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    Abstrak: Sekolah luar biasa masih memiliki permasalahan dalam monitoring perkembangan dan pembelajaran anak secara intensif. Oleh karena itu Tim PKM melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di sekolah SLB Negeri Pembina Aceh Tamiang dengan tujuan memberikan solusi menggunakan Document Management System (DMS) Sebagai Upaya Monitoring Pembelajaran dan Perkembangan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus yang dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja oleh guru, orang tua murid maupun kepala sekolah. Kegiatan ini dihadiri sebanyak 75 orang peserta yang terdiri dari guru, admin, kepala sekolah serta orang tua wali murid. Metode dalam PKM ini diawali dengan survey awal, kemudian mendesain DMS, melakukan sosialisasi kepada mitra SLB Negeri Pembina Aceh Tamiang (Guru, admin, orang tua dan kepala sekolah) mengenai penggunaan DMS, kemudian Tim melakukan evaluasi pada saat kegiatan maupun pendampingan. Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah 84,75% peserta paham dan mahir menggunakan Document Management System (DMS) untuk memonitoring pembelajaran dan perkembangan siswa SLB Negeri Pembina Aceh Tamiang.Abstract: The Pembina Aceh Tamiang State SLB still has problems in monitoring children's development and learning intensively, therefore the PKM Team carries out community service at the Aceh Tamiang SLB Pembina State school with the aim of providing solutions using the Document Management System (DMS) as an Effort for Monitoring Learning and Development Children with Special Needs can be done anywhere and anytime by teachers, parents and school principals. This activity was attended by 75 participants consisting of teachers, admins, school principals and parents and guardians of students. The method in this PKM begins with an initial survey, then designs a DMS, conducts socialization to Aceh Tamiang SLB partners (teachers, admins, parents and school principals) regarding the use of DMS, then the Team evaluates during activities and mentoring. The result of this community service is that teachers, parents and school principals understand and are proficient in using the Document Management System (DMS) to monitor the learning and development of SLB Negeri Pembina Aceh Tamiang students

    Application of Prototype Method on Student Monitoring System Based on WEB

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    Public vocational school in Subang which continues to improve its academic activities, specifically in terms of improving student discipline related to student participation in school and improving student achievement. The collection of information about student participation and the value of new students delivered at the end of the semester compilation of report cards makes students who experience difficulties in the development of grades, meetings and student learning activities at school, for that we need a system that can help students to help guardians of students and the school in activities that involve students in school. In this research, we use a prototype method for system development. The advantage of the system built is that it can send attendance messages or student grades to enter no answers or get poor test scores for student guardians, student guardians can provide feedback on incoming information and make permits through the existing information system pages, the school also can use attendance data and grades to support activities at school


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    Mutu proses dan hasil belajar siswa dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor diantaranya faktor manajemen fasilitas pembelajaran dan profesionalitas guru. Manajemen fasilitas disini mencakup sumber belajar seperti buku pendukung, media audio visual, kelengkapan dan fungsi fasilitas serta adanya system pengelolaan fasilitas. Sedangkan profesionalitas guru menitikberatkan pada kompetensi pedagogic guru. Tujuan dari penelitian secara umum adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran mengenai manajemen fasilitas pembelajaran, profesionalitas guru dan mutu proses pembelajaran juga untuk mengetahui pengaruh manajemen fasilitas pembelajaran dan profesionalitas guru terhadap mutu proses dan hasil belajar siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah guru di 8 sekolah yang terletak gugus 4 Kecamatan Pondok Aren Kota Tangerang Selatan yang berjumlah 131 orang responden. Penelitian dengan menggunakan teknik survey dan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan analisis regresi sebagai berikut 1) Manajemen fasilitas pembelajaran di sekolah termasuk kategori tinggi 2) Profesionalitas guru berada pada kategori sangat tinggi 3) Mutu proses pembelajaran berada pada kategori tinggi 4) Pengaruh manajemen fasilitas terhadap mutu proses pembelajaran termasuk katagori sedang 5) Pengaruh profesionalitas guru terhadap mutu proses pembelajaran pada kategori tinggi 6) Pengaruh manajemen fasilitas dan profesionalitas guru terhadap mutu proses pembelajaran berada pada kategori tinggi 7) Mutu proses belajar memberikan pengaruh yang sangat tinggi terhadap hasil belajar siswa 8) Pengaruh manajemen fasilitas pembelajaran, profesionalitas guru dan mutu proses belajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Dengan temuan hasil penelitan tersebut direkomendasikan kepada pihak-pihak terkait dengan sekolah terus meningkatkan penyediaan fasilitas pembelajaran dilihat dari segi kualitas dan kuantitas dan system pengelolaannya, juga meningkatkan program pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan terhadap guru. Disamping itu terus meningkatkan dan mengembangkan sistem pengawasan dan monitoring terhadap mutu proses pembelajaran di sekolah sehingga tercipta budaya peningkatan mutu yang berkelanjutan. ---------- The quality of learning process and students outcoming result are influenced by many factors. Some of them are learning facility management and teacher’s professionalism. In this research, facility management including the learning resources such as books, audio and visual medias, the availability of others facilities and the proper system of managing the facility. Meanwhile, teacher’s professionalism point to the paedagogic competency. The aim of this research is to get the description of learning facility management, teacher’s professionalism, and the quality of learning process, also to find out the influence of those factors toward the quality process and student’s learning outcomes. The samples of this research are 131 teachers as respondens from 8 schools in Pd. Aren district, Tangerang Selatan. This research is using the survey technique and descriptive analysis method. The research results which is using regression analysis are as follows: 1) Learning facility management in the school is in high category. 2) Teacher’s professionalism is in very high category. 3) Learning process quality is in high category. 4) The influence of facility management towards the learning process is average. 5) The influence of teacher’s professionalism towards the learning process quality is high. 6) he influence of facility management and teacher’s professionalism toward the quality of learning process are high. 7) The quality of learning process indeed give a high influence towards the students learning outcome, and 8) The influence of learning facility management, teacher’s professionalism and the quality of learning process toward student’s learning outcome are very high. This results has been recommended to school managements in order to increase the supply of learning facilities in quality, quantity and management system. It is also mean to give the support of teacher professionalism development while in the other hand, school management should improve and develop the monitoring system for learning process quality so that the culture of quality improvement can be continued

    A proposed guide for accreditation of teacher education in developing countries (A descriptive analytical study) (Kajian deskriptif analitikal tentang cadangan panduan akreditasi pendidikan guru di negara membangun)

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    High quality education can only be delivered by high quality institutions that are well established to meet with today’s quality challenges. Thus, the present study strongly advocates for accreditation of Teacher Education in developing countries. The study aims to introduce a guide for accrediting Teacher Education that is hoped to serve as a common reference authority for Teacher Education institutions in developing countries.This aim also embraces the following objectives: to explore the main concepts, objectives, methods and procedures of accrediting Teacher Education, to explain the rationales of accrediting Teacher Education, to illustrate international evaluation measures of accrediting Teacher Education, to explore some models of various focuses of Teacher Education accreditation and to present standards of Teacher Education accreditation proposed to be applicable in developing countries.The study used the descriptive analytical method that describes the phenomena and participates in its analysis. To achieve the optimum advantage of the proposed guide, each institute of Teacher Education should utilize it according to its own mission, vision, and objectives.This guide is perceived to be a pertinent platform for Teacher Education institutions in developing countries to exchange innovative ideas, issues of common concern and to foster accreditation network among them. Although developing countries have various histories, cultural backgrounds, colonial experiences and political orientations but these notwithstanding they have common basic philosophy, goals, objectives and challenges regarding quality education and its recognition. The guide has been made transparent in order to increase its flexibility, validity and portability

    The using of model context. input, process and products (CIPP) in learning programs assessment

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    Assessment is one process to determine problem, choose relevant information, and collect and analyze information to report useful summary to decision maker. Evaluation model discussed in this topic was CIPP Stufflebeam’s model. CIPP assessment's model selected because his effectiveness to get revenue formative and summative and to find decision and problem-solving ability. CIPP assessment's model may be made assessment whether before, during or after the project conducted. This very different with Stake's approach assume that researcher may make level current study implementation or during the programme running. CIPP assessment's model also be formed to satisfy programme mastermind and administration not just filling individual ' wish. Lastly CIPP is not designed to prove a decision but act as to improve where information derivative later can be made as a guide to planning something programme

    Optogenetics: Background, Methodological Advances and Potential Applications for Cardiovascular Research and Medicine

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    Optogenetics is an elegant approach of precisely controlling and monitoring the biological functions of a cell, group of cells, tissues, or organs with high temporal and spatial resolution by using optical system and genetic engineering technologies. The field evolved with the need to precisely control neurons and decipher neural circuity and has made great accomplishments in neuroscience. It also evolved in cardiovascular research almost a decade ago and has made considerable progress in both in vitro and in vivo animal studies. Thus, this review is written with an objective to provide information on the evolution, background, methodical advances, and potential scope of the field for cardiovascular research and medicine. We begin with a review of literatures on optogenetic proteins related to their origin, structure, types, mechanism of action, methods to improve their performance, and the delivery vehicles and methods to express such proteins on target cells and tissues for cardiovascular research. Next, we reviewed historical and recent literatures to demonstrate the scope of optogenetics for cardiovascular research and regenerative medicine and examined that cardiac optogenetics is vital in mimicking heart diseases, understanding the mechanisms of disease progression and also in introducing novel therapies to treat cardiac abnormalities, such as arrhythmias. We also reviewed optogenetics as promising tools in providing high-throughput data for cardiotoxicity screening in drug development and also in deciphering dynamic roles of signaling moieties in cell signaling. Finally, we put forth considerations on the need of scaling up of the optogenetic system, clinically relevant in vivo and in silico models, light attenuation issues, and concerns over the level, immune reactions, toxicity, and ectopic expression with opsin expression. Detailed investigations on such considerations would accelerate the translation of cardiac optogenetics from present in vitro and in vivo animal studies to clinical therapies


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui studi kasus penerapan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Mata Diklat Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif di Program Keahlian Teknik Mekanik Otomotif SMK N 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta yang meliputi penerapan sistem manajemen K3. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah guru mata diklat produktif Program Keahlian Teknik Mekanik Otomotif, yakni guru pengampu mata diklat body repair sebanyak 3 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan di-crosscheck dengan dokumentasi. Uji validitas instrumen dilakukan melalui penilaian para ahli (Experts Judgement). Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel berupa persentase skor ketercapaian kemudian dideskripsikan dengan kalimat-kalimat per sub indikatornya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa penerapan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja mata diklat perbaikan bodi otomotif memiliki ketercapaian 88, 88% sehingga masuk pada kategori Sangat Baik (A). Adapun secara rinci ketercapaian masing-masing sub indikator adalah sebagai berikut: kebijakan K3 memiliki ketercapaian 100%; tanggung jawab dan wewenang memiliki ketercapaian 100%; keterlibatan dan konsultasi dengan siswa 0%; perencanaan strategis K3 memiliki ketrcapaian 100%; penyebarluasan informasi K3 memiliki ketercapaian 100%; pembelian barang dan jasa memiliki ketercapaian 100%; keamanan bekerja berdasarkan SMK3 memiliki ketercapaian 100%; pengawasan memiliki ketercapaian 100%; lingkungan kerja memiliki ketercapaian 100%; pemeliharaan, perbaikan sarana memiliki ketercapaian 100%; kesiapan menangani keadaan darurat memiliki ketercapaian 100%; P3K memiliki ketercapaian 100%; pemantauan kesehatan memiliki ketercapaian 100%; pelaporan insiden memiliki ketercapaian 0%; penanganan masalah K3 memiliki ketercapaian 100%; penanganan bahan berbahaya dan beracun memiliki ketercapaian 100%; K3 body repair memiliki ketercapaian 100%; mata diklat body repair metode perbaikan panel memiliki ketercapaian 100%
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