no injection of carriers. We implemented graphene TFET and MoS2 in PLL design and the results show improvements in phase noise, jitter, tuning range, and frequency of operation. In addition, the power consumption is greatly reduced due to the low supply voltage of tunnel field effect transistor

    Analysis of performance variation in 16nm FinFET FPGA devices

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    Characterisation of thermal and coupling effects in advanced silicon MOSFETs

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    PhD ThesisNew approaches to metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) engineering emerge in order to keep up with the electronics market demands. Two main candidates for the next few generations of Moore’s law are planar ultra-thin body and buried oxide (UTBB) devices and three-dimensional FinFETs. Due to miniature dimensions and new materials with low thermal conductivity, performance of advanced MOSFETs is affected by self-heating and substrate effects. Self-heating results in an increase of the device temperature which causes mobility reduction, compromised reliability and signal delays. The substrate effect is a parasitic source and drain coupling which leads to frequency-dependent analogue behaviour. Both effects manifest themselves in the output conductance variation with frequency and impact analogue as well as digital performance. In this thesis self-heating and substrate effects in FinFETs and UTBB devices are characterised, discussed and compared. The results are used to identify trade-offs in device performance, geometry and thermal properties. Methods how to optimise the device geometry or biasing conditions in order to minimise the parasitic effects are suggested. To identify the most suitable technique for self-heating characterisation in advanced semiconductor devices, different methods of thermal characterisation (time and frequency domain) were experimentally compared and evaluated alongside an analytical model. RF and two different pulsed I-V techniques were initially applied to partially depleted silicon-on-insulator (PDSOI) devices. The pulsed I-V hot chuck method showed good agreement with the RF technique in the PDSOI devices. However, subsequent analysis demonstrated that for more advanced technologies the time domain methods can underestimate self-heating. This is due to the reduction of the thermal time constants into the nanosecond range and limitations of the pulsed I-V set-up. The reduction is related to the major increase of the surface to volume ratio in advanced MOSFETs. Consequently the work showed that the thermal properties of advanced semiconductor devices must be characterised within the frequency domain. For UTBB devices with 7-8 nm Si body and 10 nm ultra-thin buried oxide (BOX) the analogue performance degradation caused by the substrate effects can be stronger than the analogue performance degradation caused by self-heating. However, the substrate effects can be effectively reduced if the substrate doping beneath the buried ii oxide is adjusted using a ground plane. In the MHz – GHz frequency range the intrinsic voltage gain variation is reduced ~6 times when a device is biased in saturation if a ground plane is implemented compared with a device without a ground plane. UTBB devices with 25 nm BOX were compared with UTBB devices with 10 nm BOX. It was found that the buried oxide thinning from 25 nm to 10 nm is not critical from the thermal point of view as other heat evacuation paths (e.g. source and drain) start to play a role. Thermal and substrate effects in FinFETs were also analysed. It was experimentally shown that FinFET thermal properties depend on the device geometry. The thermal resistance of FinFETs strongly varies with the fin width and number of parallel fins, whereas the fin spacing is less critical. The results suggest that there are trade-offs between thermal properties and integration density, electrostatic control and design complexity, since these aspects depend on device geometry. The high frequency substrate effects were found to be effectively reduced in devices with sub-100 nm wide fins.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and EU fundin

    Design for Reliability and Low Power in Emerging Technologies

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    Die fortlaufende Verkleinerung von Transistor-Strukturgrößen ist einer der wichtigsten Antreiber für das Wachstum in der Halbleitertechnologiebranche. Seit Jahrzehnten erhöhen sich sowohl Integrationsdichte als auch Komplexität von Schaltkreisen und zeigen damit einen fortlaufenden Trend, der sich über alle modernen Fertigungsgrößen erstreckt. Bislang ging das Verkleinern von Transistoren mit einer Verringerung der Versorgungsspannung einher, was zu einer Reduktion der Leistungsaufnahme führte und damit eine gleichbleibenden Leistungsdichte sicherstellte. Doch mit dem Beginn von Strukturgrößen im Nanometerbreich verlangsamte sich die fortlaufende Skalierung. Viele Schwierigkeiten, sowie das Erreichen von physikalischen Grenzen in der Fertigung und Nicht-Idealitäten beim Skalieren der Versorgungsspannung, führten zu einer Zunahme der Leistungsdichte und, damit einhergehend, zu erschwerten Problemen bei der Sicherstellung der Zuverlässigkeit. Dazu zählen, unter anderem, Alterungseffekte in Transistoren sowie übermäßige Hitzeentwicklung, nicht zuletzt durch stärkeres Auftreten von Selbsterhitzungseffekten innerhalb der Transistoren. Damit solche Probleme die Zuverlässigkeit eines Schaltkreises nicht gefährden, werden die internen Signallaufzeiten üblicherweise sehr pessimistisch kalkuliert. Durch den so entstandenen zeitlichen Sicherheitsabstand wird die korrekte Funktionalität des Schaltkreises sichergestellt, allerdings auf Kosten der Performance. Alternativ kann die Zuverlässigkeit des Schaltkreises auch durch andere Techniken erhöht werden, wie zum Beispiel durch Null-Temperatur-Koeffizienten oder Approximate Computing. Wenngleich diese Techniken einen Großteil des üblichen zeitlichen Sicherheitsabstandes einsparen können, bergen sie dennoch weitere Konsequenzen und Kompromisse. Bleibende Herausforderungen bei der Skalierung von CMOS Technologien führen außerdem zu einem verstärkten Fokus auf vielversprechende Zukunftstechnologien. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der Negative Capacitance Field-Effect Transistor (NCFET), der eine beachtenswerte Leistungssteigerung gegenüber herkömmlichen FinFET Transistoren aufweist und diese in Zukunft ersetzen könnte. Des Weiteren setzen Entwickler von Schaltkreisen vermehrt auf komplexe, parallele Strukturen statt auf höhere Taktfrequenzen. Diese komplexen Modelle benötigen moderne Power-Management Techniken in allen Aspekten des Designs. Mit dem Auftreten von neuartigen Transistortechnologien (wie zum Beispiel NCFET) müssen diese Power-Management Techniken neu bewertet werden, da sich Abhängigkeiten und Verhältnismäßigkeiten ändern. Diese Arbeit präsentiert neue Herangehensweisen, sowohl zur Analyse als auch zur Modellierung der Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltkreisen, um zuvor genannte Herausforderungen auf mehreren Designebenen anzugehen. Diese Herangehensweisen unterteilen sich in konventionelle Techniken ((a), (b), (c) und (d)) und unkonventionelle Techniken ((e) und (f)), wie folgt: (a)\textbf{(a)} Analyse von Leistungszunahmen in Zusammenhang mit der Maximierung von Leistungseffizienz beim Betrieb nahe der Transistor Schwellspannung, insbesondere am optimalen Leistungspunkt. Das genaue Ermitteln eines solchen optimalen Leistungspunkts ist eine besondere Herausforderung bei Multicore Designs, da dieser sich mit den jeweiligen Optimierungszielsetzungen und der Arbeitsbelastung verschiebt. (b)\textbf{(b)} Aufzeigen versteckter Interdependenzen zwischen Alterungseffekten bei Transistoren und Schwankungen in der Versorgungsspannung durch „IR-drops“. Eine neuartige Technik wird vorgestellt, die sowohl Über- als auch Unterschätzungen bei der Ermittlung des zeitlichen Sicherheitsabstands vermeidet und folglich den kleinsten, dennoch ausreichenden Sicherheitsabstand ermittelt. (c)\textbf{(c)} Eindämmung von Alterungseffekten bei Transistoren durch „Graceful Approximation“, eine Technik zur Erhöhung der Taktfrequenz bei Bedarf. Der durch Alterungseffekte bedingte zeitlich Sicherheitsabstand wird durch Approximate Computing Techniken ersetzt. Des Weiteren wird Quantisierung verwendet um ausreichend Genauigkeit bei den Berechnungen zu gewährleisten. (d)\textbf{(d)} Eindämmung von temperaturabhängigen Verschlechterungen der Signallaufzeit durch den Betrieb nahe des Null-Temperatur Koeffizienten (N-ZTC). Der Betrieb bei N-ZTC minimiert temperaturbedingte Abweichungen der Performance und der Leistungsaufnahme. Qualitative und quantitative Vergleiche gegenüber dem traditionellen zeitlichen Sicherheitsabstand werden präsentiert. (e)\textbf{(e)} Modellierung von Power-Management Techniken für NCFET-basierte Prozessoren. Die NCFET Technologie hat einzigartige Eigenschaften, durch die herkömmliche Verfahren zur Spannungs- und Frequenzskalierungen zur Laufzeit (DVS/DVFS) suboptimale Ergebnisse erzielen. Dies erfordert NCFET-spezifische Power-Management Techniken, die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden. (f)\textbf{(f)} Vorstellung eines neuartigen heterogenen Multicore Designs in NCFET Technologie. Das Design beinhaltet identische Kerne; Heterogenität entsteht durch die Anwendung der individuellen, optimalen Konfiguration der Kerne. Amdahls Gesetz wird erweitert, um neue system- und anwendungsspezifische Parameter abzudecken und die Vorzüge des neuen Designs aufzuzeigen. Die Auswertungen der vorgestellten Techniken werden mithilfe von Implementierungen und Simulationen auf Schaltkreisebene (gate-level) durchgeführt. Des Weiteren werden Simulatoren auf Systemebene (system-level) verwendet, um Multicore Designs zu implementieren und zu simulieren. Zur Validierung und Bewertung der Effektivität gegenüber dem Stand der Technik werden analytische, gate-level und system-level Simulationen herangezogen, die sowohl synthetische als auch reale Anwendungen betrachten

    FinFET Cell Library Design and Characterization

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    abstract: Modern-day integrated circuits are very capable, often containing more than a billion transistors. For example, the Intel Ivy Bridge 4C chip has about 1.2 billion transistors on a 160 mm2 die. Designing such complex circuits requires automation. Therefore, these designs are made with the help of computer aided design (CAD) tools. A major part of this custom design flow for application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) is the design of standard cell libraries. Standard cell libraries are a collection of primitives from which the automatic place and route (APR) tools can choose a collection of cells and implement the design that is being put together. To operate efficiently, the CAD tools require multiple views of each cell in the standard cell library. This data is obtained by characterizing the standard cell libraries and compiling the results in formats that the tools can easily understand and utilize. My thesis focusses on the design and characterization of one such standard cell library in the ASAP7 7 nm predictive design kit (PDK). The complete design flow, starting from the choice of the cell architecture, design of the cell layouts and the various decisions made in that process to obtain optimum results, to the characterization of those cells using the Liberate tool provided by Cadence design systems Inc., is discussed in this thesis. The end results of the characterized library are used in the APR of a few open source register-transfer logic (RTL) projects and the efficiency of the library is demonstrated.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Engineering 201